728 research outputs found

    Samuel Van Pelt

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    Dr. Samuel Van Pelt, Class of 1875, was the oldest living alumni at the time of this recording. He received a BA, MA, and DD from IWU and was a Professor of English and Oratory (1877-80) as well as the Librarian (1877-79); he was also an active member of the Methodist Church. He died in 1953, but a scholarship established in his memory exists today

    Nationwide outbreak of STEC O157 infection in the Netherlands, December 2008-January 2009: continuous risk of consuming raw beef products.

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    The Netherlands experienced a nationwide outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157 with onset of symptoms from the end of December 2008 until the end of January 2009. A total of 20 laboratory-confirmed cases were linked to the outbreak strain, serotype O157: H-, stx1, stx2, eae and e-hly positive. The investigation into the source of this outbreak is still ongoing, but evidence so far suggests that infection occurred as a result of consuming contaminated raw meat (steak tartare)

    Computed Tomography of the Coronary Arteries

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    MSCT Coronary Angiography is a fast developing non-invasive diagnostic technique that can detect a coronary stenosis. The detection of a coronary stenosis is hampered by limited image quality and by motion artefacts and extensive calcifications. However, MSCT-coronary angiography is highly reliable to rule out coronary stenosis. The role of MSCT-coronary angiography in the diagnostic work-up of coronary artery disease needs further research

    Hydrogeologic settings of A/M Area: Framework for groundwater transport. Book 2, Hydrogeological Plates

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    This document provides hydrogeologic plates providing the hydrogeologic setting of the A/M Area for the Groundwater Transport Framework Study

    Hydrogeologic settings of A/M Area: Framework for groundwater transport: Book 6, Appendix B, Time/concentration graphs A/M Area monitoring wells

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    This document presents the time/concentration graphs for the Savannah River A/M monitoring wells. This Appendix B is part of the determination of the hydrogeologic setting of the A/M Area as a part of ground water transport studies

    Zoonotic Diseases Report 2013

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    De Staat van zoönosen 2013 geeft een overzicht van de mate waarin zoönosen in Nederland voorkomen en ontwikkelingen daarin op de lange termijn. Zoönosen zijn infectieziekten die van dier op mens overgaan. Net als in voorgaande jaren waren er in 2013 geen uitgesproken veranderingen te zien in de mate waarin zoönosen in Nederland voorkomen. Zoals ieder jaar deden zich ook in 2013 enkele opmerkelijke voorvallen voor, zoals een geval van hazenpest. In deze jaarlijkse uitgave van het RIVM en de NVWA is het thema 'huis-, tuin- en keukenzoönosen': zoönosen die mensen kunnen oplopen in en om het huis. Opmerkelijke voorvallen Bij een haas afkomstig uit Noord-Limburg werd in mei 2013 hazenpest (tularemie) vastgesteld. Vervolgens werd ook bij een jongeman tularemie vastgesteld, die de infectie waarschijnlijk via een dazenbeet in een natuurgebied in Limburg had opgelopen. In 2011 is er mogelijk ook een in Nederland opgelopen geval van tularemie geweest, terwijl in de jaren daarvoor alleen sporadisch gevallen gemeld werden die in het buitenland waren opgelopen. Een andere opmerkelijke gebeurtenis betrof een uitbraak van Campylobacter onder bezoekers van een pluimveeslachthuis die waarschijnlijk via de lucht aan de ziekteverwekker waren blootgesteld. Negen mensen werden ziek. Ook blijkt uit een onderzoek naar de vossenlintworm (Echinococcus multilocularis) onder vossen en honden, dat deze lintworm bij vossen in Zuid-Limburg veel vaker voorkomt dan in voorgaande jaren. Thema: huis-, tuin- en keukenzoönosen Juist in en om het huis kunnen mensen worden blootgesteld aan allerlei zoönoseverwekkers. Duizenden mensen krijgen jaarlijks via hun huisdieren ringworm, een schimmelinfectie. Ook kunnen zoönosen afkomstig zijn van huisdieren of dieren die hun behoefte doen in de tuin. Verder komen voedselgerelateerde zoönosen aan de orde, waarbij aandacht is voor het feit dat zoönosen ook via groenten kunnen worden opgelopen.The Zoonotic Diseases Report is an annual publication of the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). The report provides an overview of the incidence of zoonotic diseases in the Netherlands, as well as the associated long-term trends. Zoonotic diseases or zoonoses are infectious diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. As in previous years, no marked changes were observed in 2013 in the incidence of zoonotic diseases in the Netherlands. Every year a number of notable incidents occurres. In 2013 this included a case of rabbit fever (tularemia). This year's edition of the Zoonotic Diseases Report focuses in particular on 'zoonoses close to home', i.e. the risk of contracting a zoonotic disease in or around the house. Notable incidents In May 2013, rabbit fever (tularemia) was discovered in a hare originating from the north of the province of Limburg. Tularemia was later also diagnosed in a young man, who had probably contracted the infection after having been bitten by a horse fly in a nature reserve in Limburg. Another person possibly contracted tularemia in the Netherlands in 2011. In previous years only incidental cases were reported, with the disease being contracted abroad. Another notable incident concerned an outbreak of Campylobacter infection among visitors to a poultry slaughterhouse who had probably been exposed to airborne pathogens. Nine people fell ill as a result of this outbreak. An investigation into the incidence of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes and dogs showed that this tapeworm was much more common in foxes in the south of Limburg province than in previous years. 'Zoonoses close to home' Humans can be exposed to various zoonotic disease pathogens in or around the house. Every year, thousands of people contract dermatophytosis (a fungal infection commonly known in the Netherlands as 'ringworm') from their pets. Zoonotic diseases can also be contracted from pets or from animals defecating in the garden. The report also devotes attention to food-related zoonotic diseases, with a particular focus on the risk of contracting zoonoses through the consumption or handling of vegetables.NVW

    Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder:A feasibility study

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    Background: Social cognitive difficulties in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can affect the daily lives of people with ASD profoundly, impacting the development and maintenance of meaningful social relations. Social cognition training (SCT) is commonly used for improving social functioning, but lacks ecological validity and the ability to effectively mimic social situations. Development of virtual reality (VR) interventions, focusing on enhancing social cognition, could add to the effectiveness of SCT within ASD care, by offering a safe, interactive and practical training setting, where generalization of knowledge and skills to the real-world are promoted. In this paper, our primary aim is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptance by participants and therapists of the Dynamic Interactive Social Cognition Method: Training in Virtual Reality (DiSCoVR) protocol as developed for adults with schizophrenic spectrum disorder (SSD), adapted for ASD (DiSCoVR-A). 26 participants, aged 18-63, took part in a pilot study. 22 participants completed baseline and post-assessment, including primary outcome evaluation assessment through a semi-structured interview. Secondary measures focused on social cognition, emotion recognition, mental flexibility, social anxiety, empathy and social responsiveness and were assessed at baseline (T0), post-treatment (T1), and at follow-up (T2) sixteen weeks after completion of the intervention. Results: Our results show that the majority of participant and therapists found the VR intervention acceptable and feasible, as reported in evaluation questionnaires and interviews. Conclusion: These preliminary findings are promising; however, controlled research is needed to further investigate the effectiveness of VR within social cognition training for adults with ASD