1,566 research outputs found

    Unusual formation and sub-omohyoid course of external jugular vein.

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    Variations in the origin and termination of external jugular vein are common and are reported in the past. However, variations in the course of external jugular vein are uncommon. During routine dissection classes for medical undergraduates, we came across the unusual formation and course of right external jugular vein and absence of common facial vein, in an approximately 60-year-old male cadaver of Indian origin. External jugular vein was formed by the continuation of undivided trunk of retromandibular vein. Following its formation, it passed vertically superficial to sternocleidomastoid muscle to the lower part of occipital triangle. In the occipital triangle it pierced the investing layer of deep cervical fascia and passed deep to the inferior belly of omohyoid muscle and coursed through the subclavian triangle. Then, it terminated at the junction of subclavian vein with internal jugular vein. Facial vein joined with submental vein and finally drained into internal jugular vein. Further, the posterior auricular vein and anterior jugular veins were absent. Knowledge about the variations of the retromandibular vein, common facial vein and external jugular vein observed in this study, may be important for the surgeons, to prevent inadvertent injury and excessive bleeding during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures


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    Bhagandara is one of the oldest diseases which have been described as one of the Ashta Mahagadas  (Eight grave disorders). Ksharasutra application is a successful method and is one of the chief modalities described for the treatment of Bhagandara in Ayurvedic texts. The local cauterizing pain and prolonged period of treatment causes the agony in few patients and make them to avoid undergoing Ksharasutra application. The ability to alleviate pain is one of the most noteworthy goals during change of Ksharasutra in  Bhagandara. The conventional use of 2% xylocaine jelly before changing Ksharasutra had local anaesthetic effect up to limited time and also didn’t have any other advantages like healing of fistula.30 patients with signs and symptoms of Bhagandara who are treated with Ksharasutra were selected by simple random sampling method. Apamarga Ksharasutra and Yastimadhu Ghrita were prepared as per the standard method described in Ayurvedic texts. In the present trial 4 sittings were taken into study and in the 1st sitting 2% xylocaine jelly was applied and in the next three sittings, Sukoshna (Luke warm) Yastimadhu Ghrita was applied to find out its effectiveness in the management of pain during Ksharasutra therapy by comparing 1st and Last sitting. Lastly, it was concluded that the present study was efficacious and non-invasive and it was found to be statistically highly significant in alleviating pain, burning sensation and PRD during and after application of Ksharasutra without any side effect

    A Rare Case of Undescended Caecum Accompanied by Looped Retroperitoneal Appendix.

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    Intestinal malrotations are associated with various anatomical anomalies. We report a unique case wherein the caecum was located in the right lumbar region instead of the right iliac fossa. The ileo-caecal junction was also placed higher up. The appendix was ‘uncinate’ shaped, highly coiled and retroperitoneal with the absence of meso-appendix. Both, the caecum and appendix were supplied by ascending branch of the ileocolic artery instead of the descending branch. Further, we also observed that the ascending colon was very short and sub-hepatic in position. Such type of variations is of clinical and surgical importance in diagnosis and treatment of appendicitis


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    Objective: The objectives of the present study were to optimize and evaluate the ethosomal suspension of miconazole nitrate for the treatment of local and systemic fungal infections. Methods: Miconazole topical formulation is prepared for better patient compliance and to reduce the dose of a drug. Miconazole nitrate ethosomes were prepared by the cold method using factorial designing with Ethanol(X1), IPA(Isopropyl alcohol)(X2), and Lecithin(X3) as Independent variables and % EE(Entrapment efficiency)(Y1) and % DR(drug release at 8th h)(Y2) was selected as responses. Results: The results obtained in the design showed that there was no significant interaction among factors. The lecithin concentration had a positive response on % EE, while ethanol concentration and IPA had a positive effect. For % DR, Ethanol, and IPA showed a positive effect and Lecithin had a negative response. The formulation EM22 (3 ml X1,3 ml X2 and 300 mg of X3) characterized by high % EE(77.3 %) and optimum % DR(94.2%) and formulation EM6 (2 ml X1,2 ml X2 and 100 mg of X3) characterized by high % DR(97.32 %) and optimum % EE (74.8 %). EM22 was incorporated in the gel as it is showing more entrapment efficiency and compared with the marketed product for drug release. Conclusion: From the result, it was concluded that formulated ethosomal suspension and optimized gel have more drug release than marketed formulation so that formulated suspension can be used for the preparation of antifungal gels, creams, ointments for sustained release

    Presence of Multiple Tendinous Insertions of Palmaris Longus: A Unique Variation of a Retrogressive Muscle

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    Background: Palmaris longus, being the most variable muscle of the upper extremity is generally considered important morphologically rather than functionally. The palmar aponeurosis represents the distal part of the tendon of Palmaris longus.Case Details: We report here a unique case of palmaris longus presenting variation distally as its tendon divides to gain multiple attachments with the fascia covering the abductor pollicis brevis, flexor retinaculum and the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris. In addition, it also continues as palmar aponeurosis as its normal course.Conclusion: Presence of this kind of variation might result in compression of the median and ulnar nerves and may aggravate the complications in case of inflammation of palmar aponeurosis thus mimicking the manifestations of Dupuytren’s contracture.Keywords: Palmaris longus, palmar aponeurosis, Dupuytren’s contractur

    An unusual termination of facial vein and anterior division of retromandibular vein into external jugular vein: a case report.

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    Facial vein, being the largest vein of the face forms the common facial vein after joining with the anterior division of retromandibular vein below the angle of the mandible. Usually, it drains into the internal jugular vein. During routine dissection of head and neck region of a male cadaver, aged approximately 50 years, an unusual pattern in the termination of veins on the left side of the neck was observed. The formation, course and termination of external jugular vein were normal. The anterior division of retromandibular vein joined with external jugular vein about 5 cm above the clavicle and the facial vein opened into the external jugular vein about 2.5 cm above the clavicle. In addition, there was a thin venous communication between anterior division of retromandibular vein and external jugular vein. The superficial veins of the neck are often used for cannulation; either for intravenous infusion or for central venous pressure monitoring. Furthermore, these venous segments are used as a patch for carotid endarterectomies. Hence, a thorough knowledge of the normal anatomy and their variations may be useful for performing these procedures

    Trifurcated hepatic artery proper with unusual course and termination of right hepatic artery into fossa for gall bladder.

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    Variant vascular pattern affecting the hepatic artery is well documented. We here report a case of trifurcated hepatic artery proper associated with abnormal course, branching and termination of right hepatic artery. In the present case, hepatic artery proper trifurcated into right, middle and left branches about 2 cm before reaching porta hepatis. Left and middle braches entered the liver through the porta hepatis as normal but, the right hepatic artery took an unusual course towards the fossa for gall bladder and passed between portal vein behind and common hepatic duct, anteriorly. Just before its termination, it gave an additional hepatic branch to the liver and a cystic branch to the gall bladder. The rare course, branching pattern and abnormal termination of the right hepatic artery as reported here, are vulnerable to damage during intraoperative procedures if not carefully observed. Hence, prior knowledge of its variant anatomy is imperative during segmental resection of the liver and any intraoperative procedures performed in this region

    Case Report: Variant Origin of an Arterial Trunk from Axillary Artery Continuing as Profunda Brachii Artery- A Unique Arterial Variation in the Axilla and its Clinical Implications

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    Background: Axillary artery is known to show different variations mostly in its branching pattern. Similarly, the origin of profunda brachii is often encountered with abnormality. Therefore, when the vascular variations in the upper limb persist, mostly it is confined to its branching pattern followed by its variant origin. But, among all the reported variations of profunda brachii, its variant origin from the 3rd part of the axillary artery with common trunk for the branches of axillary artery is unique.Case Details: We report here an anomalous origin of profunda brachii as continuation of an arterial trunk arising from 3rd part of the axillary artery. This common trunk at its commencement passed between 2 roots of median nerve and gave branches of 3rd part of axillary artery before it continued as profunda brachii artery. The further course and branching pattern of profunda brachii were normal.Conclusion: Since the axillary artery is next choice of artery for arterial canulation in cardiopulmonary bypass procedures, prior knowledge of existence of such variation in its branching pattern helps in avoiding possible diagnostic or interventional therapeutic errors.Keywords: axillary artery, common trunk, profunda brachii, vascular variatio

    Two novel species of marine phototrophic Gammaproteobacteria: Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus sp. nov. and Thiorhodococcus kakinadensis sp. nov.

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    Two coccoid phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria were isolated from marine habitats (marine aquaculture pond near Bheemli, Visakhapatnam and marine tidal waters from a fishing harbour, Kakinada) in a medium that contained 3 % NaCl (w/v). Strains JA132T and JA130T are Gram-negative, motile cocci with a single flagellum. Both have an obligate requirement for NaCl. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes are of the vesicular type. Bacteriochlorophyll a and most probably carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series were present as photosynthetic pigments. Both strains were able to grow photolithoautotrophically and photolithoheterotrophically. Chemotrophic and fermentative growth could not be demonstrated. There is no vitamin requirement for strain JA132T, while strain JA130T requires niacin, biotin and pantothenate as growth factors. Phylogenetic analysis on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that both strains cluster with species of the genus Thiorhodococcus belonging to the Gammaproteobacteria. The DNA G+C contents of strains JA132T and JA130T were 65.5 and 57.5 mol%, respectively. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, morphological and physiological characteristics, strains JA132T and JA130T are significantly different from each other and from other species of the genus Thiorhodococcus and are recognized as two novel species, for which the names Thiorhodococcus bheemlicus sp. nov. and Thiorhodococcus kakinadensis sp. nov. are proposed. The type strains of T. bheemlicus sp. nov. and T. kakinadensis sp. nov. are JA132T (=MTCC 8120T=ATCC BAA-1362T=JCM 14149T=DSM 18805T) and JA130T (=ATCC BAA-1353T=DSM 18858T=JCM 14150T), respectivel

    A CPW-fed Sigma-shaped MIMO Antenna for Ka Band and 5G Communication Applications, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 4

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    This article presents a MIMO compact antenna measuring 45×45×1.6 mm, on the FR4 substrate, proposed for Ka band and 5G communication applications. The proposed design is suitable to overcome the issues connected with massive MIMO. It has four-sigma-shaped radiating elements and a c-shaped ground plane with coplanar waveguide feeding. Its compact dimensions suit it for most existing communications systems. The aerial operates in the 21–30 GHz range, which covers Ka and 5G communication bands. The proposed antenna exhibits the average efficiency of more than 76% within its operating band and gives a minimum signal to noise plus interference ratio. The presented antenna covers several services, such as Ka band satellite downlink applications and future 5G communication applications