580 research outputs found

    Commutative Energetic Subsets of BCK-Algebras

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    The notions of a C-energetic subset and (anti) permeable C-value in BCK-algebras are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Conditions for an element t in [0, 1] to be an (anti) permeable C-value are provided. Also conditions for a subset to be a C-energetic subset are discussed. We decompose BCK-algebra by a partition which consists of a C-energetic subset and a commutative ideal

    Neutrosophic Commutative N-Ideals in BCK-Algebras

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    The notion of a neutrosophic commutative N -ideal in BCK-algebras is introduced, and several properties are investigated. Relations between a neutrosophic N -ideal and a neutrosophic commutative N -ideal are discussed. Characterizations of a neutrosophic commutative N -ideal are considered

    Linear operators that strongly preserve regularity of fuzzy matrices

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    An ntimesnntimes n fuzzy matrix AA is called {regular} if there is an ntimesnntimes n fuzzy matrix GG such that AGA=AAGA=A. We study the problem of characterizing those linear operators TT on the fuzzy matrices such that T(X)T(X) is regular if and only if XX is. Consequently, we obtain that TT strongly preserves regularity of fuzzy matrices if and only if there are permutation matrices PP and QQ such that it has the form T(X)=PXQT(X)=PXQ or T(X)=PXtQT(X)=PX^tQ for all fuzzy matrices XX

    Inf-Hesitant Fuzzy Ideals in BCK/BCI-Algebras

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    Based on the hesitant fuzzy set theory which is introduced by Torra in the paper [12], the notions of Inf-hesitant fuzzy subalgebras, Inf-hesitant fuzzy ideals and Inf-hesitant fuzzy p-ideals in BCK/BCI-algebras are introduced, and their relations and properties are investigated. Characterizations of an Inf-hesitant fuzzy subalgebras, an Inf-hesitant fuzzy ideals and an Inf-hesitant fuzzy p-ideal are considered. Using the notion of BCK-parts, an Inf-hesitant fuzzy ideal is constructed. Conditions for an Inf-hesitant fuzzy ideal to be an Inf-hesitant fuzzy p-ideal are discussed. Using the notion of Inf-hesitant fuzzy (p-) ideals, a characterization of a p-semisimple BCI-algebra is provided. Extension properties for an Inf-hesitant fuzzy p-ideal is established

    Experimental study on the effect of initial liquid droplet size on the evaporation in a heterogeneous droplet

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    [EN] In the present work, we experimentally investigated the effect of initial liquid droplet size on the evaporation in the heterogeneous droplet. Spherical carbon and water were used for particle and liquid droplet comprising the heterogeneous droplet. four initial droplet volumes of 1, 2, 3 and 4 μl were considered when the diameter of the particle was 5 mm. The heterogeneous droplet was suspended with a rod at 20 cm away from the radiator which surface temperature was fixed to 473 K. Ambient temperature and relative humidity remained 296 K and 40 %, respectively, during the experiment. As the results, the evaporation rate of 4 μl case increased about 1.8 times compared with that of 1 μl case. The evaporation rate increased almost linearly with the volume ratio, and that is related closely with the contact surface between particle and water droplet. Contact surface area remained almost constantly with time, whereas it increased with the initial volume of water droplet. The energy from radiator can be accumulated at the contact surface at the side of particle, thereby intensifying the evaporation of water droplet because more heat transfers from particle to droplet through the contact surface. Consequently, the initial volume of liquid droplet is one of the influence factors on the evaporation rate in the heterogenous droplet.This research was supported by the Fire Fighting Safety & 119 Rescue Technology Research and Development Program funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Security (NEMA-NG-2014-46) and Research Project of Air Sampling Detector funded by Alllitelife co. Inc..Sung, KH.; Nam, JS.; Hong, GB.; Ryou, HS. (2017). Experimental study on the effect of initial liquid droplet size on the evaporation in a heterogeneous droplet. En Ilass Europe. 28th european conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 290-295. https://doi.org/10.4995/ILASS2017.2017.4744OCS29029

    Int-Soft Ideals of Pseudo MV-Algebras

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    The notion of (implicative) int-soft ideal in a pseudo MV-algebra is introduced, and related properties are investigated. Conditions for a soft set to be an int-soft ideal are provided. Characterizations of (implicative) int-soft ideal are considered. The extension property for implicative int-soft ideal is established

    Concave Soft Sets, Critical Soft Points, and Union-Soft Ideals of Ordered Semigroups

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    The notions of union-soft semigroups, union-soft l-ideals, and union-soft r-ideals are introduced, and related properties are investigated. Characterizations of a union-soft semigroup, a union-soft l-ideal, and a union-soft r-ideal are provided. The concepts of union-soft products and union-soft semiprime soft sets are introduced, and their properties related to union-soft l-ideals and union-soft r-ideals are investigated. Using the notions of union-soft l-ideals and union-soft r-ideals, conditions for an ordered semigroup to be regular are considered. The concepts of concave soft sets and critical soft points are introduced, and their properties are discussed