29 research outputs found

    Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing - the i4Q Framework

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    [EN] This paper presents a new innovative framework to support smart manufacturing quality assurance. More specifically, the i4Q framework provides an IoT-based Reliable Industrial Data Services (RIDS), a complete suite consisting of 22 innovative Solutions, able to manage the huge amount of industrial data coming from cheap cost-effective, smart, and small size interconnected factory devices for supporting manufacturing online monitoring and control. The i4Q Framework guarantees data reliability with functions grouped into five basic capabilities around the data cycle: sensing, communication, computing infrastructure, storage, and analysis-optimization. i4Q RIDS includes simulation and optimization tools for manufacturing line continuous process qualification, quality diagnosis, reconfiguration and certification for ensuring high manufacturing efficiency, leading to an integrated approach to zero-defect manufacturing. This paper presents the main principles of the i4Q framework and the relevant industrial case studies on which it will be evaluated.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 958205Karakostas, A.; Poler, R.; Fraile Gil, F.; Vrochidis, S. (2021). Industrial Data Services for Quality Control in Smart Manufacturing - the i4Q Framework. IEEE. 454-457. https://doi.org/10.1109/MetroInd4.0IoT51437.2021.948849045445

    Ontology-based personalized job recommendation framework for migrants and refugees

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    Participation in the labor market is seen as the most important factor favoring long-term integration of migrants and refugees into society. This paper describes the job recommendation framework of the Integration of Migrants MatchER SErvice (IMMERSE). The proposed framework acts as a matching tool that enables the contexts of individual migrants and refugees, including their expectations, languages, educational background, previous job experience and skills, to be captured in the ontology and facilitate their matching with the job opportunities available in their host country. Profile information and job listings are processed in real time in the back-end, and matches are revealed in the front-end. Moreover, the matching tool considers the activity of the users on the platform to provide recommendations based on the similarity among existing jobs that they already showed interest in and new jobs posted on the platform. Finally, the framework takes into account the location of the users to rank the results and only shows the most relevant location-based recommendation

    Dementia ambient care: a holistic approach to the management of dementia in multiple care settings

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    Assistive technologies that continuously monitor the person with dementia’s behavioural, cognitive, and emotional state facilitate more objective means of assessing, monitoring, and supporting the individual than that provided by traditional questionnaires. The “Dementia Ambient Care” (Dem@Care) EU-FP7-funded project investigated the use of multiple wearable (actigraphy, 2D/3D cameras, microphones) and ambient (visual and infrared cameras, sleep) sensors for the recording of daily activities, lifestyle patterns, emotions, and speech, to develop a novel approach to the holistic management of dementia, in multiple care settings. This paper presents findings from the use of Dem@Care for remote monitoring and support in the home of the person with mild dementia, and for the clinical assessment and management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) for people in more advanced stages in a residential care setting. Four ‘home’ participant cases will be discussed; two in Greece and two in Ireland. An intervention study will also be presented comprising of residents from three specialist dementia care units in northern Sweden; two in the experimental group and one in the control group. In each setting, sensor data were analysed using state-of-the-art knowledge-driven interpretation techniques based on Semantic Web technologies. Patterns of sleep, physical activity, daily living activities, and stress/anxiety over time were identified. Through specific user interfaces, clinicians and formal caregivers were able to monitor the sensor recordings and the relevant analysis in order to propose new, or to adapt older, supports and interventions. Results indicate that such sensor-based information can have a positive impact on the assessment of BPSD in residential care settings. While at home, the person with dementia and their family caregiver could monitor summaries of their own activities, and read personalized messages, prompts and advice, thus providing timely support and enabling independent living for longer

    Towards Semantic Detection of Smells in Cloud Infrastructure Code

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    Automated deployment and management of Cloud applications relies on descriptions of their deployment topologies, often referred to as Infrastructure Code. As the complexity of applications and their deployment models increases, developers inadvertently introduce software smells to such code specifications, for instance, violations of good coding practices, modular structure, and more. This paper presents a knowledge-driven approach enabling developers to identify the aforementioned smells in deployment descriptions. We detect smells with SPARQL-based rules over pattern-based OWL 2 knowledge graphs capturing deployment models. We show the feasibility of our approach with a prototype and three case studies.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures. The 10 th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS 2020

    Adaptation patterns in systems for scripted collaboration

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    Abstract: This work presents a prototype method (DeACS) for identifying useful adaptation patterns to be embedded in systems for adaptive collaboration scripting. Collaboration scripts are didactic scenarios that guide and support the collaborative learning activity while adaptive collaboration scripting is the idea that computer-supported collaboration scripts can be adapted during run time, to provide learning experiences tailored to individual and group characteristics. An adaptation pattern is described as a well-defined adaptation process that can be initiated by the system when specific conditions are identified during script implementation. In order to model the proposed method twelve postgraduate students were engaged in a pyramid-type collaboration script and the analysis of the learning experience provided the basis for identifying a number of possible adaptation patterns. The paper discusses also next steps for advancing the design and evaluation of adaptation patterns in systems for scripted collaboration

    Adaptive support methods in technological environments for collaborative learning

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    The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effectiveness of specific adaptive support methods in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). It has been proved that CSCL leads to better learning outcomes and improved sociocognitive skills. However, collaborative learning needs support. One cannot expect students to know how to work collectively just because they were assigned to a group. Researches have already proposed several ways to support collaborative learning. One of the most prevalent is the use of collaboration scripts. Collaboration scripts are didactic scenarios that provide the necessary guidance and structure to the collaboration processes, leading to improved interactions. However, scripted collaboration has been criticized for its loss of flexibility and the danger of “over-scripting” collaborative activity. This dissertation proposes that collaborative learning can be supported more effectively by using adaptive support methods. Generally, an adaptive educational system adjusts its characteristics based on the learners’ needs. In CSCL, the term “Adaptive Systems for Collaborative Learning Support” describes adaptive forms of support based on specific characteristics of the group or/and the collaborative activity. Towards the direction of providing evidence for the effectiveness of the adaptive collaboration support, this dissertation presents research results from two experiments comparing a specific method of adaptive collaborative support to two different methods of “fixed” collaborative support. Also, the dissertation introduces a general theoretical framework for adaptive collaboration support based on the concepts of "Adaptive Collaboration Scripts" and ”Adaptation Patterns”. The positive results of the said experiments, in conjunction with the proposed theoretical framework, support the view that it is feasible and efficient to use adaptive support methods in CSCL. Moreover, the study laid the groundwork for the development of two innovative software applications for adaptive collaborative support. Finally, the conclusions of this study emphasize that the adaptive collaborative support is a very dynamic research field with many open questions.Ευρύτερο αντικείμενο της παρούσης διατριβής αποτελεί η διερεύνηση της αποδοτικότητας συγκεκριμένων προσαρμοστικών τεχνικών υποστήριξης μαθητών σε συνθήκες συνεργατικής μάθησης υποστηριζόμενης από υπολογιστή. Η Συνεργατική Μάθηση Υποστηριζόμενη από Υπολογιστή (ΣΜΥΥ) (διεθνώς: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - CSCL) έχει αποδειχθεί ότι ωφελεί τους μαθητές τόσο στη βελτίωση των μαθησιακών αποτελεσμάτων όσο και στην ανάπτυξη κοινωνιογνωστικών δεξιοτήτων. Ωστόσο, η συνεργατική μάθηση χρειάζεται υποστήριξη. Δεν είναι αυτονόητο ότι μία ομάδα μαθητών θα μπορέσει να συνεργαστεί ουσιαστικά μόνο και μόνο επειδή της ανατέθηκε μία συνεργατική δραστηριότητα. Έχουν προταθεί πολλαπλοί τρόποι υποστήριξης της συνεργατικής μάθησης. Ένας από τους πιο διαδεδομένους είναι η χρήση σεναρίων συνεργασίας (collaboration scripts). Τα σενάρια συνεργασίας παρέχουν την απαραίτητη καθοδήγηση και δόμηση της συνεργασίας, η οποία οδηγεί σε βελτιωμένες αλληλεπιδράσεις των συνεργατών. Η σεναριογραφημένη συνεργασία όμως, έχει δεχθεί έντονη κριτική για έλλειψη ευελιξίας και για υπερβολική καθοδήγηση που ασκεί στις ομάδες μαθητών. Η πρόταση της διατριβής είναι ότι η συνεργατική μάθηση μπορεί να υποστηριχθεί αποτελεσματικότερα μέσω προσαρμοστικών τεχνικών υποστήριξης. Γενικά, ένα προσαρμοστικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα προσπαθεί να προσαρμόσει κάποια από τα βασικά λειτουργικά χαρακτηριστικά του σε συγκεκριμένες ιδιότητες και ανάγκες των μαθητευόμενων. Σε συνθήκες συνεργατικής μάθησης ο όρος “Προσαρμοστική Υποστήριξη της Συνεργατικής Μάθησης” (ΠΥΣΜΑ) περιγράφει προσαρμοστικές μορφές υποστήριξης που μπορεί να βασίζονται σε κάποιο χαρακτηριστικό της ομάδας ή της συνεργατικής δραστηριότητας. Με στόχο να συνεισφέρει στοιχεία αποδοτικότητας των προσαρμοστικών τεχνικών στη συνεργατική μάθηση, η διατριβή παρουσιάζει ερευνητικά αποτελέσματα δραστηριοτήτων που συγκρίνουν συγκεκριμένη προσαρμοστική τεχνική σε σχέση με δύο σταθερού τύπου μορφές υποστήριξης. Επίσης η διατριβή εισάγει ένα ευρύτερο καινοτόμο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο για την προσαρμοστική υποστήριξη της συνεργασίας βασισμένο στις έννοιες των “Προσαρμοστικών Σεναρίων Συνεργασίας” (Adaptive Collaboration Scripts) και των “Υποδειγμάτων Προσαρμογής” (Adaptation Patterns). Τα θετικά αποτελέσματα των παραπάνω ερευνών, σε συνδυασμό με το προτεινόμενο θεωρητικό πλαίσιο, συνηγορούν υπέρ της άποψης ότι είναι εφικτό και αποδοτικό να χρησιμοποιηθούν τεχνικές προσαρμογής σε συνθήκες συνεργατικής μάθησης. Ακόμη, η διατριβή έθεσε τις βάσεις για την ανάπτυξη δύο καινοτόμων εφαρμογών λογισμικού για την προσαρμοστική υποστήριξη της συνεργατικής μάθησης. Τέλος, τα συμπεράσματα της διατριβής τονίζουν ότι η προσαρμοστική υποστήριξη της συνεργασίας είναι ένα εξαιρετικά δυναμικό πεδίο έρευνας με πολλά ανοιχτά ερωτήματα


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    We consider the problem of characterizing user equilibria and optimal solutions for selfish routing in a given network. We extend the known models by considering malicious behaviour. While selfish users follow a strategy that minimizes their individual cost, a malicious user will use his flow through the network in an effort to cause the maximum possible damage to this cost. We define a generalized model, present characterizations of flows at Wardrop equilibria and prove bounds for the ratio of the social cost of a flow at Wardrop equilibrium over the cost when centralized coordination among users is allowed.

    Mathematical Programming manuscript No. (will

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    On the complexity of intersecting finite state automata and NL versus NP

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    AbstractWe consider uniform and non-uniform assumptions for the hardness of an explicit problem from finite state automata theory. First we show that a small improvement in the known straightforward algorithm for this problem can be used to design faster algorithms for subset sum and factoring, and improved deterministic simulations for non-deterministic time.On the other hand, we can use the same improved algorithm for our FSA problem to prove complexity class separation results (NL is not equal to P, or NP for the non-uniform case). This result can be viewed either as a hardness result for the FSA intersection problem, or as a method for separating NL from P or NP. It is interesting to note that this approach is based on a more general method for separating two complexity classes, using algorithms rather than lower bounds