13 research outputs found

    Détermination d'indicateurs géomorphologiques à partir de données altimétriques laser

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    Dans le domaine de l'analyse et la gestion du territoire, les modèles numériques d'altitude (MNA) sont utilisés depuis longtemps. Cependant, l'apparition de MNA laser (haute précision et rpsolution) a permis d'élargir les applications des modèles de terrain. C'est dans ce concept que s'inscrit cette étude

    Erfolgsfaktoren für die Konzeption und Produktion von YouTube Ads

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    Videos werden weltweit immer beliebter und tauchen auch immer mehr im Media Marketing Mix von Unternehmen auf. Ein beliebtes Medium um Videos für diverse Marketingzwecke zu benutzten sind YouTube Ads. Da die Konzeption und Produktion dieser Videoads aber oft nicht so einfach zu gestalten ist, werden mögliche Erfolgsfaktoren dargelegt, um Unternehmen, Produzenten, Creators, Agenturen oder Privatpersonen zu helfen, sich die richtigen Fragen bei der Konzeption und Produktion solch einer Ad zu stellen. Eine weitere Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit besteht darin, dass die YouStream GmbH ihre Video-Dienstleistungen bei der Produktion sowie bei der Konzeption optimieren kann. Ausserdem werden die herausgefundenen Erkenntnisse auf ihrem Blog für SEO und Content Marketing Zwecke am Ende der Arbeit hochgeladen

    GEOME: Towards an integrated web-based landscape genomics platform

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    The aim of the GEOME project is to develop a WebGIS-based platform for the integrated analysis of environmental, ecological and molecular data through the implementation of an original set of combined databases, spatial analysis and population genetics tools, in a High Performance Computing context. GEOME will support tasks of landscape ecologists and resource conservation managers who increasingly have to use geo-referenced data but are not trained to efficiently use Geographical Information Systems together with appropriate geo- environmental information and spatial analysis approaches. Preliminary developments (three first applications) are already available here: http://lasigpc8.epfl.ch/geome

    Multiscale analysis of geomorphological and geological features in high resolution digital elevation models using the wavelet transform

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    At the end of the 1990s the emergence of high resolution (1. m) digital elevation models (DEMs) settled the context of high precision geomorphological analysis. These new elevation models permitted to reveal structures that remained heretofore undetectable. Earth scientists henceforth benefit from a source of data with a textural detail that was never attained before. Despite its richness, this information must be treated efficiently to extract features helping geomorphologists to analyze the processes occurring at the surface. Such processes are complex, localized and naturally multiscale. Recently, space-frequential descriptors as wavelets have been proposed successfully for the analysis of DEMs. The wavelet transform is widely used in image processing since it allows us to decompose a signal into a weighted sum of atoms with joint space-frequency localization. Such a decomposition facilitates a coherent navigation from scale to scale, but also permits to detect heretofore undiscerned phenomena at different scales. This is appealing in geomorphology, where structural components, related to a given phenomenon, are well determined in these sub-spaces specific to the scale continuum. In this paper, we propose a filtering procedure of the wavelet decomposition as an approach for the analysis of geomorphological multiscale structures. This filtering procedure enhances the high pass information contained at each scale. The proposed bottom-up approach is applied here to a case study to detect geomorphological structural elements in a valley of the Swiss Jura. It demonstrates that the proposed filtering procedure is an efficient tool for geomorphological multiscale generalization

    A Contextual Analysis of Land-Use and Vegetation Changes in Two Wooded Pastures in the Swiss Jura Mountains

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    International audienceThis study examines the effects of land-use policies and natural events on the evolution of two wooded pastures in the Jura Mountains in Switzerland between 1934 and 2000. The socioeconomic context and the local conditions were seen as major driving forces influencing land management practices which in turn redefined land-use policies. We studied the dynamics of the Jura Mountains’ wooded pastures, combining a thorough knowledge of the historic context with aerial image analysis. Besides pointing out general milestones in the evolution of Swiss land policy, we compiled chronicles on the management for both study sites on the basis of archives and interviews. Aerial images taken at time intervals of approximately 15 years were chosen to identify land-cover changes. The method used to analyze them relied on a structural classification of phytocoenoses, thus allowing the determination of four categories of tree-cover densities ranging from unwooded pastures to ungrazed forest. We reported overall aerial changes for each tree density class as well as spatial transitions from one category to another. The combination of spatial statistics with qualitative data depicting the evolution of the historic context gives a better understanding of the land-use changes and their rationale. The most important changes in tree density occurred during World War II and resulted in a more open landscape. The intensive use of wooded pastures during the war was the consequence of a high demand for wood and food resources. Postwar protectionist regulations, agricultural subsidies, and technical improvements maintained considerable pressure on wooded pastures. Storms and drought episodes further exacerbated this process in some areas. The trend then reversed from the 1970s onwards because of the limitations put on milk production and the falling price of wood. This resulted in a more extensive use of pastures, leading to tree encroachment. However, remote sites were more impacted than pastures closer to inhabited areas, which exhibited a trend towards more segregation between grassland and densely wooded pastures. With both extensification and segregation of land use, the complex vegetation mosaic and the landscape diversity that characterize wooded pastures are threatened but still offer good economic opportunities that call for differentiated management strategies

    Gene expression profiling in nerve biopsy of vasculitic neuropathy

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    To investigate molecular mechanisms of peripheral nerve vasculitis, gene expression patterns in archived frozen sural nerve biopsies from patients with vasculitic neuropathy were compared to control nerves by DNA microarray technology. There was a striking upregulation of mRNA of genes involved in immune system processes. Of special interest was the activation of immunoglobulin genes, such as IGLJ3, IGHG3, IGKC, and IGL, and of several chemokines, such as CXCL9 or CCR2. Genes involved in vascular proliferation or remodelling such as CXC31 and AIF were also upregulated. Among the downregulated genes were the Krüppel-Like Transcription Factors KLF2, KLF4 and the nuclear orphan receptor NR4A1 genes known to be involved in endothelial cell activation. Thus, this gene expression profile analysis revealed that in peripheral nerve vasculitis a prominent activation of immune response related genes as well as genes involved in vascular proliferation is taken place, while genes inhibiting endothelial cell activation are down regulated. These data point to interesting mechanistic clues to the molecular pathogenesis of vasculitic neuropathies

    Body taping for contour surgery.

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    BACKGROUND: Preoperative marking is of primary importance in body contouring and when precise simulation of skin excisions is difficult. Because the "cut as you go" principle can be delicate, especially in patients after massive weight loss, a simple and quick method is needed for preoperative planning. We suggest an approach that helps visualize the optimal skin incision lines and simulates the postoperative result by body taping. METHODS: Twelve patients who underwent abdominal contouring, including classic and vertical abdominoplasties as well as dog ear and scar revision, were prospectively analyzed. The skin to be excised was preoperatively folded, taped, and then marked. The area marked was measured and compared with the actual intraoperatively resected area and the postoperative result was evaluated after 1 year by the patients and three surgeons. RESULTS: With body taping, an 83% congruence between the preoperative planning and the surgery was obtained and only two patients had additional skin resected. No wound dehiscence and flap necrosis occurred and patients as well as surgeons scored the final body contour positively. CONCLUSION: Body taping is a simple, quick, and economic method for planning contour surgery with high accuracy as demonstrated by the low rate of intraoperative changes of the planned resection and low complication rate