75 research outputs found

    Paper Based Pressure Sensor for Green Electronics

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    This work reports a resistive paper-based disposable pressure sensor based on porous 3D conductive cellulose micro-fiber network. The conductivity in microfibers was achieved by subjecting the network to graphene oxide (GO) - poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT: PSS) solution. The modified cellulose matrix is sandwiched between graphite paper electrodes so that overall structure is flexible. The device tested in 32-386 Pa range detected a minimum of 34 Pa and exhibited fast dynamic response (in tenths of seconds) with excellent repeatability. The proposed approach for disposable sensors is a step towards green electronics and holds promise for wide range of wearable applications

    Effect of attribute perception factors on mode choice preferences among public transport users

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    Users may form certain perceptions on the attributes of characteristics. This specific type of perception is referred to as attribute perception. Studies have shown that attribute perception influences travel decisions. Recently, in the field of transportation, there is an increased interest in exploring attribute perception and its impacts on users’ decisions on the choice of transport mode. Previous studies have identified a range of travel factors influencing passenger’s mode of choice, while there has been little effort on the exploration of the significance of these attribute perceptions. Hence, this study explored the impacts of attribute perception on the preferred choice of transport mode among public transport users in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To achieve this aim, a conceptual modelling framework was developed based on the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) model, which allows an extensive range of factors influencing mode choice to be considered. A self-administered survey was conducted to obtain users’ perceptions on public transport attributes. Cronbach’s alpha was used to identify reliability and internal consistency of the questionnaire and results showed that the questionnaire was found to have an adequate internal consistency. The Cronbach’s alpha ranged from .81 to .91 for the six attributes instrument. The data were extracted from 773 respondents from the two busiest routes in Dhaka city, namely Uttara to Azimpur and Mirpur to Motijheel. This conceptual relationship model was investigated using modelling approaches. Initially, the explanatory factor analysis (EFA) was used to determine the attribute perception factors’ underlying dimensions. Next, multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between attribute perception factors and travel behaviour. Finally, a multinomial logit model (MNL) was employed to explore the effect of attribute perception on the preferred choice of public transport users. The findings showed that the confidence level for regression model was 95% and its coefficient was defined as Sig < 0.05. Besides, the results showed that the attribute perception factors such as travel time, travel fare, waiting time, travel distance, comfort, and reliability had significant effects on passenger preference of travel modes among the different choices available. The results of this study have contributed to a better understanding of transport mode choice in Dhaka city and provided a foundation for future attribute perception-based mode choice research

    Teaching Performance of Primary School Teachers and its Impact on Students’ Academic Achievement in Bangladesh.

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    The study mainly dealt with the teaching performance of primary school teachers and its impact on students’ academic achievement in Bangladesh. It reveals the teaching performance of teachers considering five important indicators. The academic achievement was also looked into account examining the five important indicators. Social survey method was adopted and both primary and secondary data were used. Data were collected through questionnaire and interviews. Sample was taken randomly and the total number of sample was 120. 60 teachers of govt. and 60 teachers of non-govt. primary schools were taken to make a comparison. 15 Govt. and 15 non-govt. primary schools were taken to assess the policy implementation including other formal activates. The study has found that there are some lacks of teachers in performing their duties. For this reason, the academic achievement of the students’ is not satisfactory in both of the govt. and non-govt. primary schools. Comparatively the performance of govt. primary school teachers is more satisfactory than non-govt. primary school teachers in Bangladesh. So, the students’ academic achievement is low as to the expectation in both of the govt. and non-govt. primary schools. Keywords: Teaching Performance, Primary School, Academic Achievement, Bangladesh

    Latihan Pernapasan dengan Metode Buteyko Meningkatkan Nilai Force Expiratory Volume In 1 Second (%Fev1) Penderita Asma Dewasa Derajat Persisten Sedang

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    Background: Breathing exercises are frequently recommended as an adjunctive treatment for asthma. Breathing exercise for asthma that is recommended in Indonesia is Senam Asma Indonesia, which has a session of aerobic exercise. In Russia and Australia Buteyko method is practiced as a simple exercise for respiration. Principally, the technique of Buteyko is different from other respiration methods.Objective: The aim of this study is to know if the effect of Buteyko method could increase lung function of adult asthmatic patient better than Senam Asma Indonesia.Methods: Design of this study is field experiment with pretest and posttest of the lung function test (FVC, %FVC, FEV1 and %FEV1). The subjects divided into three groups, the group I, given exercise with the Buteyko method, group II given exercise with Senam Asma Indonesia and the group III without any exercise. The exercise was given for 12 weeks. The lung function test was done at the end of every month for all groups.Result: %FEV1 for Buteyko\u27s group increased significantly but other parameters didn\u27t.Conclusion: Breathing exercises with Buteyko and Senam Asma Indonesia both could decrease the airway resistance in asthmatic patient, but could not improve the vital capacity of the lung

    Association of Gpx1 fluctuation in cell cycle progression

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    This research demonstrates fluctuation of glutathione peroxidase1 (Gpx1) throughout cell cycle progression with significant decreased expression at mitosis of HeLa cell. This was achieved with western blot (WB) analysis of target proteins from each phase of synchronized cells. The synchronizations were performed with double thymidine (T/T) for G1/S arrest and thymidine followed by nocodazole (T/N) for G2/M arrest. The G1/S arrested cells were released in fresh medium for 3, 6, 9, 10, and 15h to obtain cell at each phase such as gap1 (G1), synthesis (S), gap2 (G2), mitosis (M), and gap1 (G1) phase, respectively, for investigating Gpx1 expression throughout a complete cycle. The synchronizations were confirmed using fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and WB analysis of phase-specific markers. The fluctuations of Gpx1 expression were verified with universal protein actin and peroxiredoxin1 (Prx1) which are stable throughout the cell cycle. Intriguingly, immunoblots showed the level of Gpx1 decreases at mitosis phase and increased during mitotic exit to G1 phase in HeLa cells, while Prx1 protein level remained constant. The fractionation experiments reveal that only the cytosolic Gpx1 was decreased while their levels at mitochondria remain constant. The highest levels of mitochondrial ROS were measured in mitosis phase with FACS analysis using Mito sox indicating that antioxidant activity of Gpx1 for detoxifying excessive induced endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the mitosis phase could be the reason for such decreasing level. For unfolding the molecular mechanism of such decreased expression, the Gpx1 was investigated at transcriptional, translational, and proteosomal level. The results revealed that translational mechanism is involve in the decreased expression rather than transcriptional or proteosomal degradation at mitosis phase. This finding supports that Gpx1 is involved in the cell cycle progression through regulation of endogenous ROS. Based on this observation, further research could uncover their possible association with the infinitive division of a cancer cell

    Formal Education and Socio-Economic Condition of Rural People in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study between Literate and Illiterate People on Raninagar Upazilla of Naogaon District

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    Abstract: The study focuses only the socio-economical condition of the people who take the formal education from any institution. This paper is to explore the difference between literate and illiterate people, their socio-economic condition and their life style in society. The study represent that literate people earn more compared to the illiterate people. Social acceptance of literate respondents was found significant compared to the illiterate respondents in the study area. Formal education developed the people of social relationship, interaction of individuals, groups, institutions and organization of society. Formal education has a positive effect on health .Most of the literate people having good health but illiterate people not having good health. Illiterate people suffer from various diseases. So, it may be declared that the formal education has a positive effect on the society. In this study it is clear that the literate families were found comparatively developed than illiterate families. So, it can be boldly pronounced that there are significant effects of formal education in every sphere of human life and on society. Keywords: Formal Education, Socio-economic Condition, Comparative Study, Literate and Illiterate People, Bangladesh


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    Pemahaman akan perilaku konsumen mutlak diperlukan apalagi pada saat sekarang ini perkembangan dari dunia otomotif yang begitu pesat dan cepat membuat intensitas persaingan yang semakin tinggi, dan ini menjadi hal penting bagi para pemasar apabila ingin tetap diterima oleh konsumennya. Penelitianinibertujuanuntuk :1) Menganalisispengaruh produk, harga, promosi, dan distribusi terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor bekasmerekVEGA Rpada CV. Jaya Motor di KecamatanDempet Kabupaten Demak secara parsial. 2) Menganalisispengaruh produk, harga, promosi, dan distribusi terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor bekasmerekVEGA Rpada CV. Jaya Motor di KecamatanDempet Kabupaten Demak secara berganda. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Sampel yang dijadikan objek penelitian sebanyak 100 responden pengguna sepeda motor bekas merek VEGA R dan pengambilan data berupa observasi, wawancara, kuesioner. Sedangkan untuk pengolahan data dianalisis untuk uji validitas dan reabilitas memakai rumus Alpha Cronbach dengan menggunakan bantuan komputer program SPSS 16,0 for windows. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa variabel faktor produk, harga, promosi dan distribusi secara simultan/ bersama-sama mempunyai pengaruh signifikan (bermakna) terhadap keputusan pembelian sepeda motor bekas merek VEGA R baik secara parsial maupun berganda

    Graphene Oxide-Chitosan Based Flexible Biosensor

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    The paper presents flexible graphene oxide (GO)-Chitosan composite based biosensor for electrochemical detection of dopamine (DA). Electrochemical redox based detection tool for analytes has gained popularity due to their high specificity, sensitivity and label free technique. The GO-Chitosan based electrochemical electrodes presented here for three-electrode voltammetry have Ag/AgCl and Platinum based reference and counter electrode, respectively. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) of DA with as prepared electrode show quasi-reversible behaviour with characteristic cathodic peak (7pc) at +200mV and anodic peak (7pa) at -400mV. The voltammogram showed stability against repetitive scan cycles while the peak current showed increase with scan rates (100-200mV/s). The sensors show steady state peak enhancement (6.05-134.05pA) with DA concentration range of 0-100pM. The fabricated electrode is suitable for measuring DA with high sensitivity. The biodegradability of the prepared electrode is suitable for eco-friendly and disposable applications, which aligns with the green technology

    Penyelenggaraan fasiliti stadium

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    Penyelenggaraan adalah kerja yang dilakukan untuk memelihara, menjaga, mengendali, memperbaiki dan mengawalselia struktur bangunan, kemudahan, kelengkapan, perkhidmatan bangunan dan persekitaran bagi memastikan bangunan sentiasa berada pada tahap piawaian yang telah ditetapkan. Selain itu, penyelenggaraan juga dapat mempertahankan utiliti dan nilai fasiliti kemudahan serta berada dalam keadaan selamat digunakan

    Peran wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan dalam mengembangkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMK Negeri 3 Malang

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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan Agama Islam yang telah diajarkan di sekolahan, khususnya sekolah non Islam jika kita amati maka kita akan mendapatkan kenyataan bahwa Pendidikan Agama Islam ternyata masih jauh dari yang kita harapkan. Maka dari itu diperlukan jam pelajaran tambahan atau yang biasa kita sebut dengan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler. Pada dasarnya kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dalam dunia sekolah ditujukan untuk menggali dan memotivasi siswa dalam bidang tertentu. Karena itu, aktivitas kegiatan ekstrakurikuler harus disesuaikan dengan hobi serta kondisi siswa. Sedangkan tujuan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler adalah untuk membantu dan meningkatkan pengembangan wawasan anak didik khusus dalam bidang Pendidikan Agama Islam, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler juga dapat meningkatkan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah. Salah satu kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang ada disekolah adalah ekstrakurikuer keagamaan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMKN 3 Malang, sekolah umum yang bukan berbasis agama akan tetapi kegiatan keagamaan Islamnya dapat berjalan dengan bagus, tentunya pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan ini tidak terlepas dari peran wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan, kendala apa yang dialami oleh wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan, mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi, serta mengetahui solusi untuk mengatasinya, sehingga kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMKN 3 ini dapat berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini menggunkan pendekatan Deskriptif-Kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk mengungkapkan daya deskriptif dari informasi tentang apa yang mereka lakukan, rasakan, dan apa yang mereka alami terhadap fokus penelitian. Data penelitian yang diperoleh tersebut akan dikemas dengan tiga teknik: teknik Wawancara, teknik Observasi,dan teknik Dokumentasi. Kemudian data tersebut dianalisis melalui tiga tahap yaitu: pengumpulan data, proses pemilihan dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMKN 3 Malang sebagai penunjang terhadap proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, dengan mengacu pada pencapaian visi dan misi untuk pengembangan nilai, moral, etika, dan estetika yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan pengalaman-pengalaman pada peserta didik. Hal ini dikarenakan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan bertujuan untuk mengembangkan wawasan dan meningkatkan pengetahuan keagamaan bagi siswa. Diantara kegiatan tersebut adalah sholat fardhu dhuhur berjamaah, sholat dhuha digilir perkelas, Pembacaan surat yasin jumat pagi, pelatihan sholawat al banjari, mengadakan lomba keagamaan ( lomba baca Al-Quran dan lomba ceramah agama), mengadakan bakti sosial, santunan anak yatim piatu, rapat khusus keagamaan, Peringatan Hari Besar Islam (peringatan Idul Fitri, peringatan idul adha, peringatan maulid nabi, peringatan 1 muharom, peringatan isra’ mi’raj,pondok Romadhan, pengumpulan zakat fitrah) (2) Peran wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan dalam melaksanakan fungsinya sebagai wakil kepala sekolah terutama pada kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan di SMKN 3 Malang, adalah pada bimbingan, arahan, pemantapan, peningkatan, arahan terhadap pola pikir, sikap mental, perilaku serta minat bakat dan keterampilan para siswa melalui program ekstrakurikuler dalam mendukung keberhasilan program kurikuler, (3) Faktor kendala dalam mengembangkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan SMKN 3 Malang diataranya adalah kendala yang timbul dari intensitas anggota untuk berperan aktif di dalam setiap kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan. Faktor anggota yang sedang menempuh kegiatan PKL tidak bisa secara aktif untuk mengikuti kegiatan menjadikan kurang maksimalnya kehadiran anggota kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan. Kendala selanjutnya yang muncul adalah kendala yang datang dari pelatih, khususnya pada shalawat al banjari, (4) Solusi untuk menghadapi kendala yang dihadapi wakil kepala sekolah bidang kesiswaan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan, maka beberapa pihak yang memiliki andil untuk mengembangkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler memberikan masukan dan saran untuk saling bekerjasama ke depannya. Diantaranya mengatur jadwal kegiatan ekstrakurikuler keagamaan secara efektif dan mendatangkan pelatih yang berpengalaman. ABSTRACT Islamic education that is teached, especially in non islamic school less from our expectation so far. A neccessary to add more additional class or weshould call it “extracurricular” to handle it . basically the goal of extracurricular is to eksplore and motivate student in sunch ability they have. Thats why extracurricular activity should based on students hobby and student condition. Where athe goal of extracurricular is to help are develope student insight especially in islamic education terms, an extracurricular activity also can increase the rate of faith and piety to Allah SWT. Religion extracurricular is a part of extracurricular which usually school has. This reseach conducted in SMKN 3 Malang, a non islamic shool, in this school religion exstracurricular stay run on the track smoothly, this happen with over takes from vice headmaster in student sector, obstakle that hefaces, are the way he end it, this research also has some goal to know the role from vice headmaster in student sector to know the obstacles that faced and also to know the solution to handle it, so extracurricular activity especially in religion extracurricular in SMKN 3 can run smoothly. This research using Descriptive-Qualitative approach. Qualitative approach used to express qualitatifve effort from an information about what the they doing, feeling and what happen in their activity, in concern from the reseach, reseach data which be optained will be wrapped in 3 technique: interview, observation, and documentation. Then these data will be analysed throught 3 level : data accumulation, process of election and conclution. The result of this research shows that: (1) Religion exstracurricular activity in SMKN 3 Malang as a supporting of the learning process which concern on vision and mission attainment to develope valve, morality, etnic and aesthetics affect toward on increase in student experience. This happen because the goal of religion extracurricular is to increase insight and religious knowledge from the student, form of these activity such as sholat dzhur together, sholat dhuha in turns for each clas, reading yaasin in Friday morning, sholawat al-banjari coaching, conducta religious contest( reading quran, and religious speech contest), solidarity event, meeteng in religion sector, islamic special days( Idul Fitri, idul adha, etc...) can increase the insight an a religious knowledge for the student (2) Rule of the vice headmaster in student sector especially concern in religion extracurricular in SMKN 3 Malang is on the guidance, directive, ricing, directing on the pattern of thinking, phsylogycal attitude, behavior, interest and tallent, these are will support sucess from the curricular program (3) obstacle factors to develope religion extracurricular program, thas is obstacle in member intensity to active in each religion extracurricular activity, it obviosly makes less maximum in arriving member of religion extracurricular next obstacle comes from coach, especially in sholawat al banjari. (4) solution for these obstacles which faced vice headmaster in student sector is gathering some rellated party to develope extracurricular activity in crtics and suggestions form, make a deal in developing teamwork for further. This teamwork, for example, manage scedule for religion ekstracurricular activity effectively and incur an experted coach
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