20 research outputs found

    Revealing per-grain and neighbourhood stress interactions of a deforming ferritic steel via three-dimensional X-ray diffraction

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    The structural performance of polycrystalline alloys is strongly controlled by the characteristics of individual grains and their interactions, motivating this study to understand the dynamic micromechanical response within the microstructure. Here, a high ductility single-phase ferritic steel during uniaxial deformation is explored using three-dimensional X-ray diffraction. Grains well aligned for dislocation slip are shown to possess a wide intergranular stress range, controlled by per-grain dependent hardening activity. Contrariwise, grains orientated poorly for slip have a narrow stress range. A grain neighbourhood effect is observed of statistical significance: the Schmid factor of serial adjoining grains influences the stress state of a grain of interest, whereas parallel neighbours are less influential. This phenomenon is strongest at low plastic strains, with the effect diminishing as grains rotate during plasticity to eliminate any orientation dependent load shedding. The ability of the ferrite to eliminate such neighbourhood interactions is considered key to the high ductility possessed by these materials

    Micro mechanical testing of candidate structural alloys for Gen-IV nuclear reactors

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    Ion irradiation is often used to simulate the effects of neutron irradiation due to reduced activation of materials and vastly increased dose rates. However, the low penetration depth of ions requires the development of smallscale mechanical testing techniques, such as nanoindentation and microcompression, in order to measure mechanical properties of the irradiated material. In this study, several candidate structural alloys for Gen-IV reactors (800H, T91, nanocrystalline T91 and 14YWT) were irradiated with 70 MeV Fe9+ ions at 452 °C to an average damage of 20.68 dpa. Both the nanoindentation and microcompression techniques revealed significant irradiation hardening and an increase in yield stress after irradiation in austenitic 800H and ferritic-martensitic T91 alloys. Ion irradiation was observed to have minimal effect on the mechanical properties of nanocrystalline T91 and oxide dispersion strengthened 14YWT. These observations are further supported by line broadening analysis of X-ray diffraction measurements, which show a significantly smaller increase in dislocation density in the 14YWT and nanocrystalline T91 alloys after irradiation. In addition, good agreement was observed between cross-sectional nanoindentation and the damage profile from SRIM calculations

    Short communication: ‘Low activation, refractory, high entropy alloys for nuclear applications’

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    Two new, low activation high entropy alloys (HEAs) TiVZrTa and TiVCrTa are studied for use as in-core, structural nuclear materials for in-core nuclear applications. Low-activation is a desirable property for nuclear reactors, in an attempt to reduce the amount of high level radioactive waste upon decommissioning, and for consideration in fusion applications. The alloy TiVNbTa is used as a starting composition to develop two new HEAs; TiVZrTa and TiVCrTa. The new alloys exhibit comparable indentation hardness and modulus, to the TiVNbTa alloy in the as-cast state. After heavy ion implantation the new alloys show an increased irradiation resistance.</p

    Short communication: ‘Low activation, refractory, high entropy alloys for nuclear applications’

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    Two new, low activation high entropy alloys (HEAs) TiVZrTa and TiVCrTa are studied for use as in-core, structural nuclear materials for in-core nuclear applications. Low-activation is a desirable property for nuclear reactors, in an attempt to reduce the amount of high level radioactive waste upon decommissioning, and for consideration in fusion applications. The alloy TiVNbTa is used as a starting composition to develop two new HEAs; TiVZrTa and TiVCrTa. The new alloys exhibit comparable indentation hardness and modulus, to the TiVNbTa alloy in the as-cast state. After heavy ion implantation the new alloys show an increased irradiation resistance.</p

    A finite element method to calculate geometrically necessary dislocation density: accounting for orientation discontinuities in polycrystals

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    Strain gradients have been used to link various microscale deformation phenomena to the mechanical response of a polycrystalline material, revealing sub-crystal deformation structures. The strain gradients are computed in terms of the orientation gradients and then converted to geometrically necessary dislocation densities, a quantity considered important to explain flow stress and strain hardening behaviour. In this study, a unique method has been developed to compute the orientation gradients by finite element method while enforcing orientation continuity inside the grains and allowing sharp gradients at the grain boundaries by a global minimization approach. The method is showcased on an exemplar electron backscatter diffraction datasets of a stainless type of steel. The energy minimization method (Demir et al., 2009) reveals geometrically necessary dislocation densities that are an order of magnitude lower than those calculated using the widely accepted Least-Squares minimization approach (Arsenlis et al., 1999). The proposed approach successfully eliminates sharp orientation gradients at grain boundaries, removing the artificially high dislocation densities near orientation discontinuities that is characteristic to the finite difference-based approaches