5,078 research outputs found

    Computing phonological generalization over real speech exemplars

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    Though it has attracted growing attention from phonologists and phoneticians Exemplar Theory (e g Bybee 2001) has hitherto lacked an explicit production model that can apply to speech signals An adequate model must be able to generalize but this presents the problem of how to generate an output that generalizes over a collection of unique variable-length signals Rather than resorting to a priori phonological units such as phones we adopt a dynamic programming approach using an optimization criterion that is sensitive to the frequency of similar subsequences within other exemplars the Phonological Exemplar-Based Learning System We show that PEBLS displays pattern-entrenchment behaviour central to Exemplar Theory s account of phonologization (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserve

    Time comparison via OTS-2

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    The time comparisons carried out via OTS-2 between the Technical University Graz (Austria) and the Van Swinden Laboratory Delft (Netherlands) are discussed. The method is based on the use of the synchronization pulse in the TV-frame of the daily evening broadcasting of a French TV-program to Northern Africa. Corrections, as a consequence of changes in the position of the satellite coordinates are applied weekly after reception of satellite coordinates. A description of the method is given as well as some of the particular techniques used in both the participating laboratories. Preliminary results are presented

    Ion sources for radioactive beams

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    A Primal-Dual Method for Optimal Control and Trajectory Generation in High-Dimensional Systems

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    Presented is a method for efficient computation of the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation for time-optimal control problems using the generalized Hopf formula. Typically, numerical methods to solve the HJ equation rely on a discrete grid of the solution space and exhibit exponential scaling with dimension. The generalized Hopf formula avoids the use of grids and numerical gradients by formulating an unconstrained convex optimization problem. The solution at each point is completely independent, and allows a massively parallel implementation if solutions at multiple points are desired. This work presents a primal-dual method for efficient numeric solution and presents how the resulting optimal trajectory can be generated directly from the solution of the Hopf formula, without further optimization. Examples presented have execution times on the order of milliseconds and experiments show computation scales approximately polynomial in dimension with very small high-order coefficients.Comment: Updated references and funding sources. To appear in the proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Application

    Spatially distributed water-balance and meteorological data from the Wolverton catchment, Sequoia National Park, California

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    Accurate water-balance measurements in the seasonal, snow-dominated Sierra Nevada are important for forest and downstream water management. However, few sites in the southern Sierra offer detailed records of the spatial and temporal patterns of snowpack and soil-water storage and the fluxes affecting them, i.e., precipitation as rain and snow, snowmelt, evapotranspiration, and runoff. To explore these stores and fluxes we instrumented the Wolverton basin (2180-2750 m) in Sequoia National Park with distributed, continuous sensors. This 2006-2016 record of snow depth, soil moisture and soil temperature, and meteorological data quantifies the hydrologic inputs and storage in a mostly undeveloped catchment. Clustered sensors record lateral differences with regards to aspect and canopy cover at approximately 2250 and 2625 m in elevation, where two meteorological stations are installed. Meteorological stations record air temperature, relative humidity, radiation, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and snow depth. Data are available at hourly intervals by water year (1 October-30 September) in non-proprietary formats from online data repositories (https://doi.org/10.6071/M3S94T)

    Sudden Illness as a Defense in Auto Accidents

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    Today, automobile accidents constitute a major source of actions at law for negligence. Some of these mishaps may have sudden illness of the motor vehicle operator as the primary or contributing cause. The purpose of this note is to examine the question of sudden illness and its possible value as a defense when negligence is charged against an automobile driver

    An assessment of key model parametric uncertainties in projections of Greenland Ice Sheet behavior

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    Lack of knowledge about the values of ice sheet model input parameters introduces substantial uncertainty into projections of Greenland Ice Sheet contributions to future sea level rise. Computer models of ice sheet behavior provide one of several means of estimating future sea level rise due to mass loss from ice sheets. Such models have many input parameters whose values are not well known. Recent studies have investigated the effects of these parameters on model output, but the range of potential future sea level increases due to model parametric uncertainty has not been characterized. Here, we demonstrate that this range is large, using a 100-member perturbed-physics ensemble with the SICOPOLIS ice sheet model. Each model run is spun up over 125 000 yr using geological forcings and subsequently driven into the future using an asymptotically increasing air temperature anomaly curve. All modeled ice sheets lose mass after 2005 AD. Parameters controlling surface melt dominate the model response to temperature change. After culling the ensemble to include only members that give reasonable ice volumes in 2005 AD, the range of projected sea level rise values in 2100 AD is ~40 % or more of the median. Data on past ice sheet behavior can help reduce this uncertainty, but none of our ensemble members produces a reasonable ice volume change during the mid-Holocene, relative to the present. This problem suggests that the model's exponential relation between temperature and precipitation does not hold during the Holocene, or that the central-Greenland temperature forcing curve used to drive the model is not representative of conditions around the ice margin at this time (among other possibilities). Our simulations also lack certain observed physical processes that may tend to enhance the real ice sheet's response. Regardless, this work has implications for other studies that use ice sheet models to project or hindcast the behavior of the Greenland Ice Sheet