20 research outputs found

    Labelizing of Manufacturing Halal Industry Products for Achieving Consumer Satisfaction In The Perspective of Maslahah Daruriyah

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    Maslahah are all forms of goodness with worldly and hereafter dimensions that bring goodness in all aspects that do not cause harm in production, distribution and consumption activities. The labeling of halal products in the manufacturing industry from the perspective of maslahah daruriyah focuses on halal guarantees, consumer protection is marked by halal symbol on the packaging. The purpose of this study was to determine the categorization of maslahah daruriyah on the labeling of halal products and consumption satisfaction with the labeling of halal products. The method is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study prove that the labeling of halal products is categorized as maslahah daruriyah which of course the obligation of halal labeling is carried out in stages because its existence is needed by human life for the benefit of maintaining religion, soul, mind, lineage and property. Consumption satisfaction known as maslahah with the understanding that the needs are fulfilled both physically and spiritually. Islam attaches great importance to physical and non-physical balance based on sharia value

    Accelerating The Halal Industry Sector To Realize Indonesia As The World Halal Center

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the condition of the halal industry and the opportunity aspects of the halal industry sectors in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with an exploratory approach through secondary data collection. Findings. First, the condition of the halal industry according to the release of the State of the Global Islamic Economic Report 2022 shows that Indonesia's position globally ranks 4th (four) and this will continue to increase along with Indonesia having the largest Muslim population in the world, making it an important market for halal products and services. Second; 7 important sectors must be utilized including food and beverage, fashion, tourism and hospitality, pharmaceuticals, Islamic finance, media and recreation, and halal supply chain. These sectors are maximally utilized in building consumer confidence, forming halal lifestyle awareness, and increasing sharia understanding to expand the range of halal industry services so that Indonesia can become the world's halal center


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    This study aims to find out the creative solutions of Islamic economics in overcoming the economic obstacles faced by SMEs both short and long term. This research is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach from secondary data including and literature. The results of this study indicate that the right Islamic economic solution to addressing the economic barriers of SMEs is to provide Islamic finance, strengthen management, and use financial technology (Fintech) features and establish relationships with customers. This research has implications for improving and strengthening sharia-based SMEs


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    The study was aimed at identifying the elements of maslahah and measuring the process and result performances by using maslahah scorecard in determining the performance of the PT Tirta Fresinda Jaya (TFJ) of Gowa. The methods employed in this study were qualitative methods with a study design through observation, interview, and documentation. The analyzed and interpreted through sthree stages, namely; data reduction, data presentation, data verification and drawing conclusion with qualitative descriptive analysis technique.  The findings revealed that there were seven elements of maslahah existing in the TFJ. These included worship, internal process, labor, learning, assets, customers, obedience and the sustainability. These eight orientations found and behavior in this study had the maslahah foundation in realizing the strategic objectives to achieve the maslahah. The TFJ enough to implement the benefit process and be able to provide benefits to internal dan external even through it not full. The addition of obedience and the sustainability orientation in this research had an implication for the sustainability process of a company that combined internal and external elements to the organization. Through Maslahah scorecard approach applied to the TFJ of Gowa, it could be identified the existence of the maslahah values.Keywords: performance, maslahah scorecard

    Islamic Wealth Management And Corporate Governance

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    This paper aims to explore Islamic views on wealth (asset) management and look at good corporate governance. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method with a literature review approach with data collection techniques namely literature study. The results of the study show that basically asset management in an Islamic perspective is wealth management which is seen as a process of ownership, consumption of wealth, and acquisition in accordance with sharia principles. Islam emphasizes the acquisition and utilization of assets in a lawful and best way. Wealth should not be left idle but must be productive, both in terms of obtaining assets and how to spend them, such as zakat, infaq, and alms. Corporate Governance in Islam is a process of managing assets in institutions or companies in accordance with Islamic principles. Where in the process must apply the principles that have been determined by the Shari'a, such as siddiq, amanah, tabligh, fathanah and so forth. So with the application of these principles, it is hoped that transparency, integration and accountability will be achieved in institutions or companies

    Sharia Financial Literation In Developing Sharia-Based Business For Rural Communities In South Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the understanding and public trust about Islamic products and Islamic banking and to determine the prospects for Islamic finance in rural business development. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative through FGD and data triangulation. The results showed that people in rural areas tit belongs to less literate and less of trust because some people only understand the Islamic banking products used and only consider aspects of the needs and virtues of banking service facilities. However, it indicates a bright prospect for developing a sharia-based community business with residents of the region who are aware of Islamic law and the demand for Islamic financial institution services by the community is increasing.Keywords: Literacy, Islamic Finance, Business

    Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja dengan Pendekatan Maslahah Scorecard

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur maṣlaḥah dan mengukur kinerja proses dan hasil dengan maṣlaḥah scorecard pada PT Tirta Fresinda Jaya (TFJ) di Kab. Gowa. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat delapan unsur kemaslahatan antara lain ibadah, proses internal, tenaga kerja, pembelajaran, harta kekayaan, pelanggan, kepatuhan, dan keberlanjutan organisasi. TFJ cukup menerapkan kinerja proses kemaslahatan dan mampu memberikan kemaslahatan kepada stakeholder internal dan eksternal. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada proses keberlanjutan masa depan perusahaan pada unsur internal dan eksternal organisasi

    Getting to Know Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) In The Era of Society 5.0

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    Background: In 2022 a student traded his selfies for a profit of 1.7 billion rupiah and managed to attract the attention of the world community. Objectives: This research aims to review the concepts of NFT and DeFi and to determine their utilization value. Novelty: Value of benefits (Maqashid Sharia) in NFT and DeFi Research Methodology / Design: The method used is a literature study with a phenomenological approach and the grand theory is analyzed using a constant comparison technique (qualitative). Findings: The research results explain that NFT is a digital work such as art, music, and photos that are traded using blockchain technology. DeFi is a financial ecosystem built by blockchain technology by providing financial services using cryptocurrency as an investment tool with easy and transparent access without being controlled by any financial institution. DeFi and NFT will build a more advanced financial industry by presenting decentralized financial services in the era of society 5.0. With just an internet connection and a compatible device, people can access various financial services without having to rely on account books, mobile banking, and so on. Implication: Its presence will open up new avenues for digital financial technology in the future. NFT and DeFi contain beneficial values in terms of maqashid sharia, namely hifzu al-din (protecting religion), hifzu al-'aql (protecting reason), hifzu al-nafs (protecting the soul), hifzu al-nasl (protecting offspring, and hifzu al-mal (protecting property)


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    The purpose of this research is to find out the halal industry roadmap and the development of the halal industry sector in Indonesia. This research uses a literature review. The literature review uses data from trusted sources to be the research method of the technique used. The result of this study is that the halal industry in Indonesia began with research on food and beverage products found to contain pork extracts in 1988, so the government acted to form the MUI Food, Drug and Cosmetics Assessment Institute (LLPOM) officially in 1989 as the first halal inspection agency in Indonesia. The findings of this study suggest that stakeholders involved in the growth of the halal industry in Indonesia should support the halal industry roadmap. The halal industry business is developing in several sectors, including manufacturing, infrastructure, services, human resources, and halal certification standards. To overcome the demands of the growing halal industry in Indonesia, the government, business companies, and academics must collaborate and synergize to achieve the goal of making Indonesia a global halal center. The halal roadmap will help build and grow the halal ecosystem more methodically and comprehensively