24 research outputs found

    The Herschel-Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI): instrument and pre-launch testing

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    This paper describes the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI), to be launched onboard of ESA's Herschel Space Observatory, by 2008. It includes the first results from the instrument level tests. The instrument is designed to be electronically tuneable over a wide and continuous frequency range in the Far Infrared, with velocity resolutions better than 0.1 km/s with a high sensitivity. This will enable detailed investigations of a wide variety of astronomical sources, ranging from solar system objects, star formation regions to nuclei of galaxies. The instrument comprises 5 frequency bands covering 480-1150 GHz with SIS mixers and a sixth dual frequency band, for the 1410-1910 GHz range, with Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers (HEB). The Local Oscillator (LO) subsystem consists of a dedicated Ka-band synthesizer followed by 7 times 2 chains of frequency multipliers, 2 chains for each frequency band. A pair of Auto-Correlators and a pair of Acousto-Optic spectrometers process the two IF signals from the dual-polarization front-ends to provide instantaneous frequency coverage of 4 GHz, with a set of resolutions (140 kHz to 1 MHz), better than < 0.1 km/s. After a successful qualification program, the flight instrument was delivered and entered the testing phase at satellite level. We will also report on the pre-flight test and calibration results together with the expected in-flight performance

    Coronavirus-Pandemie: Die Feiertage und den Jahreswechsel für einen harten Lockdown nutzen : 7. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme zr Coronavirus-Pandemie - 08.Dezember 2020

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    Die gegenwärtige Situation ist nach wie vor ernst und droht sich weiter zu verschärfen. Trotz des seit Anfang November in Deutschland geltenden Teil-Lockdowns sind die Infektionszahlen auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Jeden Tag sterben mehrere Hundert Menschen. Die Krankenhäuser und insbesondere das medizinische Personal sind bereits jetzt an ihren Grenzen und die Gesundheitsämter überlastet. Um die Kontrolle über das Infektionsgeschehen zurückzuerlangen, empfiehlt die Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina in der Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme „Coronavirus-Pandemie: Die Feiertage und den Jahreswechsel für einen harten Lockdown nutzen“ ein zweistufiges Vorgehen. Die Rahmenbedingungen ‒ Weihnachtsferien in Bildungseinrichtungen und eingeschränkter Betrieb in vielen Unternehmen und Behörden – bieten die Chance, in der Eindämmung der Pandemie ein großes Stück voranzukommen

    Electro-optical muzzle flash detection: Paper presented at OPTRO 2018, 8th International Symposium on Optronics in Defence and Security, 6.-8. February 2018, Paris

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    In the asymmetric conflicts of our days, ambushes and sniper attacks are common. Fast and reliable localization of a shooter enables soldiers and civilian security staff to seek appropriate shelter and to respond to the threat. However, in many scenarios the clutter of buildings, cars and civilians can make the localization difficult. Several technologies, each with specific advantages and drawbacks, have been developed to tackle this problem. It will be shown that the detection of a muzzle flash works well in the shortwave infrared spectral range and that a combination of single element detectors and simple optics in an appropriate configuration has the potential to be a possible solution

    The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Pain

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    Chronic pain syndromes are associated with alterations in sleep continuity and sleep architecture. One perspective of this relationship, which has not received much attention to date, is that disturbances of sleep affect pain. To fathom this direction of cause, experimental human and animal studies on the effects of sleep deprivation on pain processing were reviewed. According to the majority of the studies, sleep deprivation produces hyperalgesic changes. Furthermore, sleep deprivation can counteract analgesic effects of pharmacological treatments involving opioidergic and serotoninergic mechanisms of action. The heterogeneity of the human data and the exclusive interest in rapid eye movement sleep deprivation in animals so far do not allow us to draw firm conclusions as to whether the hyperalgesic effects are due to the deprivation of specific sleep stages or whether they result from a generalized disruption of sleep continuity. The significance of opioidergic and serotoninergic processes as mediating mechanisms of the hyperalgesic changes produced by sleep deprivation are discussed

    EEG sleep and the cholinergic REM induction test in anorexic and bulimic patients

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    The electroencephalographic (EEG) sleep of 20 anorexic patients, 10 bulimic patients, and 10 age-matched healthy controls was studied. In addition, six anorexic patients and six bulimic patients had a cholinergic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep induction test (RIT) performed with the cholinergic agent RS 86. The three samples showed no major differences in sleep patterns. The same held true when attention was focused on patients who additionally met DSM-III criteria for major depression. The RIT results were similar in the patients with eating disorders and in controls, but differed from those reported in depressives. Therefore, the present study found no hints of depression-like sleep patterns in patients with eating disorders