105 research outputs found

    Uurimus, andmed ja interpretatsioon

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "Uurimus, andmed ja interpretatsioon" materjalid. Käesolev kursus on ainetevaheline, kuna tutvustatakse mitme erineva valdkonnna meetodeid. Loenguid annavad külalisõppejõud, keda igal aastal ei ole võimalik uuesti kutsuda

    Üldistatud lineaarsete mudelite kasutamine sotsiaalteadustes: praktikum

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    Üldistatud lineaarsed mudelid (ÜLM) on lineaarse regressioonimudeli tänapäeval laialdaselt kasutatav üldistus, mis võtab ühtsesse lihtsasse kasutusskeemi kokku mudelid, mida traditsiooniliselt tuntakse paljude erinevate nimede all (nt regressioon-, dispersioon- ja kovariatsioonanalüüs, logistiline ja Poissoni regressioon). Selline üldistus võimaldab erinevatest mudelitest paremini aru saada ning neid paindlikumalt rakendada. ÜLM ideestik on laialdaselt kasutusel paljudes erinevates teadusvaldkondades (sh sotsiaalteadused, psühholoogia, liikumis- ja sporditeadused jne) ning selle tundmine on nende valdkondade uurimistulemustest aru saamiseks üha olulisem. Kursusel käsitletakse ÜLM kasutamist programmiga R. Järgnevas kursuse materjalide kogumikus on (a) sissejuhatav tekst R-i kasutamisest, (b) praktikumijuhendid, ja (c) kursuse lisamaterjalid. Kõigis tekstides tuleks courier kirjas olev osa ise R-is järele proovida – praktikumid on sel viisil ka iseseisvalt läbi tehtavad

    Temporal associations between objectively measured physical activity and depressive symptoms: An experience sampling study

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    BackgroundThis study aimed to examine the relationship between the timing of physical activity and within-individual differences in depressive symptoms, positive affect, and negative affect in individuals with different baseline levels of depressive symptoms.MethodsExperience sampling methodology (ESM) was used to measure real-time depressive symptoms, positive affect, and negative affect in a convenience sample of 78 healthy adults (aged M = 25.46 years, SD = 6.18; 57 females) five times per day for 14 days. We measured physical activity throughout the 14 days by using activity sensors. Baseline levels of depressive symptoms were assessed with the PHQ-9 to build subgroups with low vs. mild-moderate depressive symptoms.ResultsPhysical activity predicted decreased depressive symptom levels, negative affect, and increased positive affect. Associations were stronger for individuals with higher baseline levels of depressive symptoms and for physical activity between 0 and 30 min compared to physical activity between 30 and 180 min before the mood rating. Conversely, levels of depressive symptoms, positive and negative affect did not predict physical activity.LimitationsThe convenience sample may not have been representative of the general population or people with depression. Accelerometers may not have detected some types of physical activities such as bicycling. Causality could not be inferred because of the observational study design.ConclusionIndividuals with higher levels of depressive symptoms may benefit from physical activity. While the effects were strongest for physical activity immediately before the mood ratings, the effects were in the same direction for up to 3 h before the mood ratings

    Assessing opportunities for physical activity in the built environment of children: interrelation between kernel density and neighborhood scale

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    BACKGROUND: Built environment studies provide broad evidence that urban characteristics influence physical activity (PA). However, findings are still difficult to compare, due to inconsistent measures assessing urban point characteristics and varying definitions of spatial scale. Both were found to influence the strength of the association between the built environment and PA. METHODS: We simultaneously evaluated the effect of kernel approaches and network-distances to investigate the association between urban characteristics and physical activity depending on spatial scale and intensity measure. We assessed urban measures of point characteristics such as intersections, public transit stations, and public open spaces in ego-centered network-dependent neighborhoods based on geographical data of one German study region of the IDEFICS study. We calculated point intensities using the simple intensity and kernel approaches based on fixed bandwidths, cross-validated bandwidths including isotropic and anisotropic kernel functions and considering adaptive bandwidths that adjust for residential density. We distinguished six network-distances from 500 m up to 2 km to calculate each intensity measure. A log-gamma regression model was used to investigate the effect of each urban measure on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) of 400 2- to 9.9-year old children who participated in the IDEFICS study. Models were stratified by sex and age groups, i.e. pre-school children (2 to <6 years) and school children (6–9.9 years), and were adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), education and safety concerns of parents, season and valid weartime of accelerometers. RESULTS: Association between intensity measures and MVPA strongly differed by network-distance, with stronger effects found for larger network-distances. Simple intensity revealed smaller effect estimates and smaller goodness-of-fit compared to kernel approaches. Smallest variation in effect estimates over network-distances was found for kernel intensity measures based on isotropic and anisotropic cross-validated bandwidth selection. CONCLUSION: We found a strong variation in the association between the built environment and PA of children based on the choice of intensity measure and network-distance. Kernel intensity measures provided stable results over various scales and improved the assessment compared to the simple intensity measure. Considering different spatial scales and kernel intensity methods might reduce methodological limitations in assessing opportunities for PA in the built environment

    Pathological gambling in Estonia: Relationships with personality, self-esteem, emotional states and cognitive ability

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    Abstract Due to changes in gambling accessibility during the last decade gambling has become more widespread in Estonia and the prevalence of pathological gambling has sharply increased. The present study attempts to identify psychological characteristics of Estonian pathological gamblers. It has been shown that a wide range of social, economic, and individual factors (e.g. personality traits and emotional states) predict the likelihood of becoming a pathological gambler. In the present study, pathological gamblers' (N = 33) personality traits, self-esteem, self-reported emotional states and cognitive ability were compared to the respective characteristics in a non-gambling control group (N = 42) matched for age, gender and educational level. It was found that compared to controls, pathological gamblers had higher scores on Neuroticism (especially on its immoderation facet) and lower scores on Conscientiousness (especially on its dutifulness and cautiousness facets) and on self-esteem scale. They reported more negative emotional states during the previous month (especially depression and anxiety). Finally, pathological gamblers had lower general cognitive ability. In a logistic regression model, the likelihood of being a pathological gambler was best predicted by high immoderation score and low cognitive ability

    Tunne iseennast: praktiline sissejuhatus individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogiasse

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    BeSt programmi toetusel loodud e-kursuse "Tunne iseennast: praktiline sissejuhatus individuaalsete erinevuste psühholoogiasse" õppematerjali