28 research outputs found

    Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Device for Measuring Dynamic Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion

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    A decrease in ankle dorsiflexion causes changes in biomechanics, and different instruments have been used for ankle dorsiflexion testing under static conditions. Consequently, the industry of inertial sensors has developed easy-to-use devices, which measure dynamic ankle dorsiflexion and provide additional parameters such as velocity, acceleration, or movement deviation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to analyze the concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of an inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion. Sixteen participants were tested using an inertial device (WIMU) and a digital inclinometer. Ankle dorsiflexion from left and right ankle repetitions was used for validity analysis, whereas test-retest reliability was analyzed by comparing measurements from the first and second days. The standard error of the measurement (SEM) between the instruments was very low for both ankle measurements (SEM 0.05) even though a significant systematic bias (~1.77°) was found for the right ankle (d = 0.79). R2 was very close to 1 in the left and right ankles (R2 = 0.85–0.89) as well as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC > 0.95). Test-retest reliability analysis showed that systematic bias was below 1° for both instruments, even though a systematic bias (~1.50°) with small effect size was found in the right ankle (d = 0.49) with WIMU. The ICC was very close to 1 and the coefficient of variation (CV) was lower than 4% in both instruments. Thus, WIMU is a valid and reliable inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion

    Percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo como herramienta en el control de la intensidad en la actividad de ciclismo indoor

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    A un total de 133 sujetos entre 22 y 64 años (38 hombres y 95 mujeres) pertenecientes a un centro deportivo privado, se les evaluó el porcentaje de la intensidad de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva alcanzada y la percepción subjetiva del esfuerzo(RPE) durante una sesión real de ciclismo indoor. La intensidad media alcanzaday la RPE manifestada en la fase principal fue de 80,60 ± 6,74% (intensidad alta) y 15,11 ± 1,90 puntos (intensidad alta) en los hombres; y de 80,85 ± 7,54%(intensidad alta) y 15,49 ± 1,51 puntos (intensidad alta) en las mujeres (p > ,05). Se encontró una significativa y baja correlación entre la RPE y la FC media de reserva obtenida en la fase principal de la sesión (r= ,24; p < ,01). En conclusión, el ciclismo indoor es una actividad de alta intensidad. La RPE de Borg no es un instrumento válido para el control de la intensidad en esta actividad.One hundred and thirty-three subjects between 22 and 64 years old (38 males and 95 females) from a private sport centre participated in this study. Mean percentage heart rate intensity (%HRR) and overall ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured during an indoor cycling session. Mean %HRR and RPE shown during the main phase were considered as high intensity in male and females. The correlation value between %HHR and overall RPE was low but significant. In conclusion, indoor cycling is a high-intensity activity. Borg's RPE is not a valid instrument for controlling the intensity of effort during indoor cycling activityA um total de 133 sujeitos entre 22 e 64 anos (38 homens e 95 mulheres) pertencentes a um centro desportivo privado, foi avaliada a percentagem da intensidade da frequência cardíaca de reserva (%FCR) alcançada e a percepção subjectiva do esforço (RPE) durante uma sessão real de ciclismo indoor. A intensidade média alcançada e a RPE manifestada na fase principal foi alta, tanto em homens como em mulheres. Foi verificada uma significativa e baixa correlação entre a RPE e a FC medida de reserva obtida na fase principal da sessão. Em conclusão, o ciclismo indoor é uma actividade de alta intensidade. A RPE de Borg não é um instrumento válido para o controlo da intensidade nesta actividade

    Effect of Playing Position, Match Half, and Match Day on the Trunk Inclination, G-Forces, and Locomotor Efficiency Experienced by Elite Soccer Players in Match Play

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    The rapid growth of wearable sensors has allowed the analysis of trunk kinematics during the match, which is necessary for having a better understanding of the postural demands of soccer players. However, some contextual variables may have an impact on the physical demands of the players. This study aimed to analyze the effect of three contextual variables (playing position, match half, and match day) on the sagittal trunk inclination, G-forces, and locomotor efficiency experienced by soccer players in match play. Then, wearable sensors were used to collect the trunk kinematics during 13 matches. Firstly, positional differences were found on the trunk inclination (p = 0.01) and the G-forces experienced by the players (p < 0.001). For example, the greatest and lowest trunk inclination was found for FW (~34.01°) and FB (~28.85°) while the greatest and lowest G-forces were found for WMF (1.16 G) and CD (1.12 G), respectively. However, there were no positional differences in the locomotor efficiency (p = 0.10). Secondly, the match half had a significant effect on the trunk inclination (p = 0.01) and the G-forces experienced by the players (p < 0.001) with significantly lower values observed during the second half. No differences between halves were found on the locomotor efficiency for any playing position (p = 0.41). Finally, no significant effect of match day on any variable was observed. This investigation is one of the first steps towards enhancing the understanding of trunk kinematics from elite soccer players. The positional differences found on the trunk inclination and G-forces imply that the development of position-specific training drills considering the postural demands is necessary to prepare the players not only for the physical demands but also for successful performance in the field of regard. The resistance to fatigue needs to be trained given the differences between halves

    Pilates: efecte sobre la composició corporal i les variables

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    L’objectiu d’aquesta revisió sistemàtica fou analitzar el disseny, les característiques de la mostra, els programes d’intervenció i els resultats dels estudis que han investigat els efectes de la pràctica del mètode Pilates sobre els paràmetres antropomètrics i la composició corporal. Es seleccionaren 9 estudis experimentals o quasiexperimentals. Es veié que la majoria d’estudis segueix un disseny de pretest i posttest amb grup control, incloent-hi majoritàriament dones adultes. Els programes d’intervenció utilitzats són molt diversos, tot i que els que sembla que tenen efectes millors sobre el component gras, els plecs i els perímetres són els que duren 8 setmanes o més, amb una freqüència de 2 a 4 dies per setmana. Tanmateix, degut a la diversitat de les mostres i als programes d’intervenció cal continuar fent investigacions en aquest àmbit

    Kinematic Analysis of the Postural Demands in Professional Soccer Match Play Using Inertial Measurement Units

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    The development of wearable sensors has allowed the analysis of trunk kinematics in match play, which is necessary for a better understanding of the postural demands of the players. The aims of this study were to analyze the postural demands of professional soccer players by playing position. A longitudinal study for 13 consecutive microcycles, which included one match per microcycle, was conducted. Wearable sensors with inertial measurement units were used to collect the percentage (%) of playing time spent and G-forces experienced in different trunk inclinations and the inclination required for different speeds thresholds. The inclination zone had a significant effect on the time percentage spent on each zone (p < 0.001, partial eta-squared (ηp2 = 0.85) and the G-forces experienced by the players (p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.24). Additionally, a significant effect of the speed variable on the trunk inclination zones was found, since trunk flexion increased with greater speeds (p < 0.001; ηp2 = 0.73), except for midfielders. The players spent most of the time in trunk flexion between 20° and 40°; the greatest G-forces were observed in trunk extension zones between 0° and 30°, and a linear relationship between trunk inclination and speed was found. This study presents a new approach for the analysis of players’ performance. Given the large volumes of trunk flexion and the interaction of playing position, coaches are recommended to incorporate position-specific training drills aimed to properly prepare the players for the perception-action demands (i.e., visual exploration and decision-making) of the match, as well as trunk strength exercises and other compensatory strategies before and after the match

    Pilates: efecto sobre la composición corporal y las

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    El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue analizar el diseño, las características de la muestra, los programas de intervención y los resultados de los estudios en los que se han investigado los efectos de la práctica del método Pilates sobre los parámetros antropométricos y la composición corporal. Se seleccionaron 9 estudios experimentales o cuasi-experimentales. Se encontró que la mayoría de los estudios siguen un diseño de pretest y postest con grupo control, incluyendo mayoritariamente a mujeres adultas. Los programas de intervención utilizados son muy diversos, aunque los que parecen tener mejores efectos sobre el componente graso, los pliegues y los perímetros son los que duran 8 semanas o más, con una frecuencia de 2 a 4 días por semana. No obstante, debido a la diversidad de las muestras y los programas de intervención, es necesario seguir realizando investigaciones en este ámbito

    Análisis de la repercusión de un programa de actividad física sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en una cooperativa hortofrutícola

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    This study aimed to analyze the repercussion of a physical activity program on Health Related Quality of Life in workers from a fruit and vegetable cooperative in Andalusia, Spain. A total of 129 workers, most of them women (94.6%) of middle-age (39,7±10,5 years), participated voluntarily in the study. They were divided in an experimental group (n=63), which performed a physical activity program, and a control group (n=66). For HRQL evaluation the SF-36 Health Survey was used. No increase in psychological SF-36 scales was found. This may be due to a possible deficient design of the Program in terms of psychological intervention. However, the experimental group increased their value of HRQL in three SF-36 scales: Role Physical (84.91 vs 98.53, p smaller than 0.003), Social Function (42.98 vs 50.79, p smaller than 0.03) and Bodily Pain (62.98 vs 78.37 p smaller than 0.001), whose value was the one with the greatest improvement. Control group did not increase their values in any of the scales, so it can be affirmed that the participants in the physical activity program increased their HRQL, and that the workers who made PA had less pain and less physical limitations in their work and social activities than those who did not.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la repercusión de un programa de actividad física en la salud calidad de vida en trabajadores de una cooperativa de frutas y hortalizas en Andalucía, España. Un total de 129 trabajadores, la mayoría de ellos mujeres (94.6%) de mediana edad (39,7 ± 10,5 años), participaron voluntariamente en el estudio. Se dividieron en un grupo experimental (n = 63), que realizó una actividad física programa y un grupo de control (n = 66). Para la evaluación de la CVRS se utilizó la encuesta de salud SF-36. No aumento en las escalas psicológicas SF-36 se encontró. Esto puede deberse a un posible diseño deficiente de el Programa en términos de intervención psicológica. Sin embargo, el grupo experimental aumentó su valor de la CVRS en tres escalas SF-36: Función física (84,91 vs 98,53, p menor que 0,003), Función social (42.98 vs 50.79, p menor que 0.03) y el dolor corporal (62.98 vs 78.37 p menor que 0.001), cuyo valor fue el que la mayor mejora El grupo de control no aumentó sus valores en ninguna de las escalas, por lo que puede afirmar que los participantes en el programa de actividad física aumentaron su CVRS, y que el los trabajadores que hicieron AP tuvieron menos dolor y menos limitaciones físicas en su trabajo y actividades sociales que aquellos que no lo hicieron

    Using Inertial and Physiological Sensors to Investigate the Effects of a High-Intensity Interval Training and Plyometric Program on the Performance of Young Judokas

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    The use of inertial and physiological sensors in a sport such as judo is scarce to date. The information provided by these sensors would allow practitioners to have a better understanding of sports performance, which is necessary for an accurate training prescription. The purpose of this study was to use inertial and physiological sensors in order to investigate the effect of a plyometric and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) training program on Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) performance and speed of execution of throws in young judokas. A total of 32 participants were divided into two groups: experimental and control. The intervention consisted of six sessions with a duration of 60 min for 3 weeks. Physiological sensors collected heart rate data to assess the Special Judo Fitness Test, and inertial sensors collected angular velocity. The results show a significant decrease in the SJFT index (Score pre: 22.27 &plusmn; 2.73; Score post: 19.65 &plusmn; 1.70; p &le; 0.05; d = 0.61) and a significant increase in the angular velocity of the X-axis (Pre: 320.87 &plusmn; 51.15&deg;/s; Post: 356.50 &plusmn; 40.47&deg;/s; p &le; 0.05; d = 0.45) and Y-axis (Pre: 259.40 &plusmn; 41.99&deg;/s; Post: 288.02 &plusmn; 65.12&deg;/s; p &le; 0.05; d = 0.31) in the experimental group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that using inertial and physiological sensors allowed us to analyze the effect that a high-intensity interval training program and plyometrics had on the performance of young judokas. Strength and conditioning coaches should consider these results because including plyometric training and HIIT in judokas&rsquo; workout programming can be especially positive for eliciting increases in performance. However, future training interventions should investigate the training adaptations to longer interventions

    Electromyographic activity in deadlift exercise and its variants. A systematic review.

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    The main purpose of this review was to systematically analyze the literature concerning studies which have investigated muscle activation when performing the Deadlift exercise and its variants. This study was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Statement (PRISMA). Original studies from inception until March 2019 were sourced from four electronic databases including PubMed, OVID, Scopus and Web of Science. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) a cross-sectional or longitudinal study design; (b) evaluation of neuromuscular activation during Deadlift exercise or variants; (c) inclusion of healthy and trained participants, with no injury issues at least for six months before measurements; and (d) analyzed "sEMG amplitude", "muscle activation" or "muscular activity" with surface electromyography (sEMG) devices. Major findings indicate that the biceps femoris is the most studied muscle, followed by gluteus maximus, vastus lateralis and erector spinae. Erector spinae and quadriceps muscles reported greater activation than gluteus maximus and biceps femoris muscles during Deadlift exercise and its variants. However, the Romanian Deadlift is associated with lower activation for erector spinae than for biceps femoris and semitendinosus. Deadlift also showed greater activation of the quadriceps muscles than the gluteus maximus and hamstring muscles. In general, semitendinosus muscle activation predominates over that of biceps femoris within hamstring muscles complex. In conclusion 1) Biceps femoris is the most evaluated muscle, followed by gluteus maximus, vastus lateralis and erector spinae during Deadlift exercises; 2) Erector spinae and quadriceps muscles are more activated than gluteus maximus and biceps femoris muscles within Deadlift exercises; 3) Within the hamstring muscles complex, semitendinosus elicits slightly greater muscle activation than biceps femoris during Deadlift exercises; and 4) A unified criterion upon methodology is necessary in order to report reliable outcomes when using surface electromyography recordings