44 research outputs found

    Analiza agresivnosti u romanu "A tale of two cities"

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    Charles Dickens\u27s "A Tale of Two Cities" is a novel interesting for its curious blend of a family story and a troubling historical vision inspired by the Reign of Terror in the French Revolutionary period. This analysis has two main objectives. First, to investigate the manner in which the melodramatic family phantasy as a narrative ideologeme is đealt with in this novel. Secondly, to map the main arguments implied by the noveľs study of the Terror. The emphasis is on the way in which A Tale, prefiguring psychoanalysis, identifies and locates a sociolibidinal dynamic of destructive drives that mark both the melodramatic ideologeme and the politics of Terror

    Strategije nezadovoljstva u "Pendennisu"

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    The History of Pendennnis, one of Thackeray\u27s less appreciated novels, is analysed as a complex symbolical tcxt which deals with Vicorian sexual politics. The basic argument of the article is that the text undermines the social/narrative codes it ironically adopts by developing a striking and powerful subtext ot\u27 subversion

    A Few Remarks on American Studies and the American University

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    This paper presents an attempt to briefly examine the specific character of the institutional site of the disciplinary articulation of knowledge in the USA. The paper proposes that such an attempt should involve several areas of focus. First, there is a need to locate the place of the American university as a subject matter within American studies as a discipline. The second question is about the need to assess the centrality of the notion of liberal education to the American university. The third question is about the current crisis of the university and whether that crisis affects the idea of liberal education. Finally, the paper also suggests that in the context of the present-day crisis it is increasingly necessary to re-problematize the question of communication among disciplines, within or outside the context of American studies

    Circulation of Capital in Great Expectations

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    The article discusses the theme of acquisition and circulation of capital in Charles Dickensā€™s novel Great Expectations. The analysis proceeds from an observation that the novel is not centrally concerned with representing the processes of production of wealth, as it is about the circulation of social and economic capital. The protagonist of the novel entertains a specific notion of social mobility (his great expectations), which he eventually renounces, and develops a common middle-class idea of the centrality of hard work to the accumulation of wealth. However, by examining the construction of the protagonistā€™s relationship to wealth, as well as the construction of the circulation of wealth in the narrative, the article suggests that the novel questions its declarative ideology by placing a great deal of emphasis on the various ways in which transfers of money enable the creation of social and economic capital for the characters in the novel

    Metonimijska logika romana "The Moonstone"

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    This reading of WĆ­lkie Collins\u27s most famous novel, The Moonstone, tries to suggest some interpretations of the noveľs most prominent metaphor, a Diamond called the Moonstone, and to investigate the models this novel\u27s generates for its understanding. Central importance is attached to the noveľs discovery of the unconscious, which becomes the focal point for its critique of some cultural and literary cliches

    Pikarski povijesni roman: Irska u romanu Barry Lyndon W.M. Thackeraya

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    Incidentalni karcinom prostate u pacijenata liječenih zbog benigne hiperplazije prostate u periodu od 21 godine

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    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of incidental prostate cancer and its clinical sig-nificance among patients who underwent transurethral prostate resection or transvesical adenomectomy for benign prostate hyperplasia at the Department of Urology in Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital Center from January 1997 to December 2017. A total of 277/4,372 (6.34%) patients from our cohort were diagnosed with incidental prostate cancer (mean age 74.5 years). Due to incomplete data, 12 patents were excluded from further analysis. 44.91% (119/265 patents) of our cohort were stage T1a and 55.09% (146/265) were stage T1b. Clinically significant prostate cancer was found in 168/265 patients (63.40%). When divided into two groups, Gleason score ā‰¤6 (mean age 73.58 years) and Gleason score ā‰„7 (mean age 75.77 years), the results showed that Gleason score ā‰„7 patients were significantly older (p=0.0104) and that the tumor extent among patients in this group (mean = 34.58%) was higher than that in Gleason score ā‰¤6 group (mean = 11.11%) (p=0.0169). More than a half of patients in our cohort had T1b stage prostate cancer. We found that 63.4% of carcinomas were clinically significant, with 52/265 (19,62%) patients affected by ISUP grade 4 and 5 cancers. Based on our research, we cannot give any recommendations regarding incidental prostate cancer treatment due to lacking preoperative (PSA, DRE) and follow-up data.Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi učestalost incidentalnog karcinoma prostate i klinički značaj istog u pacijenata podvrgnutih transuretralnoj resekciji prostate i transvezikalnoj prostatektomiji zbog benigne prostatične hiperplazije na Klinici za urologiju KBC-a ā€žSestre milosrdniceā€œ od siječnja 1997. do prosinca 2017. godine. Incidentalni karcinom prostate pronađen je kod 277/4,372 (6,34%) pacijenata iz naÅ”e studije (prosječna dob 74,5 godina). Zbog neadekvatnih podataka, 12 pacijentata isključeno je iz daljnje analize. 44,91% (119/265 pacijenata) nalazilo se u T1a stadiju, a 55,09% (145/265) u T1b stadiju bolesti. Klinički značajan karcinom pronađen je kod 168/246 pacijenata (60,40%). Kada se pacijenti podijele u dvije skupine, Gleason zbroj ā‰¤6 (srednja dob 73,58 godina) i Gleason zbroj ā‰„7 (srednja dob 75,77 godina), rezultati pokazuju da su pacijenti s karcinomom prostate Gleason zbroja ā‰„7 statistički značajno stariji (p=0,0104) te da karcinom zahvaća veći dio pregledanog tkiva (prosjek= 34,58%) nego u bolesnika s karcinomom Gleason zbroja ā‰¤6 (prosjek= 11,11%) (p=0,0169). U naÅ”oj studiji, viÅ”e od polovice pacijenata s dijagnosticiranim karcinomom imalo je T1b stadij karcinoma prostate, 63,4% pacijenata imalo je klinički značajan karcinom, od čega je 52/265 (19,62%) pacijenata bolovalo od karcinoma ISUP stadija 4 i 5. Na temelju ovog istraživanja ne možemo dati preporuke o liječenju novodijagnosticiranog incidentalnog karcinoma prostate zbog insuficijentnih preoperativnih parametara (PSA, digitorektalni pregled) te nedostatnih podataka o postoperativnom praćenju tih pacijenata

    Karcinom sabirnih kanalića i endemska nefropatija - prikazi slučaja i pregled literature

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    Although collecting duct carcinoma is a subtype of renal cell carcinoma, several studies implicate association with urothelial carcinoma. The coexistence of collecting duct carcinoma and another renal neoplasm is rare. Endemic nephropathy is a renal disease causing chronic renal failure. It is highly associated with urothelial neoplasm and occurs in endemic villages in Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Recent studies have confirmed the important role of exposure to aristolochic acid as an etiologic factor. We present three cases of collecting duct carcinoma with literature overview. In one case, we describe collecting duct carcinoma with metachronous urothelial carcinoma of the pyelon and urinary bladder in an endemic nephropathy patient. To our knowledge, this is the first case report describing this coexistence. Certain similarities between collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma were found, e.g., higher incidence in female compared to male, higher mean age, and multifocal and multicentric occurrence of the tumor. Our observations support the hypothesis that collecting duct carcinoma and urothelial carcinoma could be connected.Iako je karcinom sabirnih kanalića podvrsta karcinoma bubrežnih stanica, određena istraživanja ukazuju na povezanost ovog entiteta s karcinomom prijelaznog epitela. Istodobna pojava karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i drugih bubrežnih neoplazma je rijetka. Endemska nefropatija je bubrežna bolest koja dovodi do kroničnog bubrežnog zatajenja. Vrlo je povezana s urotelnim tumorima i javlja se u endemskim selima u Bosni, Hrvatskoj, Bugarskoj, Rumunjskoj i Srbiji. Nedavna istraživanja potvrdila su značajnu ulogu izloženosti aristolohičnoj kiselini kao etioloÅ”kom čimbeniku. Predstavljamo tri slučaja karcinoma sabirnih kanalića s pregledom literature. U jednom slučaju opisujemo karcinom sabirnih kanalića s metakronom pojavom urotelnog karcinoma pijelona te mokraćnog mjehura u bolesnika s potvrđenom endemskom nefropatijom. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima ovo je prvi slučaj koji opisuje ovakvu koegzistenciju. Pronađene su određene sličnosti između karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela, a to su veća učestalost u ženskoj populaciji, viÅ”a prosječna dob, multifokalna i multicentrična pojava tumora. NaÅ”a zapažanja podupiru hipotezu o mogućoj povezanosti karcinoma sabirnih kanalića i karcinoma prijelaznog epitela

    The Errant Labor of the Humanities: Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas

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    In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgasā€™s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgasā€™s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgasā€™s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesnā€™t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgasā€™s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgasā€™s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editorsā€™ Preface)In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgasā€™s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgasā€™s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgasā€™s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesnā€™t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgasā€™s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgasā€™s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editorsā€™ Preface

    The Errant Labor of the Humanities: Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas

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    In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgasā€™s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgasā€™s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgasā€™s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesnā€™t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgasā€™s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgasā€™s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editorsā€™ Preface)In preparing this Festschrift, we had in mind a specific inflection of the concept of errancy, one that comes from the rich and layered work of the American scholar and philosopher William V. Spanos, who conceived it as a way of rendering the logos and telos of the American project subject to thorough rethinking and redefinition, both in history and at present. By calling attention to the complementarity of the work of the two scholars, Grgas and Spanos, who both hone their critical skills on the theme of the logic of the American project, we do not so much intend to claim a direct influence but rather wish to highlight the confluence, commingling, and inspiration that working in the humanities may engender. This commonality is featured in the work of Spanos and in the work of Grgas as a dedicated and passionate engagement with the practices and possibilities inscribed in the discipline, which also requires the scholar to move beyond the given and inhabit what Spanos calls a meta-level of thinking. Grgasā€™s work, located at the intersection of several disciplines within the humanities and social sciences (which is reflected in the principal themes of this Festschrift), reveals precisely such a commitment that has in the course of his long, fruitful and versatile career charted out a scholarly position always in the process of becoming, and never quite stabilized and domesticated. Grgasā€™s academic career has been as diverse as the humanistic disciplinary habitus allows: a provocative and popular lecturer, a researcher of tireless intellectual curiosity, a scholar testing the boundaries of disciplines, an enthusiastic and motivating mentor, a thoughtful and sensitive translator, or, as one of the contribution shows, an unobtrusive poet, Grgas has always displayed a remarkable intellectual energy in every aspect of his engagement with the varied and nowadays often embattled debates in the humanities. However, Grgasā€™s work as an Americanist, cultural theorist, translator, writer, mentor, and teacher doesnā€™t merely reflect the exciting, if uncontainable, shifts marking the discipline in the last couple of decades; rather, his intellectual labor has been committed to offering a new way of comprehending this change, its scope, direction, and consequences, so as to create an intense web of connections and interrelations where different disciplines talk to one another, without hastening to provide answers so much as to provoke the right kind of questions. The questioning and questing nature of Grgasā€™s work has marked his writing from the start, but it has intensified in his later writing as the humanities find themselves facing a whole new set of questions for the new millennium. His sustained effort to bring a new awareness of economic issues to discussions of culture and literature in the recent period has been both timely and critically engaged in its reflection on why this issue is particularly significant at this point in history. The layout of the Festschrift may be said to loosely reflect and acknowledge Grgasā€™s scholarly interests that have charted out his career in the field of the humanities. (from the Editorsā€™ Preface