132 research outputs found

    Biligiri Tiger reserve: include Soligas in conservation plan

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    Protesting against the proposal of the Karnataka forest department to notify the Biligiri Hills as a Tiger Reserve, the resident Soliga adivasis have instead proposed a community-based tiger conservation model

    The Biodiversity Rights of Developing Nations: A Perspective from India

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    The article will flag those provisions of the law that disenfranchise developing nations and their peoples from their rights vis-a-vis biodiversity. While sifting through these provisions, it will also examine how far the developed nations have gone in the burden-sharing of conservation of biological resources. Because newer technologies pose newer challenges to biodiversity conservation, the intrinsic link between trade and biodiversity cannot be overstated. It has been a challenge to deal with international trade rules and regulations, especially with non-state entities like the WTO. The WTO\u27s agenda is dictated largely by corporate interests in developed countries such as the United States (U.S.), which have not demonstrated a commitment to the conservation of biodiversity. This lack of commitment is similarly reflected in other international agreements such as the CBD\u27s Biosafety Protocop and the United Nations (U.N.) Framework Convention on Climate Change\u27s 1997 Kyoto Protocol

    The Biodiversity Rights of Developing Nations: A Perspective from India

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    The article will flag those provisions of the law that disenfranchise developing nations and their peoples from their rights vis-a-vis biodiversity. While sifting through these provisions, it will also examine how far the developed nations have gone in the burden-sharing of conservation of biological resources. Because newer technologies pose newer challenges to biodiversity conservation, the intrinsic link between trade and biodiversity cannot be overstated. It has been a challenge to deal with international trade rules and regulations, especially with non-state entities like the WTO. The WTO\u27s agenda is dictated largely by corporate interests in developed countries such as the United States (U.S.), which have not demonstrated a commitment to the conservation of biodiversity. This lack of commitment is similarly reflected in other international agreements such as the CBD\u27s Biosafety Protocop and the United Nations (U.N.) Framework Convention on Climate Change\u27s 1997 Kyoto Protocol

    Crop Diseases Severity Identification by Deep Learning Approach

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    Improving yield and maintaining crop strength with optimization in use of resources are the major requirements in smart farming. To build a smart decision support system for improving production with flexibility, it requires   Remote Sensing Systems. Now days with effective use of machine learning and deep learning techniques, it is possible to make the system flexible and cost effective. The deep learning based system has enormous potential, so that it can process a large number of input data and it can also control nonlinear functions. Here it should be discussed that from continuous monitoring of crop leaves images shall ensures the diseases identification.The research concludes that the quick advances in deep learning methodology will provide gainful and complete classification of crop with 98.7% to 99.9% accuracy. In this research, different cropdiseases are classified based on image processing and Convolutional neural network method. For classification of maize crop diseases, different models have been developed, compared, and finally best one is found out.Also the finest model has been tested for different crop diseases to check its consistency

    The post-development dictionary agenda : paths to the pluriverse

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552This article lays out both a critique of the oxymoron 'sustainable development', and the potential and nuances of a Post-Development agenda. We present ecological swaraj from India and Degrowth from Europe as two examples of alternatives to development. This gives a hint of the forthcoming book, provisionally titled The Post-Development Dictionary, that is meant to deepen and widen a research, dialogue and action agenda for activists, policymakers and scholars on a variety of worldviews and practices relating to our collective search for an ecologically wise and socially just world. This volume could be one base in the search for alternatives to United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in an attempt to truly transform the world. In fact, it is an agenda towards the pluriverse: 'a world where many worlds fit', as the Zapatista say

    Performance Analysis of Digital Video Watermarking using Discrete Cosine Transform

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    In this paper, we have suggested the transform domain method for digital video watermarking for embedding invisible watermarks behind the video. It is used for copyright protection as well as proof of ownership. In this paper, we first extracted the frames from the video and then used frequency domain characteristics of the frames for watermarking. In this paper, we have specifically used the characteristics of the Discrete Cosine Transform for watermarking and calculated different parameters

    Protected Area Governance and Management

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    Protected Area Governance and Management presents a compendium of original text, case studies and examples from across the world, by drawing on the literature, and on the knowledge and experience of those involved in protected areas. The book synthesises current knowledge and cutting-edge thinking from the diverse branches of practice and learning relevant to protected area governance and management. It is intended as an investment in the skills and competencies of people and consequently, the effective governance and management of protected areas for which they are responsible, now and into the future. The global success of the protected area concept lies in its shared vision to protect natural and cultural heritage for the long term, and organisations such as International Union for the Conservation of Nature are a unifying force in this regard. Nonetheless, protected areas are a socio-political phenomenon and the ways that nations understand, govern and manage them is always open to contest and debate. The book aims to enlighten, educate and above all to challenge readers to think deeply about protected areas—their future and their past, as well as their present

    El pluriverso, horizontes para una transformación civilizatoria

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    Este artículo expone una crítica al oxímoron del 'desarrollo sostenible', y también los detalles y el potencial de una agenda de investigación postdesarrollista para una transformación civilizatoria. Presentamos y discutimos tres ejemplos de alternativas al desarrollo: Swaraj Ecológico de la India, Buen Vivir del mundo indígena amazónico y andino de Latinoamérica, y Decrecimiento de Europa. Estos ofrecen pistas sobre nuestro libro titulado Pluriverso: Un diccionario del postdesarrollo (Icaria, 2019), que aspira a profundizar y ampliar una agenda de investigación, diálogo y acción para activistas, responsables de políticas y académicos, sobre diversas visiones del mundo y prácticas relacionadas con la búsqueda colectiva hacia un mundo ecológicamente sabio y socialmente justo. Este volumen puede servir como base en la búsqueda de alternativas a la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible propuesta por las Naciones Unidas, en un intento de transformar verdaderamente el mundo. De hecho, es una agenda hacia el 'Pluriverso': 'un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos', en palabras del Movimiento Zapatista