443 research outputs found
Políticas públicas de revitalización urbana y fomento al ocio, turismo y entretenimiento: la creación de recintos urbano-turísticos en Manchester, Inglaterra
Manchester structures and promotes its central area through nine urban tourism precincts, within a broader strategy to create a new economic basis, turning it into a post-industrial centre of leisure and tourism, shopping and financial services. The aim was to understand the genesis of these precincts, as well as its use to attract tourists and in order to structure their experience in the city. It was evaluated that these precincts are a very useful way to promote Manchester, contributing to having transformed it in one of the main tourist destinations of the country.Manchester estructura y promueve su área central a través de nueve recintos urbano-turísticos, dentro de la estrategia más amplia de crear una nueva base económica, transformándola en un centro posindustrial de ocio y turismo, compras y servicios financieros. El artículo tuvo como objetivo comprender la génesis de esos recintos, además de su utilización para atraer turistas y visitantes y estructurar su experiencia en la ciudad. Se evalúa que esos recintos son una manera útil de promover turísticamente Manchester, contribuyendo para transformarla en uno de los principales destinos del país
Aligning System Architectures on Requirements of Mobile Business Processes
The support of mobile workers with mobile IT solutions can create tremendous improvements in mobile business processes of a company. The main characteristic of such a mobile system is the ability to connect via a (mobile) network to a central server, e.g. in order to access customer data. This paper presents a detailed description of the four main software architectures for mobile client/server-based systems and their main characteristics. Beyond, typical business requirements in mobile environments like the location of use, data topicality, interaction requirements, synchronisation mechanisms and many more are mapped onto each of these architectures. The presented results can be used for discussing concurrent business needs as well as for deriving a mobile system architecture based on these needs
Analysis of Mobile Business Processes for the Design of Mobile Information Systems
The adoption of mobile technologies into companies frequently follows a technology-driven approach without precise knowledge about the potential benefits that may be realised. Especially in larger organisations with complex business processes, a systematic procedure is required if a verifiable economic benefit is to be created by the use of mobile technologies. Therefore, the term “mobile business process”, as well as requirements for information systems applied in such processes, are defined in this paper. Subsequently, we introduce a procedure for the systematical analysis of the distributed structure of a business process model in order to identify mobile sub-processes. For that purpose, the method Mobile Process Landscaping is used to decompose a process model into different levels of detail. The method aims to manage the complexity and limit the process analysis to the potentially mobile sub-processes from the beginning. The result of the analysis can be used on the one hand as a foundation for the redesign of the business processes and on the other hand for the requirements engineering of mobile information systems. An application of this method is shown by the example of business processes in the insurance industry
Analysing and Enhancing Business Processes and IT-Systems for Mobile Workforce Automation - A Framework Approach
Mobile B2E-applications (business-to-employee) can add significant value to a company’s business, when large workforce divisions are involved in the execution of certain business processes. From a technical point of view, the major issues are solved (e.g. solutions for connectivity, broadband mobile networks, synchronization mechanisms, secure protocols etc.). But from a business point of view there is a lack
of methodology regarding the alignment of technical solutions to the business needs. As companies face a continuously faster change in business models, legal constraints and customer needs, highly flexible systems are needed to react to changing business processes. Furthemore, the introduction of new mobile systems is often a technologydriven process, pushing the alignment of software and systems
to the highly specific, fast changing business needs into the background. This paper introduces a framework summarizing the findings from earlier research and case studies related to this topic. The framework consists of a general reference process for mobile work and of a model explaining influencing factors, optimization goals and their relationships for mobile processes. The framework can be applied for process modeling, simulation and optimization as well as for requirements analysis and return on investment calculations
Classificação de autores, instituições e países, por meio de métricas de produção, centralidade e impacto: o campo de turismo no Brasil (periódicos), 1990-2018
We investigated the set of Brazilian tourism journals, specifically 3,887 articles published in 16 journals, from 1990 to 2018. The three main objectives of this study are: a) to rank authors, institutions, and countries in the field of tourism studies in Brazil, using productivity, centrality, and impact metrics, for 1990-1999, 1990-2009, and 1990-2018; b) to characterize the leading elements – i.e. top-ranked ones; and c) to compare these rankings with h-index based rankings. A bibliometric and social network study was carried out, with manual data collection and revision and disambiguation. Productivity (full and fractional counting), centrality (degree, betweenness, and PageRank), and impact (based on actual citations) metrics were calculated. In summary, the leading authors are affiliated with institutions in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, and they are linked to graduate programs. For institutions, offering a graduate program in tourism or in a related field seems to be a key factor. The University of São Paulo (USP) and the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) clearly stand out in all metrics. Brazil occupies the first position in productivity, centrality, and impact, followed by Spain.We investigated the set of Brazilian tourism journals, specifically 3,887 articles published in 16 journals, from 1990 to 2018. The three main objectives of this study are: a) to rank authors, institutions, and countries in the field of tourism studies in Brazil, using productivity, centrality, and impact metrics, for 1990-1999, 1990-2009, and 1990-2018; b) to characterize the leading elements – i.e. top-ranked ones; and c) to compare these rankings with h-index based rankings. A bibliometric and social network study was carried out, with manual data collection and revision and disambiguation. Productivity (full and fractional counting), centrality (degree, betweenness, and PageRank), and impact (based on actual citations) metrics were calculated. In summary, the leading authors are affiliated with institutions in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil, and they are linked to graduate programs. For institutions, offering a graduate program in tourism or in a related field seems to be a key factor. The University of São Paulo (USP) and the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) clearly stand out in all metrics. Brazil occupies the first position in productivity, centrality, and impact, followed by Spain.Trabalha-se com o conjunto de periódicos brasileiros de turismo, mas particularmente com os 3.887 artigos publicados em 16 revistas, no período 1990-2018. Há três objetivos principais, a saber: a) construir rankings de autores, instituições e países do campo de turismo no Brasil, segundo métricas de produção, centralidade e impacto, nos períodos 1990-1999, 1990-2009 e 1990-2018; b) caracterizar os elementos mais importantes – aqueles que aparecem nas primeiras posições desses rankings; e c) comparar os resultados desses rankings aos obtidos com a aplicação do Índice H. Foi feito um estudo bibliométrico e de redes, com coleta de dados e revisão e desambiguação manuais; foram calculadas métricas de produção (contagem simples e fracionada), centralidade (grau, intermediação e Page Rank) e impacto (baseadas nas citações reais). Em resumo, os principais pesquisadores trabalham em instituições do Sul e Sudeste do país, e estão vinculados a programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu. Para as instituições, ter um programa de pós-graduação stricto sensu em turismo ou campo correlato parece ser um fator-chave; a Universidade de São Paulo e a Universidade do Vale do Itajaí claramente se destacam das demais, em toda e qualquer métrica. O Brasil ocupa a primeira posição em produção, centralidade e impacto, seguido sempre pela Espanha
Mobile Process Landscaping by Example of Residential Trade and Industry
This case study describes the method of process landscaping by example of a project in which the business processes of a company from the residential trade and industry were analyzed regarding their mobile
potential. This analysis was conducted with the aim to organize these processes more efficiently in order to realize cost savings. Therefore a verification was required, whether the use of mobility supporting
technology is suitable to obtain this goal and which professional requirements such a solution needs to fulfil. For that purpose, it is shown how the initial situation was analyzed, which alternative solutions
on the basis of mobility supporting technology were developed and how these alternatives were economically evaluated. Furthermore, it is shown how first restrictions for the software and system design were
made on the basis of one alternative. The method of Mobile Process Landscaping refers to the stage of requirements engineering in the software process
Cost and Response Time Simulation for Web-based Applications on Mobile Channels
When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, a key question that has to be answered even before development begins is how the mobile channel’s characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application. If either of these factors is outside acceptable limits, economical considerations may forbid adding the channels, even if it would be feasible from a purely technical perspective. Both of these factors depend considerably on two metrics: The time required to transmit data over the mobile network, and the volume transmitted.
The PETTICOAT method presented in this paper uses the dialog flow model and web server log files of an existing application to identify typical interaction sequences and to compile volume statistics, which are then run through a tool that simulates the volume and time that would be incurred by executing the interaction sequences on a mobile channel. From the simulated volume and time data, we can then
calculate the cost of accessing the application on a mobile channel
Performance tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based applications
When considering the addition of a mobile presentation channel to an existing web-based application, project managers should know how the mobile channel|s characteristics will impact the user experience and the cost of using the application, even before development begins. The PETTICOAT (Performance Tuning and cost discovery of mobile web-based Applications) approach presented here provides decision-makers with indicators on the economical feasibility of mobile channel development. In a nutshell, it involves analysing interaction patterns on the existing stationary channel, identifying key business processes among them, measuring the time and data volume incurred in their execution, and then simulating how the same interaction patterns would run when subjected to the frame conditions of a mobile channel. As a result of the simulation, we then gain time and volume projections for those interaction patterns that allow us to estimate the costs incurred by executing certain business processes on different mobile channels
O que fazer da pedra e cal? A experiência de ensino de políticas de cultura no Bacharelado em Gestão de Políticas Públicas da Universidade de São Paulo
O trabalho apresenta e discute a disciplina políticas de cultura do Bacharelado em Gestão de Políticas Públicas, em 2012, que versou sobre as políticas patrimoniais brasileiras. Cara a essa experiência de ensino é a noção de que, no campo da agenda governamental e políticas públicas, há um contraste entre a importância (conceitual e formal) e a falta de importância (real e efetiva) do patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional. Além disso, a temática não é devidamente abordada nos bacharelados de gestão e políticas públicas, nem conta com suficiente literatura analítica, histórica e de estudos de caso, no Brasil. O trabalho apresenta, como objetivo-fim, avaliar a disciplina, no que tange sua contribuição à formação de discentes de Gestão de Políticas Públicas e do Bacharelado em Lazer e Turismo. A metodologia de pesquisa consistiu em, além de revisar a experiência de lecionar a disciplina, entrevistar cinco discentes matriculados(as) - três aprovados(as) e dois(uas) reprovados(as). O artigo revela que a disciplina teve os seguintes méritos: a) a mescla de alunos(as) de Gestão de Políticas Públicas e Lazer e Turismo; b) a oportunidade de os(as) discentes descobrirem uma área até então ignorada no supracitado campo; e c) ter propiciado aos(às) discentes a reflexão sobre o conceito de nacional, travando contato com seu lado formativo e simbólico. Como pontos negativos, destacam-se os seguintes: a) a atuação profissional na área ainda não é avaliada como promissora e atrativa pelos(as) discentes; b) a disciplina careceu de maior contato com gestores(as) públicos(as) com atuação na área patrimonial, através de aulas e palestras; c) parte do corpo discente não teve o necessário empenho na disciplina; e d) a viagem técnica deveria ter contemplado, ao invés de Iguape, uma cidade patrimonial que melhor retrata os problemas comuns ao patrimônio cultural brasileiro
Políticas de renovação e regeneração urbana em Liverpool, Inglaterra: a construção de uma distopia urbana através de parcerias público-privadas
O artigo aborda os principais projetos de renovação e regeneração urbana de Liverpool, Inglaterra, desde os anos 1980, dentro de um quadro no qual esse tipo de política assume crescente importância na agenda pública. Seu principal objetivo é compreender a lógica e os resultados advindos desses projetos, que respondem ao (novo) papel do Estado, à reestruturação econômica e à ascensão de políticas macroeconômicas (neo)liberais. Avalia-se que eles criaram espaços espetaculares e “utópicos,” tendo sido bem sucedidos em seus próprios termos, mas que, em conjunto, formam uma urbanidade distópica, marcada pela transformação de espaços públicos em privados, criação de uma cidade monolítica, através de processos de limpeza social, e adoção de princípios (neo)liberais na gestão urbana.
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