1,263 research outputs found

    Paradoxes and Pitfalls in Using Fuzzy Set QCA: Illustrations from a Critical Review of a Study of Educational Inequality

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    Charles Ragin's crisp set and fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA and fsQCA) are being used by increasing numbers of social scientists interested in combining analytic rigour with case-based approaches. As with all techniques that become available in easy-to-use software packages, there is a danger that QCA will come to be used in a routinised manner, with not enough attention being paid to its particular strengths and weaknesses. Users of fsQCA in particular need to be very aware of particular problems that can arise when fuzzy logic lies behind their analyses. This paper aims to increase its readers' understanding of some of these problems and of some means by which they might be alleviated. We use a critical discussion of a recent paper by Freitag and Schlicht addressing social inequality in education in Germany as our vehicle. After summarising the substantive claims of the paper, we explain some key features of QCA. We subsequently discuss two main issues, (i) limited diversity and the various ways of using counterfactual reasoning to address it, and (ii) the logical paradoxes that can arise when using fsQCA. Making different choices than Freitag and Schlicht do in respect of dealing with these two issues, we undertake some reanalysis of their data, showing that their conclusions must be treated with some caution. We end by drawing some general lessons for users of QCA.Qualitative Comparative Analysis, FsQCA, Educational Inequality, German Educational Policy, Limited Diversity, Counterfactual Reasoning, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions, Case-Based Methods, Small n Methods, Fuzzy Logic

    TGF-beta signaling proteins and the Protein Ontology

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    The Protein Ontology (PRO) is designed as a formal and principled Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry ontology for proteins. The components of PRO extend from a classification of proteins on the basis of evolutionary relationships at the homeomorphic level to the representation of the multiple protein forms of a gene, including those resulting from alternative splicing, cleavage and/or posttranslational modifications. Focusing specifically on the TGF-beta signaling proteins, we describe the building, curation, usage and dissemination of PRO. PRO provides a framework for the formal representation of protein classes and protein forms in the OBO Foundry. It is designed to enable data retrieval and integration and machine reasoning at the molecular level of proteins, thereby facilitating cross-species comparisons, pathway analysis, disease modeling and the generation of new hypotheses


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    Experiments have been designed to test the hypothesis that soluble mediator production and T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity are necessarily related phenomena, and that soluble mediators may be involved in the mechanism of cytolysis. To this end, agents known to inhibit T-cell-mediated lysis in vitro have been studied for their effects on the production of two lymphocyte-derived mediators, lymphotoxin (LT) and migration inhibitory factor (MIF). A clear dissociation between mediator production and cell-mediated cytolysis was found using inhibitors of protein synthesis. Pactamycin and emetine, in doses of 10ā€“7 M to 10ā€“6 M, suppressed production of MIF and LT with only slight effect on killing of mastocytoma cells by immune T cells. On the other hand colchicine and vinblastine inhibited T-cell-mediated cytolysis in a dose-related manner but had no significant effect on either MIF or LT production, A striking dichotomy was also observed after augmentation of intracellular cyclic 3'5' adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels with cholera enterotoxin. Increased cAMP levels were associated with abrogation of direct lytic activity, but were without significant effect on MIF or LT production in guinea pigs or mice. These findings indicate that mediator production and direct lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis can be experimentally dissociated and represent independent cell-mediated immune functions

    Yasir Arafat: A Political Biography

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    Cancer cachexia - Adopting a systems wide approach

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    Cancer cachexia results in the death of approximately 2 million people worldwide annually. Despite the impact of this devastating condition, there is limited therapy and no standard of care. Although multiple definitions exist, confusion remains as a true understanding of the biology has not yet been achieved and distinct phases of cachexia have not been examined. Research has mainly focused on weight loss and muscle wasting, but cachexia is increasingly recognized as a multiorgan disorder involving adipose tissue, liver, brain, gut and heart, with systemic inflammation a central unifying feature

    Understanding and Application of Culturally Diverse Issues Within University Settings

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    This qualitative study focused on exploring the knowledge and beliefs of university faculty, staff and students regarding: the effects of multi-culturalism and immigration on their professional lives; the influence of cultural issues within the university setting; and, finally, the teaching and learning needs of culturally diverse students. The major findings include the limited knowledge base held by all groups in the sample about multi- culturalism and immigration with subsequent little effect on their professionall lives. However, of the three groups, the student group more readily recognized that they have little preparation for the multicultural interactions that will occur in their future professional practices. Although some faculty members included other teaching experiences and strategies to expose students to diversity, they also admitted to a lack of expertise in this area.Cette eĢtude qualitative explore les connaissances et les convictions des professeurs, du personnel universitaire et des eĢtudiants en ce qui a trait aux effets de l'immigration et de la diversiteĢ culturelle sur leur vie professionnelle, aĢ€ l'influence de la question culturelle dans l'environnement universitaire, ainsi qu'aux besoins lieĢs aĢ€ l'apprentissage et la formation des eĢtudiants de cultures diverses. Les reĢsultats essentiels indiquent la pieĢ€tre connaissance qu'ont ces diffeĢrents milieux des questions touchant la diversiteĢ culturelle, ce qui a pour correĢlat une absence apparente d'influence de cette diversiteĢ sur leur vie professionnelle. Toutefois, sur l'ensemble des trois groupes consulteĢs, les eĢtudiants semblent plus prompts aĢ€ reconnaiĢ‚tre leur absence de formation en la matieĢ€re: ils se sentent peu preĢpareĢs aux interactions pluriculturelles inheĢrentes aĢ€ leur vie professionnelle aĢ€ venir. Bien que quelques professeurs inteĢ€grent aĢ€ leur enseignement des strateĢgies et des expeĢriences varieĢes afin d'exposer les eĢtudiants aĢ€ la diversiteĢ culturelle, ils reconnaissent eĢgalement un manque de compeĢtence speĢcialiseĢe dans ce domaine

    Securitization and the construction of security

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    Those interested in the construction of security in contemporary international politics have increasingly turned to the conceptual framework of `securitization'. This article argues that while an important and innovative contribution, the securitization framework is problematically narrow in three senses. First, the form of act constructing security is defined narrowly, with the focus on the speech of dominant actors. Second, the context of the act is defined narrowly, with the focus only on the moment of intervention. Finally, the framework of securitization is narrow in the sense that the nature of the act is defined solely in terms of the designation of threats. In outlining this critique, the article points to possibilities for developing the framework further as well as for the need for those applying it to recognize both limits of their claims and the normative implications of their analysis. I conclude by pointing to how the framework might fit within a research agenda concerned with the broader construction of security

    A domain ontology for the non-coding RNA field

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    Identification of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) has been significantly enhanced due to the rapid advancement in sequencing technologies. On the other hand, semantic annotation of ncRNA data lag behind their identification, and there is a great need to effectively integrate discovery from relevant communities. To this end, the Non-Coding RNA Ontology (NCRO) is being developed to provide a precisely defined ncRNA controlled vocabulary, which can fill a specific and highly needed niche in unification of ncRNA biology

    The representation of protein complexes in the Protein Ontology

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    Representing species-specific proteins and protein complexes in ontologies that are both human and machine-readable facilitates the retrieval, analysis, and interpretation of genome-scale data sets. Although existing protin-centric informatics resources provide the biomedical research community with well-curated compendia of protein sequence and structure, these resources lack formal ontological representations of the relationships among the proteins themselves. The Protein Ontology (PRO) Consortium is filling this informatics resource gap by developing ontological representations and relationships among proteins and their variants and modified forms. Because proteins are often functional only as members of stable protein complexes, the PRO Consortium, in collaboration with existing protein and pathway databases, has launched a new initiative to implement logical and consistent representation of protein complexes. We describe here how the PRO Consortium is meeting the challenge of representing species-specific protein complexes, how protein complex representation in PRO supports annotation of protein complexes and comparative biology, and how PRO is being integrated into existing community bioinformatics resources. The PRO resource is accessible at http://pir.georgetown.edu/pro/
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