1,089 research outputs found

    Straw biomass - potential raw material for ethanol production

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    Barley straw was found to be suitable raw material for ethanol production. Straw could be easily pre-treated with steam explosion, hydrolysed to monosaccharides and fermented to ethanol. The optimum harvesting times for bio-ethanol raw material are at grain maturity for barley straw. Potential raw material, barley harvested at full ear emergence, when straw is rich in soluble sugars, need further research

    Dear parents? : On the meaning of family for a pupil in special class

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    The aim of this study was to find out the meaning family has for a pupil who studies in a special class, or how important family is for the pupil's emotional life, the development of his self-confidence, freetime activities, attitudes on school, plans for further studies and his general social development. The theoretical base of this study was formed by social scientists' theories on postmodern family, which is due to urbanization and urban life style, and theories on family pluralism, the powerful effects that changes in family life have on pupils in special education, the weak self-confidence and low sosioeconomic background among those pupils and the effects of family's sosioeconomic status on pupil's willingness to get education or the theory on the accumulation of education. Study problems were set in the direction determined by these theories and in order to study the accurateness of the theories. The method used in the study was theme interview, which is sometimes also called half-structured interview. The material for the study was collected in October 1998 in a special school in Helsinki. The material contains answers given by pupils in theme interviews and background information about pupils' families, which where collected from the pupils' parents by mail. Content analysis was used to analyze the material. The study showed that it is very important to pupils' attitudes on school and their self-confidence that their families are entire and that the families give them support. The children, whose parents are interested in school education and discuss a lot about things, seem to have positive attitudes on school and good self-confidence, too. The parental support also has an effect on how the pupils spend their free time and on their hobbies, too. Obviously the families have quite an important meaning for pupils in special class, but if the families don't support them, the consequence is problems particularly for the development of self-confidence. The theory on the low sosioeconomic background among students in special education gets support from this study, but nothing can be said about it's effect on further studies. On account of the results it can be suggested that special schools must arrange occasions where the pupils' parents are clearly informed about the important meaning of their support for the pupils' studies and the development of the pupils' self-confidence. The most important sources for the theoretical background were the books written by Jallinoja, Kivinenand Rinne, Moberg, Scanzoni and P. Takala. The most important sources for the method were the books written by Hirsjärvi and Hurme and Pietilä.Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millainen merkitys perheellä on erityisluokalla koulua käyvälle oppilaalle, eli kuinka tärkeänä perhettä voidaan pitää tällaisen oppilaan tunne-elämän, itseluottamuksen kehittymisen, ajankäytön eli vapaa-ajan vieton ja sen sisällön, koulua kohtaan muodostettujen asenteiden, jatko-opintosuunnitelmien ja yleisen sosiaalisen kehityksen kannalta. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena perustana olivat sosiaalitieteelliset teoriat kaupungistumisen ja kaupunkilaisen elämäntavan synnyttämästä ns. postmodernista perheestä sekä teoriat perhepluralismista, perhe-elämässä tapahtuvien muutosten voimakkaista vaikutuksista erityisluokkien oppilaitten kohdalla, näitten oppilaitten heikosta itseluottamuksesta ja alhaisesta sosioekonomisesta taustasta sekä perheen sosioekonomisen aseman vaikutuksesta oppilaan koulutushalukkuuteen eli teoria koulutuksen kasautumisesta. Tutkimusongelmat asetettiin näitten teorioitten suuntaisesti, niitä testaaviksi. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin lokakuussa 1998 eräässä helsinkiläisessä erityiskoulussa. Aineisto koostuu oppilaitten teemahaastatteluissa antamista vastauksista ja oppilaitten vanhemmilta postitse pyydetyistä perheitä koskevista taustatiedoista. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimus osoitti, että perheen eheydellä ja sen antamalla tuella on erittäin suuri merkitys sekä oppilaan koulunkäyntiä koskeville asenteille että oppilaan itseluottamukselle. Koulunkäynnistä kiinnostuneiden ja asioista keskustelevien vanhempien lapset näyttävät itsekin suhtautuvan kouluun myönteisesti ja heidän itseluottamuksensa on hyvä. Vanhempien tuki vaikuttaa myös vapaa-ajanviettoon ja harrastamiseen. Perheillä ilmeisesti on erityisluokan oppilaille varsin suuri merkitys, mutta jos perhe ei tue heitä, seurauksena on ongelmia etenkin itseluottamuksen kehittymisessä. Teoria erityisoppilaiden alhaisesta sosioekonomisesta taustasta saa tästä tutkimuksesta vahvistusta, mutta sen vaikutuksesta jatko-opintoihin ei voida tehdä päätelmiä. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan esittää, että erityiskouluissa on järjestettävä tilaisuuksia, joissa oppilaitten vanhemmille tuodaan selvästi julki heidän antamansa tuen ja kannustuksensa tärkeä merkitys oppilaitten koulunkäynnille sekä heidän itseluottamuksensa kehittymiselle. Taustateorian kannalta tärkeimmät lähteet olivat Jallinojan, Kivisen ja Rinteen, Mobergin, Scanzonin jaP. Takalan teokset. Tutkimusmenetelmän kannalta tärkeitä olivat Hirsjärven ja Hurmeen sekä Pietilän teokset

    Interdigital phlegmon in Finnish dairy herds

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    Interdigital phlegmon (IP) is an infectious hoof disease of cattle. Typically, it causes severe clinical signs, such as lameness, and hence impacts cattle welfare. IP has been a well-known disease of both dairy and beef cattle all over the world for decades. In general, IP occurs as sporadic infections. Lately however, outbreaks of IP have been detected in dairy herds in Finland. Most of these outbreaks have occurred in recently built or renovated free stall barns. In these outbreaks morbidity in IP has been substantial, which has led to the extensive use of antimicrobials and heavy financial losses associated with affected herds. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the characteristics of the IP outbreaks in Finnish dairy herds and to explore the morbidity, clinical manifestation and degree of inflammation of the affected animals in these outbreaks. Moreover, we aimed to investigate the bacteriology in IP, i.e. to investigate several bacteria detected earlier from hoof diseases. An additional objective was to identify herd level risk factors behind these outbreaks. This thesis is based on three studies. The first two were observational, cross-sectional studies, which were performed on commercial free stall dairy herds. The majority of the herds suffered from an outbreak of IP and three herds were unaffected control herds. Altogether 100 cows with IP were clinically checked, diagnosed, and sampled for the bacteriological culture and PCR, and analysis of acute phase proteins; serum amyloid A, haptoglobin and albumin. Cows with other hoof diseases and control cows were sampled similarly for comparison. The third study was a survey of free stall dairy herds of ≥50 cows. We sought general herd data, barn characteristics, herd management details, and asked questions about leg and claw health of the herd. Based on the replies, the risk factors for an outbreak of IP to occur were investigated among farms that had experienced an outbreak and farms that had not. Fusobacterium necrophorum ssp. necrophorum is the main IP pathogen. The most common finding in IP samples in the early, acute stage was a combination of F. necrophorum and Dichelobacter nodosus. Trueperella pyogenes was frequently associated with IP at the later, healing stage. However, various bacterial combinations existed in IP samples. In outbreak herds, the morbidity was either high (≥50%), or moderate (9 – 33%), and no herd had intermediate morbidity. Strong acute phase response was detected among IP cows in the early stage of the disease; the values for serum amyloid A and haptoglobin were clearly elevated, and albumin decreased in comparison with the case for other hoof diseases or control cows in our study. The acute phase response was even greater in herds of high morbidity and with a bacterial combination of F. necrophorum and D. nodosus. The possible herd level risk factors for an outbreak of IP to occur were animal movement between herds, i.e. animal purchase or contract heifer rearing, enlargement of the barn within three years, and fields under organic farming. Mechanical ventilation in the barn seemed to lower the risk. Moreover, herds that had experienced an IP outbreak more often had other infectious hoof diseases. Based on our study results, the same cow may have several hoof diseases and a thorough clinical inspection is essential in diagnosing IP, also during an IP outbreak. Furthermore, IP causes severe clinical signs and a very strong APR. Thus, an anti-inflammatory should be included in the treatment of affected animals. Even though F. necrophorum is the key pathogen in IP, in the disease process several other bacteria play a role, such as D. nodosus, which may affect the severity of IP. To lower the risk of an IP outbreak, new cattle should be purchased very cautiously, if at all, and enlargement of the barn should be constructed without undue restrictions being placed on time and labour inputs.Sorkkavälin ajotulehdusta on esiintynyt naudoilla ympäri maailmaa jo vuosikymmeniä. Yleensä vain yksittäiset eläimet sairastuvat, mutta viime vuosina Suomessa on todettu taudinpurkauksia etenkin uusissa lypsykarjapihatoissa. Ajotulehdus aiheuttaa voimakkaita oireita, kuten ontumista ja heikentää siten eläinten hyvinvointia. Koska sairastuneet hoidetaan antibiooteilla, aiheutuu epidemiasta isoja taloudellisia tappioita tiloille. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia ajotulehdusepidemioita, kuten eläinten sairastuvuutta, taudin kliinistä kuvaa, sairastuneiden tulehdusvastetta ja ajotulehduksen bakteriologiaa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli löytää epidemioiden riskitekijöitä. Tämä väitöskirjaa koostuu 3 osatyöstä. Kaksi osatyötä toteutettiin lypsykarjatiloilla, joilla oli äskettäin puhjennut ajotulehdusepidemia. Lehmät tutkittiin ja niiden sorkkavälistä otettiin bakteriologisia näytteitä. Lisäksi verinäytteistä analysoitiin tulehdusta ilmentäviä akuutin vaiheen proteiineja. Ajotulehduslehmien lisäksi näytteitä otettiin terveiltä verrokkilehmiltä ja muita sorkkasairauksia sairastavilta lehmiltä. Kolmas osatyö oli kaikille lypsykarjatuottajille (lehmämäärä ≥50) lähetetty kyselytutkimus. Kysyimme tietoja karjasta, navetan ominaisuuksista, tilan toimintatavoista ja karjan sorkka- ja jalkaterveydestä. Epidemiatiloilla sairastuvuus oli korkea (≥50 %) tai keskinkertainen (9–33 %). Ajotulehduksen pääaiheuttaja on Fusobacterium necrophorum ssp. necrophorum –bakteeri, mutta näytteistä todettiin myös muita bakteereita ja bakteeriyhdistelmiä. Tyypillisin yhdistelmä ajotulehduksen alkuvaiheessa oli F. necrophorum ja Dichelobacter nodosus. Trueperella pyogenes todettiin usein ajotulehduksen myöhemmässä vaiheessa. Ajotulehduksen alkuvaiheessa havaittiin verinäytteiden perusteella voimakas akuutin vaiheen tulehdusvaste, joka oli voimakkaampi korkean sairastuvuuden tiloilla ja eläimillä, joilla todettiin bakteeriyhdistelmä F. necrophorum ja D. nodosus. Karjatason riskitekijöinä havaittiin tilojen välinen eläinliikenne, äskettäin tehty navettalaajennus ja peltojen luomuviljely. Toisaalta koneellinen ilmanvaihto navetassa vähensi riskiä epidemialle. Lisäksi havaittiin, että ajotulehdustiloilla oli useammin muita tarttuvia sorkkasairauksia. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että ajotulehdus aiheuttaa vakavat oireet ja voimakkaan akuutin vaiheen vasteen, joten sairastuneille tulee antaa myös kipulääkitys. F. necrophorum on ajotulehduksen pääpatogeeni, mutta myös muilla bakteereilla on rooli taudinkuvassa. Uusia eläimiä tulisi ostaa harkitusti ja mieluummin miettiä vaihtoehtoisia menetelmiä karjan laajentamiseksi

    Adsorption of Polystyrene from Theta Condition on Cellulose and Silica Studied by Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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    Adsorption of hydrophobic polymers from a nonpolar solvent medium is an underutilized tool for modification of surfaces, especially of soft matter. Adsorption of polystyrene (PS) from a theta solvent (50/50 vol % toluene/heptane) on ultrathin model films of cellulose was studied with a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), using three different PS grades with monodisperse molecular weights (Mws). Comparison of cellulose to silica as an adsorbent was presented. Adsorption on both surfaces was mainly irreversible under the studied conditions. Characteristically to polymer monolayer formation, the mass of the adsorbing polymer increased with its Mw. The initial step of the layer formation was similar on both surfaces, but silica showed a stronger tendency for the formation of a loosely bound overlayer upon molecular rearrangements as the adsorption process proceeded. Despite the slightly less extended layers formed on cellulose at increasing Mw values, the overall thickness of the adsorbing wet layers on both surfaces was of the similar order of magnitude as the radius of gyration of the adsorbate molecule. Decent degree of hydrophobization of cellulose could be reached with all studied PS grades when the time allowed for adsorption was sufficient. QCM-D, a method conventionally utilized for studying aqueous systems, turned out to be a suitable tool for studying the adsorption process of hydrophobic polymers on soft polymeric matter such as cellulose taking place in a nonpolar solvent environment

    Impact dehulling oat grain to improve quality of on-farm produced feed. I. Hullability and associated changes in nutritive value and energy content

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    High hull content of oat (Avena sativa L.) limits its use as on-farm feed. Dehulling, used in the oat processing industry, can be performed on-farm, to increase nutritive value and energy content. A laboratory model of an impact oat dehuller, similar to a commercial device, was used to study the effects of rotation speed, grain characteristics and moisture content on hullability and groat energy content. Grain of oat cultivar Salo [from official variety trials, MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen (60°49'N), 1996–2000] was assessed for quality prior to dehulling. Impact dehulling rotation speed ranged from 200 to 500 r min-1 at 50 r min-1 intervals, with moisture content of grains ranging from 10% up to 18%. Dehulling improved oat energy content markedly. Hullability was better at higher rotation speeds. 350 r min-1 was determined to be adequate to result in improved quality as no marked additional improvements were demonstrated by increasing rotation speed further. As the proportion of hulless groats increased with higher rotation speeds, nutritional and energy content of groat yield improved consistently. The higher the grain moisture, the higher the proportion of grains retaining hulls. Impact dehulling proved to be a potentially useful method to increase energy content of oat grains on-farm

    Tarso-syysvehnä ja Fidelio-ruisvehnä uutuuslajikkeita

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    Syysvehnäsadosta suurin osa käytetään leipävehnäksi, osa tärkkelystuotantoon ja osa rehuvehnänä. Tärkkelys- ja rehuvehnän leivontalaadulla ei ole väliä. Vuonna 2000 Tiken tilaston mukaan syysvehnää viljeltiin maassamme paljon, 40 000 hehtaarin alalla. Syksyn 2000 syysvehnäkylvöt jäivät 30 800 hehtaariin. Ruisvehnää, syyskylvöistä rehuviljaa, viljeltiin viime vuonna 2 300 hehtaarilla.vokKV

    Ways of Following

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    In Ways of Following, Katve-Kaisa Kontturi offers rare, intimate access to artists’ studios and exhibitions, where art processes thrive in their material-relational becoming. The book argues for an ethical and affirmative mode of engaging with contemporary art that replaces critical distance with sensuous and transformative proximity. From writing-with to dancing and breathing, from conversations to modelling, it maps ways of following that make the moving materiality of art intensively felt. Drawing on long-term engagements with selected contemporary artists and their art-in-process, Kontturi expands the concept and practice of collaboration from human interactions to working with, and between, materials. With this shift, Ways of Following radically rethinks such core tenets of art theory as intention, artistic influences and the autonomy of art, bringing new urgency to the work of art and its political capacity to propose new ways of being and thinking

    Mallasohran reagointi typpilannoitukseen

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