13 research outputs found

    Innovonto: An Enhanced Crowd Ideation Platform with Semantic Annotation (Hallway Test)

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    Crowd ideation platforms provide a promising approach for supporting the idea generation process. Research has shown that presenting a set of similar or diverse ideas to users during ideation leads them to come-up with more creative ideas. In this paper, we describe Innovonto, a crowd ideation platform that leverages semantic web technologies and human collaboration to identify similar and diverse ideas in order to enhance the creativity of generated ideas. Therefore, the approach implemented captures first the conceptualization of users' ideas. Then, a matching system is employed to compute similarities between all ideas in near real time. Furthermore, this technical report outlines the results obtained from the evaluation of Innovonto platform. The hallway study, conducted at our research group, allowed us to test each step of Innovonto platform as well as the proposed approach in assessing similarities between ideas. As results, we received 20 ideas and 23 feedbacks from 9 users. The analysis of the results shows good performance of Innovonto steps and confirms the findings of existing research

    The Impact of Concept Representation in Interactive Concept Validation (ICV)

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    Large scale ideation has developed as a promising new way of obtaining large numbers of highly diverse ideas for a given challenge. However, due to the scale of these challenges, algorithmic support based on a computational understanding of the ideas is a crucial component in these systems. One promising solution is the use of knowledge graphs to provide meaning. A significant obstacle lies in word-sense disambiguation, which cannot be solved by automatic approaches. In previous work, we introduce \textit{Interactive Concept Validation} (ICV) as an approach that enables ideators to disambiguate terms used in their ideas. To test the impact of different ways of representing concepts (should we show images of concepts, or only explanatory texts), we conducted experiments comparing three representations. The results show that while the impact on ideation metrics was marginal, time/click effort was lowest in the images only condition, while data quality was highest in the both condition

    A New Approach for Combining the Similarity Values in Ontology Alignment

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    Part 10: Information Technology: OntologiesInternational audienceOntology Alignment is the process of identifying semantic correspondences between their entities. It is proposed to enable semantic interoperability between various knowledge sources that are distributed and heterogeneous. Most existing ontology alignment systems are based on the calculation of similarities and often proceed by their combination. The work presented in this paper consists of an approach denoted PBW (Precision Based Weighting) which estimates the weights to assign to matchers for aggregation. This approach proposes to measure the confidence accorded to a matcher by estimating its precision. The experimental study that we have carried out has been conducted on the Conference track of the evaluation campaign OAEI 2012. We have compared our approach with two methods considered as the most performed in recent years, namely those based on the concepts harmony and local confidence trust respectively. The results show the good performance of our approach. Indeed, it is better in terms of precision, than existing methods with which it has been compared

    Synthesis, Characterization, and Photocatalytic Activity of Ba-Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films

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    In the present paper, Bi1−xBaxFeO3 (BBFO) thin films (where x = 0, 0.02 and 0.05) were prepared by a combined sol-gel and spin-coating method. The influence of Ba substitutions on the structural, microstructural, optical properties, and photocatalytic activity of BiFeO3 thin films has been studied. X-ray diffraction pattern correlated with FTIR analysis results confirms that all the films have a perovskite structure of rhombohedral symmetry with an R3m space group. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to investigate the surface morphology and reveals microstructural modifications with the increase in Ba concentration. The optical properties show that the band gap is narrowed after doping with Ba ions and decreases gradually with the increase of doping content. The photocatalytic investigations of deposited films revealed that Ba doping of BFO material leads to the enhancement of photocatalytic response. The present data demonstrates that Bi1−xBaxFeO3 (BBFO) thin films can be used in photocatalytic applications

    RDF Doctor: A Holistic Approach for Syntax Error Detection and Correction of RDF Data

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    Over the years, the demand for interoperability support between diverse applications has significantly in- creased. The Resource Definition Framework (RDF), among other solutions, is utilized as a data modeling language which allows for encoding the knowledge from various domains in a unified representation. More- over, a vast amount of data from heterogeneous data sources are continuously published in documents using the RDF format. Therefore, these RDF documents should be syntactically correct in order to enable software agents performing further processing. Albeit, a number of approaches have been proposed for ensuring error-free RDF documents, commonly they are not able to identify all syntax errors at once by failing on the first encountered error. In this paper, we tackle the problem of simultaneous error identification, and propose RDF-Doctor, a holistic approach for detecting and resolving syntactic errors in a semi-automatic fashion. First, we define a comprehensive list of errors that can be detected along with customized error messages to allow users for a better understanding of the actual errors. Next, a subset of syntactic errors is corrected automatically based on matching them with predefined error messages. Finally, for a particular number of errors, customized and meaningful messages are delivered to users to facilitate the manual corrections process. The results from empirical evaluations provide evidence that the presented approach is able to effectively detect a wide range of syntax errors and automatically correct a large subset of them

    STRIM Results for OAEI 2015 Instance Matching Evaluation

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    Abstract. The interest of instance matching grows everyday with the emergence of linked data. This task is very necessary to interlink semantically data together in order to be reused and shared. In this paper, we introduce STRIM, an automatic instance matching tool designed to identify the instances that describe the same real-world objects. The STRIM system participates for the first time at OAEI 2015 in order to be evaluated and tested. The results of the STRIM system on instance matching tracks are so far quite promising. In effect, the STRIM system is the top system on SPIMBENCH tracks

    DC²S²:designing crowd-powered creativity support systems

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    Abstract Supporting creativity has been considered as one of the grand challenges of Human Computer Interaction. All creativity lies within humanity and crowdsourcing is a powerful approach for tapping into the collective insights of diverse crowds. Thus, crowdsourcing has great potential in supporting creativity. In this workshop, we brainstorm new crowdsourcing systems and concepts for supporting creativity, by bringing together researchers and industry professionals in a full-day workshop. The workshop consists of discussions of ideas contributed by the participants and hands-on brainstorming sessions in groups for ideating new crowd-powered systems that support creativity. We center the workshop around two themes: supporting the individual and facilitating creativity in groups

    Accessibility and Personalization in OpenCourseWare : An Inclusive Development Approach

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    OpenCourseWare (OCW) has become a desirable source for sharing free educational resources which means there will always be users with differing needs. It is therefore the responsibility of OCW platform developers to consider accessibility as one of their prioritized requirements to ensure ease of use for all, including those with disabilities. However, the main challenge when creating an accessible platform is the ability to address all the different types of barriers that might affect those with a wide range of physical, sensory and cognitive impairments. This article discusses accessibility and personalization strategies and their realisation in the SlideWiki platform, in order to facilitate the development of accessible OCW. Previously, accessibility was seen as a complementary feature that can be tackled in the implementation phase. However, a meaningful integration of accessibility features requires thoughtful consideration during all project phases with active involvement of related stakeholders. The evaluation results and lessons learned from the SlideWiki development process have the potential to assist in the development of other systems that aim for an inclusive approach. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works

    Introducing the HOBBIT platform into the ontology alignment evaluation campaign

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    OM is co-located with the 17th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)International audienceThis paper describes the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2017.5 pre-campaign. Like in 2012, when we transitioned the evaluation to the SEALS platform, we have also conducted a pre-campaign to assess the feasibility of moving to the HOBBIT platform. We report the experiences of this pre-campaign and discuss the future steps for the OAEI