1,178 research outputs found

    Automatische mastitisdetectie uitkomst voor veel bedrijven

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    Automatische detectie van mastitis is een goed alternatief voor de observatie van de uiergezondheid tijdens het melken, vooral op bedrijven met een melkrobot of een grote veestapel. Dit is aangetoond bij een praktijkproef van de inzet van een detectiemodel voor mastitis als internettoepassing. Het onderzoek maakt deel uit van het project Precision Livestock Farmin

    RORA and Posttraumatic Stress Trajectories: Main Effects and Interactions with Childhood Physical Abuse History.

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    BACKGROUND: Longitudinal studies of posttraumatic stress (PTS) have documented environmental factors as predictors of trajectories of higher, versus lower, symptoms, among them experiences of childhood physical abuse. Although it is now well-accepted that genes and environments jointly shape the risk of PTS, no published studies have investigated genes, or gene-by-environment interactions (GxEs), as predictors of PTS trajectories. The purpose of this study was to fill this gap. METHODS AND MATERIALS: We examined associations between variants of the retinoid-related orphan receptor alpha (RORA) gene and trajectory membership among a sample of predominantly non-Hispanic Black urban adults (N = 473). The RORA gene was selected based on its association with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the first PTSD genome wide association study. Additionally, we explored GxEs between RORA variants and childhood physical abuse history. RESULTS: We found that the minor allele of the RORA SNP rs893290 was a significant predictor of membership in a trajectory of consistently high PTS, relatively to a trajectory of consistently low PTS. Additionally, the GxE of rs893290 with childhood physical abuse was significant. Decomposition of the interaction showed that minor allele frequency was more strongly associated with membership in consistently high or decreasing PTS trajectories, relative to a consistently low PTS trajectory, among participants with higher levels of childhood physical abuse. CONCLUSION: The results of the study provide preliminary evidence that variation in the RORA gene is associated with membership in trajectories of higher PTS and that these associations are stronger among persons exposed to childhood physical abuse. Replication and analysis of functional data are needed to further our understanding of how RORA relates to PTS trajectories

    Применение метода долгосрочного прогнозирования водонефтяного фактора для определения максимально возможного расчётного объёма добычи нефти месторождения "Чёрный Дракон", Вьетнам

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    Objective - Although junctional adhesion molecule-A (JAM-A) has recently been implicated in leukocyte recruitment on early atherosclerotic endothelium and after reperfusion injury, its role in neointima formation after arterial injury remains to be elucidated. Methods and Results - Here we show that the genetic deletion of JAM-A in apolipoprotein E - deficient (apoE(-/-)) mice significantly reduced neointimal hyperplasia after wire injury of carotid arteries without altering medial area. This was associated with a significant decrease in neointimal macrophage content, whereas the relative content of smooth muscle cells and endothelial recovery was unaltered in JAM-A(-/-) apoE(-/-) compared with JAM-A(-/-) apoE(-/-) lesions. In carotid arteries perfused ex vivo, deficiency in JAM-A significantly impaired the recruitment of monocytes 1 week, but not 1 day, after injury. These effects were paralleled by an attenuation of monocyte arrest and transmigration on activated JAM-A(-/-) apoE(-/-) versus JAM-A(-/-) apoE(-/-) endothelial cells under flow conditions in vitro. A mechanism underlying reduced recruitment was implied by findings that the luminal expression of the arrest chemokine RANTES in injured arteries and its endothelial deposition by activated platelets in vitro were diminished by JAM-A deficiency. Conclusions - Our data provide the first evidence to our knowledge for a crucial role of JAM-A in accelerated lesion formation and monocyte infiltration in atherosclerosis-prone mice


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    Electrodes for neural stimulation and recording are highly relevant in modern medicine, e.g. for the treatment of movement disorders. As these electrodes have to be implanted directly into the patient´s brain, impaired biocompatibility as well as reduced performance due to increased impedance upon tissue contact are serious problems. Strategies to improve the efficiency of electrodes entail the implementation of defined nanoscopic structures to the electrode surface, which increase the surface area and improve the current flow by possible edge effects1. In this context electrophoretic deposition (EPD) of nanoparticles (NP) constitutes an efficient and feasible way for surface structuring as in contrast to e.g. ablative laser machining, electric field lines are naturally ordered perpendicular to the implant´s surface, so that electrophoretic deposition is well compatible to shaped implants and curved surfaces. In this work an EPD process for the structuring of Pt electrode surfaces with NP is systematically investigated. Reference NP from a modern synthesis route named pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL)2 are utilized as they possess a high surface charge density in order to ease their movement in an electric field. The electrophoretic velocity of these NP was examined and found to be linearly-correlated with the electric field strength, while the slope is dictated by the NP´s surface charge density (zeta-potential).3, 4 On the other hand the PLAL-generated NP are, by design, completely free of organic ligand, which significantly affected their deposition in an EPD setup. It was found that the deposited mass linearly increased with process time, yielding a well scalable process, while on the other hand control experiments with ligands showed a saturation of the deposited mass due to electrochemical shielding of the surface by charged ligands.4 It was furthermore demonstrated that the EPD process with ligand-free NP could also be done in a continuous flow-through setup suitable for the parallel structuring of multiple electrodes.5 Interestingly, the deposition velocity was not size dependent as particle size distributions prior to and after EPD were identical.5 In consecutive experiments, the surface properties like coverage, oxidation, wettability6 and impedance of the electrode materials were evaluated and correlated with the EPD process parameters electric field strength, colloid concentration and deposition time. As a result a detailed map was obtained, which allows a defined tuning of Pt surface properties by Pt NP EPD. Finally, the impedance of electrodes coated with ligand-free Pt NP were evaluated in long term stimulation experiments with rats. The NP coating could stabilize the impedance of the electrodes in vivo, while it continuously increased in non-coated controls.7 Furthermore, the coated electrodes exhibited excellent biocompatibility similar to the controls7 while no significant NP desorption from the surface was found upon mechanical tear. 1. X. F. F. Wei and W. M. Grill, J. Neural Eng., 2005, 2, 139-147. 2. V. Amendola and M. Meneghetti, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 3027-3046. 3. A. Menendez-Manjon, J. Jakobi, K. Schwabe, J. K. Krauss and S. Barcikowski, J. Laser Micro Nanoeng., 2009, 4, 95-99. 4. C. Streich, S. Koenen, M. Lelle, K. Peneva and S. Barcikowski, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2015, 348, 92-99. 5. S. Koenen, R. Streubel, J. Jakobi, K. Schwabe, J. K. Krauss and S. Barcikowski, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2015, 162, D174-D179. 6. A. Heinemann, S. Koenen, K. Schwabe, C. Rehbock and S. Barcikowski, Key engineering materials, 2015, 654, 218-223. 7. S. D. Angelov, S. Koenen, J. Jakobi, H. E. Heissler, M. Alam, K. Schwabe, S. Barcikowski and J. K. Krauss, J. Nanobiotechnol., 2016, 14

    Association of the rs2242446 polymorphism in the norepinephrine transporter gene SLC6A2 and anxious arousal symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder

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    To the Editor: Recently, we found that greater norepinephrine transporter (NET) availability in the locus ceruleus of trauma survivors with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was associated with increased severity of anxious arousal (ie, hypervigilance and exaggerated startle) symptoms, but not any of the other empirically derived symptom clusters that characterize this disorder.1 This finding suggests that greater NET availability in the locus ceruleus may serve a compensatory function of clearing elevated synaptic norepinephrine and maintaining anxious arousal symptoms in persons with PTSD

    Dilemmas in generic delimitation of Senegalia and allies (Caesalpinioideae, mimosoid clade): how to reconcile phylogenomic evidence with morphology and taxonomy?

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    Senegalia comprises 219 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Two sections are currently recognised within Senegalia and these are most readily distinguished by the differences in disposition of their cauline prickles, i.e. sect. Senegalia with prickles at or near leaf nodes and sect. Monacanthea with mostly internodal prickles. Previous phylogenetic studies, based primarily on small numbers of plastid DNA loci, found Senegalia to be monophyletic with two large subclades corresponding to the sections. Here, we present new phylogenomic evidence from 997 single-copy nuclear gene sequences for a small, but representative set of species. These new analyses show that Senegalia is non-monophyletic, but instead, forms a grade that is paraphyletic with respect to the remainder of the ingoid clade (i.e. Ingeae + Acacia s.s. + Acaciella), comprising two well-supported subclades most likely representing the same clades as found in previous phylogenetic studies of the genus and, interspersed between these, a third, moderately supported clade, comprising the genera Mariosousa, Pseudosenegalia and Parasenegalia. In marked contrast to the nuclear phylogeny, the two Senegalia clades are sister groups in the plastid phylogeny, based on analyses of 72 chloroplast genes, rendering the genus monophyletic, based on plastid data alone. We discuss this new evidence that Senegalia is non-monophyletic in relation to the marked cytonuclear discordance, high gene tree conflict and lack of resolution across this senegalioid grade and review the consistency of the key morphological characters distinguishing the two sections of Senegalia. We conclude that it is likely that Senegalia will need to be split into two (or possibly more) genera: a re-circumscribed Senegalia s.s. that corresponds to the existing Senegalia sect. Senegalia plus the S. ataxacantha group (Senegalia sect. Monacanthea s.s.; future studies may show that this group warrants generic status) and a new genus corresponding to the remainder of sect. Monacanthea (here designated as Senegalia sect. Monacanthea p.p.). However, re-delimiting Senegalia now would be premature given that the key morphological characters are not fully congruent with the two sections and pending denser phylogenetic sampling of taxa. A judiciously selected list of critical taxa is presented to facilitate future phylogenomic studies. Finally, we discuss the identity of Albizia leonardii, which is also placed in this senegalioid grade in these new phylogenomic analyses and place it in synonymy with Parasenegalia vogeliana

    Effects of probiotics and antibiotics on the intestinal homeostasis in a computer controlled model of the large intestine

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    Background: Antibiotic associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile infection are frequent complications of broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Probiotic bacteria are used as therapeutic and preventive agents in these disorders, but the exact functional mechanisms and the mode of action are poorly understood. The effects of clindamycin and the probiotic mixture VSL#3 (containing the 8 bacterial strains Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus paracasei and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus) consecutively or in combination were investigated and compared to controls without therapy using a standardized human fecal microbiota in a computer-controlled in vitro model of large intestine. Microbial metabolites (short chain fatty acids, lactate, branched chain fatty acids, and ammonia) and the intestinal microbiota were analyzed. Results: Compared to controls and combination therapy, short chain fatty acids and lactate, but also ammonia and branched chain fatty acids, were increased under probiotic therapy. The metabolic pattern under combined therapy with antibiotics and probiotics had the most beneficial and consistent effect on intestinal metabolic profiles. The intestinal microbiota showed a decrease in several indigenous bacterial groups under antibiotic therapy, there was no significant recovery of these groups when the antibiotic therapy was followed by administration of probiotics. Simultaneous application of anti- and probiotics had a stabilizing effect on the intestinal microbiota with increased bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Conclusions: Administration of VSL#3 parallel with the clindamycin therapy had a beneficial and stabilizing effect on the intestinal metabolic homeostasis by decreasing toxic metabolites and protecting the endogenic microbiota from destruction. Probiotics could be a reasonable strategy in prevention of antibiotic associated disturbances of the intestinal homeostasis and disorders. © 2012 Rehman et al; licensee BioMed Central Lt