52 research outputs found

    Perosomus elumbis in a sheep in Brazil

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    Perosomus elumbis designa um conjunto raro de anomalias congênitas que primariamente incluem agenesia parcial da medula espinhal e vértebras lombossacrais. O presente relato descreve a ocorrência da enfermidade em um ovino neonato no Brasil.Perosomus elumbis designates a set of rare abnormal congenital abnormalities that primarily includes partial agenesis of spinal cord and lumbosacral vertebrae. The present paper reports the occurrence of the disease in a neonate sheep in Brazil

    Aural Hematomas in Small Ruminants – Clinical Features, Surgical Treatment and Outcome

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    Background: Aural or auricular hematoma is an important and prevalent surgical condition in small animals practice, and commonly reported in companion pets. The condition is characterized by blood accumulation between the pinnae’s dermal surface and the underlying perichondrium. In farm animals, most cases present surgical treatment with drainage of serosanguineous fluid from acute cases with clinical evolution ranging from 1 to 5 days. Therefore, the present work reports the clinical features, surgical treatment and outcome of aural hematomas in 3 small ruminants with a chronic evolution (7 to 20 days), detailing the post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and recurrence, and final cosmetic appearance of the pinnae. Cases: Upon physical examination, all animals were alert and presenting a good body condition score. Clinical alteration was restricted to a bilateral (Case 1) or unilateral (Cases 2 & 3) painless, and fluid-filled swelling, presenting doughy consistency masses within the fluid during pinna manipulation. The fluid-filled swellings were located on the concave (Case 1 - left ear & Case 2) and convex (Case 1 - right ear & Case 3) surface of the pinna. No primary pruritic disorders of the pinna were detected, and a diagnosis of traumatic aural hematoma was proposed. Due to the chronicity of the cases, surgical approach was advisable. The small ruminants underwent general anesthesia, and a linear incision over the skin overlying the hematoma was performed (Cases 1 & 2). After removal of blood and fibrin clots, the cavity was flushed and captonated 0 nylon mattress sutures were performed on either side of the incision, in order to obliterate the dead space. Due to recurrence after 14 days, Case 2 was submitted to a modified surgical approach using a S-shaped incision combined to multiple drainage holes (MDH) using a disposable 6 mm biopsy punch. The same approach has performed in Case 3. Then, 0 nylon mattress sutures followed by a tight protective pressure and absorbent bandage combined with an Elizabethan collar was applied. Postoperatively, Case 1 presented surgical site infection and the antibiotic was changed after bacterial culture and antibiogram results. Hospital discharge varied from 14 to 19 days’ post-surgery. All animals presented some degree of ear retraction and a linear or S-shaped scar on the affected ear, but final cosmetic appearance was satisfactory to all owners. Discussion: Aural or auricular hematomas are a frequent disorder in dogs and cats clinical practice. In sheep, the few reported cases have been associated with pruritic disorders of the pinna, such as ticks infestation and sarcoptic mange. Whilst in goats, traumatic injuries, such as ear tagging and trauma from others goats, are considered the main cause, especially in breeds with pendulous ear. In our cases with chronic evolution (> 7 days), the most important clinical feature was the presence of doughy consistency masses within the fluid, suggesting matured blood and fibrin clots. A linear incision with captonated 0 nylon mattress sutures was associated to post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and aural hematoma recurrence. Therefore, a S-shaped incision associated to creation of MDH, in order to achieve better drainage, was the chosen approach in the second surgery (Case 2) and on the subsequent patient (Case 3). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report using the MDH approach in farm animals, that appears to be an effective treatment for chronic aural hematomas in small ruminants. Keywords: auricular hematoma, biopsy punch, goats, sheep

    Nasal cavity diseases of small ruminants in Federal District and Goiás State, Brazil

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    As enfermidades que acometem a cavidade nasal de pequenos ruminantes podem causar prejuízos aos rebanhos de ovinos e caprinos na região central do Brasil. Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo dos laudos de necropsia do Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade de Brasília (LPV-UnB) nos anos de 2003 a 2014 para verificar a ocorrência das doenças que acometeram a cavidade nasal de pequenos ruminantes. Foram analisados 463 protocolos de ovinos e 75 de caprinos totalizando 538 casos. Seis ovinos (6/463 1,29%) foram necropsiados com rinite granulomatosa micótica ou oomicótica e 22 animais do estudo (22/538; 4,08%) tiveram o diagnóstico de oestrose, sendo 86,36% ovinos e 13,64% caprinos. As rinites piogranulomatosas em ovinos ocorreram em áreas alagadas, com abundante material vegetal em decomposição. Os ovinos com pitiose rinofacial apresentaram como principais alterações aumento de volume na região nasal devido a extensas lesões granulomatosas associadas a necrose tecidual, caracterizadas por inúmeros macrófagos e polimorfonucleares circundando centros necróticos contendo o agente envolto por reação de Splendore-Hoeppli. Os ovinos com conidiobolomicose exibiram extensas áreas de necrose e inflamação piogranulomatosa, associadas à presença de hifas fúngicas na nasofaringe e também na região peribulbar e exoftalmia. A maioria dos animais com oestrose não apresentou alterações clínico-patológicas significativas, apesar de serem encontradas larvas principalmente nos seios e conchas nasais, traqueia e seio paranasal. A importância dessas enfermidades ainda é pouco conhecida na região, sendo de grande relevância que as condições clínico-patológicas e epidemiológicas sejam elucidadas para o diagnóstico, o controle e a prevenção, para evitar a expansão e prejuízos para os rebanhos.Nasal cavity diseases that affect small ruminants can cause losses to sheep and goat herds in Central Brazil. A retrospective study of the University of Brasilia´s Veterinary Pathology Laboratory autopsy reports from 2003 to 2014 was conducted to verify the occurrence of small ruminants nasal cavity diseases. Six necropsied sheep (6/463 1.29%) showed mycotic or oomicotic granulomatous rhinitis and 22 animals (22/538, 4.08%) presented oestrosis diagnosis, affecting 86.36% of sheep and 13.64% of goats. The pyogranulomatous rhinitis in sheep occurred in flooded areas with abundant plant material decomposing. Rhinofacial pythiosis infection in animals showed as major changes swelling in the nasal region due to extensive granulomatous lesions associated with tissue necrosis, characterized by numerous macrophages and polymorphonuclear cells surrounding necrotic centers containing the agent surrounded by Splendore-Hoeppli reaction. Sheep with conidiobolomycosis showed extensive areas of necrosis and pyogranulomatous inflammation associated with fungal hyphae, localized in the nasopharynx and also in peribulbar region and exophthalmia. Most animals with oestrosis showed no significant clinical and pathological changes, even with the presence of larvae mainly in the sinuses and nasal turbinates, trachea and paranasal sinus. The importance of such diseases is still unknown in the region, and the knowledge of the clinical-pathological and epidemiological conditions is of great relevance for the diagnosis, control and prevention to avoid the expansion and losses to livestock

    Diazinon acute toxicosis in cattle

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    O presente trabalho descreve sinais muscarínicos, nicotínicos e morte em 11 de 23 bovinos adultos pulverizados com diazinon em concentração 5-6 vezes maior que a recomendada pelo fabricante. O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela detecção do princípio ativo no fígado e no cérebro de um bovino.The present paper reports muscarinic and nicotinic signs and death of 11 out of 23 adult cattle treated with a pour on diazinon based product, at 5-6 times the recommended concentration by the manufacturer. The diagnosis was performed by the detection of the active principle in liver and brain of cattle

    Uterus torsion in Nellore cow : case report

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    A torção de útero em bovinos é um caso de emergência obstétrica que, na maioria das vezes, leva à morte do feto e da mãe. O tratamento clínico é pouco eficaz e em grande parte dos casos a operação cesariana é indicada. O trabalho descreve o caso de uma vaca Nelore de 36 meses encaminhada ao Hospital Escola de Grandes Animais da Universidade de Brasília com torção uterina e sinais de toxemia. Após tentativas improdutivas de rolamento, o animal foi submetido à cesariana e veio a morrer durante o procedimento cirúrgico. Vários casos de torção de útero em bovinos são descritos em raças europeias, porém, pouco se conhece desse tipo de patologia em animais da raça Nelore. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTUterus torsion in cows is an emergency case that usually leads to foetus and cow death. Conservative management has low efficacy and cesarian surgery is indicated in the majority of the cases. The report describes the case of a 36-year-old Nellore cow taken to Hospital Escola de Grandes Animais of Universidade de Brasíla with uterus torsion and toxemia signs. After improductive rolling procedures, the animal was lead to a cesarian surgery and died during the procedure. Uterus torsion is described in european breeds, but this patology is not well-known in Nellore cattle

    Morphometry of crossbred nellore claw in differents farm systems

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    Foram avaliadas morfometricamente, com auxílio de paquímetro eletrônico (Starrett® 799), as dimensões da parede, sola e bulbo do casco dos dedos III e IV dos membros pélvicos e torácicos, direito e esquerdo, de bovinos nelorados machos (Grupo I-confinados) e fêmeas (Grupo II-extensiva). A avaliação estatística dos dados das medidas externas do Grupo I revelou que nenhum dos parâmetros apresentou diferença estatisticamente significativa. O tratamento estatístico das medidas externas do Grupo II mostrou diferença significativa na espessura da parede dos cascos dos dedos III (MTE3) e IV (MTE4) do membro torácico esquerdo, na largura da sola dos cascos dos dedos III (MPD3 e MPE3) e IV (MPD4 e MPE4) dos membros pélvicos direito e esquerdo e na espessura do bulbo dos cascos dos dedos III (MPE3) e IV (MPE4) do membro pélvico esquerdo. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTIt has been evaluated morphometrically, with the aid of eletronic caliper (Starrett® 799) the dimensions of the wall, sole and bulb claw; III and IV digits of the pelvic and thoracic, right and left feet of crossbred nellore male (Group I) and female (Group II). The statistical analysis of external data from group I found that none of the parameters demonstrate a statistical difference. The statistical analysis of external measure of group II demonstrated a significant difference in the thickness of the claw wall thickness of digit III (LFL3) and (LFL4) from left forelimb, width of the sole of the digit III (RHL3 and LHL3) and IV (RHL4 and LHL4) of the right and left hindlimb, and thickness of the bulb of digit III (LHL3) and (LHL4) of left hindlimb from group II animals

    Metabolic profile during the periparturient ewes Santa Inês with simple and multiple pregnancy

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    O perfil metabólico é uma importante ferramenta no diagnóstico de doenças metabólicas e monitoramento nutricional de animais de produção. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o escore corporal e perfil metabólico de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês criadas em sistema de semiconfinamento, ao longo do periparto, comparando esses parâmetros entre animais com gestação simples e gestação múltipla. Cinquenta e cinco ovelhas (55), sendo 43 com gestação simples e 12 com gestação gemelar, foram submetidas a coletas de sangue e avaliação do escore corporal semanalmente, entre o fim do terceiro mês de gestação e um mês pós-parto, totalizando 10 avaliações. Observaram-se diferenças na comparação entre semanas para as variáveis: Glicose, BHB, NEFA, Triglicerídeos, Cálcio, Fósforo, Uréia e Creatinina para os grupos Gestação Simples (GS) e Gestação Gemelar (GG), além de Magnésio para o primeiro grupo (p<0,005). A semana do parto e as semanas subsequentes apresentaram valores estatisticamente diferentes das semanas que precederam o parto na maioria das variáveis estudadas. Não houve diferença significativa na comparação entre os grupos GS e GG para os parâmetros avaliados. Em ambos os grupos houve redução no escore corporal das fêmeas acompanhadas, com uma queda na proporção de animais com EC3 e 4 e concomitante crescimento de EC2.The metabolic profile represents an important tool in the diagnostic of metabolic diseases and in the nutritional monitoring of production animals. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the body scores and metabolic profile of sheep of the Santa Inês breed in a system of semi- confinement, during the peri-parturient. The body scores and metabolic profile were analysed between animals with single and multiple pregnancies. Fifty-five sheep were recruited for this study, of those, 43 with single pregnancy and 12 with twin pregnancies. The animals were submitted to blood collection and analyses of body score (BS) weekly, from the end of third month of pregnancy until one month postpartum, and those were analysed 10 times during this research. About the analyses throughout weeks, the study found different values to the variables Glucoses, BHB, NEFA, Triglycerides, Calcium, Phosphorus, Urea, and Creatinine for the Single Pregnancy (SP) and Twin Pregnancies (TP) groups (p<0,005). Moreover, distinct rates of Magnesium was noticed in the Single Pregnancy group (p<0,005). The week of birth and subsequent weeks, showed statistically different values of those from the weeks leading up to the birth in most of the variables studied. There was no significant difference in the comparison between the SP and TP groups for the parameters evaluated. In both groups, there were a decrease in the female body score, with a reduction in the proportion of animal with BS3 and 4 associated, and concomitant increase of animals with BS2 proportion

    Descrição morfoquantitativa do tórus digital de bovinos

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    O tórus digital é caracterizado como um tecido subcutâneo modificado que atua na absorção do impacto durante a locomoção, auxilia o retorno venoso do casco e mantêm o suporte de uma considerável parte do peso corporal. Os tórus possuem particular importância nas patogêneses de casco, já que eles precisam trabalhar corretamente para prevenir compressões e traumas nos tecidos moles. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e com isso determinar, como se arranjam estas estruturas, para tanto, foram estabelecidas as proporções dos tecidos conjuntivo, adiposo, vascular e ainda das fibras colágenas e dos tipos de colágenos encontrados nos tórus digitais palmares e plantares de bovinos. Foram utilizados membros torácicos e pélvicos de doze bovinos zebuínos adultos, de ambos os sexos, sendo onze machos e uma fêmea, com peso médio de carcaça com 269kg e sem afecções nos membros. Os fragmentos dos tórus foram submetidos à técnica histológica convencional, cortados em espessura de 4µm e corados com Picrosirius Red. Com o uso de microscópio óptico digital, o tecido conjuntivo e a diferenciação dos tipos de colágeno foram quantificados empregando-se o programa de análise de imagem Image Pro Plus® e para a quantificação dos tecidos adiposo e vascular foi utilizada o sistema teste de pontos. Através do programa GraphPad Prism 5.0 foram obtidas por meio de uma analise descritiva a media e o erro padrão da media, em seguida os dados foram submetidos à aplicação do teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e ao teste "T" Student com nível de significância de 5% para a determinação da quantidade encontrada dos diferentes tecidos entre os membros torácicos e pélvicos dos animais estudados. Nos membros torácicos a média e o erro padrão da proporção de tecido conjuntivo foi de 50,10%+1,54, a de tecido adiposo foi de 21,34%+1,44 e a de tecido vascular foi de 3,43%+0,28. Os membros pélvicos apresentaram uma proporção de tecido conjuntivo de 61,61%+1,47, de tecido adiposo de 20,66%+1,53 e de tecido vascular de 3,06%+0,20. Verificou-se diferença estatística na proporção de tecido conjuntivo entre membros torácicos e pélvicos (p<0,001). As fibras colágenas tipo I e III apresentaram, respectivamente, uma proporção de 31,89% e 3,9% nos membros torácicos e 34,05% e 1,78% nos membros pélvicos. Os tórus digitais, de acordo com a metodologia utilizada, apresentaram diferenciação evidente em relação ao tecido adiposo entre membros torácicos e pélvicos.The digital cushion is characterized as a modified subcutaneous tissue that absorbs the shock during gait, assists venous return of the hoof and supports a considerable part of body weight. Digital cushions have particular importance in the pathogenesis of the hoof, since they need to properly work in order to prevent compression and traumas in soft tissues. This study aimed to measure and determine how is the arrangement of these structures, and for this it was established the proportions of connective, adipose, vascular tissues and collagen fibers and collagen types found in palmar and plantar digital cushion of bovine using fore and hindlimbs of twelve adult zebu cattle of both sexes, 11 male and one female, with 269kg average carcass weight and without limb disorders. Fragments of cushions were subjected to conventional histology, cut to a thickness of 4µm and stained with Red Picrosirius. With digital optical microscope, the quantification of the connective tissue and differentiation of types of collagen used the Image Pro Plus® software, and of adipose and vascular tissue, the test point system. The mean and standard error were estimated with the GraphPad Prism 5.0 software, and then data were subjected to Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test and Student's t-test with significance level set at 5% for determining the amount of different tissues between fore and hindlimbs of studied animals. In forelimbs the mean and standard error of the connective tissue proportion was 50.10%+1.54, of the adipose tissue was 21.34%+1.44, and of vascular tissue was 3.43%+0.28. Hindlimbs presented a proportion of connective tissue of 61.61%+1.47, 20.66%+1.53 of adipose tissue, and 3.06%+0.20 of vascular tissue. A significant difference (p<0.001) was detected in the connective tissue proportion between fore and hindlimbs. Types I and II collagen fibers have presented, respectively, a proportion of 31.89% and 3.9% in forelimbs and 34.05% and 1.78% in hindlimbs. According to the used methodology, digital cushions had a clear differentiation relative to adipose tissue between fore and hindlimbs

    Surto de dermatofilose em bezerros Nelore criados extensivamente em Goiás

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    Background: Dermatophilosis is an infectious-contagious disease of acute, subacute or chronic evolution caused by the etiologic agent Dermatophilus congolensis, and presents as hyperplastic or exudative dermatitis with crusty and scaly skin eruptions. Although it is a disease with important economic impact on Brazilian beef cattle, the reports of outbreaks in zebu cattle are restricted to the states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. The present paper aimed to report the epidemiological, clinical, laboratorial and pathological findings of a dermatophilosis outbreak in Nelore calves raised extensively in Goiás, Midwestern Brazil.Case: An outbreak of skin lesions in Nelore calves occurred on a farm located in Cocalzinho de Goiás, Goiás, Midwestern Brazil. Fifty one (25.5%) of the 200 calves from 3-11-months-old presented cutaneous lesions. Forty nine of the calves were still suckling and two were weaned recently, and the most affected calves were offspring’s of cows with the lowest body condition score. Three severely affected calves were clinically examined presenting regular body condition score, pale pink ocular mucosa, fever (39.2-40.3°C), tachycardia (80-100 beats per minute), tachypnea (48-56 breaths per minute) and moderate presence of ticks. Skin inspection revealed crusty, elevated, non-pruritic lesions of grayish color that easily detached from the skin exposing a humid and hemorrhagic superficial lesion with pus. Lesions were widespread on the body with predominance on the face, ears, neck and dorsal region. Hematological findings of these calves presented leukocytosis (16,083 ± 1,910/µL) by netrophilia (11,121 ± 2,349/µL) and hyperfibrinogenemia (966.6 ± 208.16 mg/dL). Biochemical alterations consisted of hypoproteinemia (6.5 ± 0.5 g/dL) and a slight increase in GGT activity in two calves (28 and 19 U/L, respectively). Skin lesions samples were stained by Giemsa and demonstrated filaments presenting characteristic “train tracks” pattern, formed by parallel chains of cocci. Microscopic findings consisted of suppurative superficial dermatitis associated with intralesional bacteria. Histological sections stained by Gram revealed typical branched filamentous structures formed by multiple rows of Gram positive spherical cocci. Initially, treatment consisted in improve the herd body condition score and ticks control. Calves were treated for dermatophilosis with streptomycin (25 mg.kg-1, s.i.d., intramuscularly [IM], four days) and chlorhexidine diglylate 2% baths with manual crusts removal. Due to relapse in most calves caused by sub dosages by the owner, long-acting oxytetracycline (20 mg.kg-1, q48 h, IM, three doses) and stable disinfection was recommended. One year after this outbreak, the owner stated that there were no new cases on the farm.Discussion: Definitive diagnosis of dermatophilosis in the calves of this report was conducted by the association of epidemiological, clinical, cytological and histological findings. In the present report, predisposing factors such as low body condition score due to food shortage, micro injuries on the skin caused by ticks infestation and mechanical trauma by Brachiaria brizantha, and high temperatures, possibly acted synergistically causing this outbreak. Dermatophilosis treatment with long-acting oxytetracycline associated with topical treatment and environment disinfection allowed clinical cure and prevention of new cases in this farm. Long-acting oxytetracycline presents good results in the treatment of natural cases of dermatophilosis, reaching cure rates varying from 71.4 to 100%. Outbreaks of dermatophilosis in Nelore calves in Goiás may cause significant losses in beef cattle productivity and measures of control and prophylaxis should be considered for prevention

    Cardiopulmonary and blood gas parameters in sheep under inhalational anesthesia during decubitus alternations

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    Os rebanhos de ovinos do Centro-Oeste do Brasil, principalmente da raça Santa Inês, aumentaram muito nos últimos anos. Dessa forma, a casuística clínica também cresceu e a realização de cirurgias de grande porte sem dor e com segurança se faz presente, associada ao uso da anestesia geral inalatória. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os parâmetros cardiopulmonares e hemogasométricos em ovinos sob anestesia inalatória com ventilação controlada, bem como avaliar a influência de alternâncias de decúbito nos mesmos parâmetros. Os animais foram sedados com acepromazina, induzidos com propofol, intubados e colocados sob anestesia inalatória com isoflurano durante manutenção anestésica. As frequências cardíaca e respiratória, pressão arterial e a concentração de gases sanguíneos foram aferidas a cada cinco minutos por um total de 45 minutos, durante os quais os animais foram alternados entre decúbito lateral direito, dorsal e esquerdo. Os parâmetros aferidos não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tempos e decúbitos, concluindo-se que a anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano mostra-se viável e segura na espécie ovina, pois mantém os parâmetros cardiopulmonares e hemogasométricos em níveis seguros.Sheep herds, especially Santa Ines breed, have grown in the Brazilian Midwest in recent years. Therefore, clinical cases have also grown, and along came the need of conducting major surgeries without pain associated with the use of inhalational anesthesia. This study evaluated the cardiopulmonary and blood gas parameters in sheep under inhalational anesthesia with controlled ventilation, and assessed the effect of decubitus alternations on the parameters. The animals were anesthetized with acepromazine and propofol, intubated and placed on inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane. The respiratory rates, blood pressure and blood gas concentrations were measured every for minutes for a total of 45 minutes during which the animals were alternated right, dorsal and left decubitus. The measured parameters showed no significant differences among the times and positions, concluding that inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane is valid and safe for sheep, as it keeps the cardiopulmonary parameters and arterial blood gases at safe levels