1,864 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized Dirac-cone-like surface state with dd character at W(110)

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    The surface of W(110) exhibits a Dirac-cone-like surface state with dd character within a spin-orbit-induced symmetry gap. As a function of wave vector parallel to the surface, it shows nearly massless energy dispersion and a pronounced spin polarization, which is antisymmetric with respect to the Brillouin zone center. In addition, the observed constant energy contours are strongly anisotropic for all energies. This discovery opens new pathways to the study of surface spin-density waves arising from a strong Fermi surface nesting as well as dd-electron-based topological properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic cooling near a field-induced quantum-critical point

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    The presence of a quantum critical point (QCP) can significantly affect the thermodynamic properties of a material at finite temperatures T. This is reflected, e.g., in the entropy landscape S(T, r) in the vicinity of a QCP, yielding particularly strong variations for varying the tuning parameter r such as pressure or magnetic field B. Here we report on the determination of the critical enhancement of δS/δB \delta S / \delta B near a B-induced QCP via absolute measurements of the magnetocaloric effect (MCE), (δT/δB)S(\delta T / \delta B)_S, and demonstrate that the accumulation of entropy around the QCP can be used for efficient low-temperature magnetic cooling. Our proof of principle is based on measurements and theoretical calculations of the MCE and the cooling performance for a Cu2+^{2+}-containing coordination polymer, which is a very good realization of a spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain - one of the simplest quantum-critical systems.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Valley spin polarization by using the extraordinary Rashba effect on silicon

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    The addition of the valley degree of freedom to a two-dimensional spin-polarized electronic system provides the opportunity to multiply the functionality of next-generation devices. So far, however, such devices have not been realized due to the difficulty to polarize the valleys, which is an indispensable step to activate this degree of freedom. Here we show the formation of 100% spin-polarized valleys by a simple and easy way using the Rashba effect on a system with C-3 symmetry. This polarization, which is much higher than those in ordinary Rashba systems, results in the valleys acting as filters that can suppress the backscattering of spin-charge. The present system is formed on a silicon substrate, and therefore opens a new avenue towards the realization of silicon spintronic devices with high efficiency.X114334Nsciescopu

    Ferromagnetic Kondo-Lattice Model

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    We present a many-body approach to the electronic and magnetic properties of the (multiband) Kondo-lattice model with ferromagnetic interband exchange. The coupling between itinerant conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments leads, on the one hand, to a distinct temperature-dependence of the electronic quasiparticle spectrum and, on the other hand, to magnetic properties, as e.~g.the Curie temperature T_C or the magnon dispersion, which are strongly influenced by the band electron selfenergy and therewith in particular by the carrier density. We present results for the single-band Kondo-lattice model in terms of quasiparticle densities of states and quasiparticle band structures and demonstrate the density-dependence of the self-consistently derived Curie temperature. The transition from weak-coupling (RKKY) to strong-coupling (double exchange) behaviour is worked out. The multiband model is combined with a tight-binding-LMTO bandstructure calculation to describe real magnetic materials. As an example we present results for the archetypal ferromagnetic local-moment systems EuO and EuS. The proposed method avoids the double counting of relevant interactions and takes into account the correct symmetry of atomic orbitals.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Effect of chemical disorder on NiMnSb investigated by Appearance Potential Spectroscopy: a theoretical study

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    The half-Heusler alloy NiMnSb is one of the local-moment ferromagnets with unique properties for future applications. Band structure calculations predict exclusively majority bands at the Fermi level, thus indicating {100%} spin polarization there. As one thinks about applications and the design of functional materials, the influence of chemical disorder in these materials must be considered. The magnetization, spin polarization, and electronic structure are expected to be sensitive to structural and stoichiometric changes. In this contribution, we report on an investigation of the spin-dependent electronic structure of NiMnSb. We studied the influence of chemical disorder on the unoccupied electronic density of states by use of the ab-initio Coherent Potential Approximation method. The theoretical analysis is discussed along with corresponding spin-resolved Appearance Potential Spectroscopy measurements. Our theoretical approach describes the spectra as the fully-relativistic self-convolution of the matrix-element weighted, orbitally resolved density of states.Comment: JPD submitte

    Electron-correlation effects in appearance-potential spectra of Ni

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    Spin-resolved and temperature-dependent appearance-potential spectra of ferromagnetic Nickel are measured and analyzed theoretically. The Lander self-convolution model which relates the line shape to the unoccupied part of the local density of states turns out to be insufficient. Electron correlations and orbitally resolved transition-matrix elements are shown to be essential for a quantitative agreement between experiment and theory.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 2 eps figures included, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Family memories in the home: contrasting physical and digital mementos

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    We carried out fieldwork to characterise and compare physical and digital mementos in the home. Physical mementos are highly valued, heterogeneous and support different types of recollection. Contrary to expectations, we found physical mementos are not purely representational, and can involve appropriating common objects and more idiosyncratic forms. In contrast, digital mementos were initially perceived as less valuable, although participants later reconsidered this. Digital mementos were somewhat limited in function and expression, largely involving representational photos and videos, and infrequently accessed. We explain these digital limitations and conclude with design guidelines for digital mementos, including better techniques for accessing and integrating these into everyday life, allowing them to acquire the symbolic associations and lasting value that characterise their physical counterparts

    Spin dynamics in the diluted ferromagnetic Kondo lattice model

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    The interplay of disorder and competing interactions is investigated in the carrier-induced ferromagnetic state of the Kondo lattice model within a numerical finite-size study in which disorder is treated exactly. Competition between impurity spin couplings, stability of the ferromagnetic state, and magnetic transition temperature are quantitatively investigated in terms of magnon properties for different models including dilution, disorder, and weakly-coupled spins. A strong optimization is obtained for T_c at hole doping p << x, highlighting the importance of compensation in diluted magnetic semiconductors. The estimated T_c is in good agreement with experimental results for Ga_{1-x}Mn_x As for corresponding impurity concentration, hole bandwidth, and compensation. Finite-temperature spin dynamics is quantitatively studied within a locally self-consistent magnon renormalization scheme, which yields a substantial enhancement in T_c due to spin clustering, and highlights the nearly-paramagnetic spin dynamics of weakly-coupled spins. The large enhancement in density of low-energy magnetic excitations due to disorder and competing interactions results in a strong thermal decay of magnetization, which fits well with the Bloch form M_0(1-BT^{3/2}) at low temperature, with B of same order of magnitude as obtained in recent squid magnetization measurements on Ga_{1-x}Mn_x As samples.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Bimodal Effect on Pancreatic β-Cells of Secretory Products From Normal or Insulin-Resistant Human Skeletal Muscle

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    OBJECTIVE: Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance with a relative deficiency in insulin secretion. This study explored the potential communication between insulin-resistant human skeletal muscle and primary (human and rat) beta-cells. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Human skeletal muscle cells were cultured for up to 24 h with tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha to induce insulin resistance, and mRNA expression for cytokines was analyzed and compared with controls (without TNF-alpha). Conditioned media were collected and candidate cytokines were measured by antibody array. Human and rat primary beta-cells were used to explore the impact of exposure to conditioned media for 24 h on apoptosis, proliferation, short-term insulin secretion, and key signaling protein phosphorylation and expression. RESULTS: Human myotubes express and release a different panel of myokines depending on their insulin sensitivity, with each panel exerting differential effects on beta-cells. Conditioned medium from control myotubes increased proliferation and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) from primary beta-cells, whereas conditioned medium from TNF-alpha-treated insulin-resistant myotubes (TMs) exerted detrimental effects that were either independent (increased apoptosis and decreased proliferation) or dependent on the presence of TNF-alpha in TM (blunted GSIS). Knockdown of beta-cell mitogen-activated protein 4 kinase 4 prevented these effects. Glucagon-like peptide 1 protected beta-cells against decreased proliferation and apoptosis evoked by TMs, while interleukin-1 receptor antagonist only prevented the latter. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these data suggest a possible new route of communication between skeletal muscle and beta-cells that is modulated by insulin resistance and could contribute to normal beta-cell functional mass in healthy subjects, as well as the decrease seen in type 2 diabetes