9 research outputs found

    Understanding peace perceptions of Islamic actors concerning the peace process in Turkey and their normative proposal for achieving peace

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    The literature on religious norms and actors’ positive contribution to peace has been growing in the field of conflict resolution. While some discussions concerning ‘religion’ have been regarded its role as a sparking factor for the emergence and the escalation of conflicts, it has been accepted by another branch of scholars as a facilitating instrument for creating a peaceful environment. Those, who side with the positive contribution of religious norms and actors to peace, highlight the multiplicity of religious values in the pursuit of peace. To examine the potential role of religious norms and actors for peace in Turkey’s Kurdish issue, this study investigates peace understanding of religious actors in Turkey and their normative recommendations for peace in a conflictual environment. By considering that religious actors are not homogenous in terms of their ideological stance, this thesis also examines the effect of religious actors’ ideological stance in their understanding of peace and religious norms. Turkey’s peace process (2013-20115) was utilized as a case study in exploring their perception of peace. The findings show that despite ideological differences of the religious actors, certain Islamic norms were commonly emphasized by them to promote ‘peace.’ Although women religious actors as contributors to peace may not be adequately recognized, the inclusive understanding of women participants implies the need for both further examination of their role in conflict resolution. Besides, what the characteristics of religious actors, who might contribute to peace, should be constitutes another discussion presented in this thesis

    Oyuklu magnetron üzerinde optimizasyon çalışması.

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    We studied structure of cavity magnetrons and physics behind it deeply in this thesis. The main purpose of this study is to observe parameters which affect generated power of magnetron negatively or positively. Basically, they are crossedfield devices and electrons generate RF power with the help of both electric and magnetic field. We analyzed the physics of electron motion in magnetron and came up with a power equation. Then, we studied a cylindrical hole-slot-type magnetron with specific sizes and plotted curves to visualise which parameters have an effect on power and how. It was determined as a result of analyzes that applied voltage between the anode and cathode parts, resonator number, cathode radius and angular resonant frequency are directly proportional with generated power. Contrary to this, increase in gap factor and loaded quality factor decreases the generated power. After all, for used magnetron and value range of parameters that we used, the working values which give the maximum power generation are 0.5 for gap factor, 5 for the loaded quality factor and 2.2 cm for cathode radius. Moreover, much more number of resonator and higher angular resonant frequency provide much more power generation.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    On the Coast

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    On the Coast is a short essay film on the ephemeral feeling of summer, as observed in Erikli, a small coastal town on the Aegean Sea in Turkey. It is common in Turkey, like in most Mediterranean climates, to travel to the coasts for the summer, and settle temporarily. Because of the seasonal relocating of people on the coastline, goods, businesses, and even relationships are transplanted from nearby towns and cities for the summer months. This shift creates an interim lifestyle, a `transformed reality' that shapes the nature of vacation for many people. The film serves as a travelogue through observational images of vacationers with constructed bits of sound and staged vignettes that stem from everyday life occurrences and emotions, experienced in this familiar yet distinctive location. As the daytime presents a fleeting glimpse of the summerhouses and crowded beaches filled with people swimming and sunbathing, the sunset offers its own peculiar routines - a stroll in the evening bazaar, a random chat in a coffee shop or a drink at the tavern - hinting at a simultaneous state of comfort and unrest. On the Coast, a documentary with fictive interruptions, reflects on the nature of vacation, as it is a transformed version of reality, the fantastical counterpart to winter

    Hydrogen gas production on aluminium electrode modified by chitosan supported with au nanoparticles

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    Günümüzün en büyük problemlerinden biri, enerji gereksiniminin karşılanmasında çok büyük oranda fosil yakıtların kullanılmasıdır. Artan enerji ihtiyacının fosil yakıtlardan sağlanması, çevresel problemlere ve enerji maliyetinin artmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu problemlerin çözümü ancak sürdürülebilir enerji kaynakları kullanımıyla gerçekleştirilebilecektir. Bu yüzden bol miktarda bulunan hidrojen, temiz ve ideal bir yakıt olarak geleceğin enerji kaynağı olarak düşünülmektedir. Hidrojen gazı üretiminin en basit yolu suyun elektrolizidir. Suyun elektrolizi ile hidrojen üretiminde karşılaşılan en büyük problem, elektrokimyasal sistemde oluşan aşırı gerilim nedeniyle maliyet artışıdır. Bu çalışmada suyun elektrolizi ile hidrojen elde etmek amacıyla ucuz bir materyal olarak seçilen alüminyum elektrodun yüzeyi, önce polianilin (PAni)-Kitosan kompozit yapısıyla modifiye edilmiş, daha sonra elde edilen bu kompozit yapı üzerine hidrojen oluşumunda yüksek katalitik aktivite gösteren altın (Au) nanopartiküller ayrıştırılmıştır. Elde edilen tüm yapıların yüzey özellikleri incelenmiş ve elektrokimyasal hidrojen üretimindeki katalitik aktiviteleri çeşitli elektrokimyasal yöntemler kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır.One of the major problems of today‟s world is in its heavy dependency on fossil fuels for energy requirements. The increase in energy requirements causes environmental problems and leads to an increase in energy costs. It has already been obvious that the solution to these problems is to use of sustainable energy resources. Since hydrogen, the most abundant element is the cleanest and ideal fuel, has been considered as the fuel of the future. The simplest way of hydrogen production is the electrolysis of water. The major problem in the electrolysis of water for the hydrogen evolution is the increase in costs due to overvoltage of the electrochemical system. In this study, first the surface of the aluminium electrode as a cheap material, coated with polyanilin (PAni)-Chitosan composite film, then the gold (Au) nanoparticles electrodeposited on this composite surface which show high catalytic activity toward hydrogen production. The surface properties of the all obtained structures are investigated and the catalytic activities of the structures are compared with various electrochemical techniques for the electrocatalytic hydrogen production

    Electrocatalytic hydrogen production on GCE/RGO/Au hybrid electrode

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    We have prepared a nanocomposite hybrid film to produce a collaborative network of gold (Au) nanoparticles that are highly dispersed on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) sheets, and tested it for electrocatalytic hydrogen production. The RGO/Au nanocomposite film synthesized on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) allows significant improvements to the electron-transfer process. The Au nanoparticles decorated on the surface of graphene increases the electron density, which synergistically promote the adsorption of hydrogen atoms on the graphene sheets and consequently enhance the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity. The surface properties of the composite was characterized by field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and the electrocatalytical performances evaluated as-prepared electrocatalyst toward (HER) by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), Tafel polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses. The GCE/RGO/Au nanohybrid electrode exhibited good catalytic activity for HER with an onset potential of -0.3 V and a Tafel slope of 136 mV dec-1, achieving a current density of 10 mA cm-2 at an overpotential of -0.43 V. © 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLCFirat University Scientific Research Projects Management UnitThe authors thank the Aksaray University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (ASU-BAP, 2016-034 ) for financial support

    The activity of PAni-Chitosan composite film decorated with Pt nanoparticles for electrocatalytic hydrogen generation

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    WOS: 000379274500003To develop low-cost, highly efficient and stable electrocatalysts is one of the main challenges for hydrogen production from a water electrolysis system. Herein, we describe platinum nanoparticles supported on pencil graphite modified by a Polyaniline-Chitosan composite film that could be used for such a system. This composite electrocatalyst was found to be very active in catalysing hydrogen evolution reactions in acidic medium. The catalytic activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) was analysed by electrochemical techniques that promoted the kinetics of the reaction following the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism. The porous structure of the catalyst provides large current densities for Had formation and hydrogen evolution. Thus, this study implies that the pencil graphite coated with Polyanffine-Chitosan/Pt nanostructured material is a promising electrocatalyst for electrolytic hydrogen production due to its favourable kinetics and that it retains its performance after long-term electrolysis. (C) 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBiTAK) [TBAG-114Z315]; Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Aksaray University [2015-036]The authors thank to The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBiTAK) (Project Number: TBAG-114Z315), Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Aksaray University (2015-036) for funding the research

    Chitosan-based hybrid nanocomposite on aluminium for hydrogen production from water

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    WOS: 000423203100024The activity of the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has been investigated on a polypyrrole-chitosan composite film decorated with a small amount of gold (Au) nano-particles coated on an aluminium electrode. The facile aluminium modified with such a hybrid nanocomposite and its performance was investigated for hydrogen evolution for the first time. A simple two-step approach was applied, including the first co-electrodeposition of polypyrrole and chitosan at a constant current electrolysis accompanied by the electrodeposition of Au nanoparticles via cyclic voltammetry. The chitosan (Chi), which is available in abundant quantities as a raw material, was incorporated into polypyrrole (PPy) chains, and it plays a key role in keeping metal nanoparticles highly dispersed and interconnected through the formation of a collaborative hybrid network. The low loading (approximate to 2 wt%) of Au on this composite film favoured the related reaction more with a high cathodic current density and reduced the Tafel slope (-152 mV dec(-1)) confirming that the reaction proceeded via the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism with a rate control step by the Volmer reaction (proton discharge step). In addition, the long-term durability over 8 h achieved this hybrid composite as a promising nano-electrocatalyst for HER.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [TBAG-114Z315]The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project Number: TBAG-114Z315)

    Electrocatalytic hydrogen production on a modified pencil graphite electrode

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    WOS: 000395842000056The development of Polyaniline (PAni)-Chitosan (Chi) and PAni-Chi/Au conducting composite films coated on pencil graphite and used as electrocatalysts for hydrogen production from water is discussed in this study for the first time. The obtained PAni-Chi composite films and PAni-Chi/Au nanostructured composite films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and evaluated as hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) electrocatalysts in an acidic medium. The effect of the film thickness of the PAni-Chi composite film and the effect of the Au electrodeposition on this film were systematically studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV), Tafel polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). It has been established that the main pathway for the HER is via the Volmer Heyrovsky mechanism with the Volmer reaction being the rate-determining step. This highly active, stable and cost-effective modified pencil graphite electrode is a promising electrocatalyst for hydrogen production from water. (C) 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [TBAG-114Z315]; Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Aksaray University [2015-036]This work was performed under the support of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (Project Number: TBAG-114Z315) and Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Aksaray University (2015-036)

    Development and validation of Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and factor analytic assessment

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    Objective: To develop and validate Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS-PL) for Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) in adolescents. Methods: Questions and threshold criteria of the K-SADS-IGD was generated based on the related section of K-SADS-PL. Then, the sample consist of IGD group and matched control group with no significant difference in psychiatric comorbidities from clinical settings were included to assess the psychometric properties of the K-SADS-IGD. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor analysis were conducted to evaluate and compare DSM model of IGD and two different Models of IGD proposal in adolescents. Results: Exploratory Factor Analysis of K-SADS-IGD revealed a single factor explaining 61.469% of the total variance. Confirmatory Factor Analysis indicates that although the K-SADS-IGD model fit indices were also acceptable, Model 1, which excluded the 7th criterion of IGD criteria of DSM-5 showed better fit in adolescent population. The Likelihood Ratio Positive and the Likelihood Ratio Negative estimates for the diagnosis of K-SADS-IGD were 31.4 and 0.12, respectively, suggesting that K-SADS-IGD was beneficial for determining the presence and the absence of IGD in adolescents. Also, K-SADS-IGD could detect disordered gamers with significantly low functionality (even after controlling the impact of comorbidities) from non-disordered gamers. Conclusion: K-SADS-IGD was found to be a reliable and valid instrument in adolescents. The model excluding 7th criteria of DSM-5 IGD was found to be more consistent than the current DSM-5 IGD model in the adolescent population. Therefore, the diagnostic criteria might be required to adjust according to the age group since the clinical symptomatology of IGD in adolescents may differ from that in adults. The K-SADS-IGD may meet the need for a certain and standardized tool to assess IGD in this population