312 research outputs found

    Managing Disruptive Change: Successful Transformation from On-premises to SaaS in B2C Software Companies

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    Cloud Computing technology brings a fundamental change from On-premises software to Software as a Service (SaaS) within the software industry. To stay competitive, well-established companies need to transform and adjust strategies. Based on five case studies and Christensen’s theory for managing disruptive innovations, this study focuses on software companies in the B2C market. The study analyses their transformation strategy in terms of an On-premises provider to a company offering SaaS. Although Christensen’s recommendations are partly applicable there were additional strategies that proved to be valuable in practice. Eight strategies were derived for software companies in the B2C market to better cope with the transformation process. Finally, the study was able to draw a comparison between transformation strategies in the B2C and B2B market. Although the software market as a whole was affected by Cloud Computing technology, transformation strategies in these different markets varied significantly

    Morphological Changes in American Kestrels (\u3cem\u3eFalco sparverius\u3c/em\u3e) at Continental Migration Sites

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    Many American kestrel (Falco sparverius) populations are declining across North America. Potential causes include mortality from reduction in food availability, a changing climate, habitat degradation, an increase in avian predators, disease, and toxins. We analyzed American kestrel count and banding data from seven raptor migration sites throughout North America with at least 20 years of migration data. We used count data to determine the year at which the kestrel population began a significant decline and then used banding records to determine whether body mass and wing chord declined after this point. We found reductions in kestrel body mass at three sites and reductions in kestrel wing chord at five sites. Our results indicate declines in body size at the majority of sites are consistent with the hypotheses that food availability, impacts of a changing climate, or predation risk may be contributing to population declines


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    The software industry is facing a fundamental change from On-premises to On-demand software. To survive, well-established companies have to adjust strategies and governance. One of the most difficult challenges is to shift the focus from the (still) profitable On-premises market to an, as yet unprofitable, On-demand market. This requires a major rethink for managers as well as for company structuring. Based on our case studies and Christensen´s theory for managing disruptive innovations, we wish to learn from software companies and their transformation strategies to discover to what extent the theory´s recommendations are applicable for software companies. We have seen that a company needs an effective strategy in order to survive market changes. From our two cases we learned that a successful transformation strategy consists of the combination of Christensen´s recommendations, its individual adjustments as well as some additional strategies. We were able to develop seven propositions for software providers to give ideas in order to better cope with the transformation process

    The Drivers of Entrepreneurial Intentions - An Empirical Study among Information Systems and Computer Science Students

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    The last decade has seen an enormous increase in research on entrepreneurship education. However, there is so far only little research on entrepreneurship education in the field of information technology. To address this research gap, we conducted an empirical study based on an extended model of the Theory of Planned Behavior among Information Systems and Computer Science students. We found Attitude being the main driver for Information Systems students, and having discovered a Business Idea being the most influential factor for Computer Science students. In a more detailed analysis, the perception that being an entrepreneur does not come with a high risk to fail, the opportunity for self-fulfillment, and the chance of a high monetary reward could be identified as the crucial drivers regarding Information Systems students. Based on our findings, we discuss the implications for developing more entrepreneurially-oriented courses tailored to both groups of students

    A magyarországi németek kitelepítése (könyvismertető)

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    A recenzált mű: Dr. Czinner Tibor: A magyarországi németek kitelepítése. Die Aussiedlung der Ungarndeutschen. Előszóval ellátta dr. Bárándy Péter, a Magyar Köztársaság és Brigitte Zypries, a Német Szövetségi Köztársaság igazságügy-minisztere. Magyar Hivatalos Közlönykiadó, Budapest, 2004. 284 p
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