2,316 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of QoS in PMP Mode WiMax Networks

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    IEEE 802.16 standard supports two different topologies: point to multipoint (PMP) and Mesh. In this paper, a QoS mechanism for point to multipoint of IEEE 802.16 and BS scheduler for PMP Mode is proposed. This paper also describes quality of service over WiMAX networks. Average WiMAX delay, Average WiMAX load and Average WiMAX throughput at base station is analyzed and compared by applying different scheduler at Base station and at fixed nodes

    Analyzing the relationship between health insurance, health costs, and health care utilization

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    Using data the Health and Retirement Survey and the Assets and Health Dynamics among the Oldest Old, this article provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of whether an individual purchases health insurance. The authors describe the relationship between health costs and health care utilization of individuals aged 50 and explore how these factors vary with access to health insurance.Medicare ; Medical care, Cost of

    A review on the role of emerging anthropogenic activities in environmental degradation and emphasis on their mitigation

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    Environmental degradation is the deterioration of natural resources such as air, water, soil, flora, fauna, and all other living and non-living component of the planet earth. There are two main reasons for environmental degradation i.e. anthropogenic causes like industrialization, overpopulation, deforestation, mining, etc. and natural causes like flood, landslide, desertification, temperatures, etc. Nowadays, the demand for natural resources is increase due to the exceeding population. To fulfill the demand of humans, over exploration of the natural resources in carrying out, due to this they are under pressure. The anthropogenic activities disturbed and degraded the environmental component such as the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. All the environmental component is linked together if one is disturbed than its disturbed the other one also. However, in this paper, we discussed the anthropogenic activities that affect the environmental component directly or indirectly and we also suggested the recommendation and mitigation measures to sustain the environmental component developed by the agencies and policymaker


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    The effect of three photoperiod treatments (10/14, 14/10 and 16/8 h of light and dark intervals) on the growth and development of Solanaceous weeds viz. apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes), clammy ground cherry (Physalis heterophylla), eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum), horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) and smooth ground cherry (Physalis angulata) was evaluated. Species responded differentially to photoperiod but they all grew well at 16/8 h. Solanaceous species need to reach a critical stage of plant development before photoperiod becomes directive. Apple of Peru and eastern black nightshade were tallest. Apple of Peru in 16/8 h photoperiod had the most leaves. The number of days to flower was significantly reduced with 10/14 h both in apple of Peru and eastern black nightshade; while, horsenettle, smooth- and clammy ground cherry did not flower at all. Final leaf area and plant dry matter accumulation were greater in the 14/10 h photoperiod than in the 10/14 h photoperiod for all the species; no additional increase was noted amongst plants in the 16/8 h photoperiod

    Analytical Evaluation of Herbal Drugs

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    Focus on bowel and bladder-control anxiety

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    Most people can remember a time when they have been desperate to use the toilet and found one just in the nick of time. But imagine having this experience routinely, every time you went out. This kind of experience can create a tendency to experience unhelpful thoughts like “I need to get out of here or I will wet myself” and a general preoccupation with being incontinent. This is what happens to people who have bowel and/or bladder-control anxiety (BBCA). Their worst fear is that they will be incontinent in a public place. We have conducted one of the first detailed studies of bowel and bladder-control anxiety, which was published 2014, by our team at University College London. This preliminary study of 140 people with BBCA anxiety found that there was an equal split between people who mainly had concerns about bowel control (~40%) and bladder control (~40%), with a smaller proportion having concerns about both (20%). Fifty percent had actually had at least one episode of incontinence in public ‘since school age,’ so it may be that people begin to believe that a future occurrence of being incontinent in public is more likely. BBCA fears tended to develop in people in their mid to late 20s and the majority of sufferers (75%) were women. A majority of the respondents also reported experiencing panic attacks (78%). One particularly striking finding from our research was the tendency of people to believe that being incontinent in public was very shameful and disgusting. They believed that other people would be unforgiving and unwilling to help them. While it may be natural to associated body waste with disgust, and losing control with shame, it was the level of shame and disgust that was noticeable. Many people indicated that being incontinent in public was the most shameful thing that could happen to someone; that it made them a disgusting person. Our experience of treating patients with BBCA suggests that they often respond well to cognitive therapy. For other patients who have high levels of shame and beliefs about self-disgust, additional techniques might also be useful. One of our aims is to develop a more complete understanding of the condition, which will enable us to devise more effective treatments. We hope that our studies will provide the basis for future research to develop more effective treatment for a set of symptoms that has been neglected for too long

    Handling Relationships in a Wiki System

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    Wiki software enables users to manage content on the web, and create or edit web pages freely. Most wiki systems support the creation of hyperlinks on pages and have a simple text syntax for page formatting. A common, more advanced feature is to allow pages to be grouped together as categories. Currently, wiki systems support categorization of pages in a very traditional way by specifying whether a wiki page belongs to a category or not. Categorization represents unary relationship and is not sufficient to represent n-ary relationships, those involving links between multiple wiki pages. In this project, we extend Yioop, an open-source content management system, by adding a ‘Relationship Handling’ system which allows binary representation of relationships. This system uses a novel approach by taking into account the linkages between wiki pages and facilitating search functionality on the basis of these links. Use cases for this feature are genealogy, ontology and dependency identification between multiple entities. Multiple experiments have been conducted to identify the effectiveness of this feature. In genealogy, the relationship handling system identifies associations between members of a family and provides a clear understanding of family tree. The relationship handling system has also been used to identify dependencies between multiple entities, for example, dependencies of steps involved in preparing homemade ice cream. This feature helps to understand the structure of the system and navigate between linked entities in a better and efficient way

    u-BeepBeep: Low Energy Acoustic Ranging on Mobile Devices

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    We present u-BeepBeep: a low energy acoustic ranging ser- vice for mobile phones. -BeepBeep combines the efficacy of the basic BeepBeep ranging mechanism with a light-weight cross-correlation mechanism based on sparse approximation

    Effect of ICT on Achievement of Concepts in Teacher Education in Relation to Styles of Learning and Thinking

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    Information and communication (ICT) technology into teaching/learning is commonly used to expand knowledge that is helping to determine learning outcomes and manage the quality of teacher education. Present research was conducted on a purposive sample of 80 pupil teachers of DAV College of Education of Abohar of Punjab state. A self-constructed achievement test was used to find out the effect of information and communication technology on achievement of concepts in Teacher Education in relation to styles oflearning and thinking.Two sub groups based on styles of learning and thinking inventory were identified. For treatment whole sample was divided into experimental and control group. Experimental group was taught with the help of ICT and control group was taught with conventional method. Difference in pretest and post- test was calculated and gain scores were computed for both groups. A 2×2 two wayanalysis of variance was used to arrive at the following conclusions: (i) Experimental group was found to attain significantly higher achievement scores as compared to control group, (ii) Achievement of pupil teachers with differenthemispheric preferences was not found significant, (iii)No significant interaction effect was found to exist between the two variables

    Effect of CBR, FTP and FTP GENERIC Traffic Patterns on the Performance of Routing Protocols in MANET

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    In recent years mobile ad hoc networks have become very popular and lots of research is being done on different aspects of MANET. Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless network without infrastructure. In this paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the performance of two well known routing protocols AODV and DSR .Three traffic patterns CBR, FTP and FTP GENERIC are used to check the performance of routing protocols ( AODV,DSR) with various metrics like as Packet Delivery Ratio and throughput using GLoMoSIM (Global Mobile information systems simulation)