272 research outputs found

    Development of aircraft lavatory compartments with improved fire resistance characteristics. Phase 4: Sandwich panel decorative ink development

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    Five chemically different resin systems with improved fire resistance properties were studied for a possible screenprinting ink application. Fire resistance is hereby defined as the cured ink possessing improvements in flammability, smoke emission, and thermal stability. The developed ink is for application to polyvinyl fluoride film. Only clear inks without pigments were considered. Five formulations were evaluated compared with KC4900 clear acrylic ink, which was used as a baseline. The tests used in the screening evaluation included viscosity, smoke and toxic gas emission, limiting oxygen index (LOI), and polyvinyl fluoride film (PVF) printability. A chlorofluorocarbon resin (FPC461) was selected for optimization studies. The parameters for optimization included screenprinting process performance, quality of coating, and flammability of screenprinted 0.051-mm (0.002-in.) white Tedlar. The quality of the screenprinted coating on Tedlar is dependent on viscosity, curing time, adhesion to polyvinyl fluoride film, drying time (both inscreen and as an applied film), and silk screen mesh material and porosity

    Laser and conventional near point cross cylinder and astigmatism measurements compared

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    Laser and conventional near point cross cylinder and astigmatism measurements compare

    Eindrapportage Aaltjesmanagement in de vollegrondsgroente 2002-2005

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    Het doel van dit project is het ontwikkelen en introduceren van aaltjesmanagement voor bedrijven in de vollegrondgroenteteelt om zodoende de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van de productie te kunnen verbeteren en te waarborgen op lange termijn. Met als subdoel de bewustwording van de vollegrondgroentetelers

    Toepassing GPS en GIS in de akkerbouw : nut en rendement van toepassingen op het gebied van geolandbouw

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    Het beschikbaar komen van systemen voor satelliet plaatsbepaling en navigatie, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) kan grote invloed hebben op de bedrijfsvoering en rendement van het akkerbouwbedrijf. Voor landbouwkundige toepassingen worden in snel tempo aan GNSS gerelateerde toepassingen en diensten ontwikkeld en aangeboden. Landbouw is in Nederland een grote en intensieve gebruiker van de open ruimte en kan daarmee profiteren van de mogelijkheden die GNSS biedt. Vaak is niet duidelijke welke waarde en betekenis deze toepassingen hebben voor de bedrijfsvoering. Een actueel overzicht van beschikbare toepassingen en diensten met een indicatie van de gevolgen voor het rendement wordt in dit rapport gegeve

    Efficacy and tolerability of a monophasic combined oral contraceptive containing nomegestrol acetate and 17β-oestradiol in a 24/4 regimen, in comparison to an oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol and drospirenone in a 21/7 regimen

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    Objectives: The primary objective was to assess the efficacy, cycle control and tolerability of a monophasic combined oral contraceptive (COC) containing nomegestrol acetate (NOMAC) and 17β-oestradiol (E2). Effects on acne were evaluated as a secondary objective. Results: were compared to those of a COC containing drospirenone (DRSP) and ethinylestradiol (EE). Methods Women (aged 1850 years) were randomised to receive NOMAC/E2 (2.5 mg/1.5 mg) in a 24/4-day regimen (n = 1591) or DRSP/EE (3 mg/30 μg) in a 21/7-day regimen (n = 535) for 13 cycles. Results: Estimated Pearl Indices for NOMAC/E2 and DRSP/EE were 0.38 and 0.81 in women aged ≤ 35 years and 0.31 and 0.66 for all women (18-50 years), respectively. Scheduled withdrawal bleedings were shorter and lighter among users of NOMAC/E2 and were sometimes absent altogether. Intracyclic bleeding/spotting was infrequent in both groups, and decreased over time. Type and frequency of adverse events were similar to those typically reported for COCs. Conclusions: These data show that NOMAC/E2 provides high contraceptive efficacy with acceptable cycle control as well as an overall adverse event profile similar to that of DRSP/EE

    Implementatie, demonstratie en communicatie geïntegreerde mechanische onkruidbestrijding in de vollegrondsgroententeelt

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    In de vollegrondsgroenteteelt is men in veel teelten nog afhankelijk van chemische onkruidbestrijding. De mogelijkheden van mechanische onkruidbestrijding zijn nog onderbelicht. In 2002 is er binnen het project Ruimte voor Groenten ervaring opgedaan met diverse machines en methodieken op 5 locaties met de gewassen prei, bloemkool en peen. Er blijkt in de praktijk bij een aantal specifieke gewassen behoeft te bestaan om werkelijk op bedrijfsniveau aan de slag te gaan met mechanische onkruidbestrijding en preventie. Het doel van dit project is het zichtbaar maken van de mogelijkheden van preventie en mechanische onkruidbestrijding op bedrijfsniveau. Mechanische onkruidbestrijding moet geen totale vervanger worden van chemische onkruidbestrijding, maar gebruikt worden als instrument ernaas

    A monoclonal antibody to Siglec-8 suppresses non-allergic airway inflammation and inhibits IgE-independent mast cell activation.

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    In addition to their well characterized role in mediating IgE-dependent allergic diseases, aberrant accumulation and activation of mast cells (MCs) is associated with many non-allergic inflammatory diseases, whereby their activation is likely triggered by non-IgE stimuli (e.g., IL-33). Siglec-8 is an inhibitory receptor expressed on MCs and eosinophils that has been shown to inhibit IgE-mediated MC responses and reduce allergic inflammation upon ligation with a monoclonal antibody (mAb). Herein, we evaluated the effects of an anti-Siglec-8 mAb (anti-S8) in non-allergic disease models of experimental cigarette-smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bleomycin-induced lung injury in Siglec-8 transgenic mice. Therapeutic treatment with anti-S8 inhibited MC activation and reduced recruitment of immune cells, airway inflammation, and lung fibrosis. Similarly, using a model of MC-dependent, IL-33-induced inflammation, anti-S8 treatment suppressed neutrophil influx, and cytokine production through MC inhibition. Transcriptomic profiling of MCs further demonstrated anti-S8-mediated downregulation of MC signaling pathways induced by IL-33, including TNF signaling via NF-κB. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that ligating Siglec-8 with an antibody reduces non-allergic inflammation and inhibits IgE-independent MC activation, supporting the evaluation of an anti-Siglec-8 mAb as a therapeutic approach in both allergic and non-allergic inflammatory diseases in which MCs play a role