253 research outputs found

    The function of Tbx2 and Tbx3 in regulation of morphogenesis and sensory cell differentiation in the murine inner ear

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    Analysis of conditional loss-of-function mutants demonstrated that Tbx2 and Tbx3 are individually and combinatorially required for the morphogenesis of the vestibular and cochlear components of the inner ear by patterning the early otocyst. TBX2 restricts the neurogenic domain to the anterior-ventral aspect of the otic epithelium by repressing Fgf8 and maintaining Tbx1 expression in the posterior-ventral otocyst. Conditional inactivation of Tbx2 in prosensory cells prior to the onset of differentiation, caused a complete conversion of IHCs to OHCs, whereas Tbx2 misexpression led to an increased number of IHCs at the expense of OHCs. Similar changes were observed in the underlying supporting cells. Transcriptional profiling and RNA in situ hybridization analyses suggest that TBX2 regulates the specification of inner hair and supporting cells by repressing Fgfr3-mediated signalling. Hair cell-specific inactivation or misexpression of Tbx2 shortly after birth caused a cell-autonomous transdifferentiation of hair cells. These results identifying TBX2 as a crucial regulator of otic neurogenesis and sensory cell diversification

    Coherence effects in scattering order expansion of light by atomic clouds

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    We interpret cooperative scattering by a collection of cold atoms as a multiple scattering process. Starting from microscopic equations describing the response of NN atoms to a probe light beam, we represent the total scattered field as an infinite series of multiple scattering events. As an application of the method, we obtain analytical expressions of the coherent intensity in the double scattering approximation for Gaussian density profiles. In particular, we quantify the contributions of coherent backward and forward scattering.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Stability-Indicating HPLC Method for isoflavones aglycones analysis from Trifolium pratense L. extract

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    The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a fast HPLC stability-indicating method for simultaneously quantifying the four main isoflavones in Trifolium pratense. Validation procedures followed the ICH requirements for complex matrices. The stability-indicating tests were performed by exposing the isoflavones to conditions of forced degradation and further analysis for verifying the formation of degradation products and their possible interferences in the HPLC analysis. The major isoflavones of Trifolium pratense proved to be stable against acid and oxidative media, thermodegradation, and photodegradation. However, they proved to be unstable in alkaline media, even for short periods of exposure like 2h. In this condition, in addition to the peaks corresponding to isoflavones, the HPLC analysis showed the presence of three additional peaks which were eluted at different retention times to the reference substances, without interfering in the quantification of the four analytes of interest, formononetin, biochanin A, daidzein and genistein. The method was validated following ICH guidelines showing to be specific, linear, precise, accurate, and robust.This first report concerning a stability-indicating method revealed that the proposed HPLC method reliably quantify the isoflavones and separate them from the degradation products in a short time of analysis

    Implementation of piglet castration under inhalation anaesthesia on farrowing farms

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    Background Since 01.01.2021, suckling piglets may no longer be castrated without anaesthesia in Germany. Previous studies showed castration using isoflurane anaesthesia in combination with a suitable analgesic, meet the requirements of the German Animal Welfare Act. It can be carried out independently by farmers and other qualified persons with an automated and certified isoflurane device. Therefore, the aim of the present field study was to implement the use of three different anaesthetic devices for surgical castration of male piglets under automated isoflurane anaesthesia on 15 conventional pig farms in southern Germany. In addition, the depth of anaesthesia based on defensive movements, the labour time required in contrast to anaesthetic-free castration, castration-related anaesthetic incidents and the piglet mortality rate as well as occupational safety were investigated. For this purpose, farrowing batches of 11,574 piglets castrated under isoflurane anaesthesia (IA) were compared with the results of the 1568 piglets of anaesthetic-free farrowing batches (AF). Results In total, 80.1% of the castrated piglets showed sufficient depth of anaesthesia, although this varied significantly between devices. 1.7% of the piglets suffered an anaesthetic incident, of which 0.1% died during or within 24 h after anaesthesia. The required time for the complete working process differed significantly between AF (1.7 ± 0.8 min/piglet) and IA batches (2.2 ± 0.8 min/piglet) but not for castration itself. The mean isoflurane consumption was 0.57 ± 0.27 ml/piglet and differed significantly between the devices ( p < 0.001). The isoflurane concentration in the ambient air of the person-related workplace safety measurements was below the internationally lowest value of 15 mg/m 3 from Ontario and Israel. Conclusion In conclusion, 2 of the 3 types of devices used, a sufficient depth of anaesthesia during castration under isoflurane was achieved in 85% of castrated piglets. Anaesthetic incidents occurred in 1.7% of the animals, of which 0.1% died. Castration under isoflurane is more time-consuming than anaesthetic-free castration, but the castration time itself did not differ significantly. The occupational exposure limits were below the internationally lowest limit value of 15 mg/m 3 for the persons involved. Even though castration under isoflurane is more time consuming than anaesthetic-free castration, it is a well-establishable method for practice and a dear improvement for animal welfare

    Motivação para o consumo de suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de exercícios físicos

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    O objetivo dessa revisão foi realizar um levantamento dos conhecimentos relacionados aos suplementos nutricionais e identificar a motivação, como fator psicológico, para consumo destes por praticantes de exercícios físicos. Assim, foram selecionados 41 artigos, 15 livros, 04 teses e 02 sites para a revisão sistemática. Verificou-se que os suplementos são muito estudados, porém a motivação para seu consumo ainda não. Os poucos estudos nessa área mostraram que a melhora do rendimento e a procura pela saúde são fatores importantes para os atletas, mas mais estudos ainda são necessários.

    Two-year history of lymphadenopathy and fever caused by Bartonella henselae in a child

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    We report the case of a 6-year-old boy that presented with enlarged lymph nodes on his neck. He complained of tiredness and discouragement, which worsened during feverish periods. There were no relevant laboratory test abnormalities and serological tests were not reactive. Bartonella henselae DNA was detected by species-specific nested polymerase chain reaction. After treatment, the patient progressed with no fever or lymphadenopathy. Bartonellosis is a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus Bartonella. This case report is a useful reminder to clinicians that long-term fever of unknown origin can be related to B. henselae infection, even if the specific serology is not reactive

    Predicting Outcomes in Pediatric Crohn’s Disease for Management Optimization: Systematic Review and Consensus Statements from PIBD-Ahead Program

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    A better understanding of prognostic factors within the heterogeneous spectrum of pediatric Crohn's disease (CD) should improve patient management and reduce complications. We aimed to identify evidence-based predictors of outcomes with the goal of optimizing individual patient management. A survey of 202 experts in pediatric CD identified and prioritized adverse outcomes to be avoided. A systematic review of the literature with meta-analysis, when possible, was performed to identify clinical studies that investigated predictors of these outcomes. Multiple national and international face-to-face meetings were held to draft consensus statements based on the published evidence. Consensus was reached on 27 statements regarding prognostic factors for surgery, complications, chronically active pediatric CD, and hospitalization. Prognostic factors for surgery included CD diagnosis during adolescence, growth impairment, NOD2/CARD15 polymorphisms, disease behavior, and positive anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody status. Isolated colonic disease was associated with fewer surgeries. Older age at presentation, small bowel disease, serology (anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody, antiflagellin, and OmpC), NOD2/CARD15 polymorphisms, perianal disease, and ethnicity were risk factors for penetrating (B3) and/or stenotic disease (B2). Male sex, young age at onset, small bowel disease, more active disease, and diagnostic delay may be associated with growth impairment. Malnutrition and higher disease activity were associated with reduced bone density. These evidence-based consensus statements offer insight into predictors of poor outcomes in pediatric CD and are valuable when developing treatment algorithms and planning future studies. Targeted longitudinal studies are needed to further characterize prognostic factors in pediatric CD and to evaluate the impact of treatment algorithms tailored to individual patient risk