23 research outputs found

    Jezična obilježja novozelanđanskoga engleskog u filmovima

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    This paper deals with the linguistic features of New Zealand English on different levels of linguistic analysis, based on the corpus of five movies. The most important features of NZE, as described in the literature on the subject, are summed up in the introductory theoretical part of the thesis. In the empirical part it is shown that apart from the well-known features found in the literature, there are also some others, noticed in the present corpus. In particular, some age-related differences were found, particularly those concerning the choice of British vs. American lexical items. However, generalisations of this kind would have to be based on more extensive research

    Prikaz prirode i života žene u tekstovima Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

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    Die folgende Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen Darstellungen der Natur und weiblicher Existenz in drei ausgewählten Prosatexten einer der berühmtesten Schriftstellerinnen im Biedermeier – Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Es wird in der Arbeit ein Schwerpunkt daraufgelegt, sowohl einen Überblick von den verschiedenen Darstellungen zu geben, als auch biographische und damit verbundene religiöse Elemente ihrer Literatur darzustellen. Wichtig ist auch zu zeigen, dass die Autorin eine ganz spezifische Position in der biedermeierlichen Literatur einnimmt, denn ihre Literatur enthält immer sowohl romantische als auch realistische Motive, die an manchen Stellen auch mit den impressionistischen kombiniert werden

    Prikaz prirode i života žene u tekstovima Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

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    Die folgende Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen Darstellungen der Natur und weiblicher Existenz in drei ausgewählten Prosatexten einer der berühmtesten Schriftstellerinnen im Biedermeier – Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Es wird in der Arbeit ein Schwerpunkt daraufgelegt, sowohl einen Überblick von den verschiedenen Darstellungen zu geben, als auch biographische und damit verbundene religiöse Elemente ihrer Literatur darzustellen. Wichtig ist auch zu zeigen, dass die Autorin eine ganz spezifische Position in der biedermeierlichen Literatur einnimmt, denn ihre Literatur enthält immer sowohl romantische als auch realistische Motive, die an manchen Stellen auch mit den impressionistischen kombiniert werden

    Prikaz prirode i života žene u tekstovima Annette von Droste-Hülshoff

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    Die folgende Magisterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit den verschiedenen Darstellungen der Natur und weiblicher Existenz in drei ausgewählten Prosatexten einer der berühmtesten Schriftstellerinnen im Biedermeier – Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. Es wird in der Arbeit ein Schwerpunkt daraufgelegt, sowohl einen Überblick von den verschiedenen Darstellungen zu geben, als auch biographische und damit verbundene religiöse Elemente ihrer Literatur darzustellen. Wichtig ist auch zu zeigen, dass die Autorin eine ganz spezifische Position in der biedermeierlichen Literatur einnimmt, denn ihre Literatur enthält immer sowohl romantische als auch realistische Motive, die an manchen Stellen auch mit den impressionistischen kombiniert werden

    Harvest time infuence on quality parameters of apple cultivars (Malus x domestica Borkh.)

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    Istraživani su optimalni rokovi berbe za sorte Cripps Pink, Granny Smith i Fuji tijekom dvije godine u ekološkim uvjetima ušća rijeke Neretve. Plodovi su ubrani u nasadu jabuka u tri roka berbe, u vegetacijskoj godini 2006. i 2007., s razmakom od sedam dana između rokova. Pomoću standardnih metoda za određivanje optimalnog roka berbe jabuka u laboratoriju su provedene sljedeće analize: određivanje mase plodova, tvrdoće, topljive suhe tvari, ukupnih kiselina, proveden je škrobni test i utvrđen indeks dozrelosti. Analizom dobivenih rezultata te usporedbom rezultata s relevantnom znanstvenom literaturom za istraživano područje utvrđeni su optimalni rokovi berbe za pojedine sorte. Za sortu Cripps Pink optimalni rok berbe bio je treći, (214 dana od pune cvatnje do berbe), za sortu Granny Smith razdoblje oko drugog roka (201 dan od pune cvatnje do berbe), te za sortu Fuji drugi rok berbe (201 dan od pune cvatnje do berbe).Researches were done to determine the optimum harvest time for apple cultivars: Cripps Pink, Granny Smith and Fuji, located in the Neretva river delta. There were three terms of getting samples with 7 days between each of them. Using some standard methods to determine optimum harvest time for apple yields, a few laboratory analyses were done, such as: determination of firmness, soluble solids content, starch test, total acids and F/RS After comparing our results with those from the literature were established for optimum harvest terms: for Cripps Pink it was the third (214 days after full bloom ), for Granny Smith the second (201 days after full bloom) and for Fuji it was the second (201 days after full bloom) term of harvesting

    Marija Klepo, harfa : diplomski ispit

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    Diplomski ispit Marije Klepo (harfa), studentice Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Ispit je održan na Muzičkoj akademiji u dvorani Lhotka 24. rujna 2020. Klavirska pratnja: Domagoj Guščić, umj. sur. Mentorica: red. prof. art. Diana Grubišić Ćiković. Program: 1. Johann Sebastian Bach - Marcel Grandjany: Allemande iz Violinske partite br. 2; 2. Camille Saint-Saens: Morceau de Concert, Op. 154; 3. Eric Schmidt: Etude No. 1 iz Six Etudes pour Harpe; 4. Germaine Tailleferre: Sonate pour Harpe (Allegretto – Lento – Perpetuum Mobile); 5. Claude Debussy: Clair de Lune iz Suite Bergamasque; 6. Tomislav Uhlik: Žalobne Varijacije/ Melancholy Variations; 7. Marcel Grandjany: The Colorado Trail, Fantaisie for Harp, Op. 28


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    Mobing je psihičko zlostavljanje ili matretiranje, psihički teror ili moralno zlostavljanje. Sve se to događa na radnome mjestu i to je ono što razlikuje ovo psihičko zlostavljanje od drugih. Kod takvih osoba, stres uzrokuje konstantno nezadovoljstvo, što rezultira niskom motiviranošću za ispunjavanje svakodnevnih radnih zadataka. Nedovoljno motivirani djelatnici nisu efikasni u obavljanju svojih radnih zadataka, što u konačnici dovodi do niske uspješnosti poslovanja. Svako zlostavljanje, pa tako i ono na radnom mjestu, nosi rizik trajnog oštećenja zdravlja. Mobingu su jednako izloženi i žene i muškarci. Muškarci češće doživljavaju prijetnje ili fizičke nasrtaje, a oko 15% žena susrelo se i sa seksualnim ugrožavanjem na poslu. Moberi su moćne osobe, željne još veće moći. Zakonom o radu normativno se uređuje zaštita dostojanstva radnika te se postupak i mjere zaštite dostojanstva radnika od uznemiravanja i spolnog uznemiravanja uređuju posebnim zakonom, kolektivnim ugovorom, sporazumom sklopljenim između radničkog vijeća i poslodavca ili pravilnikom o radu.Mobbing is psychological abuse or mistreatment, psychological terror or moral abuse. Everything is happening in the workplace and that is what distinguishes this psychological abuse from others. In such a person, stress causes constant dissatisfaction, resulting in low motivation for meeting everyday work tasks. Insufficient motivated employees are not efficient in carrying out their work tasks, which ultimately leads to low business performance. Any abuse, even at work, carries the risk of permanent health damage. Both women and men are equally exposed to mobbing. Men are more likely to experience threats or physical outbreaks, and about 15% of women also encounter sexual endangerment at work. Mobsters are powerful people, looking for even greater power. The Labor Law regulates the dignity of the worker, and the procedure and measures for the protection of dignity of workers from harassment and sexual harassment are regulated by a special law, collective agreement, agreement concluded between the workers' council and the employer or the work regulations


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    Porezi su svako prisilno davanje državi te jedan od prihoda države i u čitavom poreznom sustavu su najvažniji i najizdašniji javni prihod. Nameće ih država prilikom čega se ne dobiva nikakva protuusluga zauzvrat te nisu namjenski usmjereni. Porez mora plaćati svaka osoba, odnosno porezni obveznik, koja je kao takva određena zakonom kojim se uređuje pojedina vrsta poreza. Porez na promet nekretnina se plaća pri svakom stjecanju nekretnine. Porezni obveznik je stjecatelj nekretnine, a osnovica je tržišna vrijednost u trenutku nastanka obveze. Porez na nasljedstva i darove se plaća na gotov novac, novčane tražbine i vrijednosne papire (vrijednosnice), te pokretnine i naslijeđene ili darovanje nekretnine. Porezna stopa za nasljedstva i darove je 4% dok je za naslijeđene ili darovane nekretnine 3%Taxes are any forced giving to the state and one of the revenues of the state and in the entire tax system they are the most important and most generous public revenue. They are imposed by the state, during which no counter-service is received in return, and they are not purposefully directed. The tax must be paid by each person, the taxpayer, who as such is determined by the law governing a particular type of tax. Real estate transfer tax is paid upon each acquisition of real estate. The taxpayer is the acquirer of the real estate, and the base is the market value at the time the liability arises. Inheritance and gift tax is paid on cash, monetary claims and securities (securities), and movables and inheritances or real estate donations. The tax rate for inheritances and gifts is 4% while for inherited or donated real estate it is 3%

    Povezanost treme i natjecateljskog duha na primjeru učenika srednjih glazbenih škola

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    Diplomski rad bavi se utjecajem natjecateljskoga duha na intenzitet treme mladih glazbenika. Teorijski okvir rada sadrži najvažnije aspekte koje se promatralo, a to su definicije i istraživanja motivacije, treme, ciljeva učenika, kao i važnosti društvenog okruženja te poglavlje o natjecateljskome duhu. Kvalitativno istraživanje provedeno na uzorku od 14 učenika srednjih glazbenih škola pokazalo je da natjecateljski duh ne utječe samo na intenzitet treme u kontekstu javnih nastupa ili natjecanja, već i na razini nastave u školama, a da su nastupi i pokazivanje vještina kolegama motivator za vježbanje hrvatskim učenicama, dok slovenski učenici često motivaciju nalaze u samoj radosti muziciranja. Isto tako, vidljivo je da obitelj, ali i nastavnik instrumenta imaju važnu ulogu u glazbenom obrazovanju srednjoškolaca. Kako bi se došlo do relevantnijih zaključaka potrebno je provesti veće istraživanje.This paper deals with the influence competitive spirit has on the intensity of stage fright among adolescent musicians. The most important aspects for this research are summed up in the introductory theoretical part of the thesis. These include definitions and research about motivation, stage fright, students’ goals, as well as the importance of different social contexts and a chapter about competitive spirit. This qualitative research conducted among 14 adolescent music students has shown that competitive spirit influences not only stage fright in the context of public performances or competitions, but it is also a contributing factor in the context of daily lessons. Also, public performances and skill demonstration have proven to be motivational for daily practice among Croatian students, while Slovene students often find practice motivation in the joy of making music. Furthermore, it has been shown that the family and the teacher play important roles in the musical education of young musicians. However, further generalisations and conclusions would have to be based on a more extensive research