85 research outputs found

    Bis(2,3,5-triphenyl­tetra­zolium) tetra­thio­cyanato­cobaltate(II)

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    The title compound, (C19H15N4)2[Co(NCS)4], has two crystallographycally different molecules of bis­(2,3,5-triphenyl­tetra­zolium) tetra­thio­cyanatecobaltate in the asymmetric unit. There are only minor geometric differences between them. Each cobalt(II) ion is coordinated by the N atoms of four NCS anions, showing the magnitude of the magnetic moment expected from the NCS− crystal field strength


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    日本語学習者を対象とした慣用表現の効率的な教育(学習)を実現するため,朝日新聞,毎日新聞,読売新聞の2014 年の記事データベースを対象にして出現頻度の高い慣用表現のリストを作成した.まず,宮地(1982)『慣用句の意味と用法』,森田(2010)『日本語の慣用表現』に掲載された慣用表現に異表記を追加し,6,378 個の慣用表現を得た.次に,3 紙の合計で約490 万文を対象として,慣用表現の出現頻度を計数した.そして,各紙における出現頻度上位100 位のうち,3紙すべてに共通して現れる慣用表現を求めた.これによって,新聞による偏りを排除し,使用頻度が高く学習者に有用な慣用表現リストが得られた

    Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 Mutant Cells Induced by Orange Oil and d-Limonene via the p38 MAPK Pathway

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    We studied the effects of natural essential oil on neurite outgrowth in PC12m3 neuronal cells to elucidate the mechanism underlying the action of the oils used in aromatherapy. Neurite outgrowth can be induced by nerve growth factor (NGF), where ERK and p38 MAPK among MAPK pathways play important roles in activating intracellular signal transduction. In this study, we investigated whether d-limonene, the major component of essential oils from oranges, can promote neurite outgrowth in PC12m3 cells, in which neurite outgrowth can be induced by various physical stimulations. We also examined by which pathways, the ERK, p38 MAPK or JNK pathway, d-limonene acts on PC12m3 cells. Our results showed that neurite outgrowth can be induced when the cells are treated with d-limonene. After treatment with d-limonene, we observed that p38 MAPK is strongly activated in PC12m3 cells, while ERK is weakly activated. In contrast, JNK shows little activity. A study using an inhibitor of p38 MAPK revealed that neurite outgrowth in PC12m3 cells is induced via the activation of p38 MAPK by d-limonene. The results thus indicate that d-limonene may promote neural cell differentiation mainly via activation of the p38 MAPK pathway

    Continental weathering in the Early Triassic in Himalayan Tethys, central Nepal: Implications for abrupt environmental change on the northern margin of Gondwanaland

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    The geochemistry of Triassic mudstones in the Himalayan Tethys sequence, central Nepal, was studied with respect to changes in sedimentary facies, grain size, and source rocks. The Triassic sedimentary facies of mudstone and carbonates show deposition in offshore to hemiplegic environments. The rare earth element (REE) pattern of the Permian and Triassic mudstones suggests uniformity correlatable to average shale. The major element geochemistry of the Early Triassic Griesbachian-early Smithian mudstones indicates a sediment supply from strongly weathered sources with the chemical index of alteration (CIA) values of 76–81. However, the mudstones in the late Smithian show weakly weathered sources with CIA values of 68–74. The lower part of the Middle Triassic Anisian mudstones return to Early Triassic paleoweathering levels. There are no significant relationships among lithofacies, the grain size of the sediments, and CIA values. Thus, the abrupt change of the degree of paleoweathering in the Early Triassic, late Smithian time, suggests a dramatic decrease in continental weathering, which is related to a predominantly arid climate in the northern marginal area of Gondwana.ArticleJOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES.79, Part A:288-301(2014)journal articl


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    日本語教育が必要な児童,特に低学年の教材作成に関する基礎データを提供するため,テレビの教育番組の話し言葉にて用いられる語とその出現頻度を調査した.NHK for School にて公開されている小学校低学年向け教育番組53 時間の音声を書き起こし,形態素解析により語を抽出した.フィラー,記号,数詞,固有名詞以外の異なり語数が12,398 語,延べ語数が244,848 語のデータを得て,各番組の放送時間の差異を考慮した出現頻度に基づいてランキングを行った

    [技術・研究報告] 小学生向け教育番組の音声に用いられる語彙の予備調査

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    日本語教育が必要な児童向けの教材作成の基礎データを提供するために,NHK Eテレの小学生向け教育番組の音声を書き起こし,語彙表を試作した.低学年向け17番組計510分,高学年向け19番組計570分を音声認識を利用して書き起こし,その中に現れた単語を有用度指標にもとづいて降順に並べ,語彙表を作成した.得られた語彙表は,先行研究にて作成された書き言葉コーパスに基づく語彙表よりも易しい単語が抽出されており,本研究の方法論の有効性が示された


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    運動部に所属する高校生・大学生に食生活調査を行い、次のような結果を得た。1)牛乳の摂取頻度では、高校野球部の75%が「毎日」飲んでいた。2)豆類の摂取頻度では、高校サッカー部が他の運動部に比べ低かった。3)お菓子の摂取頻度では、高校サッカー部が高かった。お菓子の種類は、全ての運動部で「スナック菓子」が8割程度であった。4)エネルギー、カルシウム摂取量では、高校野球部が他の運動部よりも高かった。5)高校野球部は食意識の高いことが伺えた。We were investigated the eating habits of high school students and university students who belongs to sport clubs. The result is shown as follows. 1) In the milk intake frequency, the high school baseball club\u27s students drank "Everyday" 75 %. 2) In the bean intake frequency, the high school soccer club\u27s students were lower than other sports club\u27s students. 3) In the cake intake frequency, the high school soccer club\u27s students was high. In the kind of the cake, 80% of the sport club\u27s students ate "junk foods". 4) In energy and the calcium intake, the high school baseball club\u27s students was higher than other sport club\u27s students. 5) The high school baseball club\u27s students that consideration to food was high