611 research outputs found
Short-term dynamic patterns of bioaerosol generation and displacement in an indoor environment
The short-term dynamics and distribution of airborne biological and total particles have been assessed in a large university hallway by particle counting using laser particle counters and impaction air samplers. Particle numbers of four different size ranges were determined every 2min over several hours. Bioaerosols (culturable bacteria and fungi determined as colony-forming units) were directly collected every 5min on Petri dishes containing the appropriate growth medium. Results clearly show distinct short-term dynamics of particulate aerosols, of both biological and non-biological origin. These reproducible periodic patterns are closely related to periods when lectures are held in lecture rooms and the intermissions in between when students are present in the hallway. Peaks of airborne culturable bacteria were observed with a periodicity of 1h. Bioaerosol concentrations follow synchronously the variation in the total number of particles. These highly reproducible temporal dynamics should be considered when monitoring indoor environments to determine air qualit
EFEMP1 binds the EGF receptor and activates MAPK and Akt pathways in pancreatic carcinoma cells
The EGF-related protein EFEMP1 (EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1) has been shown to promote tumor growth in human adenocarcinoma. To understand the mechanism of this action, the signal transduction activated upon treatment with this protein has been investigated. We show that EFEMP1 binds EGF receptor (EGFR) in a competitive manner relative to epidermal growth factor (EGF), implicating that EFEMP1 and EGF share the same or adjacent binding sites on the EGFR. Treatment of pancreatic carcinoma cells with purified EFEMP1 activates autophosphorylation of EGFR at the positions Tyr-992 and Tyr-1068, but not at the position Tyr-1048. This signal is further transduced to phosphorylation of Akt at position Thr-308 and p44/p42 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) at positions Thr-202 and Tyr-204. These downstream phosphorylation events can be inhibited by treatment with the EGFR kinase inhibitor PD 153035. The observed signal transduction upon treatment with EFEMP1 can contribute to the enhancement of tumor growth shown in pancreatic carcinoma cells overexpressing EFEMP1
Microbial recovery of metals from solids
A variety of both lithotrophic and organotrophic microorganisms are known to mediate the mobilization of various elements from solids mostly by the formation of inorganic and organic acids. Under appropriate environmental conditions, metals are solubilized and extracted from metal-rich materials in subsurface ecosystems by the action of bacteria and fungi. In mine tailings or landfills microbial metal leaching represents a potential environmental hazard. However, these microbial activities can be successfully applied in the industry for the recovery of metals from solid materials such as ores or incineration residues. Microbial leaching processes are currently used for the winning of gold and copper from low-grade ores (âbioleaching'). Solid industrial waste materials such as fly ash, sludges, or dust might also be microbially treated to recover metals for the re-use in metal-manufacturing industries. Bioleaching allows the cycling of metals by a process close to natural biogeochemical cycles reducing the demand for resources such as ores, energy, or landfill spac
Expression von Immunrezeptoren in Plattenepithelkarzinomen des Kopf-Hals-Bereiches in AbhÀngigkeit des 25-OH-Vitamin-D-Serumspiegels und des HPV-Status
Als sechst hĂ€ufigste TumorentitĂ€t weltweit zĂ€hlen Plattenepithelkarzinome des Kopf-Hals- Bereiches zu den Tumorerkrankungen mit schlechten prognostischen Aussichten: Die 5-Jahres- Ăberlebensrate von lediglich 50%-60% konnte in den vergangenen Jahren trotz neuer TherapieansĂ€tze nur unwesentlich verbessert werden, was zum Einen ursĂ€chlich auf die enorme VariabilitĂ€t im Therapieansprechen multimodaler Behandlungsverfahren, den daraus resultierenden funktionellen und Ă€sthetischen Defiziten sowie den damit einhergehenden Nebenwirkungen zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Zum Anderen erfolgt bei der Mehrzahl der FĂ€lle eine sehr spĂ€te Diagnosestellung, welche einschrĂ€nkende Auswirkungen auf die Wahl der TherapiemaĂnahmen hat und die Identifikation des Tumorentstehungsortes oft erschweren kann. Kopf-Hals-Tumoren sind gekennzeichnet durch eine komplexe mutationslastige Tumormikroumgebung, welche zum Teil fĂŒr das limitierte Ansprechen zielgerichteter medikamentöser Therapien verantwortlich sein könnte. Aus diesem Grund besteht eine
Notwendigkeit, neue Biomarker aufzudecken, die eine FrĂŒherkennung der Karzinome erleichtern, eine verbesserte Prognose-einschĂ€tzung erlauben und fĂŒr den individuellen Patientenfall effektive Therapieoptionen ermöglichen. Mit Vitamin-D, einem Hormon mit vielfĂ€ltigen physiologischen Effekten auf zahlreiche Organ-systeme, werden multiple immunstimulierende Eigenschaften und eine gewisse antitumorale Potenz assoziiert, die ĂŒber zellulĂ€re und humorale Mechanismen moduliert wird. Dazu kommt, dass die Mehrzahl der an einem Kopf-Hals-Tumor erkrankten Patienten einen ausgeprĂ€gten Vitamin-D-Mangel aufweisen und diese TumorentitĂ€t in der Regel mit immunsuppressiven Eigenschaften einhergeht. In dieser Arbeit wurde demnach der Frage nachgegangen, ob der Vitamin-D-Status von Kopf-Hals-Tumorpatienten eine Auswirkung auf
molekulare Interaktionen zwischen Tumorzellen und dem Immunsytem haben und die dadurch vermittelte Immunsuppression einschrÀnken könnte.
Von dieser GrundĂŒberlegung ausgehend wurden Tumorgewebeproben von 112 Kopf-Hals- Karzinompatienten auf das Expressionsverhalten der Immun-Checkpoint-MolekĂŒle CD80, B7-H3, B7-H4 sowie PD-L1 und dem zellulĂ€ren OberflĂ€chenproteinkomplex MHC1 immunhistochemisch analysiert. Das Patientenkollektiv gliederte sich dabei in AbhĂ€ngigkeit vom 25-OH-Vitamin-D- Serumspiegel in eine Patientengruppen bestehend aus 61 Patienten mit einem Vitamin-D-Mangel (25- OH-Vitamin-D 10 ng/ml). Die immunhistochemischen FĂ€rbungen wurden semiquantitativ mit Hilfe eines immunreaktiven Scores ausgewertet. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde die Expression der oben genannten MolekĂŒle in kultivierten Kopf-Hals-Tumorzellen der FaDu-Zelllinie mittels SDS-Gelelektrophorese und Western Blot als Grundlage fĂŒr weiterfĂŒhrende funktionelle Untersuchungen analysiert.
Die FĂ€rbungen bestĂ€tigten eine positive Korrelation zwischen einem ausreichend hohen Vitamin-D- Serumspiegel bei Kopf-Hals-Tumorpatienten und einer verstĂ€rkten Expression stimulierender Immun- Checkpoint-MolekĂŒle auf den Tumorzellen im Sinne eines immunstimulativen, antitumoralen Einfluss des Vitamin-D: Bei ausreichender Vitamin-D-Versorgung zeigte sich zum einen eine vermehrte tumorale Expression der immunstimulierenden Marker CD80 (p = 0,0707) und MHC1 (p = 0,0190) und zum anderen eine gesteigerte peritumoral-leukozytĂ€re CD80-Expression (p = 0,0324). Eine vermehrte tumorale MHC1-Expression korrelierte zudem positiv mit dem HPV-Status (p = 0,0053) und ging mit einem verlĂ€ngerten GesamtĂŒberleben einher (p = 0,0325). Das immunzellinhibierende Immun-Checkpoint-MolekĂŒl B7-H4 war auf Tumoren von Patienten mit einem Vitamin-D-Mangel (p = 0,0705) und bei HPV-negativen Tumoren (p = 0,1332) unabhĂ€ngig vom Vitamin-D-Status vermehrt exprimiert, sodass dieses Resulat ĂŒbereinstimmend mit den dargestellten Ergebnissen der immunzell- aktivierenden MolekĂŒle auf eine geförderte antitumorale AktivitĂ€t des menschlichen Immunsystems bei Kopf-Hals-Tumorpatienten durch Vitamin-D hindeutet sowie im Einklang mit der Tatsache steht, dass HPV-negative Kopf-Hals-Tumoren starke immunsuppressive Eigenschaften aufweisen. B7-H3, welches sowohl immunstimulierende Effekte als auch immunsupprimierende Funktionen ausĂŒben kann, war bei Patienten mit ausreichender Vitamin-D-Versorgung auf Tumorzellen klar ĂŒberexprimiert (p = 0,0052) und ging mit einem signifikanten Ăberlebensvorteil einher (p = 0,0037). Dies könnte damit zusammenhĂ€ngen, dass bei ausreichender Vitamin-D-Versorgung durch gesteigerte Immunzell- infiltration und geringere immunsuppressive Prozesse in der Tumormikroumgebung möglicherweise eher die co-stimulatorischen Effekte ĂŒberwiegen. Bei Betrachtung der tumoralen (p = 0,4730) und leukozytĂ€ren (p = 0,4032) PD-L1-Expression, konnte kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Höhe des Vitamin-D-Serumspiegels und dem Expressionsverhalten nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch korrelierte der HPV-Status positiv mit der PD-L1-Tumorexpression (p = 0,0784), was durch die hohen IFN-Îł- Spiegel im Rahmen der antitumoralen immunologischen AktivitĂ€t bedingt sein könnte. Eine vermehrte PD-L1-Expression auf Tumorzellen war insbesondere bei Tumorpatienten mit ausreichender Vitamin- D-Versorgung mit schlechten prognostischen Aussichten verbunden (p = 0,0613). Im vorliegenden Patientenkollektiv fĂŒhrte eine ausreichende Vitamin-D-Versorgung in Relation zu Patienten mit einem Vitamin-D-Mangel zu einem signifikant verlĂ€ngerten GesamtĂŒberleben von durchschnittlich 10 Monaten (p = 0,0288). In der Western Blot-Analyse der Immun-Checkpoint-MolekĂŒl-Expression in FaDu-Zellen konnte lediglich fĂŒr PD-L1 ein Signal nachgewiesen werden.
Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit erhobenen Ergebnisse demonstrieren, dass eine ausreichende Vitamin- D-Versorgung gerade in der Kopf-Hals-Onkologie von hoher prognostischer und therapeutischer Relevanz sein kann, da ĂŒberwiegend immunsuppressive Signalwege in der Tumormikroumgebung durch eine ausreichende Vitamin-D-Versorgung und einen positiven HPV-Status verhĂ€ltnismĂ€Ăig eingeschrĂ€nkt werden, sodass eine effektive Anti-Tumor-Immunantwort generiert werden kann und tumorprogressions-fördernde Eigenschaften reduziert werden. Diese Daten liefern Anhaltspunkte dafĂŒr, dass neben einer fokussierten Betrachtung der immunologischen Organisation in Kopf-Hals- Tumoren funktionell-immunologische VerĂ€nderungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Vitamin-D-Status weiter untersucht werden sollten mit der Zielsetzung durch Vitamin-D induzierte VerĂ€nderungen in der zellulĂ€ren und humoralen Komposition der Tumormikroumgebung zu identifizieren. Aktuell sind in vitro-Experimente an HNSCC-Zelllinien, die mit aktivem Vitamin-D in sowohl supraphysiologischen als auch physiologischen Konzentrationen behandelt werden in Planung. Letzlich könnte eine ergĂ€nzende Vitamin-D-Substitution bei Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten im Zuge eines multimodalen Therapiekonzeptes die prognostische Perspektive sowie die EffektivitĂ€t einer Immuntherapie verbessern.Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixt most common cancer globally with 5-
year-survival-rates as low as 50%â60%, thus indicating poor prognosis. However the approval of few
novel therapeutic modalities in recent years has not substantially improved prognosis for head and
neck cancer patients, due to several reasons: First of all, treatment can be quite morbid whilst creating
side effects and resulting in significant functional as well as aesthetic deficits. Secondly, late stage
diagnosis often limits therapeutical approaches and impedes the identification of the exact tumor
location. Additionally, the complex mutational landscape in head and neck cancer may account for
insufficient response of targeted therapies, since most tumors evolve under treatment-associated
selective pressures and possess various genetic drivers of oncogenesis. For this reason, it remains
necessary to identify new prognostic and predictive biomarkers, which facilitate an early detection of
cancer and enable novel therapeutic strategies. The physiologically active hormone Vitamin-D is
linked with modulatory functions on the human immune system and favors antitumor immunity by
initiating cellular and humoral effects. Moreover, the vast majority of patients suffering from head and
neck cancer display a considerable Vitamin-D deficiency and this tumor entity is often associated with
a predominantly immune suppressive landscape.
Tumor tissue samples from 112 HNSCC patients, of which 51 had adequate serum levels of Vitamin-D
(25-OH-Vitamin-D > 10 ng/ml) while 61 exhibited a Vitamin-D deficiency (25-OH-Vitamin-D < 10
ng/ml), were subjected to conventional immunohistochemistry in order to assess the influence of
Vitamin-D on the immunological crosstalk between tumor and immune cells. To address this, the
expression of immunoregulative proteins MHC1, B7-H4, B7-H3, PD-L1 and CD80 was analyzed.
Additionally, the expression of the same molecules was studied on FaDu-cells, an immortalized
HNSCC cell line, by performing a SDS-gel-electrophoresis and western blot.
The evaluation of the immunohistochemical stainings with a semiquantitative immunoreactivity score
demonstrated that an adequate Vitamin-D status was associated with a higher tumoral expression of
CD80 (p = 0,0707) and MHC1 (p = 0,0190), thus confirming the immune stimulatory and antitumorigenic
influence of Vitamin-D. Peritumoral leukocytes expressed more CD80 among patients
with higher Vitamin-D levels (p = 0,0324). Higher tumor levels of MHC1 correlated positively with a
positive HPV-Status (p = 0,0053) and an improved overall survival (p = 0,0325). In conformity with
these results, an increased B7-H4 tumor expression was observed among patients with Vitamin-D
deficiency (p = 0,0705) and negative HPV-Status (p = 0,1332), which might be explained through the
predominantly immune suppressive tumor landscape among these patients, as B7-H4 is considered
immune inhibitory. B7-H3, which is thought to serve as both a co-inhibitor and co-stimulator of T-cell
responses, was clearly overexpressed in tumor tissue from patients with adequate Vitamin-D serum
levels (p = 0,0052) and correlated with an improved overall survival among these patients (p =
0,0037), implying that the altered tumor microenvironment in patients with sufficient Vitamin-D
supply may promote co-stimulatory interactions. No considerable influence was detectable for the
expression of PD-L1 on both tumor (p = 0,4730) and leukocytes (p = 0,4032). However, a positive
HPV-status was associated with a high PD-L1 expression on tumor tissue (p = 0,0784), which may
have occurred due to high IFN-Îł-levels in the context of a strong antitumorigenic immune activity in
HPV-positive tumors. High tumoral PD-L1 expression among patients with elevated Vitamin-D serum
levels was linked with poor prognostic outcome (p = 0,0613). In accordance with all these findings, an
adequate Vitamin-D status significantly correlated with an improved overall survival among head and
neck cancer patients (p = 0,0288), as these patients lived 10 months longer on average compared to
patients with Vitamin-D deficiency. Merely a signal associated with PD-L1 expression was observed
through western blot analysis in cultured FaDu cells with no significant expression of all other
immune checkpoint molecules.
In summary, the obtained results clearly emphasize the prognostic and therapeutic relevance of an
adequate Vitamin-D supply for patients suffering from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, by
revealing that normal Vitamin-D blood levels and a positive HPV-status limit immunosuppressive
interactions within the tumor microenvironment, which in turn leads to more potent antitumorigenic
immune responses and impaired tumor progression. These results provide an informative basis for a
specific examination of the immunological landscape in head and neck cancer, which should aim at
identifying potentially through Vitamin-D inducible alterations considering cellular and humoral
elements in the tumor microenvironment. Ongoing in vitro-experiments with HNSCC-cell lines,
treated with supraphysiological and physiological concentrations of active Vitamin-D are further
addressing these issues. Ultimately, supplying HNSCC-patients with Vitamin-D may support
antitumorigenic immune responses in an immunotherapeutic setting as part of a multimodal therapy
whilst simultaneously contributing to the improvement of the patientsâ prognosis
Wie zuverlÀssig ist die Verwirklichung von Stichprobenverfahren? Random route versus Einwohnermeldeamtsstichprobe
Am Beispiel einer 1988 vom Deutschen Jugendinstitut durchgefĂŒhrten Umfrage, bei der die Stichprobe einmal ĂŒber eine Auswahl aus den Einwohnermeldeamtsdateien, zum anderen ĂŒber ein random route-Verfahren gezogen wurde, wird die ReprĂ€sentativitĂ€t beider Verfahren an den Ergebnissen des Mikrozensus getestet. Es wird ermittelt, daĂ die groĂen Abweichungen im random route-Verfahren auf die Manipulation der Interviewer bei der Auswahl der Interviewpartner zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. ProfessionalitĂ€t, d.h. die DurchfĂŒhrung einer weitaus höheren Zahl an Interviews als vorgegeben, fĂŒhrt zu höheren Manipulationseffekten. Die EinschrĂ€nkung der Manipulationsmöglichkeiten durch Vorgabe der Zielpersonen verbessert dagegen die QualitĂ€t der Daten. (psz
Susceptibility induced grayâwhite matter MRI contrast in the human brain
AbstractMR phase images have shown significantly improved contrast between cortical gray and white matter regions compared to magnitude images obtained with gradient echo sequences. A variety of underlying biophysical mechanisms (including iron, blood, myelin content, macromolecular chemical exchange, and fiber orientation) have been suggested to account for this observation but assessing the individual contribution of these factors is limited in vivo.For a closer investigation of iron and myelin induced susceptibility changes, postmortem MRI of six human corpses (age range at death: 56â80years) was acquired in situ. Following autopsy, the iron concentrations in the frontal and occipital cortex as well as in white matter regions were chemically determined. The magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) was used as an indirect measure for myelin content. Susceptibility effects were assessed separately by determining R2* relaxation rates and quantitative phase shifts. Contributions of myelin and iron to local variations of the susceptibility were assessed by univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis.Mean iron concentration was lower in the frontal cortex than in frontal white matter (26±6 vs. 45±6mg/kg wet tissue) while an inverse relation was found in the occipital lobe (cortical gray matter: 41±10 vs. white matter: 34±10mg/kg wet tissue). Multiple regression analysis revealed iron and MTR as independent predictors of the effective transverse relaxation rate R2* but solely MTR was identified as source of MR phase contrast. R2* was correlated with iron concentrations in cortical gray matter only (r=0.42, p<0.05).In conclusion, MR phase contrast between cortical gray and white matter can be mainly attributed to variations in myelin content, but not to iron concentration. Both, myelin and iron impact the effective transverse relaxation rate R2* significantly. Magnitude contrast is limited because it only reflects the extent but not the direction of the susceptibility shift
The forensiX evidence collection tube and its impact on DNA preservation and recovery
Biological samples are vulnerable to degradation from the time they are collected until they are analysed at the laboratory. Biological contaminants, such as bacteria, fungi, and enzymes, as well as environmental factors, such as sunlight, heat, and humidity, can increase the rate of DNA degradation. Currently, DNA samples are normally dried or frozen to limit their degradation prior to their arrival at the laboratory. In this study, the effect of the sample drying rate on DNA preservation was investigated, as well as a comparison between drying and freezing methods. The drying performances of two commercially available DNA collection tools (swab and drying tube) with different drying rates were evaluated. The swabs were used to collect human saliva, placed into the drying tubes, and stored in a controlled environment at 25°C and 60% relative humidity, or frozen at â20°C, for 2 weeks. Swabs that were stored in fast sample drying tubes yielded 95% recoverable DNA, whereas swabs stored in tubes with slower sample drying rates yielded only 12% recoverable DNA; saliva stored in a microtube at â20°C was used as a control. Thus, DNA sampling tools that offer rapid drying can significantly improve the preservation of DNA collected on a swab, increasing the quantity of DNA available for subsequent analysis
Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) as a means to measure brain iron? A post mortem validation study
AbstractQuantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a novel technique which allows determining the bulk magnetic susceptibility distribution of tissue in vivo from gradient echo magnetic resonance phase images. It is commonly assumed that paramagnetic iron is the predominant source of susceptibility variations in gray matter as many studies have reported a reasonable correlation of magnetic susceptibility with brain iron concentrations in vivo. Instead of performing direct comparisons, however, all these studies used the putative iron concentrations reported in the hallmark study by Hallgren and Sourander (1958) for their analysis. Consequently, the extent to which QSM can serve to reliably assess brain iron levels is not yet fully clear. To provide such information we investigated the relation between bulk tissue magnetic susceptibility and brain iron concentration in unfixed (in situ) post mortem brains of 13 subjects using MRI and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. A strong linear correlation between chemically determined iron concentration and bulk magnetic susceptibility was found in gray matter structures (r=0.84, p<0.001), whereas the correlation coefficient was much lower in white matter (r=0.27, p<0.001). The slope of the overall linear correlation was consistent with theoretical considerations of the magnetism of ferritin supporting that most of the iron in the brain is bound to ferritin proteins. In conclusion, iron is the dominant source of magnetic susceptibility in deep gray matter and can be assessed with QSM. In white matter regions the estimation of iron concentrations by QSM is less accurate and more complex because the counteracting contribution from diamagnetic myelinated neuronal fibers confounds the interpretation
Jahrbuch des Archivs der deutschen Jugendbewegung. Erster Band
Das Archiv der deutschen Jugendbewegung dokumentiert seine Arbeit sowie die BeitrĂ€ge von Tagungen seines Freundes- und Förderkreises. Im vorliegenden Band werden im Anschluss an eine grundsĂ€tzlich KlĂ€rung des Begriffes "Jugendbewegung" Verbindungen zwischen dieser mit der MusikpĂ€dagogik am Beispiel August Halms, mit der Kunst am Beispiel des Expressionismus sowie mit der PĂ€dagogik am Beispiel Gustav Wynekens untersucht. Aus dem Archiv berichten der "Freundeskreis" und der wissenschaftliche Bearbeiter; auĂerdem werden das Kunstarchiv und der Nachlass von Eberhard Koebel-tusk vorgestellt. AbschlieĂend werden die Neuerscheinungen der Jahre 1966 bis 1968 zum Thema "Jugendbewegung" aufgefĂŒhrt
Proceedings of a Conference on Agricultural Education in Our Public Schools
Vocational Agriculture has played an important role in helping young men become established in farming. Much of our success in more than meeting the food and fiber needs of our rapidly growing population today can b~ attributed to Vocational Agriculture. But, questions are being raised about the need for cominuation of such an extensive program of preparation for farming in view of the reduced number of farming opportunities each year. Furthermore, questions are being raised about the adeqwacy of preparation for farming by a program that is terminal at the high school level, and about the adequacy of preparation for college if a student devotes much of his high school time to Vocational Agriculture.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/card_reports/1000/thumbnail.jp
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