756 research outputs found

    Phase sensitive absolute amplitude detection of surface vibrations using homodyne interferometry without active stabilization

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    A detection scheme for obtaining phase and absolute amplitude information of surface vibrations on microacoustic components using homodyne laser interferometry is described. The scheme does not require active stabilization of the optical path length of the interferometer. The detection setup is realized in a homodyneMichelson interferometer configuration, and selected measurements on a 374 MHz surface acoustic wave fan-shaped filter and two different piezoelectrically actuated micromechanical resonators are presented to demonstrate the performance of the instrument. With the current detection electronics, the interferometer is capable of detecting out-of-plane surface vibrations up to 2 GHz with a lateral resolution of better than 1 μm and with a minimum detectable vibration amplitude of ∼1 pm.Peer reviewe

    Social competence and moderate to vigorous physical activity of school-aged children through a creative physical education intervention

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    Traditional school physical education focuses on physical skills or strategieswith an expectation that learning these skills lead to healthier lifestyle outsidephysical education classes, while children’s overall moderate to vigorousphysical activity (MVPA) is widely decreasing. Creative Physical Education(CPE) understands physical education more holistically, as the central pedagogical element of movement is social learning. The current study examinedthe development of social competence in school physical education (PE) andtotal moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) participation through aCPE-based intervention. Participants were 363 (177 intervention, 186 control) children from public elementary schools in Central Finland. The datacollection was completed across two measurement points using questionnaires. The key findings were that: 1) the associations between social competence and MVPA engagement were relatively weak and 2) the 12-month intervention was effective in increasing students’ social competence in PE andtotal MVPA engagement. CPE teaching practices could provide positive social experiences in PE. However, applying new strategies into actual schoolsettings may take time, and therefore, children need to be given sufficienttimeframe to take ownership of the activities

    An Approach to Solid Phase Identification in a Ca-S-O System by Quantitative Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis

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    Solid phases formed in the limestone sulphation reaction were identified by scanning electron microscopy with backscattered electron (BSE) imaging and by quantitative energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalysis of calcium and sulphur. Since calcium and sulphur can form several compounds in the Ca-S-O system, two quantities, the sum of oxides (CaO+SO3) and the molar ratio (CaO/SO3), were used to calculate empirical formulae for the compounds actually present. A method for analysing the experimental results is proposed, the mathematical expressions employed are presented and the numerical coefficients tabulated. It is shown with some examples that the method used here provides useful criteria for the identification of limestone sulphation products

    Geopolymeerin automatisoitu valmistus

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä diplomityössä on suunniteltu ja rakennettu robottisolu, jolla pystytään valmistamaan geopolymeerejä automaattisesti reseptin perusteella. Työn tavoitteena on saada valmistettua yksi geopolymeerinäyte täysin automaattisesti. Robottisolun lopullinen päämäärä on valmistaa geopolymeerejä erilaisilla resepteillä ja tehdä mittauksia valmistuneiden geopolymeerien ominaisuuksista. Robottisolu koostuu manipulaattorista, useista mekaanisista osista, useista toimilaitteista ja koko systeemiä ohjaavasta ohjelmoitavasta logiikasta. Manipulaattorina toimii KUKA KR10 käsivarsirobotti, joka on ohjelmoitu WorkVisual-ohjelmalla. Ohjelmoitava logiikka on koodattu TwinCat3-ohjelmalla. Työn teoriaosassa käsitellään tärkeimpiä piirteitä teollisuusroboteista ja niiden ohjelmoimisesta. Tämän jälkeen perehdytään ohjelmoitavaan logiikkaan ja diplomityön kannalta oleellisiin ohjelmointikieliin. Teoriaosuuden lopussa esitellään teollisen Ethernetin ja kenttäväylien toimintaa sekä luokituksia. Käytännön osuudessa käydään läpi robottisolun vaatimukset ja suunnitelma. Tämän jälkeen esitellään toteutetut mekaaniset ratkaisut automaation toteuttamiseksi. Lopuksi käydään vielä lyhyesti läpi PLC:n ja KR10:n koodin rakenne, sekä robottisolun turvallisuuden toteutus. Tuloksien tarkastelu on toteutettu tekemällä yksi geopolymeerikoesarja diplomityön tavoitteen mukaisesti sekä tarkastelemalla valmistuksessa ilmenneitä ongelmia.Automated geopolymer manufacturing. Abstract. The subject of this Master’s Thesis is to design and build a robot cell to manufacture geopolymers automatically, guided by given recipe in Excel-form. The goal of this work is to manufacture one geopolymer sample with the robot cell as well as human could do it. Robot cells purpose is to create geopolymers with many different recipes and do some testing to analyze quality of created geopolymers. Robot cell contains a manipulator, a lot of mechanical parts, actuators and logic which controls the whole system. Manipulator is KUKAs KR10 robot arm, which is pro-grammed by WorkVisual-program. The programmable logic is programmed by Twin-Cat3-program. At first in theoretical part industrial robots and the most important features of program-ming industrial robots are introduced. After that, programmable logic controllers and dif-ferent programming languages to program PLCs are presented. The last theoretical part is about industrial Ethernet and fieldbuses. In practical part of the thesis is brought out the requirements of robot cell and how it is going to be executed. All designed mechanical parts are introduced and explained. At the end of practical part is shortly explained how PLCs and KR10s code has been built. Results is the last part of the thesis. In results all the problems that occurred during making test samples are discussed and the future plans are told

    Role of spatial anisotropy in design storm generation: Experiment and interpretation

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    Rainfall accumulation depths over a given area are strongly dependent on the shape of the storm together with its direction of advection. A method to produce design storms exhibiting anisotropic spatial scaling is presented by combining a state-of-the-art stochastic rainfall generator STEPS with the linear generalized scale invariance (GSI) notation. The enhanced model is used to create ensembles of design storms based on an extreme storm with a distinct rainband shape observed in Melbourne, Australia. Design storms are generated both with and without accounting for anisotropy. Effect of anisotropy on precipitation characteristics is studied using the entire region covered by the radar (radar scale) and at a significantly smaller catchment scale. A rainfall-runoff model is applied to route the rainfall through the catchment into streamflow. Accounting for anisotropy allows for a more realistic description of precipitation features at the radar scale. At the catchment scale, anisotropy increases the probability of high rainfall accumulations, which translates into greater flood volumes. No discernible difference was observed in streamflow characteristics after controlling for the accumulation over the catchment. This could be explained by a lower importance of anisotropy relative to other factors affecting streamflow generation, and by the difficulties in creating representative rainfall temporal properties at the catchment scale when the radar scale is used for model calibration. The proposed method provides a tool to create ensembles of design storms when the anisotropic shape of the fields is of importance.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of energy trapping in a bulk acoustic wave resonator

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    Acoustic wave fields both within the active electrode area of a solidly mounted 1.8 GHz bulk acoustic waveresonator, and around it in the surrounding region, are measured using a heterodyne laser interferometer. Plate-wave dispersion diagrams for both regions are extracted from the measurement data. The experimental dispersion data reveal the cutoff frequencies of the acoustic vibration modes in the region surrounding the resonator, and, therefore, the energy trapping range of the resonator can readily be determined. The measureddispersionproperties of the surrounding region, together with the abruptly diminishing amplitude of the dispersion curves in the resonator, signal the onset of acoustic leakage from the resonator. This information is important for verifying and further developing the simulation tools used for the design of the resonators. Experimental wave field images, dispersion diagrams for both regions, and the threshold for energy leakage are discussed.Peer reviewe