436 research outputs found

    An attempt to partition stomatal and non-stomatal ozone deposition parts on a short grassland

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    To evaluate the damaging effect of tropospheric ozone on vegetation, it is important to evaluate the stomatal uptake of ozone. Although the stomatal flux is a dominant pathway of ozone deposition onto vegetated surfaces, non-stomatal uptake mechanisms such as soil and cuticular deposition also play a vital role, especially when the leaf area index LAI<4. In this study, we partitioned the canopy conductance into stomatal and non-stomatal components. To calculate the stomatal conductance of water vapour for sparse vegetation, we firstly partitioned the latent heat flux into effects of transpiration and evaporation using the Shuttleworth–Wallace (SW) model. We then derived the stomatal conductance of ozone using the Penman–Monteith (PM) theory based on the similarity to water vapour conductance. The non-stomatal conductance was calculated by subtracting the stomatal conductance from the canopy conductance derived from directly-measured fluxes. Our results show that for short vegetation (LAI=0.25) dry deposition of ozone was dominated by the non-stomatal flux, which exceeded the stomatal flux even during the daytime. At night the stomatal uptake of ozone was found to be negligibly small. In the case of vegetation with LAI≈1, the daytime stomatal and non-stomatal fluxes were of the same order of magnitude. These results emphasize that non-stomatal processes must be considered even in the case of well-developed vegetation where cuticular uptake is comparable in magnitude with stomatal uptake, and especially in the case of vegetated surfaces with LAI<4 where soil uptake also has a role in ozone deposition

    Excitation of Giant Spin-Isospin Multipole Vibrations in 54,56-Fe and 58,60-Ni

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    The SWI/SNF ATP-Dependent Chromatin Remodeling Complex in Arabidopsis Responds to Environmental Changes in Temperature-Dependent Manner

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    SWI/SNF ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes (CRCs) play important roles in the regulation of transcription, cell cycle, DNA replication, repair, and hormone signaling in eukaryotes. The core of SWI/SNF CRCs composed of a SWI2/SNF2 type ATPase, a SNF5 and two of SWI3 subunits is sufficient for execution of nucleosome remodeling in vitro. The Arabidopsis genome encodes four SWI2/SNF2 ATPases, four SWI3, a single SNF5 and two SWP73 subunits. Genes of the core SWI/SNF components have critical but not fully overlapping roles during plant growth, embryogenesis, and sporophyte development. Here we show that the Arabidopsis swi3c mutant exhibits a phenotypic reversion when grown at lower temperature resulting in partial restoration of its embryo, root development and fertility defects. Our data indicates that the swi3c mutation alters the expression of several genes engaged in low temperature responses. The location of SWI3C-containing SWI/SNF CRCs on the ICE1, MYB15 and CBF1 target genes depends on the temperature conditions, and the swi3c mutation thus also influences the transcription of several cold-responsive (COR) genes. These findings, together with genetic analysis of swi3c/ice1 double mutant and enhanced freezing tolerance of swi3c plants illustrate that SWI/SNF CRCs contribute to fine-tuning of plant growth responses to different temperature regimes

    SWP73 Subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complexes Play Distinct Roles in Leaf and Flower Development

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    Arabidopsis thaliana SWP73A and SWP73B are homologs of mammalian BRAHMA-associated factors (BAF60s) that tether SWITCH/SUCROSE NONFERMENTING chromatin remodeling complexes to transcription factors of genes regulating various cell differentiation pathways. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana SWP73s modulate several important developmental pathways. While undergoing normal vegetative development, swp73a mutants display reduced expression of FLOWERING LOCUS C and early flowering in short days. By contrast, swp73b mutants are characterized by retarded growth, severe defects in leaf and flower development, delayed flowering, and male sterility. MNase-Seq, transcript profiling, and ChIP-Seq studies demonstrate that SWP73B binds the promoters of ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 and 2, KANADI1 and 3, and YABBY2, 3, and 5 genes, which regulate leaf development and show coordinately altered transcription in swp73b plants. Lack of SWP73B alters the expression patterns of APETALA1, APETALA3, and the MADS box gene AGL24, whereas other floral organ identity genes show reduced expression correlating with defects in flower development. Consistently, SWP73B binds to the promoter regions of APETALA1 and 3, SEPALLATA3, LEAFY, UNUSUAL FLORAL ORGANS, TERMINAL FLOWER1, AGAMOUS-LIKE24, and SUPPRESSOR OF CONSTANS OVEREXPRESSION1 genes, and the swp73b mutation alters nucleosome occupancy on most of these loci. In conclusion, SWP73B acts as important modulator of major developmental pathways, while SWP73A functions in flowering time control