658 research outputs found

    Dynamics of shallow dark solitons in a trapped gas of impenetrable bosons

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    The dynamics of linear and nonlinear excitations in a Bose gas in the Tonks-Girardeau (TG) regime with longitudinal confinement are studied within a mean field theory of quintic nonlinearity. A reductive perturbation method is used to demonstrate that the dynamics of shallow dark solitons, in the presence of an external potential, can effectively be described by a variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries equation. The soliton oscillation frequency is analytically obtained to be equal to the axial trap frequency, in agreement with numerical predictions obtained by Busch {\it et al.} [J. Phys. B {\bf 36}, 2553 (2003)] via the Bose-Fermi mapping. We obtain analytical expressions for the evolution of both soliton and emitted radiation (sound) profiles.Comment: 4 pages, Phys. Rev. A (in press

    Perturbation theory for localized solutions of sine-Gordon equation: decay of a breather and pinning by microresistor

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    We develop a perturbation theory that describes bound states of solitons localized in a confined area. External forces and influence of inhomogeneities are taken into account as perturbations to exact solutions of the sine-Gordon equation. We have investigated two special cases of fluxon trapped by a microresistor and decay of a breather under dissipation. Also, we have carried out numerical simulations with dissipative sine-Gordon equation and made comparison with the McLaughlin-Scott theory. Significant distinction between the McLaughlin-Scott calculation for a breather decay and our numerical result indicates that the history dependence of the breather evolution can not be neglected even for small damping parameter

    Dust ion-acoustic shocks in quantum dusty pair-ion plasmas

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    The formation of dust ion-acoustic shocks (DIASs) in a four-component quantum plasma whose constituents are electrons, both positive and negative ions and immobile charged dust grains, is studied. The effects of both the dissipation due to kinematic viscosity and the dispersion caused by the charge separation as well as the quantum tunneling due to the Bohm potential are taken into account. The propagation of small but finite amplitude dust ion-acoustic waves (DIAWs) is governed by the Korteweg-de Vries-Burger (KdVB) equation which exhibits both oscillatory and monotonic shocks depending not only on the viscosity parameters, but also on the quantum parameter H (the ratio of the electron plasmon to the electron Fermi energy) and the positive to negative ion density ratio. Large amplitude stationary shocks are recovered for a Mach number exceeding its critical value. Unlike the small amplitude shocks, quite a smaller value of the viscosity parameter, H and the density ratio may lead to the large amplitude monotonic shock strucutres. The results could be of importance in astrophysical and laser produced plasmas.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Solitons in cavity-QED arrays containing interacting qubits

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    We reveal the existence of polariton soliton solutions in the array of weakly coupled optical cavities, each containing an ensemble of interacting qubits. An effective complex Ginzburg-Landau equation is derived in the continuum limit taking into account the effects of cavity field dissipation and qubit dephasing. We have shown that an enhancement of the induced nonlinearity can be achieved by two order of the magnitude with a negative interaction strength which implies a large negative qubit-field detuning as well. Bright solitons are found to be supported under perturbations only in the upper (optical) branch of polaritons, for which the corresponding group velocity is controlled by tuning the interacting strength. With the help of perturbation theory for solitons, we also demonstrate that the group velocity of these polariton solitons is suppressed by the diffusion process

    Exact Kink Solitons in the Presence of Diffusion, Dispersion, and Polynomial Nonlinearity

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    We describe exact kink soliton solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations in the generic form u_{t} + P(u) u_{x} + \nu u_{xx} + \delta u_{xxx} = A(u), with polynomial functions P(u) and A(u) of u=u(x,t), whose generality allows the identification with a number of relevant equations in physics. We emphasize the study of chirality of the solutions, and its relation with diffusion, dispersion, and nonlinear effects, as well as its dependence on the parity of the polynomials P(u)P(u) and A(u)A(u) with respect to the discrete symmetry uuu\to-u. We analyze two types of kink soliton solutions, which are also solutions to 1+1 dimensional phi^{4} and phi^{6} field theories.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Weakly collisional Landau damping and three-dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal modes: New results on old problems

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    Landau damping and Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) modes are among the most fundamental concepts in plasma physics. While the former describes the surprising damping of linear plasma waves in a collisionless plasma, the latter describes exact undamped nonlinear solutions of the Vlasov equation. There does exist a relationship between the two: Landau damping can be described as the phase-mixing of undamped eigenmodes, the so-called Case-Van Kampen modes, which can be viewed as BGK modes in the linear limit. While these concepts have been around for a long time, unexpected new results are still being discovered. For Landau damping, we show that the textbook picture of phase-mixing is altered profoundly in the presence of collision. In particular, the continuous spectrum of Case-Van Kampen modes is eliminated and replaced by a discrete spectrum, even in the limit of zero collision. Furthermore, we show that these discrete eigenmodes form a complete set of solutions. Landau-damped solutions are then recovered as true eigenmodes (which they are not in the collisionless theory). For BGK modes, our interest is motivated by recent discoveries of electrostatic solitary waves in magnetospheric plasmas. While one-dimensional BGK theory is quite mature, there appear to be no exact three-dimensional solutions in the literature (except for the limiting case when the magnetic field is sufficiently strong so that one can apply the guiding-center approximation). We show, in fact, that two- and three-dimensional solutions that depend only on energy do not exist. However, if solutions depend on both energy and angular momentum, we can construct exact three-dimensional solutions for the unmagnetized case, and two-dimensional solutions for the case with a finite magnetic field. The latter are shown to be exact, fully electromagnetic solutions of the steady-state Vlasov-Poisson-Amp\`ere system

    Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation with Spatio-Temporal Perturbations

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    We investigate the dynamics of solitons of the cubic Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation (NLSE) with the following perturbations: non-parametric spatio-temporal driving of the form f(x,t)=aexp[iK(t)x]f(x,t) = a \exp[i K(t) x], damping, and a linear term which serves to stabilize the driven soliton. Using the time evolution of norm, momentum and energy, or, alternatively, a Lagrangian approach, we develop a Collective-Coordinate-Theory which yields a set of ODEs for our four collective coordinates. These ODEs are solved analytically and numerically for the case of a constant, spatially periodic force f(x)f(x). The soliton position exhibits oscillations around a mean trajectory with constant velocity. This means that the soliton performs, on the average, a unidirectional motion although the spatial average of the force vanishes. The amplitude of the oscillations is much smaller than the period of f(x)f(x). In order to find out for which regions the above solutions are stable, we calculate the time evolution of the soliton momentum P(t)P(t) and soliton velocity V(t)V(t): This is a parameter representation of a curve P(V)P(V) which is visited by the soliton while time evolves. Our conjecture is that the soliton becomes unstable, if this curve has a branch with negative slope. This conjecture is fully confirmed by our simulations for the perturbed NLSE. Moreover, this curve also yields a good estimate for the soliton lifetime: the soliton lives longer, the shorter the branch with negative slope is.Comment: 21 figure

    New features of modulational instability of partially coherent light; importance of the incoherence spectrum

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    It is shown that the properties of the modulational instability of partially coherent waves propagating in a nonlinear Kerr medium depend crucially on the profile of the incoherent field spectrum. Under certain conditions, the incoherence may even enhance, rather than suppress, the instability. In particular, it is found that the range of modulationally unstable wave numbers does not necessarily decrease monotonously with increasing degree of incoherence and that the modulational instability may still exist even when long wavelength perturbations are stable.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Necessary conditions for breathers on continuous media to approximate breathers on discrete lattices

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    We start by considering the sine-Gordon partial differential equation (PDE with an arbitrary perturbation. Using the method of Kuzmak-Luke, we investigate those conditions the perturbation must satisfy in order for a breather solution to be a valid leading-order asymptotic approximation to the perturbed problem. We analyse the cases of both stationary and moving breathers. As examples, we consider perturbing terms which include typical linear damping, periodic sinusoidal driving, and dispersion caused by higher order spatial derivatives. The motivation for this study is that the mathematical modelling of physical systems, often leads to the discrete sine-Gordon system of ODEs which are then approximated in the long wavelength limit by the continuous sine-Gordon PDE. Such limits typically produce fourth-order spatial derivatives as higher order correction terms. The new results show that the stationary breather solution is a consistent solution of both the quasi-continuum SG equation and the forced/damped SG system. However, the moving breather is only a consistent solution of the quasi- continuum SG equation and not the damped SG system

    Shock waves in the dissipative Toda lattice

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    We consider the propagation of a shock wave (SW) in the damped Toda lattice. The SW is a moving boundary between two semi-infinite lattice domains with different densities. A steadily moving SW may exist if the damping in the lattice is represented by an ``inner'' friction, which is a discrete analog of the second viscosity in hydrodynamics. The problem can be considered analytically in the continuum approximation, and the analysis produces an explicit relation between the SW's velocity and the densities of the two phases. Numerical simulations of the lattice equations of motion demonstrate that a stable SW establishes if the initial velocity is directed towards the less dense phase; in the opposite case, the wave gradually spreads out. The numerically found equilibrium velocity of the SW turns out to be in a very good agreement with the analytical formula even in a strongly discrete case. If the initial velocity is essentially different from the one determined by the densities (but has the correct sign), the velocity does not significantly alter, but instead the SW adjusts itself to the given velocity by sending another SW in the opposite direction.Comment: 10 pages in LaTeX, 5 figures available upon regues