13 research outputs found

    Qualités des carcasses et des viandes de jeunes bovins hétérozygotes pour les mutations Q204x et nt821 du gÚne de la myostatine dans trois races allaitantes françaises

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     Chantier qualité spécifique "Auteurs Externes" département de Génétique animale : uniquement liaison auteur au référentiel HR-Accessabsen

    Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting carcass and meat quality in two French beef breeds

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    Chantier qualité spécifique "Auteurs Externes" département de Génétique animale : uniquement liaison auteur au référentiel HR-Accessabsen

    Étude concernant l’actualisation, la dĂ©finition et les exemples de valorisation des races locales, rustiques, menacĂ©esVolet 1 -Races menacĂ©es - Actualisation des listes de races menacĂ©es - Extension de la rĂ©flexion aux abeilles et aux espĂšces aquacoles

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    In continuation of the FEADER 2014-2022 program, the Agro-Environmental and Climate Measure “Protection of Endangered Breeds” (MAEC PRM) aims to provide economic support to breeders who have chosen to preserve and reproduce breed animals. with low population size.The PRM system concerns breeds for which the State is responsible for the preservation as genetic resources, according to the 1992 Rio Convention, that is to say native breeds or locally adapted breeds within the meaning of the FAO. Among these breeds, PRM only concerns local breeds. The first step in the study was therefore to draw up, for each species, the list of breeds that could be qualified in this way. Then, the method which had been defined in 2014 was the subject of a critical analysis and, consequently, of some adjustments. Finally, the most complete and up-to-date data possible was gathered in order to establish, according to the method chosen, the degree of threat.Dans la continuitĂ© de la programmation FEADER 2014-2022, la Mesure Agro-Environnementale et Climatique « Protection des Races MenacĂ©es » (MAEC PRM) vise Ă  accompagner Ă©conomiquement les Ă©leveurs ayant fait le choix de conserver et de mettre Ă  la reproduction des animaux de races Ă  faibles effectifs.Le dispositif PRM concerne les races dont l’État est garant de la prĂ©servation en tant que ressource gĂ©nĂ©tique, selon la Convention de Rio de 1992, c’est-Ă -dire les races natives ou les races localement adaptĂ©es au sens de la FAO. Parmi ces races-lĂ , la PRM ne concerne que les races locales. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de l’étude a donc Ă©tĂ© de dresser, pour chaque espĂšce, la liste des races pouvant ĂȘtre qualifiĂ©es de la sorte. Ensuite, la mĂ©thode qui avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie en 2014 a fait l’objet d’une analyse critique et, en consĂ©quence, de quelques amĂ©nagements. Enfin, les donnĂ©es les plus complĂštes et les plus actualisĂ©es possibles ont Ă©tĂ© rassemblĂ©es afin d’établir, selon la mĂ©thode retenue, le degrĂ© de menace

    Étude concernant l’actualisation, la dĂ©finition et les exemples de valorisation des races locales, rustiques, menacĂ©esVolet 1 -Races menacĂ©es - Actualisation des listes de races menacĂ©es - Extension de la rĂ©flexion aux abeilles et aux espĂšces aquacoles

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    In continuation of the FEADER 2014-2022 program, the Agro-Environmental and Climate Measure “Protection of Endangered Breeds” (MAEC PRM) aims to provide economic support to breeders who have chosen to preserve and reproduce breed animals. with low population size.The PRM system concerns breeds for which the State is responsible for the preservation as genetic resources, according to the 1992 Rio Convention, that is to say native breeds or locally adapted breeds within the meaning of the FAO. Among these breeds, PRM only concerns local breeds. The first step in the study was therefore to draw up, for each species, the list of breeds that could be qualified in this way. Then, the method which had been defined in 2014 was the subject of a critical analysis and, consequently, of some adjustments. Finally, the most complete and up-to-date data possible was gathered in order to establish, according to the method chosen, the degree of threat.Dans la continuitĂ© de la programmation FEADER 2014-2022, la Mesure Agro-Environnementale et Climatique « Protection des Races MenacĂ©es » (MAEC PRM) vise Ă  accompagner Ă©conomiquement les Ă©leveurs ayant fait le choix de conserver et de mettre Ă  la reproduction des animaux de races Ă  faibles effectifs.Le dispositif PRM concerne les races dont l’État est garant de la prĂ©servation en tant que ressource gĂ©nĂ©tique, selon la Convention de Rio de 1992, c’est-Ă -dire les races natives ou les races localement adaptĂ©es au sens de la FAO. Parmi ces races-lĂ , la PRM ne concerne que les races locales. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de l’étude a donc Ă©tĂ© de dresser, pour chaque espĂšce, la liste des races pouvant ĂȘtre qualifiĂ©es de la sorte. Ensuite, la mĂ©thode qui avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie en 2014 a fait l’objet d’une analyse critique et, en consĂ©quence, de quelques amĂ©nagements. Enfin, les donnĂ©es les plus complĂštes et les plus actualisĂ©es possibles ont Ă©tĂ© rassemblĂ©es afin d’établir, selon la mĂ©thode retenue, le degrĂ© de menace

    Étude concernant l’actualisation, la dĂ©finition et les exemples de valorisation des races locales, rustiques, menacĂ©esVolet 1 -Races menacĂ©es - Actualisation des listes de races menacĂ©es - Extension de la rĂ©flexion aux abeilles et aux espĂšces aquacoles

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    In continuation of the FEADER 2014-2022 program, the Agro-Environmental and Climate Measure “Protection of Endangered Breeds” (MAEC PRM) aims to provide economic support to breeders who have chosen to preserve and reproduce breed animals. with low population size.The PRM system concerns breeds for which the State is responsible for the preservation as genetic resources, according to the 1992 Rio Convention, that is to say native breeds or locally adapted breeds within the meaning of the FAO. Among these breeds, PRM only concerns local breeds. The first step in the study was therefore to draw up, for each species, the list of breeds that could be qualified in this way. Then, the method which had been defined in 2014 was the subject of a critical analysis and, consequently, of some adjustments. Finally, the most complete and up-to-date data possible was gathered in order to establish, according to the method chosen, the degree of threat.Dans la continuitĂ© de la programmation FEADER 2014-2022, la Mesure Agro-Environnementale et Climatique « Protection des Races MenacĂ©es » (MAEC PRM) vise Ă  accompagner Ă©conomiquement les Ă©leveurs ayant fait le choix de conserver et de mettre Ă  la reproduction des animaux de races Ă  faibles effectifs.Le dispositif PRM concerne les races dont l’État est garant de la prĂ©servation en tant que ressource gĂ©nĂ©tique, selon la Convention de Rio de 1992, c’est-Ă -dire les races natives ou les races localement adaptĂ©es au sens de la FAO. Parmi ces races-lĂ , la PRM ne concerne que les races locales. La premiĂšre Ă©tape de l’étude a donc Ă©tĂ© de dresser, pour chaque espĂšce, la liste des races pouvant ĂȘtre qualifiĂ©es de la sorte. Ensuite, la mĂ©thode qui avait Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finie en 2014 a fait l’objet d’une analyse critique et, en consĂ©quence, de quelques amĂ©nagements. Enfin, les donnĂ©es les plus complĂštes et les plus actualisĂ©es possibles ont Ă©tĂ© rassemblĂ©es afin d’établir, selon la mĂ©thode retenue, le degrĂ© de menace

    Lower Hybrid Current Drive in Tore Supra and Jet

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    Recent Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) experiments in TORE SUPRA and JET are reported. Large multijunction launchers have allowed the coupling of 5 MW to the plasma for several seconds with a maximum of 3.8 kw/cm2. Measurements of the scattering matrices of the antennae show good agreement with theory. The current drive efficiency in TORE SUPRA is about 0.2 x 10(20) Am-2/W with LH power alone and reaches 0.4 x 10(20) Am-2/W in JET thanks to a high volume-averaged electron temperature (1.9 keV) and also to a synergy between Lower Hybrid and Fast Magnetosonic Waves. At N(e)BAR = 1.5 x 10(19) m-3 in TORE SUPRA, sawteeth are suppressed and m = 1 MHD oscillations the frequency of which clearly depends on the amount of LH power are observed on soft x-rays, and also on non-thermal ECE. In JET ICRH produced sawtooth-free periods are extended by the application of LHCD (2.9 s. with 4 MW ICRH) and current profile broadening has been clearly observed consistent with off-axis fast electron populations. LH power modulation experiments performed in TORE SUPRA at N(e)BAR = 4 x 10(19) m-3 show a delayed central electron heating despite the off-axis creation of suprathermal electrons, thus ruling out the possibility of a direct heating through central wave absorption. A possible explanation in terms of anomlous fast electron transport and classical slowing down would yield a diffusion coefficient of the order of 10 m2/s for the fast electrons. Other interpretations such as an anomalous heat pinch or a central confinement enhancement cannot be excluded. Finally, successful pellet fuelling of a partially LH driven plasma was obtained in TORE SUPRA, 28 successive pellets allowing the density to rise to N(e)BAR = 4 x 10(19) m-3. This could be achieved by switching the LH power off for 90 ms before each pellet injection, i.e. without modifying significantly the current density profile

    Development of RF heating and current drive systems for long pulse operation on Tore Supra

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    International audienc

    Stationary regimes of improved confinement in Tore Supra

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    Toward long-pulse, high-performance discharges in Tore Supra: Experimental knowledge and technological developments for heat exhaust

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