44 research outputs found

    Maxillary shape after primary cleft closure and before alveolar bone graft in two different management protocols: A comparative morphometric study

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    AIM AND SCOPE: Result assessment in cleft surgery is a technical challenge and requires the development of dedicated morphometric tools. Two cohorts of patients managed according to two different protocols were assessed at similar ages and their palatal shape was compared using geometric morphometrics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Ten patients (protocol No. 1) benefited from early lip closure (1-3 months) and secondary combined soft and hard palate closure (6-9 months); 11 patients (protocol No. 2) benefited from later combined lip and soft palate closure (6 months) followed by hard palate closure (18 months). Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images were acquired at 5 years of age and palatal shapes were compared between protocols No. 1 and No. 2 using geometric morphometrics. RESULTS: Protocols No. 1 and No. 2 had a significantly different timing in their surgical steps but were assessed at a similar age (5 years). The inter-canine distance was significantly narrower in protocol No. 1. Geometric morphometrics showed that the premaxillary region was located more inferiorly in protocol No. 1. CONCLUSION: Functional approaches to cleft surgery (protocol No. 2) allow obtaining larger inter-canine distances and more anatomical premaxillary positions at 5 years of age when compared to protocols involving early lip closure (protocol No. 1). This is the first study comparing the intermediate results of two cleft management protocols using 3D CBCT data and geometric morphometrics. Similar assessments at the end of puberty are required in order to compare the long-term benefits of functional protocols

    Severity of Retrognathia and Glossoptosis Does Not Predict Respiratory and Feeding Disorders in Pierre Robin Sequence

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    Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) may lead to life-threatening respiratory and feeding disorders. With the aim to analyse the association of the severities of retrognathia and glossoptosis with those of respiratory and feeding disorders, we retrospectively studied a series of 50 infants with retrognathia, glossoptosis, cleft palate, and airway obstruction. The patients were managed from birth to at least 6 years of age by a single pediatric team at the Armand Trousseau Hospital in Paris within a 12 years period (2000–2012). Retrognathia and glossoptosis were graded in the neonatal period according to a specific clinical examination. Ventilation assistance was required for 32/50 (64%) patients, and enteral feeding for 41/50 (82%). The grades of retrognathia and glossoptosis and the severity of respiratory disorders did not differ between patients with isolated PRS and syndromic PRS. Severe respiratory disorders were more common and long-lasting feeding (>12 months) was more frequently required in patients with syndromic PRS compared with isolated PRS (42 vs. 13%, p = 0.04 and 42 vs. 4%, p < 0.01 respectively). Using univariate analysis, neurological impairments and laryngomalacia were associated with severe respiratory disorders [Odds ratio (OR) 5.0, 95% CI 1.3–19.6; and OR 14.6, 95% CI 1.3–161.4; p < 0.05] as well as with long-lasting feeding (>12 months) disorders (OR 18.6, 95% CI 3.9–89.2 and OR 20.4, 95% CI 3,4–122.8; p < 10−2). Syndromic SPR status was also associated with severe respiratory disorders (OR 4.9, 95% CI 1–32.5; p < 0.05). Using multivariate analysis, only syndromic PRS status was predictive for severe respiratory disorders (adjusted OR 8, 95% CI 1.47–44.57; p < 0.05); and only neurological impairments remained a significant risk for long lasting feeding disorders (>12 months) (adjusted OR 21.72, 95% CI 3.4–138.63; p < 10−2). The grades of retrognathia and glossoptosis were not predictive factors for the severity of respiratory and feeding disorders.Conclusion: In children with PRS, the severity of clinical conditions may not correlate with anatomic variables but rather with laryngeal abnormalities, neurological impairement and syndromic PRS status

    Decellularized vascularized bone grafts: A preliminary in vitro porcine model for bioengineered transplantable bone shafts

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    Introduction: Durable reconstruction of critical size bone defects is still a surgical challenge despite the availability of numerous autologous and substitute bone options. In this paper, we have investigated the possibility of creating a living bone allograft, using the perfusion/decellularization/recellularization (PDR) technique, which was applied to an original model of vascularized porcine bone graft.Materials and Methods: 11 porcine bone forelimbs, including radius and ulna, were harvested along with their vasculature including the interosseous artery and then decellularized using a sequential detergent perfusion protocol. Cellular clearance, vasculature, extracellular matrix (ECM), and preservation of biomechanical properties were evaluated. The cytocompatibility and in vitro osteoinductive potential of acellular extracellular matrix were studied by static seeding of NIH-3T3 cells and porcine adipose mesenchymal stem cells (pAMSC), respectively.Results: The vascularized bone grafts were successfully decellularized, with an excellent preservation of the 3D morphology and ECM microarchitecture. Measurements of DNA and ECM components revealed complete cellular clearance and preservation of ECM’s major proteins. Bone mineral density (BMD) acquisitions revealed a slight, yet non-significant, decrease after decellularization, while biomechanical testing was unmodified. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) acquisitions after vascular injection of barium sulphate confirmed the preservation of the vascular network throughout the whole graft. The non-toxicity of the scaffold was proven by the very low amount of residual sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in the ECM and confirmed by the high live/dead ratio of fibroblasts seeded on periosteum and bone ECM-grafts after 3, 7, and 16 days of culture. Moreover, cell proliferation tests showed a significant multiplication of seeded cell populations at the same endpoints. Lastly, the differentiation study using pAMSC confirmed the ECM graft’s potential to promote osteogenic differentiation. An osteoid-like deposition occurred when pAMSC were cultured on bone ECM in both proliferative and osteogenic differentiation media.Conclusion: Fully decellularized bone grafts can be obtained by perfusion decellularization, thereby preserving ECM architecture and their vascular network, while promoting cell growth and differentiation. These vascularized decellularized bone shaft allografts thus present a true potential for future in vivo reimplantation. Therefore, they may offer new perspectives for repairing large bone defects and for bone tissue engineering

    NRAS Mutation Is the Sole Recurrent Somatic Mutation in Large Congenital Melanocytic Nevi

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    Congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN) is a particular melanocytic in utero proliferation characterized by an increased risk of melanoma transformation during infancy or adulthood. NRAS and BRAF mutations have consistently been reported in CMN samples, but until recently results have been contradictory. We therefore studied a series of large and giant CMNs and compared them with small and medium CMNs using Sanger sequencing, pyrosequencing, high-resolution melting analysis, and mutation enrichment by an enhanced version of ice-COLD-PCR. Large–giant CMNs displayed NRAS mutations in 94.7% of cases (18/19). At that point, the role of additional mutations in CMN pathogenesis had to be investigated. We therefore performed exome sequencing on five specimens of large–giant nevi. The results showed that NRAS mutation was the sole recurrent somatic event found in such melanocytic proliferations. The genetic profile of small–medium CMNs was significantly different, with 70% of cases bearing NRAS mutations and 30% showing BRAF mutations. These findings strongly suggest that NRAS mutations are sufficient to drive melanocytic benign proliferations in utero

    Developmental disease associated to jaw bone tumors : from 2 models keratocystic odontogenic tumor and Cherubism

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    Afin de mieux comprendre les bases physiopathologiques des tumeurs osseuses des mâchoires, nous avons étudié deux modèles de tumeurs associées à des mutations génétiques connues : la tumeur kératokystique odontogène (TKO), liée à la mutation de PTCH1, et le chérubinisme, lié à la mutation de SH3BP2. Au regard des travaux d’oncogénétique, nous formulons l’hypothèse que le développement des tumeurs ostéolytiques bénignes des mâchoires de l’enfant et leur agressivité repose sur un mécanisme génétique. Nous avons montré que la présence d’une mutation de PTCH1 (germinale avec syndrome de Gorlin) dans les TKO était un facteur de mauvais pronostic, stimulant un centre tumoral secondaire, responsable de lésions à distance, mais que cette agressivité pouvait aussi être liée à des mécanismes inflammatoires. Dans le chérubinisme, nous avons montré que la mutation était responsable du phénotype, mais que le type de mutation n’influençait pas le pronostic ni l’agressivité. L’agressivité tumorale est liée au phénotype des cellules géantes multinucléées (cellules myéloïdes à différenciation macrophagique ou ostéoclastique). Nous avons montré, que le modèle murin ne pouvait pas s’appliquer à la pathologie humaine, avec notamment un rôle très secondaire du TNF-α. Enfin nous avons démontré le rôle important de NFATc1 dans la physiopathologie du chérubinisme qui nous a permis de proposer, le tacrolimus, comme le premier agent thérapeutique efficace. Nos résultats suggèrent que les mutations induisent la pathologie et que les changements du microenvironnement (liés à la flore buccale ou à l’éruption dentaire) entretiennent la pathologie.To determine pathophysiological bases of jawbone tumors, we studied two genetic models of jawbone tumors: keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT) associated to PTCH1 mutation and cherubism associated to SH3BP2 mutation. From oncogenetic theory, we postulate that genetic background controls the development of benign children jawbone tumors. From our work, we demonstrated that PTCH1 mutation (germline mutation in Gorlin syndrome) was an unfavorable prognosis factor for KOT, leading to distant and independent daughter tumors. Moreover, we showed, that chorionic inflammation was associated with a high recurrence rate. In cherubism, SH3BP2 mutation produced cherubism phenotype, but the type of mutation did not affect the aggressiveness of the disease. Cherubism aggressiveness was determined by the phenotype of giant multinucleated cells (whether osteoclasts or macrophages). Furthermore, we showed that murine model could not be transposed to human pathology; indeed it appeared that TNF- α did not play a critical role in human cherubism. On the other side, we showed that NFATc1 played a crucial role in cherubism pathophysiology; this observation allowed us to propose, the tacrolimus, as an effective treatment for this disease. Our results suggest that genetic background induced tumor development, and that microenvironment changes (due to flora of the oral cavity and to teeth eruptions) are responsible to the maintenance and the progression of the disease

    Tumeurs des maxillaires avec anomalies du développement : à partir des modèles de tumeurs kératokystiques odontogènes et du chérubinisme

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    To determine pathophysiological bases of jawbone tumors, we studied two genetic models of jawbone tumors: keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT) associated to PTCH1 mutation and cherubism associated to SH3BP2 mutation. From oncogenetic theory, we postulate that genetic background controls the development of benign children jawbone tumors. From our work, we demonstrated that PTCH1 mutation (germline mutation in Gorlin syndrome) was an unfavorable prognosis factor for KOT, leading to distant and independent daughter tumors. Moreover, we showed, that chorionic inflammation was associated with a high recurrence rate. In cherubism, SH3BP2 mutation produced cherubism phenotype, but the type of mutation did not affect the aggressiveness of the disease. Cherubism aggressiveness was determined by the phenotype of giant multinucleated cells (whether osteoclasts or macrophages). Furthermore, we showed that murine model could not be transposed to human pathology; indeed it appeared that TNF- α did not play a critical role in human cherubism. On the other side, we showed that NFATc1 played a crucial role in cherubism pathophysiology; this observation allowed us to propose, the tacrolimus, as an effective treatment for this disease. Our results suggest that genetic background induced tumor development, and that microenvironment changes (due to flora of the oral cavity and to teeth eruptions) are responsible to the maintenance and the progression of the disease.Afin de mieux comprendre les bases physiopathologiques des tumeurs osseuses des mâchoires, nous avons étudié deux modèles de tumeurs associées à des mutations génétiques connues : la tumeur kératokystique odontogène (TKO), liée à la mutation de PTCH1, et le chérubinisme, lié à la mutation de SH3BP2. Au regard des travaux d’oncogénétique, nous formulons l’hypothèse que le développement des tumeurs ostéolytiques bénignes des mâchoires de l’enfant et leur agressivité repose sur un mécanisme génétique. Nous avons montré que la présence d’une mutation de PTCH1 (germinale avec syndrome de Gorlin) dans les TKO était un facteur de mauvais pronostic, stimulant un centre tumoral secondaire, responsable de lésions à distance, mais que cette agressivité pouvait aussi être liée à des mécanismes inflammatoires. Dans le chérubinisme, nous avons montré que la mutation était responsable du phénotype, mais que le type de mutation n’influençait pas le pronostic ni l’agressivité. L’agressivité tumorale est liée au phénotype des cellules géantes multinucléées (cellules myéloïdes à différenciation macrophagique ou ostéoclastique). Nous avons montré, que le modèle murin ne pouvait pas s’appliquer à la pathologie humaine, avec notamment un rôle très secondaire du TNF-α. Enfin nous avons démontré le rôle important de NFATc1 dans la physiopathologie du chérubinisme qui nous a permis de proposer, le tacrolimus, comme le premier agent thérapeutique efficace. Nos résultats suggèrent que les mutations induisent la pathologie et que les changements du microenvironnement (liés à la flore buccale ou à l’éruption dentaire) entretiennent la pathologie

    Tumeurs des maxillaires de l'enfant (confrontation clinique, radiologique et histologique)

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    DIJON-BU Médecine Pharmacie (212312103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Maladies rares des tissus conjonctifs et précautions orthodontiques

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    L’altération d’une ou de plusieurs protéines du tissu conjonctif par une mutation génétique peut affecter aussi bien les tissus mous que osseux. Ces maladies sont de sévérité et d’expression phénotypique très variable, avec des signes cliniques apparaissant au cours de la croissance et dont le diagnostic peut parfois être difficile à poser. En effet, les formes typiques sont rares et la plupart des cas présentent des tableaux cliniques peu discernables. Certaines de ces maladies géniques ont des répercussions cranio-faciales qui doivent alerter l’orthodontiste afin d’assurer une prise en charge adaptée à ces patients, tant d’un point dentaire et orthodontique que dans la relation avec les autres professionnels de santé. Afin de mieux appréhender les spécificités de cette prise en charge, nous nous appuierons sur la description de trois types de dysplasies du tissu osseux (ostéopétrose, ostéolyse, chérubinisme) et une maladie dont les atteintes se localisent principalement au niveau des tissus conjonctifs mous (syndrome d’Ehlers-Danlos)

    Decellularized vascularized bone grafts as therapeutic solution for bone reconstruction: A mechanical evaluation.

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    IntroductionLarge bone defects are challenging for surgeons. Available reimplanted bone substitutes can't properly restore optimal function along and long term osteointegration of the bone graft. Bone substitute based on the perfusion-decellularization technique seem to be interesting in order to overcome these limitations. We present here an evaluation of the biomechanics of the bones thus obtained.Material and methodsTwo decellularization protocols were chosen for this study. One using Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) (D1) and one using NaOH and H2O2 (D2). The decellularization was performed on porcine forearms. We then carried out compression, three-point bending, indentation and screw pull-out tests on each sample. Once these tests were completed, we compared the results obtained between the different decellularization protocols and with samples left native.ResultsThe difference in the means was similar between the tests performed on bones decellularized with the SDS protocol and native bones for pull-out test: +1.4% (CI95% [-10.5%- 12.4%]) of mean differences when comparing Native vs D1, compression -14.9% (CI95% [-42.7%- 12.5%]), 3-point bending -5.7% (CI95% [-22.5%- 11.1%]) and indentation -10.8% (CI95% [-19.5%- 4.6%]). Bones decellularized with the NaOH protocol showed different results from those obtained with the SDS protocol or native bones during the pull-out screw +40.7% (CI95% [24.3%- 57%]) for Native vs D2 protocol and 3-point bending tests +39.2% (CI95% [13.7%- 64.6%]) for Native vs D2 protocol. The other tests, compression and indentation, gave similar results for all our samples.ConclusionVascularized decellularized grafts seem to be an interesting means for bone reconstruction. Our study shows that the decellularization method affects the mechanical results of our specimens. Some methods seem to limit these alterations and could be used in the future for bone decellularization