40 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and connectivity of southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) found in the Brazil and Chile-Peru wintering grounds and the South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur) feeding ground

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    As species recover from exploitation, continued assessments of connectivity and population structure are warranted to provide information for conservation and management. This is particularly true in species with high dispersal capacity, such as migratory whales, where patterns of connectivity could change rapidly. Here we build on a previous long-term, large-scale collaboration on southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) to combine new (nnew) and published (npub) mitochondrial (mtDNA) and microsatellite genetic data from all major wintering grounds and, uniquely, the South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur: SG) feeding grounds. Specifically, we include data from Argentina (npub mtDNA/microsatellite=208/46), Brazil (nnew mtDNA/microsatellite=50/50), South Africa (nnew mtDNA/microsatellite=66/77, npub mtDNA/microsatellite=350/47), Chile-Peru (nnew mtDNA/microsatellite=1/1), the Indo-Pacific (npub mtDNA/microsatellite=769/126), and SG (npub mtDNA/microsatellite=8/0, nnew mtDNA/microsatellite=3/11) to investigate the position of previously unstudied habitats in the migratory network: Brazil, SG and Chile-Peru. These new genetic data show connectivity between Brazil and Argentina, exemplified by weak genetic differentiation and the movement of one genetically identified individual between the South American grounds. The single sample from Chile-Peru had a mtDNA haplotype previously only observed in the Indo-Pacific and had a nuclear genotype that appeared admixed between the Indo-Pacific and South Atlantic, based on genetic clustering and assignment algorithms. The SG samples were clearly South Atlantic, and were more similar to the South American than the South African wintering grounds. This study highlights how international collaborations are critical to provide context for emerging or recovering regions, like the SG feeding ground, as well as those that remain critically endangered, such as Chile-Peru

    Towards Endometriosis Diagnosis by Gadofosveset-Trisodium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. It affects 10–15% of women during reproductive age and has a big personal and social impact due to chronic pelvic pain, subfertility, loss of work-hours and medical costs. Such conditions are exacerbated by the fact that the correct diagnosis is made as late as 8–11 years after symptom presentation. This is due to the lack of a reliable non-invasive diagnostic test and the fact that the reference diagnostic standard is laparoscopy (invasive, expensive and not without risks). High-molecular weight gadofosveset-trisodium is used as contrast agent in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Since it extravasates from hyperpermeable vessels more easily than from mature blood vessels, this contrast agent detects angiogenesis efficiently. Endometriosis has high angiogenic activity. Therefore, we have tested the possibility to detect endometriosis non-invasively using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and gadofosveset-trisodium as a contrast agent in a mouse model. Endometriotic lesions were surgically induced in nine mice by autologous transplantation. Three weeks after lesion induction, mice were scanned by DCE-MRI. Dynamic image analysis showed that the rates of uptake (inwash), persistence and outwash of the contrast agent were different between endometriosis and control tissues (large blood vessels and back muscle). Due to the extensive angiogenesis in induced lesions, the contrast agent persisted longer in endometriotic than control tissues, thus enhancing the MRI signal intensity. DCE-MRI was repeated five weeks after lesion induction, and contrast enhancement was similar to that observed three weeks after endometriosis induction. The endothelial-cell marker CD31 and the pericyte marker α-smooth-muscle-actin (mature vessels) were detected with immunohistochemistry and confirmed that endometriotic lesions had significantly higher prevalence of new vessels (CD31 only positive) than the uterus and control tissues. The diagnostic value of gadofosveset-trisodium to detect endometriosis should be tested in human settings

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Pricing a waiver of premium upon disability

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    Development of approaches to price a waiver of premium upon disability rider based on provision terms set forth by John Hancock Insurance and available data. Approaches involved random variables; age at disablement, duration of disability, and age at death. A rider premium was calculated such that the random loss (a function of those random variables) had an expected value of zero. Through data collection and SAS programming, an expense-loaded rider premium was calculated as a percentage of base premium

    Efecto del consumo de pulpa de Carica papaya sobre la glicemia y peso de ratones normo e hiperglicémicos por aloxano

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    La Diabetes Mellitus se caracteriza por la menor capacidad del organismo de utilizar la glucosa, en la diabetes de tipo 2, la obesidad es el factor más relevante y más posible de prevenir. En este estudio se determinó el efecto del consumo de la pulpa de papaya o mamón (Carica papaya) sobre la glicemia y el peso corporal en ratones albinos suizos machos normo e hiperglicémicos inducidos por aloxano. Se organizaron cuatro grupos de seis ratones cada uno. Grupo I: normoglicémicos con dieta estándar, Grupo II: hiperglicémicos con dieta estándar, Grupo III: normoglicémicos con dieta estándar y papaya, Grupo IV: hiperglicémicos con dieta estándar y papaya, el experimento duró 28 días. Los valores obtenidos indican un descenso significativo en la glicemia de los animales del grupo hiperglicémico que fue alimentado con la pulpa de papaya (p<0,01), y también se observó una reducción estadísticamente significativa (p<0,001) en el peso corporal de los animales normoglicémicos que recibieron la pulpa de papaya. El consumo de C. papaya en los animales hiperglicémicos mejoró la glicemia, y produjo un impacto positivo en el metabolismo de la glucosa, y además disminuyó significativamente el peso corporal en los animales normoglicémicos.Diabetes Mellitus is characterized by the lower capacity of the body to use glucose, in type 2 diabetes, obesity is the most relevant environmental factor and most possible to prevent. In this study, the effect of the consumption of papaya pulp (Carica papaya) on glycaemia and body weight in male Swiss albino mice and hyperglycemic mice induced by alloxan was determined. Four groups of six mice each were organized. Group I: normoglycemic with standard diet, Group II: hyperglycemic with standard diet, Group III: normoglycemic with standard diet and papaya, Group IV: hyperglycemic with standard diet and papaya, the experiment lasted 28 days. The results showed a significant decrease in the glycaemia of animals in hyperglycemic group that was fed with the papaya pulp (p <0.01), and also a statistically significant reduction (p <0.001) in the body weight in normoglycemic mice fed with standard diet and papaya. The consumption of C. papaya in hyperglycemic animals improved the glycaemia, and positively impacted in glucose metabolism, additionally induced a significant reduction on the body weight of normoglycemic animals