133 research outputs found

    Orbifold projection in supersymmetric QCD at N_f\leq N_c

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    Supersymmetric orbifold projection of N=1 SQCD with relatively small number of flavors (not larger than the number of colors) is considered. The purpose is to check whether orbifolding commutes with the infrared limit. On the one hand, one considers the orbifold projection of SQCD and obtains the low-energy description of the resulting theory. On the other hand, one starts with the low-energy effective theory of the original SQCD, and only then perfoms orbifolding. It is shown that at finite N_c the two low-energy theories obtained in these ways are different. However, in the case of stabilized run-away vacuum these two theories are shown to coincide in the large N_c limit. In the case of quantum modified moduli space, topological solitons carrying baryonic charges are present in the orbifolded low-energy theory. These solitons may restore the correspondence between the two theories provided that the soliton mass tends to zero in the large N_c limit.Comment: 10 pages; misprint corrected, reference adde

    Measuring energy dependent polarization in soft gamma-rays using Compton scattering in PoGOLite

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    Linear polarization in X- and gamma-rays is an important diagnostic of many astrophysical sources, foremost giving information about their geometry, magnetic fields, and radiation mechanisms. However, very few X-ray polarization measurements have been made, and then only mono-energetic detections, whilst several objects are assumed to have energy dependent polarization signatures. In this paper we investigate whether detection of energy dependent polarization from cosmic sources is possible using the Compton technique, in particular with the proposed PoGOLite balloon-experiment, in the 25-100 keV range. We use Geant4 simulations of a PoGOLite model and input photon spectra based on Cygnus X-1 and accreting magnetic pulsars (100 mCrab). Effective observing times of 6 and 35 hours were simulated, corresponding to a standard and a long duration flight respectively. Both smooth and sharp energy variations of the polarization are investigated and compared to constant polarization signals using chi-square statistics. We can reject constant polarization, with energy, for the Cygnus X-1 spectrum (in the hard state), if the reflected component is assumed to be completely polarized, whereas the distinction cannot be made for weaker polarization. For the accreting pulsar, constant polarization can be rejected in the case of polarization in a narrow energy band with at least 50% polarization, and similarly for a negative step distribution from 30% to 0% polarization.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures; updated to match version accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics (only minor changes

    On proportionality of the light output of semiconductor scintillators under irradiation by alpha-particles and heavy ions

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    In the energy range E =2.8...42.2 MeV, the light output S was measured for ZnSe-based scintillators under irradiation with α- particles and heavy ions 81Br. Under such irradiation, the proportionality S(Еα,i) is observed up to energies Еα≤7 MeV. Substantial deviation from linearity in the region of higher energies is explained by different contribution to S from both primary and δ-electrons. Increases were also observed in the values of intrinsic energy resolution with shorter shaping time constants.Виміряно світловий вихід S для сцинтиляторів, заснованих на ZnSe, при опроміненні α-частками і важкими іонами 81Br у діапазоні енергій E =2.8...42.2 МеВ. При опроміненні спостерігалася пропорційність S(Е α ,i) до енергій Еα ≤7 МеВ. Істотне відхилення від лінійності в області більш високих енергій пояснюється різним внеском у S як первинних, так і δ-електронів. Помітний вплив на криву пропорційності і спектри енергії робило легування Te.Измерен световой выход S для сцинтилляторов, основанных на ZnSe, при облучении α-частицами и тяжелыми ионами 81Br в диапазоне энергий E=2.8...42.2 МэВ. При облучении наблюдалась пропорциональность S(Еα,i) до энергий Еα ≤7 МэВ. Существенное отклонение от линейности в области более высоких энергий объясняется различным вкладом в S как первичных, так и и δ-электронов. Заметное влияние на кривую пропорциональности и спектры энергии оказывало легирование Te

    Collective and broken pair states of 65,67Ga

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    Excited states of 65Ga and 67Ga nuclei were populated through the 12C(58Ni,αp) and 12C(58Ni,3p) reactions, respectively, and investigated by in-beam γ-ray spectroscopic methods. The NORDBALL array equipped with a charged particle ball and 11 neutron detectors was used to detect the evaporated particles and γ rays. The level schemes of 65,67Ga were constructed on the basis of γγ-coincidence relations up to 8.6 and 10 MeV excitation energy, and Iπ=27/2 and 33/2+ spin and parity, respectively. The structure of 65,67Ga nuclei was described in the interacting boson-fermion plus broken pair model, including quasiproton, quasiproton-two-quasineutron, and three-quasiproton fermion configurations in the boson-fermion basis states. Most of the states were assigned to quasiparticle + phonon and three quasiparticle configurations on the basis of their electromagnetic decay properties

    Superdeformation in 91Tc

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    A high-spin rotational band with 11 γ-ray transitions has been observed in 91Tc. The dynamical moment of inertia as well the transition quadrupole moment of 8.1-1.4/+1.9 eb measured for this band show the characteristics of a superdeformed band. However, the shape is more elongated than in the neighbouring A = 80-90 superdeformed nuclei. Theoretical interpretations of the band within the cranked Strutinsky approach based on two different Woods-Saxon potential parameterisations are presented. Even though an unambiguous configuration assignment proved difficult, both calculations indicate a larger deformation and at least three additional high-N intruder orbitals occupied compared to the lighter SD nuclei

    The On-orbit Calibrations for the Fermi Large Area Telescope

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    The Large Area Telescope (LAT) on--board the Fermi Gamma ray Space Telescope began its on--orbit operations on June 23, 2008. Calibrations, defined in a generic sense, correspond to synchronization of trigger signals, optimization of delays for latching data, determination of detector thresholds, gains and responses, evaluation of the perimeter of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA), measurements of live time, of absolute time, and internal and spacecraft boresight alignments. Here we describe on orbit calibration results obtained using known astrophysical sources, galactic cosmic rays, and charge injection into the front-end electronics of each detector. Instrument response functions will be described in a separate publication. This paper demonstrates the stability of calibrations and describes minor changes observed since launch. These results have been used to calibrate the LAT datasets to be publicly released in August 2009.Comment: 60 pages, 34 figures, submitted to Astroparticle Physic

    Excited Nuclear States for Eu-148 (Europium)

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