168 research outputs found

    Synthesis, functionalization and application of activated carbon micro and nano materials

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    Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije bio je sinteza, usavršavanje i primena novih ugljeničnih materijala optimalnih adsorpcionih i tehno-ekonomskih karakteristika korišćenjem hidrotermalne metode sinteze, kao i ispitivanje uticaja aktivacije na krajnja svojstva i mogućnost primene dobijenih materijala. Hidrotermalnom metodom se, iz saharida kao polaznih materijala, sintetizuju „hidročađi”, materijali koji sadrže veći udeo ugljenika od saharida, ali nisu aktivni. Naknadnom aktivacijom hidročađi, korišćenjem različitih hidroksida, dobijaju se aktivirani ugljenični materijali. Dobijeni aktivirani ugljenični materijali ispitivani su u oblasti zaštite životne sredine kao adsorbenti u sistemima za uklanjanje teških metala i zagađujućih boja (metilen plave i metil oranž) iz otpadnih voda. Takođe, ispitivane su termijske osobine dobijenih materijala za primenu u sistemima za skladištenje električne energije. Uticaj parametara hidrotermalne sinteze i uslova aktivacije sintetizovanih materijala ispitivan je variranjem temperature hidrotermalnog procesa, vremena zadržavanja i koncentracije vodenog rastvora polaznog materijala kao i promenom temperature i vrste aktivacije, aktivirajućeg agensa i odnosa količine aktivirajućeg agensa i materijala koji se aktivira. Izvršena je karakterizacija dobijenih uzoraka aktiviranih ugljeničnih materijala, različitih fizičkih i površinskih osobina, na osnovu kojih je izvršen odabir najefikasnijeg uzorka za uklanjanje datih zagađivača iz životne sredine. Postupak sinteze aktiviranih ugljeničnih materijala sastojao se od pripreme materijala hidrotermalnom obradom vodenih rastvora saharida (fruktoze, glukoze i saharoze) pri blagim uslovima (na 160, 200 i 240 °C), a potom mehanohemijskom aktivacijom dobijene hidročađi uz pomoć KOH, NaOH i LiOH i poređenjem dobijenih rezultata...The subject of the research of the presented doctoral dissertation was synthesis, improvement and application of active carbon materials of optimal adsorption and techno-economic characteristics, obtained by hydrothermal method. Also, the influence of activation on the final properties and the possibility active carbon materials application have been studied. The synthesis of active carbon materials was carried out applying hydrothermal method using saccharides as starting materials, which represent the first step in the synthesis process. In this step, carbon containing samples were derived, but they had no active properties. Carbon containing materials obtained after hydrothermal process were called "hydrochar". Afterwards, they were activated by chemical activation process with various hydroxides, and final samples with specified active features were synthesized. The application of activated carbon materials was found in the field of environmental protection as an adsorbent in the systems with heavy metal and polluting dyes removal from wastewater. Testing of thermal properties of materials for use in electrical energy storage systems was also investigated. In order to examine the influence of the parameters of both the hydrothermal method and activation process, experiments were conducted by varying following parameters: temperature of hydrothermal process, starting material, retention time, concentration of the aqueous solution of the starting material as well as type of activation agent. Carbon materials samples of different physical and surface characteristics were characterized and the most efficient sample was selected for removal of given environmental pollutants. The process of synthesis of activated carbon materials consisted of the preparation of the material by hydrothermal treatment of aqueous solutions of saccharides (fructose, glucose and sucrose) under gentle conditions (at 160, 200 and 240 ° C), followed by mechanochemical activation by three hydroxides KOH, NaOH and LiOH and comparison of obtained results were examined..

    Visualization of Big Data Text Analytics in Financial Industry: A Case Study of Topic Extraction for Italian Banks

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    Textual data and analysis can derive new insights and bring valuable business insights. These insights can be further leveraged by making better future business decisions. Sources that are used for text analysis in financial industry vary from internal word documents, email to external sources like social media, websites or open data. The system described in this paper will utilize data from social media (Twitter) and tweets related to Italian banks, in Italian. This system is based on open source tools (R language) and topic extraction model was created to gather valuable information. This paper describes methods used for data ingestion, modelling, visualizations of results and insights. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Hyperbaric oxygenation as an adjuvant therapy for traumatic brain injury: a review of literature

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    In recent years significant amount of data have been published in the filed of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). The main rational for the research in this field is that in TBI patients with the existence of dormant neural tissues that maintain cellular homeostasis but are unable to participate in neurotransmission, the addition of HBO provides a favourable environment by which neuronal reactivation can be achieved. As hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not all-or-nothing phenomena and the consequences of TBI can vary from mild to moderate and severe, it is important to evaluate each TBI patient before referring him/her to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Reports from the clinical trial that were investigating the effects of HBO on severe TBI show promising results. For example, significant reduction in mortality rates and improvement in favourable neurological outcomes were reported. However, conflicting results have been reported from trials that investigated the effects of HBO on mild and moderate TBI. The results from the experimental studies indicate that HBO can preserve mitochondrial function, reduce apoptosis and neuroinflammation and promote neuronal plasticity. Therefore, conducting of methodologically-based multicentric clinical trials is necessary to determine proper guidelines for inclusion of TBI patients in HBOT. As many reports have stated that even a few exposures to HBO can contribute to the recovery process, future research must be aimed at establishing most effective HBO protocol for TBI patients

    Uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u majmuna - klinička studija

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    Management of the affected pulp in teeth with incomplete root formation is still an issue. Calcium hydroxide and other materials have been employed for this purpose to a greater or lesser success. Bioceramic materials are in the last decades well established in a number of different medical fields. Having its constituents the same as those of the unorganic portion of bone tissue, hydroxiapatite (HAP), one of the two forms of calcium-phosphate ceramics, is already accepted in endodontic treatment of teeth with completed root formation. The aim of this study was to examine apexogenesis in teeth with immature roots, following the use of HAP on their affected pulp. Examination was performed on eight young monkeys (Cercopithecus Aethiops) with incomplete root development. The 100 μm synthetic HAP material was applied on 32 teeth divided into two groups of 16 teeth each. In one group teeth underwent pulpotomy, in the other high pulpotomy. Evaluation of root growth was recorded from radiographs (pre-treatment, 3 and 12 months following treatment) and by Demjrian's scale for dental maturity and tooth age determination. On the basis of radiographic analysis, immature teeth with affected pulp treated with HAP, both with pulpotomy and high pulpotomy, reached the same stage of root development as control teeth in 50% of cases at 3-months radiographic assessment. After 12 months all tested teeth had the same rate of root development as control teeth, except for 1 of 8 with high pulpotomy. Dentinal bridge was radiographically visible in 50% and 87.5% of pulpotomized teeth after 3 and 12 months, respectively. Neither obliteration of the root canal, presence of denticles nor the presence of deformities in the periapical region were found in any of the observed teeth.Lečenja aficirane pulpe zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena je još uvek predmet stručnih i naučnih rasprava, između ostalog i zbog neželjenih efekata tradicionalnih preparata na bazi kalcijum hidroksida. Biokeramički materijali se već nekoliko decenija primenjuju u različitim granama medicine, a hidroksiapatit, kao jedna od dve forme kalcijum-fosfatne keramike, ima gotovo istovetan sastav kao neorganski deo kosti, pa je već prihvaćen u endodontskom lečenju zuba sa završ enim rastom korena. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hidroksiapatita na apeksogenezu u zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena i aficiranom pulpom. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno na osam mladih majmuna Cercopithecus Aethiops sa nezavršenim rastom korena zuba. Sintetički hidroksiapatit, veličine čestica od 100 μm je primenjen na trideset dva zuba, podeljenih u dve jednake grupe kod kojih je všena apulpotomija, odnosno visoka pulpotomija. Rendgenološ ka evaluacija rasta korena zuba je vršena pre terapije, kao i tri i dvanaest mesici posle primene HAP, a na osnovu Demjrianove skale za određivanje zrelosti zuba. Na osnovu rendgenološke analize posle 3 meseca je nađeno da je brzina razvoja korena kako pulpotomisanih, tako i visoko pulpotomisanih zuba kod kojih je primenjen HAP bila u 50% slučajeva ista kao kod kontrolnih zuba. Posle 12 meseci stepen razvoja korena zuba je u svih ispitivanih zuba (osim kod jednog od osam zuba sa izvršenom visokom pulpotomijom) bio isti kao u kontrolnih zuba. Dentinski most je bio vidljiv radiološkom analizom u 50% odnosno 87,5% eksperimentalnih zuba posle 3, odnosno posle 12 meseci. Ni u jednom pregledanom zubu rendgenološki nije uočena obliteracija kanala korena, kao ni dentikli ni deformiteti u periapeksnom predelu

    Morfološke, imunofenotipske i kliničke karakteristike limfocitno - plazmocitnog duodenitisa pasa

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    The most important morphological feature of the immune response in lymphocytic-plasmacytic duodenitis (LPD) in dogs is the presence of a mononuclear infiltrate in the duodenal mucosa. The ethiopatogenesis of this disease is still unknown, nor are known all the immunophenotypic characteristics of the infiltrate cells, which would be of help in the elucidation of the pathogenesis of LPD. The study involved 60 adult dogs of different breeds and both sexes: 54 dogs with symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting that lasted longer than three weeks and six clinically healthy dogs that served as controls. Hematological and biochemical analysis of blood, radiology, ultrasound and endoscopic diagnosis were carried out. Samples of duodenal mucosal biopta were examined by histopathological and immunohistochemical methods. During endoscopic examination, duodenal wall thickening, mucosal edema and hyperemia were observed in 46 dogs. Microscopic studies showed on the epithelial cells of the duodenum degenerative changes, and sometimes desquamation. Most of the intestinal crypts were dilated, irregularly shaped and filled with detritus. On immunohistochemical examination of samples of the duodenum in a number of dogs with LPD a predominant expression of CD3 + T lymphocytes was observed.Najvažnija morfološka karakteristika imunskog odgovora kod limfocitnoplazmocitnog duodenitisa (LPD) pasa je nalaz infiltrata mononuklearnih ćelija krvi u sluzokoži duodenuma. Do danas etiopatogeneza ove bolesti pasa nije u svemu poznata, a nisu poznate ni sve imunofenotipske karakteristike ćelija u infiltratu, koje bi bile značajne za razumevanje etiopatogeneze LPD. Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno ukupno 60 odraslih pasa, različitih rasa i oba pola: 54 psa sa simptomima dijareje i povraćanja koje je trajalo duže od tri nedelje i šest klinički zdravih pasa koji su služili kao kontrola. Urađene su hematološke i biohemijske analize krvi, a zatim je sprovedena radiološka, ultrazvučna i endoskopska dijagnostika. Uzorci mukoze duodenuma, uzeti biopsijom, ispitani su histopatološkim i imunohistohemijskim metodama. Pri endoskopskom pregledu, kod 46 pasa je zapažen zadebljali zid duodenuma, hiperemičnost i edem sluznice. Mikroskopskim ispitivanjima, na epitelnim ćelijama duodenuma uočene su degenerativne promene, a nekada i deskvamacija. Većina crevnih kripti je bila dilatirana, nepravilnog oblika i ispunjena detritusom. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjem uzoraka duodenuma kod većine pasa sa LPD uočena je dominacija CD3+T limfocita

    Support for parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorder

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    Parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders often lack support for raising their child. Problems that they face are numerous and include emotional, social, phycological and financial difficulties and limitations. The aim of the paper is focused on presenting available and relevant researches that consider various problems faced by parents of children with neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability), as well as the types of support intended for them. Some types of support are: spousal support, support from relatives and friends, financial support, support from various services, social support, online social support and the like. In the paper, it is pointed out to specific problems that occur to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder and children with intellectual disabilities. Specificities for mentioned types of support for parents of these two groups were discussed.In G. Nedović, F. Eminović (Eds.) Approaches and Models in Special Education and Rehabilitatio

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Factors influencing electricity consumption: a review of research methods

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    Research Question: This paper presents a review of empirical methods used by authors to determine the influence of different groups of factors that influence households’ electricity consumption. Motivation: The question what drives electricity consumption is very complex and requires a systematic approach in analysis of different theory frameworks and factors. In the literature, there are a lot of attempts to classify a huge number of very different factors which could be heterogeneous. The review is built on the existing literature by distinguishing the appropriateness of the usage of different empirical methods for collecting the data on the influence of specific groups of factors. Idea: Based on significant literature review and analysis of different methods used in this field, the aim of this paper is to make classification of the most important factors which have the highest impact on electricity consumption. The factors has been grouped into four groups by authors of the paper. Data: Analysis was conducted by reviewing papers dealing with households’ electricity consumption published in the international journals. Tools: The systematisation of relevant literature was used with the goal of determining the most common and proper methods that were used for determination of the influence of different groups of factors on electricity consumption. Findings: As consumer behaviour in the area of electricity consumption often demands the examination of subjective views of consumers, methods like interviewing, conduction of online/offline surveys, case study and field experiments are commonly used for analysing the influence of cognitive and affective factors, socio-demographic and behavioural. For analysis of the impact of contextual factors with using the large amount of secondary data, statistical and econometric methods are used as the most appropriate ones. Contribution: This paper provides an overview of most appropriate research methods when it comes to examination of the impact of different groups of factors whose influence needs to be empirically proven

    Sezonske promene sadržaja proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti, mineralnih materija u suvoj materiji crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.)

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    Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is the second most important perennial forage legume, after alfalfa. It is a significant source of proteins, which are essential in the diet of domestic animals, especially ruminants. The objective of this study was to determine the most important characteristics of dry matter quality (crude proteins, structural carbohydrates, fats and minerals) in three varieties of red clover (K-17, Kolubara and Una). The characteristics were monitored, per individual cuts, during one production cycle of red clover, i.e., in the period 2004- 2006. Highest contents of crude protein in all three test years were obtained in the second cut. Significantly increased contents of crude proteins (18.32%) and potassium (K-2.53%) were found in the red clover cultivar Una developed in Novi Sad. Significantly increased values of both cellulose fiber fractions (NDF, ADF) were registered in the second year of growing. The highest content of minerals was determined at the beginning of the growing season in the first and second year (8.68% and 8.52%, respectively). Here it should be mentioned that the contents of basic biogenous elements, phosphorus and potassium, were within the expected optimum range.Crvena detelina (Trifolium pratense L.) je druga po značaju višegodišnja krmna leguminoza. Slično lucerki značajan je izvor proteina, neophodnih u ishrani domaćih životinja, a naročito preživara. Cilj rada je bio da se tokom jednog proizvodnog ciklusa crvene deteline, u periodu 2004-2006. godine po otkosima utvrde najvažniji parametri kvaliteta suve materije: sadržaj sirovih proteina, strukturnih ugljenih hidrata, masti i mineralnih materija kod tri domaće sorte crvene deteline: K-17, Kolubara i Una. Najveći sadržaj sirovih proteina u sve tri godine ispitivanja je utvrđen u drugom otkosu. Značajno veći sadržaj sirovih proteina (18,32 %) i kalijuma (K-2,53 %) je utvrđen kod NS-sorte crvene deteline Une. Statistički značajno veće vrednosti obe frakcije celuloznih vlakana (NDF, ADF) su utvrđene u drugoj godini života crvene deteline. Najveći sadržaj mineralnih materija je utvrđen početkom vegetacije prve (8,68 %) i druge godine proizvodnog ciklusa (8,52 %) crvene deteline, pri čemu treba istaći da se sadržaj osnovnih biogenih elementa: fosfora i kalijuma nalazio u očekivanim optimalnim granicama

    In vivo ispitivanje enzimske aktivnosti nekih Ru(II) jedinjenja sa N-alkilfenotiazinima

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate and compare the effects of two ruthenium complexes with trifl uoperazine on acethylcholinesterase enzyme activity and lactate dehydrogenase levels in vivo under physiological conditions in rats blood. Complexes 1 and 2 showed positive effects on acethylcholinesterase at all doses and did not disturb its normal activity. Total LDH activity was inhibited in the presence of both complexes, but Ru(II) complexes showed different effects on the activity of LDH isoenzymes. The activities of LDH1 and LDH2 isoenzymes were decreased in all applied doses of the complex 2, while the activity of LDH2 reduced using complex 1 in the same doses. Results of the present study suggest the neuro-and cardio protective potential of oral administration of complexes 1 and 2, as non-toxic compounds under physiological conditions. These protective effects are the result of their potent antioxidant activity.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispitaju i uporede efekti dva kompleksa rutenijuma sa trifluoperazinom na aktivnost enzima acetilholinesteraze i laktat-dehidrogenase in vivo pod fiziološkim uslovima u krvi pacova. Kompleksi 1 i 2 pokazali su pozitivan efekat na aktivnost acetiholinesteraze u svim primenjenim dozama. Ukupna aktivnost LDH je inhibirana u prisustvu oba kompleksa, ali kompleksi Ru(II) pokazuju različite rezultate na izoenzimske oblike ovog enzima. Aktivnosti izoenzima LDH1 i LDH2 su smanjene u svim primenjenim dozama kompleksa 2, dok kompleks 1 smanjuje aktivnost samo izoenzima LDH2 u tim istim koncentracijama. Rezultati prikazanog istraživanja ukazuju na neuro - i kardio zaštitni potencijal oralne primene kompleksa 1 i 2, kao netoksičnih jedinjenja pod fiziološkim uslovima, indukovano preko njihovog snažnog antioksidativnog efekta