138 research outputs found

    A poesia abstrata e sua tradução concreta : uma leitura sobre a Suzana de Behr

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras e Tradução, 2018.Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem por finalidade apresentar, dispor e explorar de estratégias de tradução para realizar a versão de um poema do autor Nicolas Behr. O poema escolhido, que não possui título, mas foi denominado pelo próprio autor como “O poema da Suzana”, é uma peça repleta de referencias à Brasília. A tradução dos topônimos se impôs como o principal desafio e norteou as estratégias utilizadas na travessia que o texto original percorre até o texto traduzido. Assim, ao longo do trabalho são levantadas as opções de domesticação, estrangeirização e escrita criativa na busca por versões que possam levar ao leitor alvo versões que, ora destaque a invisibilidade do tradutor ora a suprima.Este trabajo de Conclusión de Curso tiene por finalidad presentar, disponer y explotar las estrategias de traducción para realizar la versión de un poema del autor Nicolas Behr. El poema escogido, que no tiene titulo, pero fue denominado por el autor como "El poema de la Suzana", es una pieza llena de referencias a Brasilia. La traducción de los topónimos se impuso como el principal desafío y orientó las estrategias utilizadas en la travesía que el texto original recorre hasta el texto traducido. Así, a lo largo del trabajo se levantan las opciones de domesticación, extranjerización y reescritura creativa en la búsqueda de versiones que puedan llevar al lector versiones que, destaque la invisibilidad del traductor o la suprima

    Comparação entre o sistema automatizado e PCR na identificação e susceptibilidade de isolados clínicos de Enterococcus spp

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    Enterococci are increasingly responsible for nosocomial infections worldwide. This study was undertaken to compare the identification and susceptibility profile using an automated MicrosScan system, PCR-based assay and disk diffusion assay of Enterococcus spp. We evaluated 30 clinical isolates of Enterococcus spp. Isolates were identified by MicrosScan system and PCR-based assay. The detection of antibiotic resistance genes (vancomycin, gentamicin, tetracycline and erythromycin) was also determined by PCR. Antimicrobial susceptibilities to vancomycin (30 µg), gentamicin (120 µg), tetracycline (30 µg) and erythromycin (15 µg) were tested by the automated system and disk diffusion method, and were interpreted according to the criteria recommended in CLSI guidelines. Concerning Enterococcus identification the general agreement between data obtained by the PCR method and by the automatic system was 90.0% (27/30). For all isolates of E. faecium and E. faecalis we observed 100% agreement. Resistance frequencies were higher in E. faecium than E. faecalis. The resistance rates obtained were higher for erythromycin (86.7%), vancomycin (80.0%), tetracycline (43.35) and gentamicin (33.3%). The correlation between disk diffusion and automation revealed an agreement for the majority of the antibiotics with category agreement rates of >; 80%. The PCR-based assay, the van(A) gene was detected in 100% of vancomycin resistant enterococci. This assay is simple to conduct and reliable in the identification of clinically relevant enterococci. The data obtained reinforced the need for an improvement of the automated system to identify some enterococci.Os enterococos são cada vez mais responsáveis por infecções hospitalares em todo o mundo. Este estudo foi realizado para comparar a identificação e perfil de suscetibilidade entre o sistema automatizado MicrosScan e a técnica molecular de PCR em espécies de Enterococcus spp. Foram avaliados 30 isolados clínicos de Enterococcus spp. Os isolados foram identificados pelo sistema MicrosScan® e pela técnica de PCR. A detecção de genes de resistência a antibióticos (vancomicina, gentamicina, tetraciclina e eritromicina) foi determinada por PCR. Suscetibilidades antimicrobianas à vancomicina (30 µg), gentamicina (120 µg), tetraciclina (30 µg) e eritromicina (15 µg), foram testados pelos métodos automatizados e pelo disco difusão, de acordo com as orientações do CLSI. No que diz respeito à identificação de Enterococcus em geral entre os dados obtidos pelo método de PCR e pelo sistema automático foi de 90,0% (27/30). Para todos os isolados de E. faecium e E. faecalis observamos concordância de 100%. Freqüências de resistência foi maior em E. faecium do que em E. faecalis. As taxas de resistência obtidas foi maior para eritromicina (86,7%), vancomicina (80,0%), tetraciclina (43,35%) e gentamicina (33,3%). A correlação entre a técnica de disco difusão e automação revelou-se de acordo para maioria dos antibióticos com taxas >; 80%. O gene van(A) foi detectado em 100% dos Enterococcus resistentes á vancomicina. O ensaio baseado em PCR é de simples realização e de confiança para identificação de enterococos clinicamente relevantes. Os dados obtidos reforçam a necessidade de melhoria no sistema automatizado para identificar alguns enterococos

    Palynological and Archaeological Evidence for Ritual Use of Wine in the Kura-Araxes Period at Aradetis Orgora (Georgia, Caucasus)

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    Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs found in two zoomorphic Kura-Araxes vessels (ca. 3000 BCE) from Aradetis Orgora suggest they were utilized for the ritual consumption of wine and likely represent the beginning of the enduring tradition of animal-shaped wine-drinking containers in Georgia. This hypothesis is supported by archaeological and geoarchaeological data: the vessels resemble later wine-containing vessels from Georgia and elsewhere and were found in a building whose context is suggestive of a small shrine. Their palynological spectra match those of present-day wine and wine containers of other periods. One of the vessels was intact, with only a small access hole, that hindered the contamination of its contents; consequently, its palynological spectrum can be utilized as a standard for determining the presence of wine in other archaeological vessels. The analysis of pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs from different contexts at the Aradetis Orgora settlement and from its cemetery (Doghlauri) yielded other significant results regarding the practice of viticulture and the cultural relevance of wine during the Kura-Araxes period

    Paleoenvironmental significance of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda from the late quaternary of the Ceará basin, brazilian equatorial margin

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    Benthic foraminifera, ostracods and pteropods are reliable paleoenvironmental indicators in Quaternary deposits. However, in the Ceará Basin, on the Brazilian Equatorial Margin, these microfossils are poorly studied. This paper investigates environmental changes during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition in the Icaraí subbasin based on micropaleontological analysis of the core ANP 1011. Seventy-four taxa of benthic foraminifera, represented predominantly by Globocassidulina, Uvigerina, Pyrgoand Melonis, have been identified. The ostracod assemblages are composed mainly by the families Macrocyprididae, Cytheruridae, Trachyleberididae, Pontocyprididae andKrithidae, of which the genus Krithe wasthe most abundant. The composition of the ostracod assemblages identified in this study area differs somewhat from other regions of the Brazilian Margin. The assemblages of foraminifera and ostracod characterize atypical bathyal paleoenvironment. The occurrence of pteropods and dominance of epifaunal foraminifera taxa, mainly Pyrgo sp. and Miliolinella sp. in the lower portion of the core (Pleistocene), indicates higher phytodetritus input and oxygen concentration. A conspicuous environmental change was observed in the upper portion of the core, which corresponds to the Holocene, where the increase of infaunal foraminifera (e.g., Uvigerina, Globocassidulina and Melonis) suggests reduction in the organic matter input and, probably, increased bacterial density and depletion in dissolved oxygen in the sediment


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    O trabalho discute o uso de métodos estatísticos de previsão e o uso da análise envoltória de dados como auxílio na definição de metas para indicadores de sustentabilidade no contexto da Agenda 2030. A metodologia proposta consiste no tratamento das séries temporais com a identificação e remoção de outliers a partir da aplicação do método Loess, na realização das previsões de acordo com os modelos de suavização exponencial, na definição do benchmark a partir da Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA) e posterior definição da meta global e, por último, na distribuição da meta pelo método de mínimos quadrados aliando o benchmark com as previsões. A metodologia foi aplicada em uma empresa do setor elétrico brasileiro para os indicadores de consumo de energia elétrica e consumo de água da rede de abastecimento das atividades administrativas

    Breeding Program Design Principles for Royal Jelly

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    This research was carried out to infer the genetic value to produce royal jelly in Africanized Apis mellifera L. honeybees with the compilation of data collected from 2006 to 2011. Genetic information of the selected and accessed colonies was obtained using the total DNA extraction techniques of nurse honeybees’ thorax with molecular markers for MRJP3 protein and characterized in Apis mellifera L. From the information on the colonies and genealogical structure were predicted genetic values of the colonies and queens for the larvae acceptance trait (%), royal jelly per colony (g), and royal jelly per cup (mg). Animal model with Bayesian Inference was used from Multiple Trait Gibbs Sampling software in Animal Models, Gibbs chains 58,500 cycles resulting from 650,000 cycles with intervals and disposal of 65,000 and 10 withdraw, respectively. From the predicted values, the colonies were classified into upper and lower. To compare the average of the genetic values according to the genotypes, the average multiple comparison tests were proceeded and implemented in routine PROC GENMOD from the Statistical Analysis System. Environmental effects were considered, time and hive type (standard Langstroth) as having flat distribution and collection as chi-square distribution. The studies presented an increase in the alleles C and D and the alleles D and E—referring to MRJPs—found in the highest genetic value for royal jelly production. Alleles D, E, and C are important when evaluating the parameters larvae acceptance, royal jelly per colony, and royal jelly per cup and, occasionally, it was the DE genotype that stood out royal jelly production. Genotypes DE, DC, and EC are those that should be kept in this evaluation system for royal jelly production, and the other genotypes should be discarded because they had the worst performance for the parameters evaluated

    Plant extracts and commercial products for controlling black spot and inducing resistance in rose bushes

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    Rose is one of the most appreciated flowers in the world; however, fungal diseases can affect its production, decreasing its commercial value. Thus, the objective of this work was to assess the potential of extracts of medicinal plants and commercial products based on plant extracts, plant oils, and potassium phosphite to control black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses by evaluating the activation of plant defense mechanisms. The treatments consisted of using crude aqueous extract (CAE) of Rosmarinus officinalis leaves; CAE of Equisetum arvense stems; CAE of Moringa oleifera seeds; commercial product (CP) based on fermented plant extracts; CP based on potassium phosphite; CP based on plant oils; CP based on citrus mass; and fungicide. Severity of black spot disease, and yield, biometry, chlorophyll contents, and enzyme activity of peroxidase, catalase, and polyphenoloxidase in rose plants were evaluated. The treatments presented no difference from the control (water) for disease incidence and severity and yield. However, the longest stem was found in rose plants in the treatment with potassium phosphite-based commercial product, whereas the thickest stems were found in the three treatments with commercial products. The highest enzyme specific activities of peroxidase, catalase, and polyphenoloxidase were found in plants treated with potassium phosphite, CAE of M. oleifera, and CAE of R. officinalis. The results found showed that the tested natural products did not control black spot in rose bushes, despite their positive effect on plant physiology.Rose is one of the most appreciated flowers in the world; however, fungal diseases can affect its production, decreasing its commercial value. Thus, the objective of this work was to assess the potential of extracts of medicinal plants and commercial products based on plant extracts, plant oils, and potassium phosphite to control black spot (Diplocarpon rosae) in roses by evaluating the activation of plant defense mechanisms. The treatments consisted of using crude aqueous extract (CAE) of Rosmarinus officinalis leaves; CAE of Equisetum arvense stems; CAE of Moringa oleifera seeds; commercial product (CP) based on fermented plant extracts; CP based on potassium phosphite; CP based on plant oils; CP based on citrus mass; and fungicide. Severity of black spot disease, and yield, biometry, chlorophyll contents, and enzyme activity of peroxidase, catalase, and polyphenoloxidase in rose plants were evaluated. The treatments presented no difference from the control (water) for disease incidence and severity and yield. However, the longest stem was found in rose plants in the treatment with potassium phosphite-based commercial product, whereas the thickest stems were found in the three treatments with commercial products. The highest enzyme specific activities of peroxidase, catalase, and polyphenoloxidase were found in plants treated with potassium phosphite, CAE of M. oleifera, and CAE of R. officinalis. The results found showed that the tested natural products did not control black spot in rose bushes, despite their positive effect on plant physiology


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    Objective: Reflect the nurse role as an educator in HIV prevention in the elderly. Methods: This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study. An online bibliographic survey was carried out in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (Lilacs) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). The descriptors were used: “Assistance to the Elderly”; “Nursing”; “HIV” and “Public Health”. The inclusion criteria defined for the selection of articles were: articles published in Portuguese, articles in full that portrayed the theme and articles published in the referred databases in the last ten years. Results: When reading the eleven selected articles, it was possible to observe the high rate of elderly people with HIV. The profile of sexual behavior is commonly described only in people up to 59 years of age, abstaining from the population above 60 years, which favors forgetting this age group. From the perspective of HIV in the health of the elderly, the multidisciplinary team has an importance, especially the nurse, as its role is directed to the maintenance and restoration of health, leading them to self-care with a focus on health education practices. Conclusion: In the studies that were analyzed, the relevance of the nurse’s role as an educator was explicit, because unfortunately there is still a “taboo” when sexuality is explained in the elderly, and the nurse exercising his / her health education function may be adding knowledge of prevention and treatment for this population that is neglected by society