2,289 research outputs found

    Entanglement detection in coupled particle plasmons

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    When in close contact, plasmonic resonances interact and become strongly correlated. In this work we develop a quantum mechanical model, using the language of continuous variables and quantum information, for an array of coupled particle plasmons. This model predicts that when the coupling strength between plasmons approaches or surpasses the local dissipation, a sizable amount of entanglement is stored in the collective modes of the array. We also prove that entanglement manifests itself in far-field images of the plasmonic modes, through the statistics of the quadratures of the field, in what constitutes a novel family of entanglement witnesses. This protocol is so robust that it is indeed independent of whether our own model is correct. Finally, we estimate the amount of entanglement, the coupling strength and the correlation properties for a system that consists of two or more coupled nanospheres of silver, showing evidence that our predictions could be tested using present-day state-of-the-art technology.Comment: 8 pages (6 main text + 2 supplemental), 3 figure

    Heron’s Legacy: An Example of Ancient Calculations Applied to Roman Imperial Architecture

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    Heron of Alexandria is a well-known author in the field of mathematics and engineering, but his work is of great interest for understanding ancient construction problems related to architecture. The formulas translated and commented on by Heiberg (1914a, b) are analyzed through geometric diagrams and applied to famous Roman domed architecture

    Fosfatos organógenos en los recubrimientos de los granitos de Monte Louro

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    [Resumen] Se realiza la identificación por métodos químicos e instrumentales de un fosfato magnésico hidratado localizado en forma de recubrimientos y costras en las rocas graníticas de Monte Louro (La Coruña). La determinación del comportamiento de este mineral durante su deshidratación permite, comprobar el estrecho paralelismo existente entre la pérdida de agua y la destrucción de la newberyita. Teniendo ,en cuenta la escasa estabilidad de la newberyita en los medios de alteración y su frecuente asociación con la «struvita» se atribuye a este mineral un origen organógeno, discutiéndose la posibilidad de' que se encuentre estabilizado por la presencia de recubrimi'entos de fosfatos cálcicos (Brushita y/o Monetita)[Abstract] The identification of a hydrated magneslc phosphate is carried out by chemical and instrumental methods. This is found the shape of overlag and crust on the granitic rocks on Monte Lauro. The determination of its behaviour during the dehydratation 'is performend, let us check the elosed paralelism hetween the loss of water, and the destruction of the new" beryite structure. This mineral isimput,ed to have an organic origin taking into account its short ,stabilityin weatheringenvironments and its freguent assooiation with the «struviteD. It is presumend the posibility of becomíng stabilited by the pres,enc-e of calcic phosphate co,atings (Brushitaand/or Monetite)

    Cavities formation in granite rocks under non epigenic conditions

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    [Resumen] Las cavidades graníticas tipo gnama y tafone se han entendido siempre como resultado de procesos de alteración epigénicos. En el trabajo se describe el hallazgo de cavidades de este tipo encontradas no en un perfil de alteración de un macizo rocoso, sino en el interior de la roca y relacionadas con las discontinuidades estructurales que la afectan, interpretándose según la teoría elástica de formación de cavidades.[Abstract] The gnarnma and tafone granite cavities are understood like the result of weathering processes developed under epigenic conditions. The paper describe the find of cavities, gnamma and tafone type, during the excavation of a granite intact rock and connected with the structural discontinuitieso The find is interpreted according the elastic theory of cavities formation

    Edad y tamaño empresarial y ciclo de vida financiero

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze whether some of the empirical implications of the Berger and Udell's (1998) financial growth cycle hold. We use a sample of 22.842 observations for year 2003 and test several hypothesis through MANOVA analysis. Results show that companies tend to have different financing structures depending on age and size. The hypothesis about equity is not confirmed, because the older the company is the higher tends to be its value, caused by the increasing reserves. On the other hand, the risk of the company decreases with age. Results related to trade credit, short term credit and financing deficit are mixed, not significant or contrary to the considered hypothesis. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar si se cumplen algunas de las implicaciones empíricas del ciclo de vida financiero planteado por Berger y Udell (1998). Para ello se utiliza una muestra de 22.842 observaciones para el año 2003 y mediante tests MANOVAs se contrastan diversas hipótesis. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las empresas tienen distintas estructuras financieras dependiendo de la edad y el tamaño. La tendencia general es que a mayor edad, mayor presencia de fondos propios, ocasionada por el fuerte incremento de los beneficios retenidos, siendo este resultado contrario a la hipótesis planteada. Por otro lado, el riesgo asumido por las empresas disminuye con la edad. La evidencia relativa al empleo de crédito comercial, deuda financiera a corto plazo y déficit financiero es mixta, no significativa, o contraria a las hipótesis planteadas, especialmente para el caso del factor edad.Edad, tamaño, ciclo de vida financiero, asimetría informativa, financiación empresarial. Age, size, financial growth cycle, information asymmetries, corporate finance.

    Taphonomic study of the bone sample of Liñares sur (Lugo, Galicia)

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    [Abstract] This paper deal with the biostratinomic processes and fossildiagenetic processes which affected the bone rest of Pleistocene age from the Liñares Sur carstic cave. AH show that the active processes was creepy remaining the fossil bones close ro the original situation of the animal and showing a distinctive intervention of rodents (rooth marks) inmediately after the death of those. The burial was produced by solifiuxion which includes bone remains in between clays and shales resulting from the decalcification ofthe hybrid limesrones that constitutes the cave. After this happened the bones were affected by edaphic processes becoming encrusted, patinated and tinged by Fe and Mn oxides

    Condition factors in the distribution of large mammals from Galicia (NW Iberian Peninsular) during the Upper Quaternary

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    [Abstract] Galicia, in theNWofthe Iberian Peninsula, was a transit area for the migrating large mammals during the Upper Quaternary. These migrations were praduced by the c1imatic changes that characterize this periodo A complete inventory of the localities with Pleistocene and Holocene faunas fram Galicia is presented, as well as several considerations about the abiotic factors that conditioned the distribution of them. These factors have been c1asified into three: lithologic, eustatic andglacial ones. Only taking into account these factors, the reconstruction of the dynamic of the quaternary large mammals will acquire signification

    Componentes no cristalinos y cristalinos (gibbsita y caolinita) en los productos de neoformación de rocas graníticas de Galicia.

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    [Resumen] El estudio de los recubrimientos y costras existentes en las diaclasas y fracturas superficiales de rocas graníticas de Galicia permite la diferenciación de dos tipos de materiales: a) Materiales con predominio de componentes con bajo grado de orden. Se localizan en las fracturas subhorizontales por las que discurre el agua que atraviesa el suelo y la saprolita. b) Materiales cristalinos de naturaleza gibbsítica y/o caolinítica. Se localizan en las fracturas verticales.[Abstract] The study of 'coatings and crust on the diaclasas and cracks on the surface of granitic rocks in Galicia, let us differenciate two kinds of materials. a) Materials in wich low order degree components are predominant. These are lacated in subhorizontal cracks through wich water flows. b) Crystalline materials with a gibbsitic and/or kaolinitic minerals, located in the vertical crack