4,336 research outputs found

    Screening of Coriander Genotypes for their Relative Susceptibility against Aphids under Field Conditions

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    The field experiments were conducted during Rabi 2013-14 and 2014-15 to screen out twelve varieties/entries of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) for their relative susceptibility against aphids. None of the varieties/entries escaped the infestation of aphids. The build-up of aphid infestation started from second half of December and reached to its maximum in the first to third week of February in both years and then gradually declined. On the basis of grade index of mean aphid population, coriander varieties RCr- 684 (25.45 aphids/plant), RCr-446 (26.45 aphids/plant), ACr-1 (26.60 aphids/plant), RCr- 436 (41.75 aphids/plant), Gujarat Coriander-2 (42.45 aphids/plant), Pant Haritma (43.50 aphids/plant) and Gujarat Coriander-1 (43.70 aphids/plant) were categorized as least susceptible, Rajendra Swati and RCr-41 were moderately susceptible, whereas, Swati (CS-6), Sadhna (CS-4) and Sindhu (CS-2), 73.88, 70.60 and 69.50 aphids/plant, respectively were categorized as highly susceptible varieties of coriander against aphids under field conditions. Coriander variety RCr-684 received maximum yield (16.82 and 16.63 q/ha) for both the years followed by ACr-1 and RCr-446

    A cross sectional study of sociodemographic profile, disability and family burden in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder

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    Background: Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by the presence of obsessions (intrusive and unwanted repetitive thoughts, urges, or impulses that often lead to a marked increase in anxiety or distress) and/ or compulsions (repeated behaviours or mental acts that are done in response to obsessions). OCD patients report general impairment in their functioning and family burden. They also suffer from disability in several areas of daily life.Methods: This study has a cross-sectional design, and author included total 200 consecutive selected OCD patients diagnosed according to International Classification of Disease (ICD)-10.Results: Most of respondent included in this study were married male (74%), belonged to Hindu religion and urban background (68%) with mean age of 33 year (SD=9.91), 88% subjects were found to be employed in this study, educated middle standard and above. In this study, maximum disability was noted in domains of work (mean score 1.10) and communication and understanding (mean score 0.70), the impairment in interpersonal activity was lesser (mean score 0.34). The domain in which the maximum burden was found among family members is disruption of routine/ family activities overall (52%).Conclusions: The study aimed at assessing the burden in families and disability in subjects having OCD. Subjects were of either sex having age 16 and above. All subjects were assessed using following structured clinical instruments, Yale-brown symptom check list, Yale-brown obsessive-compulsive symptom severity scale, family burden interview, and Indian disability evaluation and assessment scale.

    Reliable Communication using Path Recovering in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Sensor technology is one in every of the quick growing technologies within the current scenario. And it's big selection of application additionally. The power of sensors to figure while not being monitored by someone is its distinctive quality. Wireless device network comprise of little sensors that have minimum communicatory and procedure power. Several anomalies square measure gift in WSNs. One such drawback may be a hole. Space barren of any node will be brought up as a hole. This degrades the performance of the full network. It affects the routing capability of the network terribly badly. The formation of holes in an exceedingly WSN is unavoidable thanks to the inner nature of the network. This paper deals with detective work and healing such holes in associate on demand basis

    Advisory Jurisdiction of the ICJ: The WHO Case: Implications for Specialized Agencies

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    The ICJ proceedings in the case concerning \u27legality of the use by a state of nuclear weapons in armed conflict\u27 are indicative of the sharp differences of view held by different states as to the proper role and function of international organizations. On the one hand there were some states, which proposed the view that organizations such as the WHO are established solely to fulfill those tasks which have been expressly spelled out in their constituent instruments, subject to construction of any implied powers which are absolutely necessary for achieving those objectives. In this context, and particularly with respect to the organizations of the United Nations system, reference was largely made to the origins of their creation and to \u27functionalist theory\u27. This approach stressed the need for an appropriate division of responsibilities between the United Nations organization, on the one hand, and the UN specialized agencies, on the other. It would leave powers of general scope to former and specialized sectoral powers to the latter. This view was supplemented by the belief that questions with strong political flavor should not be dealt with by the specialized agencies at all. The alternative view did not deny the need for an appropriate division of responsibilities among the various international organizations. Rather, it suggested that today\u27s issues are increasingly complex and will often cut across the institutional competencies envisaged in the 1940s and 1950s. According to this approach, international organizations can use different and often more wide-ranging tools and techniques to achieve their general objectives. This implies an expanded view of their roles and activities. The two approaches can be compared. The first takes a \u27restrictive approach\u27 to recourse to international law as an instrument of policy development. Some states considered that Article 2 of the WHO Constitution does not allow resort to the development of international law as a way to achieve WHO objectives. The International Court endorsed this view. The second approach indicates a more \u27purposive function\u27 when the organization becomes an actor in its own right, determining for itself the scope of its competence and the extent to which it may resort to tools, which have not been granted to it in express terms at its inception. In the case in question, in application of the principle of \u27specialty\u27, the Court declined to accede to the WHO request. Some of the international jurists consider this conclusion to be backward step in the development of the law of international organizations, while others consider that the Court acted correctly. Perhaps the ICJ\u27s rebuff to the WHO can be best understood in the context of the Court\u27s decision to accede to the request from the General Assembly. Since the General Assembly had submitted a similar request, the ICJ could reject the WHO request without losing an opportunity to address the substantive issue of the legality of nuclear weapons. In effect, this two-track request enabled the ICJ to be legally exact and politically pragmatic at the same time

    Risk Factors Linked to Development of Cardiomyopathy in Adults with Beta- Thalassemia Major in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    Beta-thalassemia major is a genetic disorder adversely affecting the life of the patient and the whole family. Repeated blood transfusions are required to maintain the hemoglobin level, which create a state of iron overload in the body leading to ectopic iron deposition in the heart, liver, pancreas and other organs. Thalassemia cardiomyopathy is the most dreaded complication of this resultant iron overload. The present study was a cross-sectional study involving 77 patients with thalassemia major, whose age, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure (BP), hemoglobin, serum ferritin levels were correlated with their twodimensional echocardiographic findings. Out of the total 77 patients, 63 had diastolic dysfunction, 6 had systolic dysfunction and remaining 8 had normal left ventricular function. The mean age of the patients was 22.42 years and their mean BMI was 16.82. Patients with systolic dysfunction had lower hemoglobin and higher serum ferritin levels as compared to other patients. The study concluded that cardiac dysfunction is seen more in younger age, higher BMI, lower BP, low hemoglobin levels and raised serum ferritin levels. Thus, early intensive iron chelation therapy should be provided to all the patients to curb this dreaded complication

    The Meaning and Methods of Drain of Wealth in Colonial India

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    Among all the national movements in colonial countries, the Indian national movement (1885-1947) was the most deeply and firmly rooted in understanding the nature and character of colonial economic domination and exploitation. Its early leaders, known as the moderates, were the first in the 19th century to develop an economic critique of colonialism. The constant flow of wealth from real return has been described by Indian nationalist and economists as the drain of India to England for which India did not get an adequate economic, commercial or match from India. They made it clear that the colonial government was utilizing Indian resources, both natural and human, as land revenue, agriculture and industry not for developing India but for the industrial development and extension in Britain. The drain of wealth was interpreted as an indirect tribute extracted by imperial Britain from India year after year. According to the nationalist calculations, this chain amounted to one-half of the government revenues more than the entire land revenue collection and over one-third of India's total savings. The Drain of Wealth theory was systemically initiated by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1867 and further analyzed and developed by R. P. Dutt, M. G Ranade, etc. Their focal point of critique of colonialism was the drain theory. They pointed out that a large part of India's capital and wealth was being transferred or drained to Britain in the form of salaries and pensions of British civil and military officials working in India, interests on loans taken by the Indian government, profits of the British capitalists in India and the home charges or expenses of the Indian Government in Britain


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    Childhood is an important age of human being and growth and development mainly occurs in this age. Balanced diet and well nutritional foods are necessary for growth and development. In Ayurveda this stage is called Kapha dominant period of life. In this age a child should be healthy for proper development. So this study is focused on child’s growth and development and the role of Kumar Kalyan ras and Sitopaladi churn in the management of childhood.STUDY DESIGN: The study was single grouped, which contains 12 children selected from the O.P.D. and I.P.D of Vd. Prem Shankar Ayurveda hospital, colleges, campus, M.M.M Government Ayurved College Udaipur. For the well development and growth of a child, Kumar Kalyan ras and Sitopaladi churn drug, dosage of 1-2 gram is given twice a day with honey (Madhu) before meal. The regimen followed for a period of three months with follow up after every 15 days interval. Base line assessment was done after selection of children as per inclusion and exclusion criteria.RESULTS: The study suggests that the oral consumption of Kumar Kalyan ras and Sitopaladi churna with honey improves digestion, immunity and general growth.
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