177 research outputs found

    Drug-Induced Cardiomyopathies

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    'Wake up the doctors' and teach them addictions

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    Addiction medicine has been 'practically untaught' for decades, but that's starting to change.ELEVATEPD/2014/62015-10-05 JG: removed external advertisements from PDF at author's reques

    Closing the gap between training needs and training provision in addiction medicine

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    Substance use disorders pose a significant global social and economic burden. Although effective interventions exist, treatment coverage remains limited. The lack of an adequately trained workforce is one of the prominent reasons. Recent initiatives have been taken worldwide to improve training, but further efforts are required to build curricula that are internationally applicable. We believe that the training needs of professionals in the area have not yet been explored in sufficient detail. We propose that a peer-led survey to assess those needs, using a standardised structured tool, would help to overcome this deficiency. The findings from such a survey could be used to develop a core set of competencies which is sufficiently flexible in its implementation to address the specific needs of the wide range of professionals working in addiction medicine worldwide.J.K. is supported by funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 701698.S

    Impact of platelet phenotype on myocardial infarction

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    In acute myocardial infarction patients the injured vascular wall triggers thrombus formation in the damage site. Fibrin fibers and blood cellular elements are the major components of thrombus formed in acute occlusion of coronary arteries. It has been established that the initial thrombus is primarily composed of activated platelets rapidly stabilized by fibrin fibers. This review highlights the role of platelet membrane phenotype in pathophysiology of myocardial infarction. Here, we regard platelet phenotype as quantitative and qualitative parameters of the plasma membrane outer surface, which are crucial for platelet participation in blood coagulation, development of local inflammation and tissue repair

    First report on an inotropic peptide activating tetrodotoxin-sensitive, "neuronal" sodium currents in the heart

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    Background— New therapeutic approaches to improve cardiac contractility without severe risk would improve the management of acute heart failure. Increasing systolic sodium influx can increase cardiac contractility, but most sodium channel activators have proarrhythmic effects that limit their clinical use. Here, we report the cardiac effects of a novel positive inotropic peptide isolated from the toxin of the Black Judean scorpion that activates neuronal tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium channels. Methods and Results— All venoms and peptides were isolated from Black Judean Scorpions (Buthotus Hottentotta) caught in the Judean Desert. The full scorpion venom increased left ventricular function in sedated mice in vivo, prolonged ventricular repolarization, and provoked ventricular arrhythmias. An inotropic peptide (BjIP) isolated from the full venom by chromatography increased cardiac contractility but did neither provoke ventricular arrhythmias nor prolong cardiac repolarization. BjIP increased intracellular calcium in ventricular cardiomyocytes and prolonged inactivation of the cardiac sodium current. Low concentrations of tetrodotoxin (200 nmol/L) abolished the effect of BjIP on calcium transients and sodium current. BjIP did not alter the function of Nav 1.5 , but selectively activated the brain-type sodium channels Nav 1.6 or Nav 1.3 in cellular electrophysiological recordings obtained from rodent thalamic slices. Nav 1.3 (SCN3A) mRNA was detected in human and mouse heart tissue. Conclusions— Our pilot experiments suggest that selective activation of tetrodotoxin-sensitive neuronal sodium channels can safely increase cardiac contractility. As such, the peptide described here may become a lead compound for a new class of positive inotropic agents. </jats:sec

    Amyloid Formation by the Pro-Inflammatory S100A8/A9 Proteins in the Ageing Prostate

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    BACKGROUND: The conversion of soluble peptides and proteins into polymeric amyloid structures is a hallmark of many age-related degenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease, type II diabetes and a variety of systemic amyloidoses. We report here that amyloid formation is linked to another major age-related phenomenon--prostate tissue remodelling in middle-aged and elderly men. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By using multidisciplinary analysis of corpora amylacea inclusions in prostate glands of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer we have revealed that their major components are the amyloid forms of S100A8 and S100A9 proteins associated with numerous inflammatory conditions and types of cancer. In prostate protease rich environment the amyloids are stabilized by dystrophic calcification and lateral thickening. We have demonstrated that material closely resembling CA can be produced from S100A8/A9 in vitro under native and acidic conditions and shows the characters of amyloids. This process is facilitated by calcium or zinc, both of which are abundant in ex vivo inclusions. These observations were supported by computational analysis of the S100A8/A9 calcium-dependent aggregation propensity profiles. We found DNA and proteins from Escherichia coli in CA bodies, suggesting that their formation is likely to be associated with bacterial infection. CA inclusions were also accompanied by the activation of macrophages and by an increase in the concentration of S100A8/A9 in the surrounding tissues, indicating inflammatory reactions. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings, taken together, suggest a link between bacterial infection, inflammation and amyloid deposition of pro-inflammatory proteins S100A8/A9 in the prostate gland, such that a self-perpetuating cycle can be triggered and may increase the risk of malignancy in the ageing prostate. The results provide strong support for the prediction that the generic ability of polypeptide chains to convert into amyloids could lead to their involvement in an increasing number of otherwise apparently unrelated diseases, particularly those associated with ageing.Original Publication:Kiran Yanamandra, Oleg Alexeyev, Vladimir Zamotin, Vaibhav Srivastava, Andrei Shchukarev, Ann-Christin Brorsson, Gian Gaetano Tartaglia, Thomas Vogl, Rakez Kayed, Gunnar Wingsle, Jan Olsson, Christopher M Dobson, Anders Bergh, Fredrik Elgh and Ludmilla A Morozova-Roche, Amyloid formation by the pro-inflammatory S100A8/A9 proteins in the ageing prostate., 2009, PloS one, (4), 5, e5562.http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.000556

    Time to confront iatrogenic opioid addiction

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    Canada has been grappling for decades in a largely ineffective attempt to keep heroin out of our borders. Now the unsafe prescribing of opioids has organized crime groups turning their attention to customers whose addiction started in the doctor's office. Physicians are going to have to face the tough conversations that involve two of the hardest words in a doctor's vocabulary: enough and no.ELEVATEPD/2014/