250 research outputs found

    Ethical considerations in solving economic problems

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    The article addresses the issue of ethics in business. The positive attitude to ethics declared by some liberal economists confronts business units with new dilemmas. The economic conflicts, wars, and pandemic crisis treated as a challenge for economic recovery highlight the ethical side of choices. In this way, individualistic rationality is confronted with multilateral benefits. The relation between ethical norms and economic criteria considers the point of view respecting human participation in the process of managing a business. As a consequence, ignorance of ethics in business as a concept of applied ethics, which means ethical relativism, leads man to a crisis of values depriving the system of the liberal economy of a sense of orientation and thus hindering the search for rational solutions.Ethics introduces a personalistic dimension to economic considerations associated with an individual responsibility coming from respect for human values and dignity. In the social aspect, compliance with ethics is acondition of mutual acceptance, cooperation, and bonding within the community. Ultimately, the place of ethics in economics is a consequence of the relationship of economics with humans and, at the same time, the attitude of individuals to ethics. Paying more attention to ethical issues serves the humanisation of economic relations, displaces business egotism, and awakens the tendency to cooperate by seeking the common good

    Looking For The Fundamentals Of Post-Crisis Economics

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    The current global crisis leads to new theoretical concepts that will go beyond neoclassical economics. The behavioral approach helps to understand business choices, autonomy, subjectivity, efficiency, etc., and finally, it goes to define such categories as business personality, goals, values, rationality, ethics, and relations in environment. The inevitable conclusion is to replace "profit maximization" with the “business development” paradigm. This article explains fundamentals of this new positive behavioral economics paradigm


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    Consideration of the article is focused on the phenomenon of diversity of enterprises management operating in similar conditions under the choice of business model. The article is an attempt to demonstrate the impact of business model for perception of reality, adaptation to changes and implementation of a strategy. There are presented arguments showing that the orientation of the business model to the capital market has a direct impact on the operational activity and strategic options of the company. In the longer term it affects the nature of business and opportunities of its development.This means that during the financial crisis and market distortions, the business model of the stock company may disturb operations and opportunities for its growth. This phenomenon is associated with “monetarist thinking” and acceptance of the processes of the “financialisation” of economy, which ignores real dimension of business. Business management focused on capital market may transmit negative signals not noticing the serious threats, the imbalance of economic structures, the collapse of economic equilibrium, lack of respect for the principles of the free market and the dominance of monopolistic structures, which falsify assumptions of market efficiency. In this connection, the question arises to what extent the enterprises performing the business model of the stock exchange operator are exposed to specific risks due to lack of stability of the financial markets.</p

    Angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors in adrenal tumours

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    Formowanie nowych naczyń krwionośnych jest istotnym czynnikiem w procesie rozwoju nowotworu oraz dawaniu przerzutów odległych. Dlatego też badania nad czynnikami proangiogennymi oraz antyangiogennymi przyciągają uwagę wielu badaczy. W niniejszej pracy przedstwiamy czynniki pro- i antyangiogenne oraz ich rolę w tworzeniu nowych naczyń krwionośnych w guzach nadnerczy. Ocena procesów angiogenezy, jak również ocena wzoru naczyniowego w guzach nadnerczy, może być istotna dla rozróżnienia pomiędzy zmianami złośliwymi a łagodnymi. Wiedza na temat angiogenezy może być zatem pomocna w poszukiwaniu nowych strategii leczenia u chorych ze złośliwymi guzami nadnerczy.It appears that neoangiogenesis is an important factor in tumour invasion and the formation of metastases in several human cancers, and studies on pro-angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors are therefore of considerable interest to researchers. In this review we present pro-angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors and other growth factors and their role in the formation of new blood vessels in adrenal tumours. Assessment of the angiogenic status of adrenal tumours and their vascular pattern may be useful for discriminating benign from malignant lesions and knowledge of their angiogenesis may be essential to the drawing up of promising treatment strategies for patients with malignant tumours

    The relationship between leptin and obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in men with acute myocardial infarction

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    Background: Leptin, a hormone-like peptide secreted by adipose tissue, is a strong correlate of obesity. Conflicting data exist concerning leptin as an independent risk factor of coronary artery disease. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between leptin and obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in men with acute myocardial infarction. Methods: Two groups of patients who had experienced their first acute myocardial infarction were analysed: 40 obese and 40 non-obese men. Waist and hip circumferences, waist-to-hip ratio, C-reactive protein (CRP), uric acid, fasting glucose, lipid profile and leptin were measured. Results: Mean leptin was significantly higher in obese than in non-obese patients (46.7 ng/ml &#177; 18.7 vs. 15.6 ng/ml &#177; 11.9; p < 0.01). Leptin levels correlated positively with all anthropometric measurements, fasting glucose, triglyceride levels, CRP and uric acid and negatively with HDL-cholesterol. Conclusions: In patients with acute myocardial infarction, obesity is related to increased leptin. The subcutaneous fat compartment seems to be an important determinant of plasma leptin concentration. Leptinemia is associated with several biochemical disorders, suggesting that leptin may be a pathogenetic factor in cardiovascular disease. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 252-259

    Sixty Years of Manned Spaceflight—Incidents and Accidents Involving Astronauts between Launch and Landing

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    Introduction: Since Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and complete one orbit around the Earth, on 12 April 1961, the number of manned spaceflights has increased significantly. Spaceflight is still complex and has potential risk for incidents and accidents. The aim of this study was to analyze how safe it is for humans to travel in space. Objectives: This paper, therefore, summarizes incidents and accidents covering the six decades of manned spaceflight (1961–2020). Material and methods: Extensive PubMed, Cochrane, and Google Scholar searches were made with search strings of “incidents”, “accident”, “spaceflight”, and “orbit”, and including all vehicles so far. Search terms were combined by AND or OR in search strings. Of the results obtained, studies which evaluated manned spaceflight were included in the study. Data from the National Aeronautics Space Agency (NASA), the Russian Space Agency (ROSCOSMOS), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Chinese Space Agency (CNSA), as well as from the Virgin Galactic and the SpaceX databases, were searched to complete data and to identify all the accomplished manned spaceflights, as well as all incidents and accidents that have occurred in the specific period. Search results were compared to findings on Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Astronautica, and other public webpages. Reference lists of included articles/homepages were also included for further potential data. Results: From 1961–2020, our data revealed an increasing number of manned space flights, n = 327. The number of times an astronaut has been sent to space, n = 1294, resulted in an accumulated n = 19,414 days spent in space. The number of days spent in orbit has constantly increased from 1961 until today. The number of incidents (altogether n = 36) and accidents (altogether n = 5) has constantly decreased. The number of astronauts who have died during spaceflight is represented by n = 19. The current statistical fatality rate is 5.8% (deaths per spaceflight) with the highest fatality rate in the 1960s (0.013 deaths/day spent in space), and the lowest rates in the 1990s and the period from 2010 until the present (no deaths). The most dangerous phases of spaceflight are launch, landing and staying in orbit. Altogether, n = 12 incidents (incident rate per spaceflight: 0.04) and one accident (accident rate: 0.003) during launch have been reported, n = 9 incidents (incident rate: 0.03) and two accidents (accident rate: 0.006) have been reported during landing and n = 10 incidents (incident rate: 0.03) have been reported in orbit. Discussion: Manned spaceflight over the last six decades has become significantly safer. Since 2003, no astronaut fatality has been reported. With greater international cooperation and maintaining of the International Space Station (ISS), the number of manned spaceflights and days spent in space has constantly increased, with constantly lower rates of incidents and accidents

    Zasilanie urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych –prace prowadzone w Instytucie Łączności. Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne, 2009, nr 3-4

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    Wskazano prace z zakresu zasilania urządzeń telekomunikacyjnych, prowadzone w latach 1947–2009 najpierw w Państwowym Instytucie Telekomunikacyjnym, a później w Instytucie Łączności w Warszawie. Zwrócono uwagę na duże zaangażowanie pracowników Zakładu Systemów Zasilania w rozwiązywanie skomplikowanych problemów dotyczących zasilania

    A Rough Set-Based Model of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Resistome

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    Reverse transcriptase (RT) is a viral enzyme crucial for HIV-1 replication. Currently, 12 drugs are targeted against the RT. The low fidelity of the RT-mediated transcription leads to the quick accumulation of drug-resistance mutations. The sequence-resistance relationship remains only partially understood. Using publicly available data collected from over 15 years of HIV proteome research, we have created a general and predictive rule-based model of HIV-1 resistance to eight RT inhibitors. Our rough set-based model considers changes in the physicochemical properties of a mutated sequence as compared to the wild-type strain. Thanks to the application of the Monte Carlo feature selection method, the model takes into account only the properties that significantly contribute to the resistance phenomenon. The obtained results show that drug-resistance is determined in more complex way than believed. We confirmed the importance of many resistance-associated sites, found some sites to be less relevant than formerly postulated and—more importantly—identified several previously neglected sites as potentially relevant. By mapping some of the newly discovered sites on the 3D structure of the RT, we were able to suggest possible molecular-mechanisms of drug-resistance. Importantly, our model has the ability to generalize predictions to the previously unseen cases. The study is an example of how computational biology methods can increase our understanding of the HIV-1 resistome