1,662 research outputs found

    Сучасні методи аналізу при оцінці та прогнозуванні зайнятості у малому підприємництві регіонів

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    The features of the use of modern methods of cluster analysis, mathematical statistics, economic and mathematical modeling methods in assessing employment in small business were studied. The methodical approach to the assessment of employment in small business based on scientifically-based analysis of its provisions, socio-economic status of the region and forecasting social and labor issues were worked out. The information base of research capacity, objectivity and similarity in measurement were defined. Проблеми формування та реалізації регіональної політики зайнятості населення через сприяння розвитку малого підприємництва заслуговують на особливу увагу та дослідження. Саме через це метою даної статті є визначення основних методичних підходів щодо оцінки стану та тенденцій зайнятості у сфері малого підприємництва на регіональному рівні. У статті досліджуються особливості використання сучасних методів кластерного аналізу, математичної статистики, економіко-математичного моделювання та прогнозування при оцінці зайнятості у малому підприємництві. Розроблено методичний підхід до оцінки стану зайнятості населення у сфері малого підприємництва на основі науково обґрунтованого аналізу його положення, соціально-економічного стану регіону та прогнозування соціально-трудової сфери. Визначено інформаційну базу дослідження за об’ємом, об’єктивністю та схожістю виміру. Запропонована методика може бути використана при аналізі ступеню ефективності використання трудових ресурсів регіонів, для виявлення зв’язків рівня офіційної зайнятості у сфері малого підприємництва з тими факторами, під впливом яких вона формується, обґрунтування пріоритетних заходів програми сприяння зайнятості населення, розробки механізмів взаємодії між органами виконавчої та законодавчої влади регіонів

    Ultimate design of prestressed concrete beams

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    Studies of Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs Reinforced with Steel Plates

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    United States Air ForceContract AF 33(600)-3131

    Mapping the American Left

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    The American political system is experiencing a crisis of hegemony. The moderate, bipartisan center that had been the mythical linchpin of American political identity during the "long Cold War” is facing the possibility of a terminal decline. Donald Trump’s election is indicative of how this crisis has emboldened the American right. At the same time, however, the organized left is also resurgent in the United States. This article is a situated and provisional analysis of the American left resurgence midway through Trump presidency. The American left currently finds itself on unfamiliar political terrain. It is more energized today than it has been in decades. And yet, this rebirth comes with uncertainty. Four issues speak to the promise and challenges of the American left: the meaning and content of "democratic socialism,” the left’s relationship to the Democratic Party, bridging the divide between class and identity along which the left has fragmented since the 1980s, and the tension of organizing via both social movements and elections. These issues are likely to shape its organizing successes in the near future

    Actions of D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin and dynorphin A (1–17) on neocortical neurons in vitro

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    Intracellular recordings were made from neocortical neurons in vitro. Application of D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin (DADL) by different methods produced a decrease in EPSP amplitude and in the amplitude of L-glutamate-induced depolarizations without changes in membrane potential or membrane input resistance. The DADL effects were blocked by naloxone and persisted when synaptic transmission was depressed, suggesting DADL acts on postsynaptically located opiate receptors. With dynorphin A (1–17), depolarizations, hyperpolarizations, decreases and increases in EPSP were observed, but never an anti-glutamate effect

    Development of hypothalamic opioid neurons: A combined immunocytochemical and [3H]thymidine autoradiographic study

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    Using a combined technique of immunocytochemistry and [3H]thymidine autoradiography, we have determined the "birth-date" of opioid peptide containing neurons in three hypothalamic nuclei. These include proopiomelanocortin neurons (indicated by ACTH immunoreactivity) in the arcuate nucleus, dynorphin a neurons in the supraoptic nucleus, and [Leu]enkephalin neurons in the periventricular nucleus. Arcuate proopiomelanocortin neurons were born very early in embryonic development, with peak heavy [3H]thymidine nuclear labelling occurring on embryonic day E12. Supraoptic dynorphin A neurons were also labelled relatively early (peak at E13). By contrast, [Leu]enkephalin neurons in the periventricular nucleus exhibited peak heavy nuclear labelling on day E14. The results indicate a differential genesis of these three opioid peptide containing neuronal groups in three different hypothalamic nuclei.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25773/1/0000334.pd

    High sensitivity active flat optics optical phased array receiver with a two-dimensional aperture

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    Optical phased arrays (OPAs) on integrated photonic platforms provide a low-cost chip-scale solution for many applications. Despite the numerous demonstrations of OPA transmitters, the realization of a functional OPA receiver presents a challenge due to the low received signal level in the presence of noise and interference that necessitates high sensitivity of the receiver. In this paper, an integrated receiver system is presented that is capable of on-chip adaptive manipulation and processing of the captured waveform. The receiver includes an optoelectronic mixer that down-converts optical signals to radio frequencies while maintaining their phase and amplitude information. The optoelectronic mixer also provides conversion gain that enhances the system sensitivity and its robustness to noise and interference. Using this system, the first OPA receiver with a two-dimensional aperture of 8-by-8 receiving elements is demonstrated which can selectively receive light from 64 different angles. The OPA receiver can form reception beams with a beamwidth of 0.75° over an 8° grating-lobe-free field of view

    Enkephalin systems in diencephalon and brainstem of the rat

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    The immunocytochemical distribution of [Leu]enkephalin and an adrenal enkephalin precursor fragment (BAM-22P) immunoreactivity was investigated in the diencephalon and brainstem of rats pretreated with relatively high doses of colchicine (300–400 Μg/10 Μl intracerebroventricularly). The higher ranges of colchicine pretreatment allowed the visualization of extensive enkephalin-containing systems in these brain regions, some of which are reported for the first time. Immunoreactive perikarya were found in many hypothalamic and thalamic nuclei, interpeduncular nucleus, substan-tia nigra, the colliculi, periaqueductal gray, parabrachial nuclei, trigeminal motor and spinal nuclei, nucleus raphe magnus and other raphe nuclei, nucleus reticularis paragigantocellularis, vestibular nuclei, several nor-adrenergic cell groups, nucleus tractus solitarius, as well as in the spinal cord dorsal horn. In addition to the above regions, immunoreactive fibers were also noted in the habenular nuclei, trigeminal sensory nuclei, locus coeruleus, motor facial nucleus, cochlear nuclei, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and hypoglossal nucleus. When adjacent sections to those stained for [Leu]enkephalin were processed for BAM-22P immunoreactivity, it was found that these two immunoreactivities were distributed identically at almost all anatomical locations. B AM-22P immunoreactivity was generally less pronounced and was preferentially localized to neuronal perikarya. The results of the present as well as the preceding studies (Khachaturian et ai., '83) strongly suggest substantial structural similarity between the adrenal proenkephalin precursor and that which occurs in the brain. Also discussed are some differences and parallels between the distribution of [Leu]enkeph-alin and dynorphin immunoreactivities.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50020/1/902200305_ftp.pd

    Large-Scale Crosstalk-Corrected Thermo-Optic Phase Shifter Arrays in Silicon Photonics

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    We introduce a thermo-optic phase shifter (TOPS) array architecture with independent phase control of each phase shifter for large-scale and high-density photonic integrated circuits with two different control schemes: pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and pulse width modulation (PWM). We realize a compact spiral TOPS and a 288-element high-density row-column TOPS array with this architecture and drive TOPS with waveforms of both control schemes and of different array sizes. We present a thermal excitation model and a finite difference method-based simulation to simulate large-scale TOPS arrays and compare both schemes experimentally and theoretically. We also analyze the effects of thermal crosstalk in the realized TOPS array and implement a thermal crosstalk correction algorithm with the developed model. The high-density TOPS array architecture and the thermal crosstalk correction algorithm pave the way for high-density TOPS arrays with independent phase control in large-scale photonic integrated circuits interfaced with electronics limited in voltage swing and bandwidth.Comment: 12 pages and 19 figures accepted to IEEE JSTQE for publicatio