1,434 research outputs found

    Variation of fluxes of RR Tel emission lines measured in 2000 with respect to 1996

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    The aim of this work is to make available unpublished non-Fe+ emission line fluxes from optical spectra of the symbiotic nova RR Tel which were taken in 2000, and to compare them with fluxes of the same lines from spectra taken in 1996. After leaving out blends and misidentifications, as well as the unreliable far-red and violet lines, we present the log (F2000/F1996) flux ratios for identified non-Fe+ lines. Mean values of log (F2000/F1996) for different ionization potential ranges of the ions producing the lines are shown separately for the permitted and forbidden lines. All means show fading, which is larger in the lowest range of ionization potential. Provisional interpretations are suggested. We also measured the values of FWHM in 2000; the previously known decrease with time of FWHM of lines due to the same ion has continued.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

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    Lišmanioza psa u Sloveniji: vjerojatno stvaranje prvog enzootskog žarišta - prikaz slučaja

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    Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease caused by protozoal parasites of the genus Leishmania. Parasites are transmitted by Phlebotominae flies (Diptera, Psychodidae). Leishmania infantum is the most important species in Europe. Humans, as well as animals, can become infected. The parasite produces a visceral form of the disease that can end in death if not treated properly. Dogs are considered the main reservoir for human infection. Traditional endemic regions in Europe are the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Slovenia is considered non-endemic. The article reports a case of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in a Slovenian dog. This particular case was a 5 year old Brandlbracke bitch, born close to the Croatian border, but which had never crossed the Slovenian state borders. She was a regular outdoor sleeper. Beside considerable loss of weight, seborrhoeic and alopecic skin with crusts on the legs and head were noticed. Laboratory tests revealed hyperproteinaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, leucocytosis, anaemia, and thrombocytosis. An immunofluorescence antibody titre test revealed 1: >160 antibody titre against L. infantum. Clinical improvement was achieved following therapy with allopurinol. Real-time PCR performed on conjunctival swab and blood specimens 1.5 years post therapy was negative. Since Phlebotominae flies were found in the south of the country recently, and infection by other routes in this case seems unlikely, this dog was most probably infected by sand fly bites. The possibility that CanL could be spread endemically in Slovenia therefore exists.Lišmanioza je bolest koja se prenosi vektorima, a uzrokuje ju protozoalni parazit iz roda Leishmania. Parazite prenose muhe Phlebotominae (Diptera, Psychodidae). Leishmania infantum najvažnija je vrsta u Europi, kojom se mogu invadirati i ljudi i životinje. Parazit uzrokuje visceralni oblik bolesti koji može završiti smrću ako se odgovarajuće ne liječi. Psi se smatraju glavnim rezervoarom za invaziju u ljudi. Tradicionalne endemijske regije u Europi jesu zemlje koje se nalaze u Mediteranskom bazenu. Slovenija se ne smatra endemijskim područjem. Članak peikazuje slučaj lišmanioze psa (CanL) iz Slovenije. Radi se o pet godina staroj kuji pasmine austrijski ravnodlaki gonič (Brandlbracke) okoćenoj u Sloveniji blizu hrvatske granice, i koja nikad nije napuštala Sloveniju. Kuja je redovito boravila vani. Osim znatnoga gubitka tjelesne mase, uočena je seboroična i alopecična koža s krastama na ekstremitetima i glavi. Laboratorijski testovi pokazali su hiperproteinemiju, hipoalbuminemiju, leukocitozu, anemiju i trombocitozu. Titar protutijela Imunofluorescencijom utvrđen je titar protutijela u vrijednosti 1 : > 160 za L. infantum. Liječenje alopurinolom dovelo je do kliničkog poboljšanja. Lančana reakcija polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu učinjena iz obriska konjunktiva i uzorka krvi 1,5 godina poslije liječenja bila je negativna. Iako je u novije vrijeme dokazano da insekata iz skupine Phlebotominae ima na jugu zemlje i invazija drugim putem ne čini se vjerojatnom, kuja je najvjerojatnije invadirana ubodom pješčane mušice, stoga postoji mogućnost endemijskog širenja lišmanioze psa u Sloveniji


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    On 19 October 2020, an epidemic was declared in Slovenia for the second time in that year. We altered teaching to long-distance. First-graders, who just got to know each other in less than two months and became partially aware of what school and teaching are all about, were particularly challenged. Questions began to arise about how to make distance learning as interesting and effective as possible for students at a distance, through computer technology. In mathematics, the number up to 10 is discussed in the first part of the school year. In order for the children to get to know the numbers well, and to be able to imagine them quantitatively, it was necessary to prepare various activities and games, which they performed at home during distance learning and were supposed to help them. Activities included both technology and a lot of movement, as children develop several areas at once through play and movement and also remember more. It turned out that children who regularly performed mathematical activities, after returning to school, had no problems counting, recalling, writing numbers. Well-developed numerical representations also made it easier to understand the size relationships between numbers


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    An epidemic was declared in Slovenia on 16 March 2020. Life came to a standstill, cities fell silent, most people stayed at home. However, the use of information and communication technology has increased, as services and teaching took place at a distance. In education, we encountered various problems, such as, lack of IT equipment, lack of knowledge to use IT equipment, unresponsiveness of students and parents. In a short time, we had to learn various tools with which we tried to bring the material closer to the students and communicate with them and their parents. The subject matter had to be reduced and adapted to the students' level of knowledge. In 1st grade, where students do not yet read independently, a connection was established between teachers and parents. Parents took on the role of teachers at home, the task of teachers was to help them as much as possible. Based on the response from parents and students, I did well with the work instructions below

    Possible Uses of Tennant’s Methodology in Secondary Education

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    The paper addresses the issue whether Tennant’s textbook Introducing Philosophy, a demanding textbook based on the methodology of Analytical philosophy, can be useful for high school teachers not trained in Analytical methodology. The pedagogical background is presented through a conceptual framework of problematization, conceptualisation and argumentation, and I follow Tennant’s methodology through these three principles. The issue which I discuss is how Tennant’s methodology can help teachers to foster the three analytical abilities in students. I will show how his presentation of topics as content demonstrate his methodology and how particular examples can be used by teachers in secondary education, as well as in introductory university courses in philosophy. If teachers pay attention to this methodology within the content, they can apply it to other topics

    On the Role of Geometry in Formal Design

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    In recent decades, new methodologies have emerged in architectural design that exploit the computer as a design tool. This has generated a varied set of digital skills and a new type of architectural knowledge. This means, architecture is taking part in an “intellectual revolution [that] is happening all around us, but few people are remarking on it. Computational thinking is influencing research in nearly all disciplines, both in the sciences and the humanities. It is changing the way we think.” i A good example of such reshaping of discipline-immanent thinking by means of computation is the paradigmatic shift in sciences like physics or biology caused by the introduction of the computer as the primary tool for simulating and modelling natural processe

    Optimisation of nitrogen management after harvest of the main crop by growing turnips [<i>Brassica rapa </i>L. ssp. <i>rapifera</i> (Metzg.) Sinsk.] as a catch crop and field vegetable

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    The objective of the present study was to investigate whether the short growing season after the harvest of potatoes (PO) and faba beans (FB) enables to grow a marketable crop that can at the same time reduce soil nitrate concentration. For that reason turnips (Brassica rapa L. ssp. rapifera (Metzg.) Sinsk.) grown as field vegetables were investigated in order to determine their nitrogen sink capacity, nitrogen export with marketable roots and precrop effect on following wheat crop. A 2-years field experiment (1999-2001) was conducted on brown alluvial loamy-silty to sandy-silty soils of the organically managed experimental farm Wiesengut near Bonn, Germany (7 17' E, 50 48' N). The experimental design was a Latin Square with four replications. Single plot size was 6 x 12 m. The amount of soil nitrate after harvest of PO and FB reached up to 120 and 88 kg NO3--N ha-1 in the upper 90 cm soil depth, respectively. Turnips cv. 'Market Express F1' (Me), 'Petrowski' (Pe) and reference crop white mustard cv. 'Zlata' (Wm), were sown immediately after harvesting the main crops. Bare fallow (F) was used as a control. In both years after PO and FB, 100 days after sowing, Me, Pe and Wm took up 57 - 101, 60 - 120 and 73 - 207 kg N ha-1 respectively, thus reducing soil nitrate content up to 105 kg NO3--N ha-1 compared with F. DM yield of turnip roots (1.13 - 1.66 t ha-1) represented 40 to 65 % of total DM yield, containing between 32 and 60 % (34 - 53 kg N ha-1) of all accumulated nitrogen. Catch crops decreased grain yield of following winter wheat between 6 - 17 % compared to F and the total N uptake of winter wheat grown after catch crops was reduced up to 29 kg N ha-1. However decrease in total DM yield of wheat and corresponding N uptake were not influenced by N export of 34 - 53 kg N ha-1 from the field with turnip roots in autumn. When catch crops were left on the field during the winter and incorporated in spring at seed bed preparation an increase in spring wheat grain yield between 2 - 29 % and increase in total N uptake of 39.6 kg ha-1 compared to bare fallow were recorded. Export of nitrogen with roots of turnip Pe in spring ranging between 22 and 60 kg N ha-1 decreased DM grain yield of spring wheat by 1 - 17 % and reduced its total N uptake up to 26 kg ha-1. Generally, the positive precrop effect of catch crops on spring wheat was in the following order Wm > Me > Pe. Catch crops significantly influenced mineralization-immobilisation processes in the soil. Thus in autumn up to 135 kg ha-1 more nitrogen was determined in the plant - soil system when brassica catch crops were grown compared to bare soil. These results demonstrate that in a short growing period, after harvest of PO and FB, turnips can successfully be grown as field vegetables and as catch crops. Turnips produce a notable amount of marketable roots and are able to significantly reduce the soil nitrate content.Optimierung des Stickstoffmanagements nach der Ernte der Hauptfrucht durch Stoppelrüben [Brassica rapa L. ssp. rapifera (Metzg.) Sinsk.] als Zwischenfrucht und Feldgemüse Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob in der kurzen Vegetationszeit nach der Ernte von Kartoffeln (PO) und Ackerbohnen (FB) eine marktfähige Nachfrucht produziert und gleichzeitig die Bodennitratgehalte reduziert werden können. Dazu wurden Stoppelrüben (Brassica rapa L. ssp. rapifera (Metzg.) Sinsk.) als Feldgemüse angebaut und die Stickstoff-Aufnahmekapazität, der Stickstoff-Export über die marktfähigen Rüben und die Vorfruchteffekte zu Weizen in einem zweijährigen Feldexperiment (1999-2001) auf lehmig-schluffigen bis sandig-schluffigen Auensedimenten auf der organisch bewirtschafteten Lehr- und Forschungsstation Wiesengut in der Nähe von Bonn, Deutschland (7 17' E, 50 48' N) untersucht. Die Versuchsparzellen in der Größe von 6 x 12 m wurden als lateinisches Quadrat mit vier Wiederholungen angelegt. Der Nitratgehalt im Boden erreichte nach der Ernte in 0 - 90 cm Bodentiefe nach PO bis zu 120 kg NO3--N ha-1 und nach FB bis zu 88 kg NO3--N ha-1. Als Vergleich wurden Stoppelrüben der Sorten 'Market Express F1' (Me), 'Petrowski' (Pe) und Weisser Senf der Sorte 'Zlata' (Wm) unmittelbar nach der Ernte der Hauptfrüchte gesät. Schwarzbrache (F) diente als Kontrollvariante. In beiden Jahren wurden nach PO und FB in den ersten 100 Tagen nach der Saat durch Me 57 - 101 kg N ha-1, durch Pe 60 - 120 kg N ha-1 und durch Wm 73 - 207 kg N ha-1 aufgenommen, wodurch die Bodennitratgehalte auf 105 kg NO3--N ha-1 im Vergleich zu F reduziert wurden. Die Trockenmassenerträge der Stoppelrübenwurzeln (1,13 – 1,66 t ha-1) repräsentierten 40 bis 65 % der gesamten Trockenmasse und enthielten 32 - 60 % (34 - 53 kg N ha-1) des gesamten aufgenommenen Stickstoffs. Die Zwischenfrüchte reduzierten die Kornerträge des nachfolgenden Winterweizens zwischen 6 - 17 % verglichen mit F. Die N-Aufnahme von Winterweizen wurde nach den Zwischenfrüchten bis zu 29 kg N ha-1 reduziert. Allerdings war die Reduktion des Trockenmassenertrages und der entsprechenden N-Aufnahme nicht durch den N-Export durch die Rüben im Herbst (34 - 53 kg N ha-1) beeinflusst. Verblieben die Zwischenfrüchte über Winter auf den Parzellen und wurden im Frühjahr bei der Saatbeetbereitung eingearbeitet, wurde eine Erhöhung der Sommerweizenerträge zwischen 2 - 29 % und ein Anstieg der Gesamtstickstoffaufnahme bis zu 40 kg ha-1 verglichen mit der Schwarzbrache festgestellt. Der Stickstoffexport im Frühjahr durch Rüben der Sorte Pe (22 - 60 kg N ha-1) reduzierte den Ertrag von Sommerweizen zwischen 1 - 17 % und die gesamte N-Aufnahme bis zu 26 kg ha-1. Generell nahm der positive Vorfruchteffekt der Zwischenfrüchte zu Sommerweizen in der Reihenfolge Wm > Me > Pe ab. Die Zwischenfrüchte zeigten signifikante Einflüsse auf Mineralisations- und Immobilisierungsprozesse im Boden. Dementsprechend war nach Brassiceen-Zwischenfrüchten im Vergleich zur Schwarzbrache im Herbst bis zu 135 kg ha-1 mehr N im System Pflanze-Boden. Somit können Stoppelrüben in der kurzen Wachstumsperiode nach der Ernte von PO und FB erfolgreich als Feldgemüse und Zwischenfrüchte angebaut werden. Dabei wird eine bemerkenswerte Menge an markfähigen Rüben produziert und gleichzeitig der Bodennitratgehalt im Vergleich zur Schwarzbrache signifikant reduziert

    Flexible manipulator control experiments and analysis

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    Modeling and control design for flexible manipulators, both from an experimental and analytical viewpoint, are described. From the application perspective, an ongoing effort within the laboratory environment at the Ohio State University, where experimentation on a single link flexible arm is underway is described. Several unique features of this study are described here. First, the manipulator arm is slewed by a direct drive dc motor and has a rigid counterbalance appendage. Current experimentation is from two viewpoints: (1) rigid body slewing and vibration control via actuation with the hub motor, and (2) vibration suppression through the use of structure-mounted proof-mass actuation at the tip. Such an application to manipulator control is of interest particularly in design of space-based telerobotic control systems, but has received little attention to date. From an analytical viewpoint, parameter estimation techniques within the closed-loop for self-tuning adaptive control approaches are discussed. Also introduced is a control approach based on output feedback and frequency weighting to counteract effects of spillover in reduced-order model design. A model of the flexible manipulator based on experimental measurements is evaluated for such estimation and control approaches