15 research outputs found

    New sampling approaches for evaluation of real remediation studies

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    This diploma thesis has been carried out as a part of the project Utilization of long term (passive) sampling methods combined with in situ microcosms for assessment of (bio)degradation potential (PASSES). In the frame of the project groundwater remediation took place in the premises of Farmak a.s. in Olomouc using a pilot photooxidation unit and efficiency of the remediation was monitored through passive and active sampling methods. Pilot photooxidation unit is a technology based on the H2O2/UV-C photochemical oxidation of organic pollutants. In this work optimization tests of the pilot photooxidation unit were performed. The residence time of the groundwater in the photoreactors, required for its sufficient decontamination from pharmaceuticals and aromatic hydrocarbons, was 2.5 hours. 91% degradation of the pharmaceuticals and 80% degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons were reached during this interval. Although the removal efficiency of the pharmaceuticals by the photooxidation unit was high, the pilot photooxidation unit was not able to effectively remove the pharmaceuticals at the studied locality. By comparing the results of the pharmaceuticals from active and passive groundwater sampling during the remediation attempt, passive Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) was found to be...Tato diplomová práce (DP) je součástí projektu Využití dlouhodobých (pasivních) vzorkovacích metod v kombinaci s in situ mikrokosmy k posouzení potenciálu (bio)degradace (PASSES), v rámci kterého probíhala sanace podzemní vody v areálu společnosti Farmak a.s. v Olomouci pilotní fotooxidační jednotkou a probíhal monitoring úspěšnosti sanace pasivními a aktivními metodami vzorkování. Pilotní fotooxidační jednotka je technologie založená na fotochemické oxidaci H2O2/UV-C organických polutantů. V této DP byly provedeny optimalizační testy pilotní fotooxidační jednotky, přičemž doba zdržení podzemní vody ve fotoreaktorech potřebná k jejímu dostatečnému vyčištění od farmaceutických látek a aromatických uhlovodíků, byla zvolena 2,5 hodiny. Za tu dobu bylo dosaženo v průměru 91% degradace farmaceutických látek a 80% degradace aromatických uhlovodíků. Ačkoli účinnost odstranění farmaceutických látek fotooxidační jednotkou byla vysoká, v konečném důsledku byla použitá sanace neefektivní k odstranění farmaceutických látek z podzemní vody na lokalitě. Srovnáním výsledků koncentrací farmaceutických látek z monitoringu sanace pomocí aktivního a pasivního vzorkování se ukázalo, že pasivní vzorkovače polárních organických kontaminantů (POCIS) jsou pro účely monitoringu farmaceutických látek během sanace vhodné a...Ústav pro životní prostředíInstitute for Environmental StudiesPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Economic life of Hořovice town until 1945

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    Podbrdsko je charakteristická oblast pro zpracování železa. Výroba železa v této oblasti doprovází život člověka po celá staletí. Pro vývoj zpracování této suroviny v železárnách jsou důležité Komárovské železárny, které měly jedinečný význam pro celou oblast. Druhým typem zpracování železa byla domácká výroba. Charakteristickým domáckým řemeslem pro Hořovice bylo cvočkařství. Od poloviny 19. století domácká výroba postupně zanikala. Důvodem byl přechod k tovární výrobě. V Hořovicích vzniklo několik velkých továren, které zpracovávaly železo. Mezi další důležitá hospodářská odvětví v Hořovicích patřilo sirkařství, výroba harmonik či pohostinské služby.Podbrdsko is characteristic area of iron processing. The local production of iron goes along human lives for centuries. Komárov ironworks, which had a unique effect for the whole region, were very important in iron processing evolution. Domestic production was the second type of iron processing. Hořovice were well-known for domestic production of nails. Around 1850, domestic production began to gradually disappear. The reason was the move to the factory production. Many large iron processing factories was founded in Hořovice. Harmonicas manufacturing, match industry or hospitality services were other important economic sectors in Hořovice.Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    New sampling approaches for evaluation of real remediation studies

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    This diploma thesis has been carried out as a part of the project Utilization of long term (passive) sampling methods combined with in situ microcosms for assessment of (bio)degradation potential (PASSES). In the frame of the project groundwater remediation took place in the premises of Farmak a.s. in Olomouc using a pilot photooxidation unit and efficiency of the remediation was monitored through passive and active sampling methods. Pilot photooxidation unit is a technology based on the H2O2/UV-C photochemical oxidation of organic pollutants. In this work optimization tests of the pilot photooxidation unit were performed. The residence time of the groundwater in the photoreactors, required for its sufficient decontamination from pharmaceuticals and aromatic hydrocarbons, was 2.5 hours. 91% degradation of the pharmaceuticals and 80% degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons were reached during this interval. Although the removal efficiency of the pharmaceuticals by the photooxidation unit was high, the pilot photooxidation unit was not able to effectively remove the pharmaceuticals at the studied locality. By comparing the results of the pharmaceuticals from active and passive groundwater sampling during the remediation attempt, passive Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) was found to be..

    Assessment of effectiveness of project management in the telemarketing call center company Teleperformance

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    Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje efektivnosti řízení telemarketingového projektu v call centru Teleperformance. Zaměřuje se na řízení lidských zdrojů v rámci vybraného telemarketingového projektu. V závěru práce je řešen návrh na zefektivnění využívání lidských zdrojů v call centru.This bachelor thesis focuses on efficient management of the telemarketing call center project in the Teleperformance. It focuses on human resource management in selected telemarketing project. In conclusion the proposal is designed to streamline the use of human resource call center.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyStudentka přednesla ucelenou a logicky uspořádanou obhajobu své bakalářské práce. V ní dokázala přesvědčivým způsobem obhájit závěry svých řešení. U doplňkových otázek prokázala schopnost logického myšlení, pohotové reakce, jasného a srozumitelného vysvětlení.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Nailers of the Podbrdsko Region

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    Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Influence of fish pond management, land use in catchment and climate change on species composition of blue-green algae blooms

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    The aim of the thesis was to explain expansion of cyanobacterial blooms and the change of their species composition in surface standing waters during the last 2-3 decades as a result of fishery management, land use in catchments, and climate change. Cyanobacteria possess a range of unique and highly-adaptable eco-physiological traits, which enable them a mass occurrence and a dominance over the other phytoplankton groups under recent anthropogenic changes (nutrient loading and rising temperatures). Moreover, many species of cyanobacteria produce cyanotoxins, which increase their resistence against zooplankton grazing and cause severe deterioration of the water quality. In consequence of changes in fishery management (a decrease in the use of superphosphate as a fertilizer during the year 1970), the fish stock density increased and the clear water phase disappeared. This is responsible for a change in species composition of cyanobacterial water blooms. Summer blooms of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae were replaced with A. flos-aquae var. klebahnii. The current composition of water blooms in ponds differs considerably from the typical composition in the 1990s. For example, recent expansion of Woronichiniana naegeliana is caused by the higher stock densities and the shift from a two-year cycle of fishery management..

    Economic life of Hořovice town until 1945

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    Podbrdsko is characteristic area of iron processing. The local production of iron goes along human lives for centuries. Komárov ironworks, which had a unique effect for the whole region, were very important in iron processing evolution. Domestic production was the second type of iron processing. Hořovice were well-known for domestic production of nails. Around 1850, domestic production began to gradually disappear. The reason was the move to the factory production. Many large iron processing factories was founded in Hořovice. Harmonicas manufacturing, match industry or hospitality services were other important economic sectors in Hořovice

    Improving quality of services provided by DHL Solutions, k. s.

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je zvyšování kvality poskytovaných služeb prostřednictví řešení neshod. Konkrétně se diplomová práce zabývá optimalizací procesu řízení nápravných a preventivních opatření ve společnosti DHL Solutions, k. s. Na základě analýzy současného procesu jsou navržena doporučení pro zlepšení dosavadního systému řešení neshod.Subject of this diploma thesis is improving quality of services through decrease of errors. This diploma thesis specifically focuses on internal Corrective & Preventive Action (CAPA) process optimalization in DHL Solutions, k. s. Recommendations have been proposed based on current process analysis to improve existing procedure of avoiding and resolving operation errors.Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyDiplomantka přednesla ucelenou a logicky uspořádanou obhajobu svého diplomového projektu. V ní dokázala přesvědčivým způsobem obhájit závěry svých řešení. Na připomínky oponenta reagovala správně a v plném rozsahu je zodpověděla. U doplňkových otázek prokázala schopnost logického myšlení, pohotové reakce, jasného a srozumitelného vysvětlení

    <i>N-</i>Alkylmorpholines: Potent Dermal and Transdermal Skin Permeation Enhancers

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    Transdermal drug delivery is an attractive non-invasive method offering numerous advantages over the conventional routes of administration. The main obstacle to drug transport is, however, the powerful skin barrier that needs to be modulated, for example, by transdermal permeation enhancers. Unfortunately, there are still only a few enhancers showing optimum properties including low toxicity and reversibility of enhancing effects. For this reason, we investigated a series of new N-alkylmorpholines with various side chains as potential enhancers in an in vitro permeation study, using three model permeants (theophylline, indomethacin, diclofenac). Moreover, electrical impedance, transepidermal water loss, cellular toxicity and infrared spectroscopy measurements were applied to assess the effect of enhancers on skin integrity, reversibility, toxicity and enhancers’ mode of action, respectively. Our results showed a bell-shaped relationship between the enhancing activity and the hydrocarbon chain length of the N-alkylmorpholines, with the most efficient derivatives having 10–14 carbons for both transdermal and dermal delivery. These structures were even more potent than the unsaturated oleyl derivative. The best results were obtained for indomethacin, where particularly the C10-14 derivatives showed significantly stronger effects than the traditional enhancer Azone. Further experiments revealed reversibility in the enhancing effect, acceptable toxicity and a mode of action based predominantly on interactions with stratum corneum lipids