8 research outputs found

    Immunohystochemical Expression of Cancer/Testis Antigens (MAGE-A3/4, NY-ESO-1) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: The Relationship with Clinical-Pathological Features

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    The aim of this study was to explore the expression of cancer/testis tumor associated antigens (C/T TAAs) MAGE-A 3/4 and NY-ESO-1 in lung squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, and to evaluate their association with the standard clinical-pathological features of surgically treated lung cancer patients. The study included 80 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (40 adenocarcinomas, 40 squamous cell carcinomas) who had undergone surgery in the period between 2002 and 2005. The MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 antigen expression was analyzed immunohistochemically (IHC). The results showed MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 positive staining in 65.1% and 23.3% of squamous cell carcinomas and 18.9% and 10.8% of adenocarcinomas, respectively. A statistically higher MAGE-A3/4 expression was observed in planocellular bronchial carcinoma (p<0.001), while no difference was found in the expression of NY-ESO-1 in adenocarcinoma and planocellular carcinoma (p=0.144). A significant association was found between the MAGE-A3/4 expression and presence of tumor necrosis in squamous cell cancer specimens (p=0.001), but not in adenocarcinoma (p=0.033). A statistically significant association was noted between the NY-ESO-1 expression and positive hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes in adenocarcinoma (p=0.025) whereas it was not the case in squamous cell carcinoma. Non-small cell lung cancer frequently expresses cancer/testis tumor associated antigens. Our results demonstrate that the MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 expression was significant associated with prognostic factors of poor outcome of disease (presence of tumor necrosis and lymph node metastasis). As C/T antigens are important for inducing a specific immune reaction in lung cancer patients, there is an intention to form a subgroup of patients in the future, whose treatment would be enhanced by specific immunotherapy based on the observed scientific results

    Immunohystochemical Expression of Cancer/Testis Antigens (MAGE-A3/4, NY-ESO-1) in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: The Relationship with Clinical-Pathological Features

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    The aim of this study was to explore the expression of cancer/testis tumor associated antigens (C/T TAAs) MAGE-A 3/4 and NY-ESO-1 in lung squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, and to evaluate their association with the standard clinical-pathological features of surgically treated lung cancer patients. The study included 80 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (40 adenocarcinomas, 40 squamous cell carcinomas) who had undergone surgery in the period between 2002 and 2005. The MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 antigen expression was analyzed immunohistochemically (IHC). The results showed MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 positive staining in 65.1% and 23.3% of squamous cell carcinomas and 18.9% and 10.8% of adenocarcinomas, respectively. A statistically higher MAGE-A3/4 expression was observed in planocellular bronchial carcinoma (p<0.001), while no difference was found in the expression of NY-ESO-1 in adenocarcinoma and planocellular carcinoma (p=0.144). A significant association was found between the MAGE-A3/4 expression and presence of tumor necrosis in squamous cell cancer specimens (p=0.001), but not in adenocarcinoma (p=0.033). A statistically significant association was noted between the NY-ESO-1 expression and positive hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes in adenocarcinoma (p=0.025) whereas it was not the case in squamous cell carcinoma. Non-small cell lung cancer frequently expresses cancer/testis tumor associated antigens. Our results demonstrate that the MAGE-A3/4 and NY-ESO-1 expression was significant associated with prognostic factors of poor outcome of disease (presence of tumor necrosis and lymph node metastasis). As C/T antigens are important for inducing a specific immune reaction in lung cancer patients, there is an intention to form a subgroup of patients in the future, whose treatment would be enhanced by specific immunotherapy based on the observed scientific results

    Maligne bolesti kao uzrok smrti kod 92 skladatelja/glazbenika (uključujući ovisnosti)

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    This study shows malignant diseases as the main cause of death in composers. Pathographies are listed according to the chronological order of their occurrence. Composers in this study died of malignant diseases in the average age of 66.3 years, (median age 67, range 33-91 years). Unfortunately, one part of this heterogeneous group of composers lived too short, while most of them could realize their creative work. Nowadays many of these composers could be cured thanks to the development of medicine, better diagnostic procedures and treatment options, including more selective radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy (monoclonal antibodies, specific target receptor or intracellular signal inhibitors).U ovom radu su prikazane maligne bolesti kao glavni uzrok smrti kod 92 skladatelja. Patografije su navedene kronoloÅ”ki. Prosječna dob smrti skladatelja u ovoj studiji je 66,3 godine (medijan dobi 67 godina, raspon 33-91 godine). Nažalost, značajan dio skladatelja nije mogao zbog malignih oboljenja dostići svoj stvaralački opus, dok je ipak većina dostigla stariju dob i stvaralački maksimum. U danaÅ”njici bi mnogi od ovih skladatelja mogli biti izliječeni zahvaljujući napretku suvremene medicine, boljim dijagnostičkim postupcima i terapijskim opcijama liječenja. To ponajprije podrazumijeva ciljanu terapiju poput selektivne kemoterapije, imunoterapije (monoklonska protutijela, specifično ciljani inhibitori staničnih receptora ili unutarstaničnih signalnih puteva)

    Dobne i spolne razlike u oÅ”tećenju genoma između pretpubertetskih i odraslih miÅ”eva nakon izlaganja ionizirajućemu zračenju

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    The mechanisms that lead to sex and age differences in biological responses to exposure to ionising radiation and related health risks have still not been investigated to a satisfactory extent. The significance of sex hormones in the aetiology of radiogenic cancer types requires a better understanding of the mechanisms involved, especially during organism development. The aim of this study was to show age and sex differences in genome damage between prepubertal and adult mice after single exposure to gamma radiation. Genome damage was measured 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after exposure of 3-week and 12-week old BALB/CJ mice to 8 Gy of gamma radiation using an in vivo micronucleus assay. There was a significantly higher genome damage in prepubertal than in adult animals of both sexes for all sampling times. Irradiation caused a higher frequency of micronuclei in males of both age groups. Our study confirms sex differences in the susceptibility to effects of ionising radiation in mice and is the first to show that such a difference occurs already at prepubertal age.Mehanizmi koji uzrokuju spolne i dobne razlike u bioloÅ”kim odgovorima na izloženost ionizirajućemu zračenju i s tim u vezi zdravstvene rizike joÅ” nisu dovoljno ispitani. Kako bi se spoznao značaj spolnih hormona u etiologiji zračenjem izazvanih vrsta tumora, potrebno je bolje poznavanje mehanizama koji su uključeni u taj proces, osobito tijekom razvojne faze organizma. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je prikazati dobne i spolne razlike u oÅ”tećenju genoma između pretpubertetskih i odraslih miÅ”eva nakon jednokratnoga izlaganja gama-zračenju. Primjenom in vivo mikronukleus-testa izmjereno je oÅ”tećenje genoma nastalo 24 sata, 48 sati i 72 sata nakon izlaganja BALB/CJ miÅ”eva, starih tri tjedna i dvanaest tjedana, dozi gama zračenja od 8 Gy. U svim vremenskim točkama mjerenja uočeno je značajnije veće oÅ”tećenje genoma u pretpubertetskih u odnosu na odrasle jedinke obaju spolova. Zračenje je uzrokovalo veću učestalost mikronukleusa u muÅ”kih jedinki u objema dobnim skupinama. Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju postojanje spolnih razlika u osjetljivosti na učinke ionizirajućega zračenja u miÅ”eva, a ovo je prvo istraživanje rezultati kojega pokazuju da do takvih razlika dolazi već u pretpubertetskoj dobi


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    Na sastanku održanom u ožujku 2012. godine na kojem su sudjelovali vodeći hrvatski stručnjaci donesene su nove, proÅ”irene i osuvremenjene preporuke o dijagnostici i liječenju limfoma. One obuhvaćaju morfoloÅ”ku, radioloÅ”ku i nuklearnomedicinsku dijagnostiku, sustavno liječenje, radioterapiju i praćenje učinka liječenja najvećeg broja tumora limfocitne loze u odraslih osoba. Preporuke su donesene konsenzusom, na temelju izlaganja i prijedloga pojedinih stručnjaka koji su prvo raspravljeni unutar radnih skupina, a potom usuglaÅ”eni na plenarnom sastanku.New, extended and modernized recommendations for diagnostics and treatment of lymphomas were accepted at a meeting held in March 2012 with the participation of major Croatian experts. They encompass morphological, radiological and nuclear diagnostics, systemic treatment, radiotherapy and follow-up of most tumors of lymphoid tissues occurring in adults. The recommendations were agreed upon by consensus. Reporters presented data and suggested recommendations which had been first discussed in working groups and then agreed upon on the plenary session

    Dijagnostika i liječenje limfoma - drugi hrvatski konsenzus [Lymphoma diagnosis and treatment - second Croatian consensus]

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    New, extended and modernized recommendations for diagnostics and treatment of lymphomas were accepted at a meeting held in March 2012 with the participation of major Croatian experts. They encompass morphological, radiological and nuclear diagnostics, systemic treatment, radiotherapy and follow-up of most tumors of lymphoid tissues occurring in adults. The recommendations were agreed upon by consensus. Reporters presented data and suggested recommendations which had been first discussed in working groups and then agreed upon on the plenary session

    Leptomeningeal and intramedullary metastases of glioblastoma multiforme in a patient reoperated during adjuvant radiochemotherapy

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    Despite huge advances in medicine, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains a highly lethal, fast-growing tumour that cannot be cured by currently available therapies. However, extracranial and extraneural dissemination of GBM is extremely rare, but is being recognised in different imaging studies. To date, the cause of the GBM metastatic spread still remains under discussion. It probably develops at the time of intracranial progression following a surgical procedure. According to other hypothesis, the metastases are a consequence of spontaneous tumour transdural extension or haematogenous dissemination. We present a case of a 59-year-old woman with symptomatic leptomeningeal and intramedullary metastases of GBM who has been previously surgically treated with primary subtotal resection and underwent a repeated surgery during adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy with temozolomide. Today, the main goal of surgery and chemoradiotherapy is to prevent neurologic deterioration and improve health-related quality of life. With this paper, we want to present this rare entity and emphasise the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, a key function in the management of brain tumour patients. The prognosis is still very poor although prolongation of survival can be obtained. Finally, although rare, our case strongly suggests that clinicians should be familiar with the possibility of the extracranial spread of GBM because as treatment improvements provide better control of the primary tumour and improving survival, metastatic disease will be increasingly encountered