828 research outputs found

    Using plant microremains to determine the arrival date of doubtfully native Galapagos plants

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Mysterieuze vistrek: Hoe technologie een tipje van de sluier licht

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    Veel vissen trekken. Ze leggen in de loop van hun leven respectabele afstanden af op zoek naar veiligheid, voedsel of een partner. In zee blijft dit reisgedrag onttrokken aan het zicht, al kom je met wat technologie al een heel eind om de ‘where-abouts’ van de meest interessante soorten te achterhalen. Een stand van zaken

    The need for aquatic tracking networks: the permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network

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    Aquatic biotelemetry techniques have proven to be valuable tools to generate knowledge on species behaviour, gather oceanographic data and help in assessing effects from anthropogenic disturbances. These data types support international policies and directives, needed for species and habitat conservation. As aquatic systems are highly interconnected and cross administrative borders, optimal data gathering should be organized on a large scale. This need triggered the development of regional, national and international aquatic animal tracking network initiatives around the globe. In Belgium, a national acoustic receiver network for fish tracking, called the Permanent Belgian Acoustic Receiver Network, was set up in 2014 with different research institutes collaborating. It is a permanent network with 160 acoustic receivers and since the start, over 800 animals from 16 different fish species have been tagged and generated more than 17 million detections so far. To handle all the (meta)data generated, a data management platform was built. The central database stores all the data and has an interactive web interface that allows the users to upload, manage and explore (meta)data. In addition, the database is linked to an R-shiny application to allow the user to visualize and download the detection data. The permanent tracking network is not only a collaborative platform for exchange of data, analysis tools, devices and knowledge. It also creates opportunities to perform feasibility studies and Ph.D. studies in a cost-efficient way. The Belgian tracking network is a first step towards a Pan-European aquatic tracking network

    hypomyelination and congenital cataract neuroimaging features of a novel inherited white matter disorder

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hypomyelination and congenital cataract (HCC) is an autosomal recessive white matter disease caused by deficiency of hyccin, a membrane protein implicated in both central and peripheral myelination. We aimed to describe the neuroimaging features of this novel entity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic analysis of patients with unclassified leukoencephalopathies admitted to our institutions revealed 10 children with congenital cataract, slowly progressive neurologic impairment, and diffuse white matter abnormalities on neuroimaging. Psychomotor developmental delay was evident after the first year of life. Peripheral neuropathy was demonstrated by neurophysiologic studies in 9 children. The available neuroimaging studies were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: In all patients, neuroimaging revealed diffuse involvement of the supratentorial white matter associated with preservation of both cortical and deep gray matter structures. Supratentorial white matter hypomyelination was detected in all patients; 7 patients also had evidence of variably extensive areas of increased white matter water content. Deep cerebellar white matter hypomyelination was found in 6 patients. Older patients had evidence of white matter bulk loss and gliosis. Proton MR spectroscopy showed variable findings, depending on the stage of the disease. Sural nerve biopsy revealed hypomyelinated nerve fibers. Mutations in the DRCTNNB1A gene on chromosome 7p15.3, causing complete or severe deficiency of hyccin, were demonstrated in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: HCC is characterized by a combined pattern of primary myelin deficiency and secondary neurodegenerative changes. In the proper clinical setting, recognition of suggestive neuroimaging findings should prompt appropriate genetic investigations

    Evaluation and recommendations of the oral health, oral function, and orofacial aesthetics-related measures of the ICHOM Standard Set for Cleft Lip and Palate

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    This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of outcome measures for the orofacial domain included in the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement Standard Set for Cleft Lip and Palate (ICHOM-SCS). In this multicentre study involving two cleft centres, suggestions to optimize the type and timing of outcome measures were made based on data and clinical experience. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) (CLEFT-Q Jaw, Teeth, Eating/Drinking; Child Oral Health Impact Profile—Oral Symptoms Scale (COHIP-OSS)) and clinical outcome measures (caries experience and dental occlusion) data were collected retrospectively for age 5, 8, 10, 12, 19, and 22 years. The data were categorized by cleft type and analysed within and between age groups using Spearman correlation, the distribution of responses per item, a two-sample test for equality of proportions, and effect plots. Most correlations between PROMs and clinical outcome measures were weak (r &lt; 0.5), suggesting PROMs and clinical outcome measures complement each other. The COHIP-OSS and CLEFT-Q Eating/Drinking barely detected problems in any patient category and are no longer recommended. A suitable alternative appears complex to find; outcomes of this study and the recent literature doubt an added value. Similar problems were found in the CLEFT-Q Jaw at time-point 12 years. Therefore, time-points 15 and 17 years are currently suggested.</p