99 research outputs found

    Effect of Variety and Sowıng Density on Some Mıcroelements Content and Grain Yield of Chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.)

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effects of cultivars in different sowing densities on microelementsiron (Fe), nicel (Ni),zinc (Zn)and sodiım (Na) and grain yield of chickpea (Cicerarietinum L). Field experiment was performedin research farm at the University of Bingol(Turkey) in 2016. A complete blocks design in two varieties i.e. Arda and ILC-482 were in main plots, whereas five chickpea seeding density (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 seed m-2) were in sub plots.The results indicated that seeding densities significantly affected grain yield and Ni content while Fe, Ni and Zn were not affected significantly.Variety ILC-482 produced the maximum grain yield (86,26 kg/da) by 60 seed/m-2 and Arda gave the lowest grain yield (19,80 kg/da) by 30 seed m-2.The highest Ni conten has been obtained from ILC482 variety (6.66 ppm) andthe lowest Ni content has been obtained from Arda variety (6.20 ppm)

    Opinions of High School Students involved in Violence

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    The aim of this research is to assess the opinions of students in a variety of high schools at different class levels who received disciplinary punishment for violence. The research comprised 35 boys and 10 girls, for a total of 45 students. The data for the research were obtained with semi-structured interviews. The results show that the students used violence due to insufficient anger control, insufficient problem solving skills, and problems with delayed gratification and peer support. Additionally, it was found that the academic success of the students was low, they were repeating classes, had absences from school and problems with their families. During students’ evaluation of the events for which they received disciplinary punishments, they stated that they would experience the same problems in similar situations or would quickly remove themselves from the scene as a solution. The guidance service, which is the school support service, helped; however this was insufficient and it was emphasized that management and teachers did not show sufficient interest. Additionally though some of the students were receiving medical treatment, it was observed that their problems continued. This situation was evaluated as showing that to solve the problem team work is necessary. In conclusion, in addition to medical evaluation of students for antagonism disorder and behavior disorder, it is proposed that projects with a holistic basis including family training, anger control studies, conflict resolution skills and peer mediation training supported by social services are necessary. Key Words: violence in school, aggressiveness, disciplinary punishmen

    Determinación de los efectos de algunas pastillas peletizadas en el rumen pH y temperaturas con sensores de rumen inalámbricos

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    Objective. This study was conducted with the aim of determination of the effects of pellets prepared with addition of different additives (molasses, guar meal and sepiolite) on changes in  in vitro rumen pH and temperature. Materials and methods. In the current study sixteen pelleted feeds were prepared with wheat and soybean straws. The Daisy incubator was used for maintaining (mimicing) rumen conditions and feed was incubated for 48 hours. The wireless rumen sensors were used for determination of the changes in in vitro rumen pH and temperature. The data were subjected to one way variance analysis. Results. The tested boluses were found to show similar temperature and pH measurements to digital pH metre measurements. The effect of sepiolite addition on pH and temperature was found insignificant in all treatments. The lowest pH value was determined for wheat straws. Control groups and molasses added in soybean straws and wheat straws were similar in terms of ruminal pH values. Guar meal and guar meal+molasses added in soybean straws was shown to increase pH (p<0.01). In vitro rumen temperatures in soybean straws were found lower compared to those in wheat straws in all treatments (p<0.001). Conclusions. It was concluded that boluses integrated to Daisy incubator can be safely used for determining the effects of feeds on rumen fermentation in in vitro studies. Objetivo. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de determinar los efectos de los pellets preparados con adición de diferentes aditivos (melaza, harina de guar y sepiolita) sobre los cambios en el pH y temperatura in vitro del rumen. Materiales y métodos. En este estudio, se prepararon dieciséis alimentos peletizados con pajas de trigo y soya. La incubadora Daisy se usó para mantener (imitar) las condiciones del rumen y la alimentación se incubó durante 48 horas. Los sensores de rumen inalámbricos se usaron para la determinación de los cambios en el pH y la temperatura in vitro del rumen. Los datos fueron sometidosa análisis de varianza de una vía. Resultados. Se encontró que los bolos evaluados muestran mediciones de temperatura y pH similares a las mediciones del medidor de pH digital. El efecto de la adición de sepiolita sobre el pH y la temperatura fue insignificante en todos los tratamientos. El valor de pH más bajo se determinó para pajas de trigo. La adición de grupos de control y melazas en pajas de soya y paja de trigo fue similar en términos de valores de pH ruminal. Se demostró que la adición de harina de guar y harina de guar + melazas en pajas de soya aumenta el pH (p <0.01). Las temperaturas in vitro del rumen en las pajuelas de soya fueron menores en comparación con las pajas de trigo en todos los tratamientos (p <0.001). Conclusiones Se concluyó que los bolos integrados a la incubadora Daisy se pueden utilizar de forma segura para determinar los efectos de los alimentos en la fermentación ruminal en estudios in vitro

    HIBISCUS: Hydroxychloroquine for the secondary prevention of thrombotic and obstetrical events in primary antiphospholipid syndrome

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    The relapse rate in antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) remains high, i.e. around 20%-21% at 5 years in thrombotic APS and 20-28% in obstetrical APS [2, 3]. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) appears as an additional therapy, as it possesses immunomodulatory and anti-thrombotic various effects [4-16]. Our group recently obtained the orphan designation of HCQ in antiphospholipid syndrome by the European Medicine Agency. Furthermore, the leaders of the project made the proposal of an international project, HIBISCUS, about the use of Hydroxychloroquine in secondary prevention of obstetrical and thrombotic events in primary APS. This study has been launched in several countries and at now, 53 centers from 16 countries participate to this international trial. This trial consists in two parts: a retrospective and a prospective study. The French part of the trial in thrombosis has been granted by the French Minister of Health in December 2015 (the academic trial independent of the pharmaceutical industry PHRC N PAPIRUS) and is coordinated by one of the members of the leading consortium of HIBISCUS

    Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) Analysis of Grain Yield in Barley Genotypes Across Environments

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    The study was carried out to analyze grain yield performances of nine varieties and sixteen advanced barley genotypes across eight environments of Southeastern Anatolia, Turkey, between 2003-2007 growing seasons. The experimental layout was randomized complete block design with four replications. Additive main effects and multiplicative interactions analysis (AMMI) revealed that the yield performances of genotypes were under the main environmental effects of genotype by environmental interactions. The first two principal component axes (IPCA 1 and IPCA 2) were significant (P<0.01) and cumulatively contributed to 61.07% of the total genotype by environmental interaction. According to the AMMI biplot analysis, genotype G17 and G21 had the desirable characteristics of high or moderate stability with high grain yield and were thus recommended for commercial release in Turkey and genotypes G7, G9 and the G8 proved to be valuable sources for yield stability in barley breeding programs

    Reaction Kinetics of Metal Deposition via Surface Limited Redox Replacement of Underpotentially Deposited Monolayer Studied by Surface Reflectivity and Open Circuit Potential Measurements

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    Presented work studies the relation between kinetics of metal deposition via surface limited redox replacement (SLRR) of underpotentially deposited (UPD) monolayer (ML) and experimental parameters of reaction solution such as meal ions concentrations and supporting electrolyte concentration. The model system is Au deposition on Au(111) via SLRR of Pb UPD ML. The rate constant of the SLRR reaction for different solution designs is determined from temporal change of electrode surface reflectivity and from the open circuit potential transients' analysis. The obtained results show clearly that reaction kinetics of metal deposition via SLRR of UPD ML is significantly affected by the design of the reaction solution i.e. the UPD metal ion, depositing metal ion, and supporting electrolyte concentrations. The ten-fold change of concentration of either solution parameter produces approximately the same change in the value of the rate constants. The presented results have fundamental importance for the future development and application of the metal deposition via SLRR of UPD ML. They offer a link between the reaction solution design and expected trend in SLRR reaction rate, which transposes to successful control of deposition flux, nucleation density and resulting morphology of the deposit. (C) The Author(s) 2017. Published by ECS. All rights reserved

    Ultraviolet-visible study of tautomeric behavior of some carbonyl and thiocarbonyl pyrimidine derivatives: Experimental evidence of enolization and thioketonization

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    Tautomeric behaviors of the protonated forms of recently synthesized 1-Amino-5-benzoyl-4-phenyl-1H-pyrimidine-2-one (I), and 1-Amino5-benzoyl-4-phenyl-1H-pyrimidine-2-thione (II), were investigated with respect to pH and time in aqueous methanol (5%, v/v methanol) and in pure methanol by electronic absorption spectra to elucidate the nature of the tautomeric interconversions and the role of carbonyl oxygen in I and thiocarboryl sulfur in II. At room conditions, the carbonyl group at position 2 in I was found to undergo a significant spontaneous enolization (66%) at pH 1.0 in aqueous methanol medium in 8 h. On the other hand, thioketonization for the protonated form of the thiocarbonyl group in 11 was comparably small (37%) in pure methanol at pH 10.0 over a 5-day period. The interconversion mechanism was identified for each compound using the UV-vis data. The equilibrium constant for each compound was estimated in an ionic strength of 0.10 M (LiCl) at room temperature, from the ratios of molar absorptivities of the pure tautomeric forms. For I, the spontaneous enolization equilibrium constant (pK(enol)) was 0.291 in aqueous methanol solution, while the thioketonization equilibrium constant (PKthiocarhonyl) for II was 0.234 in pure methanol. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    “What do mothers know about child sexual abuse?”: A qualitative investigation

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    © 2022 Elsevier LtdThe perceptions of mothers about child sexual abuse (CSA) and their levels of knowledge concerning the issue are critical for child abuse intervention and prevention. To date, however very little research has been conducted on this subject in the context of Turkey. Given that gap in the literature this study aims to evaluate the perceptions of Turkish mothers about CSA and recommend means of abuse prevention and intervention, and in doing so improve understanding of the topic. Descriptive phenomenological patterns derived from the qualitative research approach were used to shed light on the CSA perceptions of 15 Turkish mothers with children who were 3–6 years of age. The researchers interviewed the mothers with 11 structured questions and the resulting data were then analyzed with MAXQDA-18. Five main themes related to CSA emerged: defining CSA, as being aware of risk-factors, engaging in protective and preventative behaviour, recognizing cases of CSA and reacting to incidences of CSA. These findings are then discussed in terms of developments in the literature, as well as their implications, and recommendations are considered together with future research directions

    Synthesis by UV-curing and characterisation of polyurethane acrylate-lithium salts-based polymer electrolytes in lithium batteries

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    UV-cured caprolactone-based polyurethane acrylate (PUA) polymer blend electrolytes were prepared and characterised. To develop polymer electrolytes suited to ambient temperature, an ionically-conductive and reliable polymer electrolyte based on urethane acrylate resins synthesised from a fluorine-containing di-functional oligomer 6F ethoxylated diacrylate, a di-functional reactive diluent 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate for adjusting the viscosity, and a radical photo-initiator doped with a mixture of lithium salts were used. Free-standing flexible electrolyte films were prepared by UV-curing via free-radical photopolymerisation. The performance of the lithium polymer cell system (Li/PE(F4)/LiCoO2) was determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, a galvanostatic recurrent differential pulse, chronocoulometry and chronoamperometry. The electrolyte with optimal amounts of fluorine-containing oligomer and optimal salt mixture content exhibited enhanced conductivity, showing a conductivity of 1.00 x 10(-4) S cm(-1) at ambient temperature. The specific capacity, specific energy and specific power of a Li/PE(F4)/LiCoO2 cell were also determined