191 research outputs found

    The Mid-Term Changes of Pulmonary Function Tests After Phrenic Nerve Transfer

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    Background: In the restoration of elbow flexion, the phrenic nerve has proven to be a good donor, but considering the role of the phrenic nerve in respiratory function, we cannot disregard the potential dangers of this method. Objectives: In the current study, we reviewed the results of pulmonary function tests (PFT) in four patients who underwent phrenic nerve transfer. Patients and Methods: We reviewed the results of serial spirometry tests, which were performed before and after phrenic nerve transfer surgery. Results: All patients regained Biceps power to M3 strength or above. None of our patients experienced pulmonary problems or respiratory complaints, but a significant reduction of spirometric parameters occurred after surgery. Conclusions: This study highlights the close link between the role of the phrenic nerve and pulmonary function, such that the use of this nerve as a transfer donor leads to spirometric impairments

    Detection of human papillomavirus DNA in intraosseus ameloblastoma

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    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection has been shown as a risk factor in oral carcinogenesis. The association between HPV and benign and malignant neoplasm of oral mucosa, especially surface epithelium-derived tumors, is well established. The role of HPV in pathogenesis of odontogenic cysts and tumors has been published in few articles. The aim of this study was detection of HPV in Iranian patients with intrabony ameloblastoma and investigation of specific risk factors associated with ameloblastoma. One hundred intrabony ameloblastoma and 50 age-sex matched samples as controls were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction for the detection and typing of HPV. Fisher exact and chi square tests were used to assess the data. HPV DNA was detected in 32% of patients and 10% of controls. HPV-6 was the most prevalent genotype (31.6%) in infected cases. It was followed by HPV-11 (12.5%), HPV-16 (12.5%) and HPV-31 (3.1%). We found a significant association between presence of HPV and location of tumor (p = 0.02), traumatic history (p = 0.03) and ododontic therapy (p = 0.01). These findings indicated that HPV-6 probably is one of the most important etiologic agents in causing intraosseous ameloblastoma in Iranian population. © 2006 Academic Journals Inc., USA

    Lamotrigine extends lifespan but compromises health span in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The discovery of life extension in Caenorhabditis elegans treated with anticonvulsant medications has raised the question whether these drugs are prospective anti-aging candidate compounds. The impact of these compounds on neural modulation suggests that they might influence the chronic diseases of aging as well. Lamotrigine is a commonly used anticonvulsant with a relatively good adverse-effects profile. In this study, we evaluated the interaction between the impacts of lamotrigine on mortality rate, lifespan, metabolic rate and locomotion. It has been proposed in a wide range of animal models that there is an inverse relationship between longevity, metabolic rate, and locomotion. We hypothesized that the survival benefits displayed by this compound would be associated with deleterious effects on health span, such as depression of locomotion. Using Drosophila as our model system, we found that lamotrigine decreased mortality and increased lifespan in parallel with a reduction in locomotor activity and a trend towards metabolic rate depression. Our findings underscore the view that assessing health span is critical in the pursuit of useful anti-aging compounds

    Two new records of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) from Iran

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    خانواده‌ی Tetranychidae گونه‌های زیادی دارد که همگی آفات محصولات کشاورزی هستند. دو گونه از کنه‌های این خانواده، Eotetranychus uncatus Garman و E. potentillae Begl. et Mitr برای اولین‌بار از ایران گزارش می‌شوند. گونه‌ی اول از شهرستان مراغه روی آلوچه و گونه‌ی دوم از گچسر (واقع در جاده چالوس) روی تمشک در تابستان 1388 جمع‌آوری شد

    Tetranychid mites and their natural enemies in Maragheh region and the first record of Neopronematus neglectus (Acari: Iolinidae) from Iran

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    During 2006 a survey was carried out on tetranychid mites and their natural enemies in Maragheh apple orchards (North-west of Iran). In this survey a total of 20 species within the families Tetranychidae, Phytoseiidae, Stigmaeidae, Anystidae, Iolinidae, Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae and Thripidae were collected and identified. One species of the Iolinidae identified as Neopronematus neglectus (Kuznetzov) and its identity was confirmed by Dr. Edward Ueckermann from Plant Protection Research Institute of South Africa. It is reported here as a new record to Acari fauna of Iran

    Simultaneous impact of atorvastatin and mesenchymal stem cells for glioblastoma multiform suppression in rat glioblastoma multiform model

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    Glioblastoma multiform (GBM) is known as an aggressive glial neoplasm. Recently incorporation of mesenchymal stem cells with anti-tumor drugs have been used due to lack of immunological responses and their easy accessibility. In this study, we have investigated the anti-proliferative and apoptotic activity of atorvastatin (Ator) in combination of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on GBM cells in vitro and in vivo. The MSCs isolated from rats and characterized for their multi-potency features. The anti-proliferative and migration inhibition of Ator and MSCs were evaluated by MTT and scratch migration assays. The annexin/PI percentage and cell cycle arrest of treated C6 cells were evaluated until 72 h incubation. The animal model was established via injection of C6 cells in the brain of rats and subsequent injection of Ator each 3 days and single injection of MSCs until 12 days. The growth rate, migrational phenotype and cell cycle progression of C6 cells decreased and inhibited by the interplay of different factors in the presence of Ator and MSCs. The effect of Ator and MSCs on animal models displayed a significant reduction in tumor size and weight. Furthermore, histopathology evaluation proved low hypercellularity and mitosis index as well as mild invasive tumor cells for perivascular cuffing without pseudopalisading necrosis and small delicate vessels in Ator + MSCs condition. In summary, Ator and MSCs delivery to GBM model provides an effective strategy for targeted therapy of brain tumor. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Comparison of model estimates of the effects of aviation emissions on atmospheric ozone and methane

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    One of the significant uncertainties in understanding the effects of aviation on climate is the effects of aviation emissions on ozone and atmospheric chemistry. In this study the effects of aviation emissions on atmospheric ozone for 2006 and two projections for 2050 are compared among seven models. The models range in complexity from a two-dimensional coupled model to three-dimensional offline and fully coupled three-dimensional chemistry-climate models. This study is the first step in a critical assessment and comparison among these model results. Changes in tropospheric O3 burdens range from 2.3 Tg-O3/Tg-N to 3.0 Tg-O3/Tg-N, ozone radiative forcings range from 6 to 37 mW/m2, and methane radiative forcings range from -8.3 to -12.5 mW/m2 for the 2006 aviation emissions. As a group, the chemistry transport models tend to have similar responses while the fully coupled models tend to separate from this group and do not show similar responses to each other. ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Scientific, sustainability and regulatory challenges of cultured meat

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    Producing meat without the drawbacks of conventional animal agriculture would greatly contribute to future food and nutrition security. This Review Article covers biological, technological, regulatory and consumer acceptance challenges in this developing field of biotechnology. Cellular agriculture is an emerging branch of biotechnology that aims to address issues associated with the environmental impact, animal welfare and sustainability challenges of conventional animal farming for meat production. Cultured meat can be produced by applying current cell culture practices and biomanufacturing methods and utilizing mammalian cell lines and cell and gene therapy products to generate tissue or nutritional proteins for human consumption. However, significant improvements and modifications are needed for the process to be cost efficient and robust enough to be brought to production at scale for food supply. Here, we review the scientific and social challenges in transforming cultured meat into a viable commercial option, covering aspects from cell selection and medium optimization to biomaterials, tissue engineering, regulation and consumer acceptance