108 research outputs found

    Wetting of grain boundaries in ultrafine-grained copper by liquid bismuth

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    In the present work, we studied the effect of liquid Bi on the microstructure evolution of ultrafinegrained Cu at elevated temperatures

    Faceting of Twin Grain Boundaries in High-Purity Copper Subjected to High Pressure Torsion

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    Cluster approach in the film industry

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    The article consider the concepts of cluster and cultural cluster. The specifics of the cluster approach in film production are studied. The basic principles according to which film clusters exist are highlighted. The relationship between the state, companies that are directly involved in production, and companies that have direct and indirect influence at all stages of the creation of an audiovisual product. The work of regional film commissions, which are a guide between the state and film producers within the fixed territory, is considered. The models of regional cinema development in Russia are analysed. The analysis of the prerequisites for the creation of film clusters in the Russian regions is carried out. The key current problems in the regional cinema are identified. The main steps that regions need to take when developing a strategy for the comprehensive long-term development of regional film production are presented

    Organisational and economic aspects of the archives digitalisation of the State Film Fund of the Russian Federation

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    The object of the study is the State Film Fund of the Russian Federation; the subject is the project for the global digitisation of the State Film Fund’s film archives, launched at the end of 2018 and currently underway. The aim of the study is to analyse the State Film Fund’s digitisation project and to identify possible problems that may arise during its implementation. Research objectives are staff shortages problem analysis and the project’s socio-cultural and economic efficiency analysis. The study used the following methods: historical and genetic analysis, descriptive analysis of literature and media materials, qualitative content analysis of documents, reports and other materials, comparative analysis, secondary analysis of public opinion surveys and statistical data. The developed project of an educational portal can be practically implemented on the basis of the State Film Fund

    Possibilities assessment of the film cluster in the Kaliningrad Oblast functioning

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the problems and prospects of a film cluster in the Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Federation.   The following scientific research methods are used: analysis of scientific publications (articles), collection of primary information (conferences, round tables, foresight sessions, expert interviews), analysis of the regulatory framework. Empirical research methods are also involved: measuring quantitative data, conducting a survey and comparative analysis. The article substantiates the reasons why the Kaliningrad Oblast has been and remains an attractive region for film-makers. The analysis of available opportunities in the field of film production, film education, cast and other things is carried out. All aspects of the film industry are considered, including film festivals, film pitching and more. The work of the film commission is analyzed, in particular the rebate system introduced in 2017. The effectiveness of this system is evaluated in the light of the changes that occurred in it in 2020

    Analysis of the activities of the State Films Fund of Russian Federation in the context of digitalisation

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    The object of the study is the State Films Fund of Russian Federation, the subject is the project of global digitalisation of the film archives of the State Films Fund of Russian Federation, which started at the end of 2018 and is currently being implemented. The purpose of the study is to analyse the digitalization project and identify possible problems that may arise during its implementation. Research objectives: analysis of the problem of personnel shortage, analysis of the socio-cultural and economic efficiency of the project being implemented. The study used the method of historical and genetic analysis, descriptive analysis of literature and media materials, qualitative content analysis of documents, reports and other materials, comparative analysis, and secondary analysis of statistical data. The results of the study can be used in the implementation of the programme of digitilisation of the State Films Fund of Russian Federation archives in order to optimise this process and eliminate possible risks

    Identification of Ecologo-geochemical Anomalies in Bed Silt of Regions with Severe Climatic Conditions (on Example of Aykhalsky Mining Complex)

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    Ecologo-geochemical estimation of bed slit in Aykhalsky mining complex, located in the permafrost zone, is carried out. The unique natural and anthropogenic geoecological factors of ecological environment formation in cryozone districts are give

    Gradient bandgap narrowing in severely deformed ZnO nanoparticles

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    Gradient nanostructured metallic materials with a gradual change of grain boundary and dislocation density display unprecedent mechanical properties. Herein, we uncover a gradient of point defects concentration and concomitant gradient bandgap (E g) narrowing in metal oxide nanoparticles processed by a combination of severe shearing and frictional sliding deformation. Using the valence electron-energy loss spectroscopy technique, we find a gradual decrease of E g from 2.93 eV in the interior to 2.43 eV at the edge of the high-pressure torsion processed ZnO flake-shaped particle. This work paves the way to strain engineering of gradient-structured metal oxide semiconductors for unique functional properties

    Study the Association of Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Platelet Receptor and Cytochrome P450 Genes with the Development of Resistance to Antiplatelet Drugs in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

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    Aim. To study the association of nucleotide polymorphisms in platelet receptor and cytochrome P450 genes with the development of resistance to antiplatelet drugs in CHD patients.Material and Methods. The study included 243 patients diagnosed with CHD after coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), including 140 patients in the acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) treatment group and 103 patients in the dual antiplatelet therapy (DAT) group. All patients were tested for platelet aggregation using an optical aggregometer with inducers: 5 mM ADP and 1 mM arachidonic acid (AA). DNA samples were analyzed by allele-specific PCR for the presence of polymorphisms rs2046934, rs1126643, rs5918, rs6065, rs4244285 in the platelet receptor and cytochrome P450 genes.Results. No statistically significant differences were found during comparison of the prevalence of the studied polymorphisms in the platelet receptor and cytochrome P450 genes between the groups of aspirin-sensitive and aspirin-resistant patients, as well as between the groups of clopidogrelsensitive and clopidogrel-resistant patients. No association between carriage of the minor and major alleles of the polymorphisms studied and the development of antiplatelet drug resistance was found. In the group of patients on ASA therapy, carriers of the C allele of the T1565C (rs5918) ITGB3 polymorphism had a higher rate of AA-induced platelet aggregation compared to carriers of the T allele (18,49±25,92 vs 10,43±17,34, р=0,004).Conclusion. Polymorphisms of P2RY12 (rs2046934), ITGA2 (rs1126643), ITGB3 (rs5918), GP1BA (rs6065), CYP2C19*2 (rs4244285) genes are not associated with antiplatelet drug resistance in both patients on ASC therapy and on DAT. The presence of minor alleles of the rs2046934, rs1126643, rs6065, rs4244285 polymorphisms are not associated with increased platelet aggregation activity before CABG.However, in the group of patients on ASA therapy C-allele carriers of the rs5918 polymorphism of the ITGB3 gene had a higher rate of AA-induced platelet aggregation compared to T-allele carriers